codyrstuart Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Have I mentioned before how much I hate drop pods? It doesn't help that this was probably one of the worst eBay rescues I've ever seen. Only managed to muster the motivation to do the base coat and metals this week. No messing around, just gonna get the primary colors finished, clean up a little, weather it to hell and back, and call it good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aeternus Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 First Raptor squad is just about done. Had to rush a couple for AoP, so touching up details, working on bases, and then they should be finished. A overall shot of them in action, might put a couple of close ups in later :D (4 on the thunderhawk, 1 on a rock behind a Termi on the left) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted October 16, 2016 Share Posted October 16, 2016 Seeing all these lovely armies with their "Armies on Parade" badges makes me wish I had entered our local one. Of course I would have had to make the effort to get to the local GW (80km's away) and, you know, actually had an army... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Next year, mate. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Well that's part of the hope from this Tale... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 I've been working like a mad man this weekend in an attempt to get squad Seren done so that I can really put some time into stuff like the freehanding on Ancient Iram. That and so I can finish up the mostly painted heavy bolter imperial fists I've been neglecting. image hosting upload gambar adult image host I didn't quite get them finished as you can see but the local weather has not been helpful as far as paint dry times go. I hope you've all managed to have a productive weekend as well. 5 DAYS PEOPLE ONLY 5 MORE DAYS!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Here's where the drop pods is so far. Just have to clean up, paint the dome thing inside, paint the little gubbins on the shields, and then weathering the :cuss out of it. Since it was so poorly put together, the backstory will be that it's in such dire shape, but it's a relic of the Crusade era, so the Iron Priests just say a few more prayers that it doesn't disintegrate mid flight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Alright, first real update in the entire event for me. I've been suffering from extreme back problems due to a slipped spinal disc. MRI results today showed about a third of the disc is out of place. My left leg is non-functional half the time. Wish there'd be Prostetic technology like in 40K sometimes. The good news is, I have an almost 100% chance of complete recovery with treatment - and no surgery will most likely be necessary. Hurray! Due to the stellar opiate painkillers I've been getting, and the fact that I'm on my back 90% of the time, I haven't been able to do any painting since posting the first WiP pics of the squad I'm working on. Luckily, I had a no-pain window this weekend, and I made a ton of progress! In fact, the bikes are 95% done. I'll be finishing them tomorrow, and I'll post pictures. As you can imagine, my motivation is somewhat affected by the pain, so I'm gonna ask you guys to cheer me up with the following: It's proven to be immensely motivational to me if all the marines I paint have names. My 1250 marines have all been named by people from the B&C, and seeing as I plan on painting a good deal of them in this event, I thought I'd offer you guys to name some of them. Sound good? OK, up for naming are the following 20 miniatures (one of which was already named by someone, but seeing as there are 19 hobbyists beside me in this event, this will work out fine) so one miniature for each participant of this event! VII Assault Biker SquadVeteran Sergeant - Tormud Yegar - Pyroclast91Weapon Specialist - Korvern Losurt - krobakei Weapon Specialist - Vitric Gellar - codystuart Comms Specialist - Rüdiger Hoss - Sanguinius Reborn Battle Brother - Vorn Kartessen - The PsychoVIII Assault Biker SquadVeteran Sergeant - Askel Langsdov - Lord Commander EidolonWeapon Specialist - Horatio Ghaer - ObscuraWeapon Specialist - Kato Ikaeinade - Kurama Comms Specialist - Sierad Gault - Uveron Battle Brother - Estedan Slaega - SW1 XI Devastator Squad Veteran sergeant - Jahan Hotar - DosjetkaVexillarius - Bellos Galiko - Aquilanus Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Cynerik Deorwin - Brother SPHeavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Crassu Hason - Aeternas Battle Brother - Jurgen Falku - deusmex Comms Specialist - Svadir Hark - Rangaman Vexillarius -Bransun Karlinus - lionofjudah with fluffHeavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Harcon Cayil - Mactire with fluffHeavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Berneid Reis - Brother Androcles with fluffBattle Brother - You guys would do me a tremendous honour by naming them. Please just name a marine, including squad number and role (first come first serve). I'm looking for Greco-Roman, Slavic, Germanic, and Frankish sounding names, but 40K-ified. (and I reserve the right to alter your suggestions slightly. Please refer to this list for names that have already been used in my army (or for inspiration). Also, VII Assault Squad Biker Squad needs to be fully named first and FAST, because I'm going to post them tomorrow and I will be writing some fluff about each and every one of them, so please pick from them first. Thanks! @ Pyroclast91: Duuuuude, that Beeky marine with the mohawk and the skull face looks brilliant! @ Eidolon: Third place is nothing to sneeze at! Not to downplay your hard work and beautiful board, but you should have seen the competition in my local store. There was an entire forest with Sylvaneth, complete with a stream, waterfall, and hidden sprites everywhere; a dungeon with three levels, filled to the brim with skeletons and countless gags and jokes;, and an enormous Ork vehicle that took up much of the 2'2 board, and housed a complete Ork army, including a catapult-launched dakkajet. Crazy! EDIT: On another note, your idea of using the DW flyer as a Storm Raven is brilliant. I'm Copying that for my Imperial Fists. Edit:Participants so far:Pyroclast91 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyroclast91 Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Thanks Augustus I'm glad you like him I've drawn a lot of inspiration for this force from your work so that's very nice to hear :) since it looks like I got here first I'd like to name you're VII Assault Squad Veteran Sgt how's Veteran Sergeant Tormund Jäeger ? I think it has a nice ring to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted October 17, 2016 Author Share Posted October 17, 2016 Apologies for everyone, once again, for not keeping everything updated and participating in banter and what have you. :sweat: I've just quickly skimmed through everything, and it looks really good! If I could like everything I would! I'll make sure to get everything updated tonight, and respond to things too. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Uverons Weekly Update 2nd week. Ok, so it’s been another hetic week preparing for the Amrys of Parade, with my chaos forces. Review of last week. First up! I Declare my VOW COMPLETE! Quote I, Uveron vow on the honour of all of the sons of Sanguinius, to paint a Unit of 6 Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifles, and One Vindicare Assassin. For a Total of 258pts Last week I finished my my scouts and the Vindicare Assassin. Hidden Content Following this I started working on some models for my Call of Chaos Vow, but this weekend I spent a good few hours getting the whole army out and went to town with the sandpaper and Green stuff to prepare the rest of the army for priming next weekend. I also worked on building bases for all of the Tacticals and Terminators, I had a bit of fun cutting up tank parts, going to paint them up as wrecked Iron Warriors Tanks. Plans for this week Well first up I, Uveron vow on the honour of all of the Sons of Sanguinius, to paint a Unit of 5 Space Marine Scouts for a Total of 55pts So I will start getting these guys painted, and then get everyone primed so I am ready for the winter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted October 17, 2016 Share Posted October 17, 2016 Nice. Our first October completion and a re-vow as well. Armies looking good there too (although baffled by the square bases, although I think this was mentioned before.) Bases should look good painted up too. Keep up the good work mate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Uveron Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 On 10/17/2016 at 11:29 PM, Brother SP said: Nice. Our first October completion and a re-vow as well. Armies looking good there too (although baffled by the square bases, although I think this was mentioned before.) Bases should look good painted up too. Keep up the good work mate. Thanks brother CP. Yes I should put a note on the pictures next time. I paint Alot of my models on different bases to allow me to prime the bases differently. I have a bone spray i will use on my power armored units, and the bases will be hit by a grey spray. The guys currently only have a small amount of superglew holding them to the base. