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Sons of the XV - 30k & 40k Thousand Sons WIPs


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Bit more progress on Ahriman. Hayfever attacks suck butt and make it very hard for me to focus on much for long, blargh.

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Still trying to decide what colours to use for his cloak. Tabard and dangly bits will be cool white. Pondering just doing the whole cloak the same cool blue-white, but also considering doing the outside of the cloak a different colour. Not a fan of the purple that sometimes gets used though. Maybe just a dark blue?


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@Checkmate: Thank you! :biggrin.:

So! A bit more progress on Ahriman:




Still need to do his helmet, finish off other gold areas, tighten up some details, and paint the entire weapon. XD Oh and make his base. I'm still trying to decide what to DO with his weapon though, agh. Suggestions?

Also! I just realised I'd completely forgotten to show the chain axe I've been working on for a friend. So! Here we go:

Planning is important!


First stages of cutting out the axe head pieces:


Axe head pieces before assembly:


Axe head with rough trim, testing out fit/positioning before trimming down to shape:


Trim ready for assembly - also showing the little bits of sandpaper I use for shaping:


Axe head fully assembled, and the parts used to attach it to the haft:


Almost complete:


Finally finished and attached to my friend's model!

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This guy is one of my friend's older models, repurposed to create his character from one of our Deathwatch rp games. The axe turned out a little large, but friend is still very happy with it! He ended up using an arm with a plasma pistol for the left arm, which I forgot to take pics of, but oh well. Both arms are magnetised anyway for posing and weapon swapping.

As always, let me know what you think! :biggrin.:

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Update time! :biggrin.:

Finally finished painting Ahriman! And then realised I didn't have his base ready, OOPS.




So, made his base - just need to wait for it to cool down a bit before I primer it. Bloody Aussie summer, agh.


Also cracked open the new 40k Ahriman model and put most of him together! He’s magnetised to the disc, so I can field him with or without it. Also used some greenstuff/milliput to help fill in some of the seams, just need to sand them down and smooth them out a bit, and then he’s pretty much ready for primer as well.


And finally, I started painting Geigor from the BoP box while I was waiting for the greenput to dry:

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I need to figure out specifically what I’m going to do for his base though - I don’t want to do snow/ice since I do that a lot already. I’m considering ruins of Tizca for his base but my TSons heart is going ‘noooooo’ and making sad faces at me. XD

So! Thoughts, suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

@noigrim: Ahh thank you! :biggrin.:


Man, it's been a while since my last post, apologies! I hope everyone had good holidays/New Year! I've been working on a few different things over the past few weeks, so here we go~


First off - I was commissioned to paint a Vindicare. I've since finished him but haven't gotten around to uploading the final photos yet. So in the meantime here's some WiPs of it!





I also got my hands on Canoness Veridyan, but I decided that I really needed to fix her pose and ditch the ridiculous high heels. I still need to add more detailing to her feet, but she looks a bit more comfortable now at least!



Also getting close to finishing Geigor! Just his base, his right arm and a few other bits and pieces to do.





Finally, I've started on the new 40k Ahriman as well (because I forgot I was still working on Geigor at one point, oops). Just the white of his robe's done so far.



As always, let me know what you think! :biggrin.:

Edited by Skits
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@foamy248: Thank you! And yeah, red's definitely one of the most difficult colours to photograph accurately! Much to my dismay, heh. As for my army growing... I need some spare cash to get my hands on Inferno before I can build the 60+ marines I have waiting! Anyone interested in model commissions from me? XD


@Capt. Jack: Thank you! :biggrin.: I'm not much into metal, alas, but I appreciate the recommendation! XD


Anyway, not much WiP update this time, mostly because I finally finished Geigor Fell-Hand instead! :biggrin.: Now I'm trying to decide what to focus on next:


- the new 40k Ahriman model?

- Canoness Veridyan?

- Legion Banner-Bearer?

- Legion Apothecary?


So! I put it to you all - what would everyone like to see me work on next?

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  • 2 weeks later...
@Vairocanum: Thank you! I made a bit of an oopsie though - I have the Legion Herald, who doesn't have a full banner, and not a legion banner-bearer, whoops . D: Though I do have an imperial knight in the works as well, and I'd like to try some freehand on it... once I decide what colour scheme I'm going to paint the bloody thing! XD


So anyway, a bit more progress! 


I've been working on sculpting a new head for the legion herald, and apart from a bit of sanding to smooth out a rough spot or two, I think she's finally finished! For my first time really sculpting any faces and long hair, I'm pretty pleased with how things turned out.



I also finished Ahriman's book:



and started work on his helmet: 



...but I got distracted halfway through highlighting the bone on his horns because I decided I wanted to try and make a brush holder. XD


So here it is, my cheap-ass brush holder made from the spiral wire from an old spiral notebook, and leftover sprue!



It's not the prettiest thing, and time will tell how sturdy it actually is, but so far it gets the job done. 



Here's a bit of a closer look at where I drilled through the corners of the support sprue and threaded the wire through to help hold it in place:



As always, let me know what you think! :D

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  • 3 months later...

Whoops, it's been a while since I last updated here, apologies!


For those who've missed it, I finished Ahriman and he's up here, and I've also finished Canoness Veridyan!


I've also just posted a tutorial on how to make street bases from plasticard.


Aside from all that, here's some of the models I'll be working on painting next - all of them for my 30k Thousand Sons army, of course. :biggrin.:










Hopefully next time I post I'll have a bit more painting progress to show! As always, let me know what you think :biggrin.:

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  • 3 months later...
Oh cripes, it's been a while since my last post, apologies! Life got a little hectic, especially after I tore a bunch of ligaments and majorly bruised the bones in my ankle back in July. x_x Fortunately I didn't need hospitalisation or surgery, and it's recovering pretty well, but I'm still looking at another three more months until I can even think about getting back to sports, blargh. 


I've also been busy lately with doing commission painting - if you're interested, please check out my Facebook page! I'll keep this thread for showing my own WiP stuff though, unless enough people request otherwise! XD


It looks like I forgot to post Nadim here when I posted him in my Showcase, oops! This guy managed to win me not one, but two local painting comps, so I'm pretty pleased with him, especially the freehand.


Also! I recently got myself a pretty decent webcam, and I've been playing around with some painting vids and such. I don't have much yet - painting around the camera is a pain in the ass and I'm still getting used to it, and I also need to get some better lighting. I do intend on eventually doing some tutorial videos though! Here's my Youtube channel - let me know if there's any specific stuff you'd like to see me cover!


Now onto actual WiP stuff! XD Unfortunately because of commission work, I haven't had much time to work on my own stuff, but here's my progress since last post:


My converted chaplain from the BaC box! He's almost finished, I just need to do some freehand on his cloak. The glaive blade could be better but I ran out of craps to give. XD







I'm also experimenting with how I want to paint the new Rubricae! This is the only one I've done anything with so far though - the blue is done pretty much entirely with drybrushing, so it's pretty quick and easy! 









I haven't done much with the gold or anything else yet, but let me know what you think so far! :biggrin.:

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