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Competitive 2k Night Lords


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Ok my brothers of the blade and bolter I shall keep this short and sweet. My local club is holding a tournament in a couple of weeks and I'm being pressed hard to attend. 30K is allowed but comped so that there's no Primarchs and no Tyhpons so 2 of my premier kill 40K anything units are gone. Anyhow what I need is the sage advice of the frater to decide if the (large) list of things I currently have would be sufficient to put together a list that will do more than simply make up the numbers as I'm damned if I'm dropping another couple of hundred quid for a meta I've got zero love for (Eldar, yay /sarcasm) and my Alphas are already calling to me.


So I have right now painted and ready to go:



Terminator Praetor

PA Praetor

Legion Champion

Command Squad

Apothecary/Primus Medicae


10 Tartaros Terms with a mixture of combi weapons (melta/plas) reapers thunder hammers and chainfists

30 Terror Marines (20 Volkite, 10 melee)

15 Bolter Marines

Contemptor (las/fist)

5 Night Raptors

4 Jetbikes (multimelta)

Scorpius Whirlwind

Fire Raptor

Land Raider Achilles


Sicaran Venator

2 Leviathans

1 Dreadpod

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HQ Sevatar with command squad

Troops: Terminators (shame about Tartaros but oh well)

Troops: Terminators

Troops: Marksmen Veterans

Heavy Support: Fire Raptor

Heavy Support: Scorpius

Heavy Support: Leviathan in pod.


I'd start with something like the above as your core.


If you can grab a dreadclaw or two and some legion pods, you could do a solid Terror Assault list, too.

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Thanks for the input all. However after seeing some of the list composition that's going to be putting in an appearance I'm passing. I'm not particularly fussed on running headlong into a :cuss ton of Wrathknights without Konrad or being able to take the Typhon

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