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Soldier of Dorn

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Duration: 7 months (October 2016 - April 2017, with one permitted "bye" month.)

Original sign-up thread here

Welcome, all ye who dare enter this thread, to the Tale of 20 Hobbyists' project thread! Here, participants will post vows, WIP pictures, and painted completions! Unfortunately, we are unable to accept additional participants from here on and forward, everyone is welcome to pop in and encourage the participants/comment on the various things that will follow/submit ideas or pictures for inspiration (as long as it is kept polite and mainly constructive, as per forum rules).

If you would like further information about how this event/challenge works, please follow the link above which will take you to the original sign-up thread, which has a pretty thorough break-down of the rules. If you have any further questions or require clarification about this Tale, feel free to post in this very thread or PM me (which is usually the better option since I tend to respond to those quicker), and I'll try and get back to you ASAP. smile.png

Note: The challenge does not technically start until October (which is when painting will begin,) but several participants have requested that I open this thread so that they can start sharing WIP and build pictures. Thus, I have done so.

Anyways, onto the participants:


Night Lords

0/2482 points

Bye unused

@Augustus b'Raass

Imperial Fists


Bye unused

Inquisition and Sisters of Battle

0/1501 points

Bye unused.

@Brother Androcles

Howling Griffons

0/1500 points

Bye unused.

Iron Heralds

330/1850 points

Bye unused.


The Bloodmaws

0/1506 points

Bye unused.

Inquisition and Deathwatch

0/1587 points

Bye unused.



0/3000 points

Bye unused.


Dark Angels 5th Company

0/1496 points

Bye unused.

Emperor's Children Palatine Chorus

0/1503 points

Bye used


Vlka Fenryka

0/1554 points

Bye unused.

@Lord Commander Eidolon

Loyalist Emperor's Children

0/4000 points

Bye unused.


VII Legion 92nd Company Ironfists

0/1470 points

Bye unused.


Emperor's Children Legion

0/1545 points

Bye unused.

@Player 404

Terran Loyalist Shattered Legions

0/1620 points

Bye unused.


Salamanders Legion

0/3100 points

Bye unused.


House Aethergn

0/1705 points

Bye unused.


Inquisition and Allies

605/1925 points

Bye unused.

Imperial Fists 284. Storm Battalion

0/2987 points

Bye unused.

The Emperor's Harbingers (Blood Angels Successors)

258/1541 points

Bye unused.

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October: Month I



// Bye month //

@Player 404

// Vows //

@Rangaman - Cerastus Knight Lancer (progress, 400 points)

// Completed //

- Night Raptors (285 points) - Completion

@Augustus b'Raass - Space Marine Bikes and Captain (320 points) - Completion

@Augustus b'Raass - Devastator Squad (150 points) - Completion

@Brother Androcles - Captain and Tactical Squad (315 points) - Completion

- Tactical Squad Xeron and Revered Ancient Cirion (330 points) - Completion

@mactire - Grey Hunters, Razorback (251 points) -  Completion

@Kobrakei - Tactical Squad (235 points)  - Completion

@Obscura - Count-as Eidolon (205 points) - Completion

@SW1 - Inquisitor, 10 Priests (605 points) - Completion

- 6 Scouts and Vindicare Assassin (258 points) - Completion

- 5 Scouts (55 points) - Completion

// Failed //

- 3 Inquistors and retinue (? points?)

@codyrstuart - Bran Redmaw, Deathwind Drop Pod, and 6  Wolf Guard (443 points)

@Dosjetka - Fulmentarus Terminators and Apothecary (435 points)

- Deathwatch Captain, Librarian, and Venerable Dreadnought (355 points)

@Lord Commander Eidolon - Legion Praetor, Apothecary, and Land Speeder (320 points)

@Pyroclast91 - 5 Seekers, Leviathan Dreadnought (570 points)

(partial completion of 5 Seekers here)

- Legion Seeker Squad (375 points)


November: Month II



// Vows //

- Typhon Heavy Siege Tank (390 points)

