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=][= The 2016 Deathwatch Painting Challenge =][=


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I will add these awesome vows in the next day, but I just want to quickly clarify something I am apparently not communicating properly:




I see where my wording has confused this. So for the sake of clarity, and keeping things consistent, the requirement for the Watch Master are going to consist of 3 legal units from the Black Spear. So if you want to do 2 HQ's, then that will work. My original intent was for one Command, one Core, one Auxiliary but my original wording was too vague.


We'll make this a little tougher in the future but the thought is this is a very new release and we want as many people on board and getting some stuff done ASAP.


Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for your patience, and participation. This is actually getting a lot bigger than I anticipated. :wink:

Do I need to add one more unit to my Vow of Watch Master then, as I have only pledged a Kill Team & a Corvus under the previous interpretation of the wording? If so, no trouble.




Yes, please add a single unit. It can be as simple as Librarian or even depending on how you configured your Kill team it could be already there. 


Vash, on 11 Sept 2016 - 1:07 PM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png

Oh snazzy, so that means I could actually have upgraded to Master with adding a librarian to my vow :biggrin.:

Anyhow, I am satisfied with the vow I have so far. I am now working on getting the whole army up and working. Getting support from you guys here motivates me enough to reach my completion. 


Vash, you've easily done all the requirements of the Watch Master Vow, and within the vow period of the challenge. So you've more than earned the right. Feel free to use the banner of your choice. :smile.:

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24 Hours Remain to commit to your Vow.

The Emperor Protects, and the Alien burns! Let's make it happen.

Please discuss and share your WIP's, and additional pictures for motivation within the thread linked here:

The Deathwatch Painting Challenge Gathering of Forces.


We are updated to this point in the thread. Please remember to post your "before" pics if you haven't already done so.

EDIT: Please see our banners are in courtesy of Grotsmasha in the first post! If you've completed your VOW you can feel free to put the appropriate banner in your signature.

We are at 30+ Vows from this point. Congratulations on commiting your strength to the Deathwatch and Good Luck!

=][= Deathwatch Vows Close in 24 HOURS as of this post =][=

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Vash, on 11 Sept 2016 - 1:07 PM, said:http://bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_images/carbon_red/snapback.png

Oh snazzy, so that means I could actually have upgraded to Master with adding a librarian to my vow :biggrin.:

Anyhow, I am satisfied with the vow I have so far. I am now working on getting the whole army up and working. Getting support from you guys here motivates me enough to reach my completion. 


Vash, you've easily done all the requirements of the Watch Master Vow, and within the vow period of the challenge. So you've more than earned the right. Feel free to use the banner of your choice. :smile.:



Ha ha, okey, I'll see which banner appeals to me more. ;)

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Kill Team Valifor
Leader:  Sergeant Valifor, Black Templars (Middle)
Assault Specialist:  Brother Bradigon, Minotaurs (Middle Right)
Designated Marksman:  Brother Coryphon, Mortifactors (Middle Left)
Support Specialist Alpha:  Brother Tor'Malos, Salamanders (Far Right)
Support Specialist Beta:  Brother Hezhekian, Dark Angels (Far Left)

Kill Team 1


With this vow I will be honoured to serve as a Watch Captain on B&C forums!  :cool.:

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I'm assuming that if I have a moment of doubt regarding the loadout of my kill team before I finish painting (since most of my arms are separate) then nobody will complain if The final composition of my vow is slightly different to the stated one. it's pretty likely that in 2 months I'll have painted 2-3 times as many models as were in my vow anyway.
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unprimed infernus

finished infernus

finished infernus2



Finished my vow today.  I'll be starting a WIP/PLOG thread soon.  This is my infernus heavy bolter Salamander veteran.  I haven't painted a marine in many months so I am pretty happy how he turned out.  I'll try to take a better picture tomorrow during the day.

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Vows are now LOCKED. The Chosen few have stepped up to the call and must fulfill their destiny.

The Emperor Protects, and the Alien burns!

Please discuss and share your WIP's, and additional pictures for motivation within the thread linked here:

The Deathwatch Painting Challenge Gathering of Forces.


We now have our 3rd vow completed as of this post!

We are updated to this point in the thread. Please remember to post your "before" pics if you haven't already done so.

EDIT: Please see our banners are in courtesy of Grotsmasha in the first post! If you've completed your VOW you can feel free to put the appropriate banner in your signature.

Congratulations on committing your strength to the Deathwatch and Good Luck!

=][= Deathwatch Vows must be fully painted by November 12, 2016 or you wear the banner of Xenophile! =][=

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