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Commander Eidolon Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 @Hey Augs, I think my alter ego Askel Langsdov should be promoted to a biker sergeant, as Aschel was a play on my real name, and it'll be more fitting for the personalised tale! His old model can now be Gunther Phran. I'm hearing you re-effort on armies and boards, I'm not even claiming mine was that good, it was just more effort than the standard tiles the others used with few weathering effects. I also overheard many people's voting with very little regard to any modelling aspects what so ever. @Uveron, loving those scouts, the head swaps work so well!! @cody, I'm feeling your pain with the pods, I made the error of getting an eBay bargain pod that was thick with army painter purple. I think the interior is beyond hope!! I do wish I knew what these people use to glue stuff together, nothing I ever use has the staying power of eBay salvage jobs.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Eidolon, I know, right? This one came with a fin missing, misaligned doors, and one of each emblem glued where the shields now are, but had to have been built with industrial epoxy. Once I have my next project purchased, I'll buy a new one and use this one as terrain. Nothing will make me happier than taking a hammer to it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted October 18, 2016 Author Share Posted October 18, 2016 Updated to this point! First off, congratulations to Uveron for being our first completion! Those scouts look brilliant, mate! (By the by, didja ever manage to fix that heavy bolter barrel on the Baal Pred fixed? Just curious...) Pyroclast, those Seekers look to be coming along very nicely, and that's going to be one hell of a Leviathan once it's finished. Great work on Armies on Parade boards, Eidolon and Aeternas! Just lovely (also really like what you're doing with the Deredeo, Eidolon. Looks good. :tu:) Brother SP, I love that color scheme you've got going with your Iron Heralds right now: really brings back the nostalgia of classic Techmarine models. Anyways, as for myself: I'm afraid I haven't made much progress on my Seekers. In fact, I haven't even finished building the squad. I'll get on that immediately: I just finished my Call of Chaos vow, so I've got some extra time (although I also have outstanding commitments to From Rage to Salvation and the Imperial Fists Expansion. Lots of work to do. :sweat:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 @ All participants of A Tale of 20 Hobbyists: you'd do me a great honour if you each name a miniature in the three squads I'll be doing first. @ Pyroclast: CHeers buddy, it's well deserved, and I'm humbled by the fact he was partially inspired by my own work. Thanks! Also: cool name, he's up there with the rest! @ Uveron: Congrats on the finish! Nice work there, bro. I'm continually impressed with the atmosphere you're able to convey in your models. Also: excellent work on the Scion heads Would you be so kind as to name one of the miniatures in my vow? Preferable a biker of VII Squad, and preferably today (so I can post fluff along with their completion) @ Brother SP: I'm sure those square bases are just 'Spray Bases', especially as Uveron shows the round bases he's been working on separately Are you up for naming a biker of VII Squad? @ Lord Commander Eidolon. Your wish is my command (although Askel Langsdov will get a different helmet than his previous incarnation. But I will keep his breatsplate and other gubbins). About your board: yeah, it sucks to see people voting based on nepotism and not on quality and I totally understand the frustration. Good on you for keeping the chin up. To quote Sting "It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile". @ Codystuar: Dude, seriously? One of each symbols on the doors? That's crazy! Good rescue though, all things considering. Are you up for naming a biker of VII squad? @ The Psycho: No message for me? Make up for it quickly by naming a miniature. Preferably on of VII biker squad, so I can post that completion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Dev Squad Vet Sgt -> Jahan Hrothgar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted October 18, 2016 Author Share Posted October 18, 2016 On 10/18/2016 at 6:14 AM, Augustus b'Raass said: @ The Psycho: No message for me? Make up for it quickly by naming a miniature. Preferably on of VII biker squad, so I can post that completion. Apologies, mate. Really. I even had a name in mind, but just didn't type it out. To be fair, I had a lot to catch up. :sweat: . I'll take the regular old Battle Brother in VII Biker: Vorn Kartessen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Hurray! Thanks guys. Excellent names, both of them. @ Dosjtka: I 40K-ified him slightly, hope you don't mind. ;) @ The Psycho: No worries, dude. I undestand - It's a ton to keep up with! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Obscura Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Everyone's progress is looking great. Keep up the good effort everyone! As for myself, I've managed to base my one miniature and I found the color palette that I'm satisfied with for my Praetor, should be able to put on the base coat on him tomorrow. Outside of that, I've been busy making terrain/battlefield casualties and figuring out a future campaign. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobrakei Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Hey Augustus, I'm going to claim a biker Weapon Specialist. Looking forward to the tale of Korvern Losurt ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codyrstuart Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Augustus, absolutely! Gellar Vitric. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rangaman Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 @ Augustus: I'll name the Devastator Comms Specialist if that's cool, Svadir Hark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 18, 2016 Share Posted October 18, 2016 Yes! Now this is what I'm talking about! Biker Squad VII has been fully named, so here's their picture with fluff. VII Biker Assault Squad Veteran Sergeant - Tormud Yegar - Pyroclast91 A taciturn leader, Sergeant Yegar is nevertheless regarded in 5th company as one of the most promising officers. Having the ear of Captain Landa whenever a quick strike plan is required, he offers council to whomever needs it, whilst not wasting time and displaying an eager aggression on the battlefield. Sergeant Yegar prefers scouting missions, where he serves his company by gathering information on the enemy. Despite his aggressive nature, however, he is never tempted to overplay his hand. Weapon Specialist - Korvern Losurt - krobakei A recent addition from the 8th Company, Brother Losurt requested to be transferred to 5th Company to take up the place of a fallen comrade in VII Squad. Losurt has proven himself an aggressive warrior and a efficient weapons specialist, quickly increasing his skills in the use of the deadly graviton gun. His breacher helmet, worn by the brother he replaced, is a gift from Sergeant Yegar to both honour the fallen and to allow Brother Losurt to perceive the field of battle through the same machine spirit as his former companion. Weapon Specialist - Vitric Gellar - codystuart Brother Gellar hails from an ancient family of Terran Enginseers, going back as far back as the Dark Age of Technology. He honours his family tradition and has specialized in the weapon with the most arcane technology: the graviton gun. A former Land Speeder Storm gunner, he has served in VII Squad for three decades - even longer than Sergeant Yegar. Comms Specialist - Rüdiger Hoss - Sanguinius Reborn An astartes with an unusual sense of situational awareness, Brother Hoss has been a great asset in VII Squad's usual scouting missions. Hoss is a dedicated comms officer, providing the squad and the company with invaluable information on the enemy's position and strengths. He is a stoic man, though, and rarely speaks to his brothers if he doesn't have to. Despite this, he is well-liked, for when he speaks, it is always in good nature and with words of admiration to his peers. Note the gnarly look of Hoss's helmet: before painted it rolled through a small pool of super glue. I thought I had cleaned off everything, but during painting it seemed I had failed. Oh well. The bike´s antenna is not plastic, btw. I swapped it for a thin piece of metal from a paperclip, because I know the plastic antennas tend to break off easily. Battle Brother - Vorn Kartessen - The Psycho The most aggressive and best fighter of VII Squad, Brother Kartessen prefers close quarter raids and sowing confusion in the enemy ranks. Against his will, he was thus assigned to VII Squad, where he performs the role of outrider and guard for the rare occasion when they are spotted by the enemy during scouting missions. He has prevented enemies raising the on dozens of occasions, and earned the respect from his comrades, despite his outgoing nature clashing with the taciturn nature of his squad brothers. That's it! Ill be putting the finishing touches to Captain Landa on bike, and perhaps putting some more weathering on VII Squad, so they match their Attack Bike, which has been waiting for them for close to six months now. Replies: @ Obscura: You've PMd me name and I like it, but please comment it here, so I can give you credit in the form of a linky! @ kobrakei: Perfect name! Thanks for that! I hope you like the mini! @ codyrstuart: Ha! I hope you don't mind me switching his first and last name. it allowed me to write some cool fluff about his family background. @ Rangaman: Damn! Cool name there! I've added him to the list! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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