@Augustus b'Raass - 5 Bikers and 5 Devastators (290 points) - Bikers Devastators

@Augustus b'Raass - Librarian on Bike - Completion

- Assault Squad, Epistolary, and Reclusiarch (345 points) - Assault Squad completion Chaplain completion

@codyrstuart - Lone Wolf with power axe, and Fenrisian Wolves, plus previous month's incompletion (71 points+) - completion of this month's work

- Deathwatch Captain, Librarian, Venerable Dreadnought, and Veterans (550 points)

@Dosjetka - Fulmentarus Terminators, Legion Apothecary and Legion Champion (575 points)

@Kobrakei - Deathwing Knights with Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven (250 points)  - Completion

- Legion Praetor and Primus Medicae (points unknown) - completion

@mactire - Land Raider Crusader (270 points) - completion

@Lord Commander Eidolon - Legion Praetor, Apothecary, Tactical Squad, and Land Speeder (415 points)

- Completion of Tactical Squad and Land Speeder

@Obscura - Primus Medicae (110 points)

@Pyroclast91 - Contemptor, 2 Legion Dreadnoughts, and Leviathan Dreadnought (890 points)- completion

@Rangaman - Cerastus Knight armour

@SW1 - Watch Master (190 points)

-  Terminator (60 points) - Complete

- Cataphractii Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnought, plus 10 Seekers from previous month (1106 points) - partial completion (Cataphractii and Contemptor)

- 5 Tactical Marines and Calidus Assassin (225 points)- completion


December: Month III



Typhon (390 points) - Completion

Librarian (150 points) - Completion


@Augustus b'Raass

Assault Squad (100 points) - Completion

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (325 points) - Completion


Devestator Squad Helios with Armorium Cherub (145 points) - Completion

Librarian Lucio Pallas (90 points) - Completion

Additional Librarian - Completion

Additional Librarian - Completion



3 Swiftclaws and Pack Leader (120 points) - Completion


Deathwatch Captain - Completion

Deathwatch Librarian - Completion

Deathwatch Dreadnought - Completion

Valkyrie - Completion



Interrogator Chaplain (150 points) - Completion


Fulgrim - Completion


@Lord Commander Eidolon

Praetor - Completion

5 Tartaros-pattern Terminators (232 points) - Completion



3 Thunderwolf Cavalry - Completion



Complete Cerastus Knight Lancer - Completion

Build Cerastus Knight Acheron - Completion


Cataphractii Praetor (175 points) - Completion

Tartaros Chaplain (120 points)  - Completion

Seeker Squad (375 points) - Completion

Vindicators (360 points) - Completion



Squad Kyros - Completion


(545 points)

Blood Angels Captain - Completion

Blood Angels Terminator Captain - Completion

Terminator Assault Squad - Completion



January: Month IV


@Augustus b'Raass

Typhon (390 points) - Completion



Long Fang pack (145 points) - Completion



8 Assault Marines (151 points) - Completion


15 Tactical Marines -  Completion

Outriders - Completion



Veteran Squad - Completion



Primus Medicae - Completion



Dreadnought Drop Pod - Completion

February: Month V



// Completed //


// Failed //



March: Month VI



// Completed //


// Failed //



April: Month VII



// Completed //


// Failed //


Uverons Weekly Update (Week -3)




To try and keep things organized I will be making a weekly posts to this thread to summarize what I have been doing and progress I have been making. I will try and outline my plans and what I have done in the week past. I am going to aim to update on Mondays as the weekend is my most productive time.




Review of Last Week.


Last week hobbieing was a non-starter. I currently work for the Oklahoma State Government as a Geoscientist helping to try and understand/stop the earthquakes that the state is experiencing. Well we had a big one a few weeks ago, and the week after was a little manic.


Anyway, I did get some work done. I managed to get my order for the bulk of the Marines Ordered, and I got a vindicare assassin together (Though forgot to take a photo).  



Plans for this Week.


This week the plan is to well, work on the last of my Chaos Marines.. With Call of Chaos Starting and the Iron Warriors Challenge. I plan on painting some Obliterators, a few cultists and a Minotaur. I also need to order paints for the new army, and decide what i am doing about the new BA supplement and if it changes my plans




Ground Work for the Future.


I need to work on what I plan of paint in the first month. I have a Grand Tournament Event (The Iron Halo) on the first weekend of October which I will be using my Chaos Marines at so I do not know how much time I will dedicate to the new army until it’s done. But I think I will concentrate on the Inquisitor, and other Agents of the Imperium who will be the Auxiliary forces to the Harbingers. 



Short update this week, hope to have a longer one next week. 

Considering I've got a huge project in the offing I really should be building like a dozer on speed, however I'm trying to finish off stuff I've had lying around so I can start with a cleanish slate. I am a terrible 'hobby butterfly', I get bored of painting full squads, even 5 are a struggle for me... Guess that's why I like tanks!! I may have to revise my list slightly, I don't think I can go the duration without painting a tank of some sort!!


Anyway, I mentioned that I was looking to do some Emperor's Children destroyers, here is an early WIP. I have since destroyed it! I tried painting pink on top of some heavy chipping fluid. Didn't really like the result, so plan B will be to leave the armour this kind of scorched black look.







There is a gloss varnish on at this point, hence the shine. What I am thinking of next is some yellow/brown streaking grime, then perhaps weathering powders to give the 'rad scorched' look. Any ideas/ suggestions welcome....

Obscura: Looks to be coming along pretty well, buddy! :tu: Are those Assault Marines based on Kakophoni? They look absolutely sick.


deusmex: Nice work! :) I particularly like the Vanguard Squads! I think you should definitely go with a wide-brimmed hat for the Inquisitor. As it stands, she doesn't really read as a Inquisitor to me, and a hat would aid in that.


Uveron: Great idea for the weekly personal updates! Good to hear you have a very clear plan of what you're going to do!


Lord Commander Eidolon: Nice work on the test model! Only advice I would have is to go through with what you're doing, and make sure to darken it down a bit. jimbo13 did some nice scorched-up Destroyers for the last ETL, if you need some pictorial inspiration.


As for me, no hobby progress to report on as of yet, but based on the results of that poll last week (Seekers won by quite a bit over the Recon Marines and Vindicator) I picked up a couple boxes of the GW Assault Marines: primarily for their running legs, but I'll have use for all the other bits at some point. :) Hopefully I'll get some hobby in tonight and tomorrow and report back with some progress!


Keep up the good work everyone!





@Psycho - They're definitely Assault Marines with the Kakophoni bodies ( I have an over abundance of them laying around as I use their weapon arms on other sculpts/minis I've created to better fit my vision of Proto-Noise Marines ). They're coming together nicely, I'll try to have some close up shots soon, I want to finish the first ten before I try to finish off the rest to complete the squad.

Starting to throw a few pieces together, hopefully have some pics in before weeks end. I paint nearly all the bits first, then assemble do I need to pick up blu tak. I have to order a couple of things from GW so should get that done in the next week or so, the footballing year is coming to an end in Ireland, so that should free up a good few evenings for me to get down to some hobby time.


Also, Deuxmes the hat is compulsory, I'd tilt it downwards to nearly cover the face, it would really make the inquisitor standout.

For my first month I think I'll be doing half of the priests. They're already sat on pushpins glued to the top of paint posts and have been waiting for me to paint them since last years challenge.


If I manage to get the first lot done quickly I may end up doing the others as well. I'll get them all undercoated with the airbrush some form of medium brown in preparation.


I've taken another look at the Bulgryns and I reckon I can add more iconography to show they're part of an Inquisitors Warband with the use of the vehicle icons that came with the TDA kit on to the shields. I'll need to get hold of another of the sprues for 2 more icons. I will also look at adding some =][= on the armour with gs. So they'll be a following months job as I don't want to rush the conversion work and end up with a naff job.

What a promising start!

Obscura: Those assault marines with the Kakaphoni bodies are going to look amazing, especially as a late-Heresy Sonic Shrieker wielding unit!

Deusmex: Heaps of goodies there man, I have been out of the 40k loop for years now but it seems like Deathwatch has really taken off.

Lord Commander Eidolon: I like the effect you have going on the Destroyer at the moment!

As I draw nearer to completing my current project I look toward the future and my Knights. I've pulled the Lancer out and had a look over him with fresh eyes since I built him. I have a couple of new ideas I will probably implement such as a chain trophy belt with Knight facemasks to signify his role as the Clans hunter.


And my growing bits box of Cerastus parts, in my spare time I have been cleaning the various kits I have...in this box is the Lancers armour, a Castigator and Magaera parts.


Guess I better jump on the bandwagon since I've started the chopping process on a few of the models I already have on hand. The 5 man cataphractii squad got torn down to components at least as far as I could without damaging them. Then the copious mold lines were removed. And the big man himself finally got cleaned up and dry fitted.




While toiling away at this I was struck with several ideas. #1. I was thinking about going a little different route thematically from whats usually seen of the XVIIIth. Since my plan is post Istvaan I was thinking the veterans that survived aren't going to come back from that unchanged, they'd be colder, darker, killers without peer thanks to the skills honed in the bloody black sands of Istvaan.


And #2. I will be painting a lot of green like a lot like I've been thinking of making a few tiny slight tweaks to my list if it's not too late? But Anywho too maintain what sanity I still possess and not get sick of painting green throughout the challenge I'm gonna try to build and paint a character from every legion. Preferably one that's slightly lesser known but still from one or more of the heresy novels. Any suggestions anyone might have would be awesome.

Alright gents its starting with a roar!! As posted in the vows thread I've ordered some boys n bits from merry old England and am waiting for them to arrive post haste(or as fast as the royal post ships to us colonists.)

Currently I am arranging my bits boxes and bags and places I store stuff and selling off my old projects to assist the hobby fund hemorrhage that was an Atrapos and a Warhound in the same week.

I'm going to try and do what I said I'd do with my original WIP thread for my Emperor's Children ( it'll probably bite me in the ass, but thankfully I'm stubborn. ), I will try to do an update every day, if my build calculations are correct, I'll have everything squared away before next month so the only thing I'll have to worry about is painting. . .





I was able to pick up a few more parts to finish off the first ten of my Assault Marines, they're based off of the Kakophoni bodies as I'll be using them in RoW: 3rd Company Elite, they'll have Sonic Shriekers.

Everyone keep up the good work! Helps motivate my ass.

I've got my intended direction model wise. I think it is worth while everyone confirming what they intend to do with this project. However with the stupid rate of releases GWS have been pumping out I can see some of us ending up with drastically different load outs than the initial rough drafts we first layed out. Might be worth having a total completed against the 1,500 point target which updates every month rather than a locked in amount.


I know some people work to set builds but others don't and as it's more a hobby (build, convert and paint) challenge than a paint as many points as possible (ETL style) challenge I think it would be a better way to head.

Well today I agonised for much of the day over what army list I was going to build, only to all but settle on something I decided about a week ago but am still unhappy with.  Now to figure out how the bloody hell I am going to get it all done and sorted month by month... And where these extra three librarians are coming from... May have to attempt putting aside some $$$ for a purchase or two at some stage, if the missus will let me.

Completely forgot about that which basically means don't sweat it. If you can't afford it, no worries. :tu:


But yeah, if you need help with lists, doing a month-by-month breakdown, etc. don't hesitate to ask!

I wanna start relatively slow (Got two exams in october), and try out my paint schemes (I need 3, after all), so my first month will be relatively light :

- One character (not sure which yet, most likely the BA one)

- 6 objective markers : wounded marines, two from each legion

November will be more productive, as I'll add the corresponding squad (so if I go with the Primus medicae, that'd be the TSS), with december being relatively light again (second character, maybe get started on a supporting squad too).

I get a week "off" next week (the lady'll be out of town for work), so I'll have some time (on those evenings where I'm not in class) to get started on these markers then, unless I'm already done by sunday of course smile.png


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