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Soldier of Dorn

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Awesome work from everyone so far.

Myself i have nothing to show at the moment, looks like i picked the wrong time to rennovate the kitchen, hopefully painting shall begin again soon as i dont want to fall at the first hurdle.


Fingers crossed.

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I did a thing ( seriously, you have no idea how happy I am that this came out properly )


Now I just have to wait for the base coat to fully dry before I get this guy done.

Loveing it! I think the Masters of the Chapter models are fantastic!

What have you done with the rest of the model?

Burned it, just to hear you scream... devil.gif

Uveron, you have your answer. biggrin.png

I actually have about five sets of the original pewters laying around, they're a great piece of kit for conversions and what not.

Well a bit of gs and a bunch of pads has me at 64 official chapters and I'm now looking at possibly making a few up as well. Looking forward to slapping these with paint.


Pads that I've either altered or sculpted from blank pads with gs include:

Blood Drinkers

Angels Encarmine (might redo depending on how well or not it paints up)

Angels of Fire (PA & TDA)

Angels of Vengeance

Aurora Chapter

Blood Swords

Dark Eagles

Dark Hands

Dark Hunters

Death Eagles

Death Knights

Rainbow Warriors

Eagle Warriors

Emperors Hands

Emperors Spears

Genesis Chapter


Marines Errant

Marines Exemplar

Masters of Protelus

Patriarchs of Ulixis

Red Hunters

Red Legion

Red Templars


White Templars

Emperors Hawks (PA & TDA but might have another bash at the PA one)

Star Dragons

Storm Giants


Will get pics up as I paint them.


Really need to sleep now!!!

Hey guys, thanks for the great participation with the naming of the miniatures vowed. I made a second October vow and it´s the first half of the Devastator Squad.

So they need names! More than half of you have answered the call, yet there remain a few... so Aeternas, Aquilanus, Brother Androcles, deusmex, mactire, lionofjudah, and

Player 404, you guys would do me a great honour if you would each pick one of the last seven spots. smile.png

XI Devastator Squad

Veteran sergeant - Jahan Hothgar - Dosjetka

Vexillarius - Bellos Galiko - Aquilanus

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Cynerik Deorwin - Brother SP

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Crassu Hason - Aeternas

Battle Brother -

Comms Specialist - Svadir Hark - Rangaman

Vexillarius -

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -

Battle Brother -

I was asked to name the spotter for the squad given the Germanic nature of the Fists, Ive come up with Jurgen Falke. May he aid you in your games and not get sacrificed in place of the grav cannon guy too much.

Rather than full this thread up with pics of the pads as I do them I've started a thread in the DW area. I'm hoping others will add a bit of inspiration once the first lot of pads are finished. ;)


It can be found here:




In the morning I should be uploading pics of finished pads for:


Angels of Fire

Aurora Chapter

Blood Swords

Brazen Claws

Crimson Fists

Dark Hunters

Dark Sons

Emperors Hands

Emperors Hawks

Genesis Chapter

Marines Errant


Rainbow Warriors

Red Hunters

Red Legion

Red Templars


Soul Drinkers


Augustus: They look ace :) My hope and dream in this hobby is to one day have a bitz box like yours ;)


SW1: Really liking the red templar pad, highlights work well. For the Red Legion one, maybe add a bit of orange in the flames? Either very centre or on outlines.

Looking good mate. Amazing the number of Chapters pads that are out there with little effort.

The biggest time saver is the metal pads I found with skulls on. The Red Hunters and Red Legion wouldn't have been tackled quite so early on in the project if I hadn't had them. There's loads of other ones that I'm getting ready to paint. :)


12 of the pads details were done from scratch. ;)

Eidolon’s Weekly Update (Week 4)


Well another week down, and it also seems time flies when you aren’t having fun ……


Review of Last Week.

Real life seems to have got in the way this week, with only a few hours spare this Sunday to actually paint, due to various work commitments!


So this evening I’ve done a little work on some eye lense on a few helmets and base coat work on the apothecary. The helmet does mean I’ve this Marine almost done…




Some detailing on the backpack and that’ll be 6 Tac Marines done! I really need to get a wriggle on….


I did however manage to get the shocking Ultramarine standard bearer, shall ponder weather to make him a herald or use him as another consul type. I think there is some potential to salvage the model somehow!


Plans for this Week.

I’ll restake claims to last weeks plan of getting the tactical squad done – the Sgt isn’t far off and another marine is virtually done, so it’s only really 2 more to go….


I will also look at doing something with the land speeder; I’ve not felt the hobby mojo flow enough to get me to consider the armaments here!! The Apothecary has been ‘whited’ in places, except I realised I missed an arm! Do’h!!

Future Prep.

I’m still working on the Deredeo, I still haven’t sourced the corrupted head I want yet! I’ve also misplaced the missile launcher, which has seriously annoyed me!! Can’t see much happening in this area to be fair, as I need try and finish the pledge!!

@SW1 that's an impressive collection you have going there they all look really good I think I like your salamanders pad better than the gw one In fact and I speak from experience saying that's not the easiest emblem to sculpt (as you can see from my naked shoulder pads ;) )


@Lord Commander Eidolon your EC are stunning as always I really love how vibrant your legionaires are it really is how I've always pictured the IIIrd legion.


it's a small squad and I feel like I could have gotten them done faster but aside from the small little details here and there that I'll do every once and a while for the rest of there lives because no project is ever truly "finished" in my forge. I present to you seeker squad Seren "The Ghosts"


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like I said there may be little things I do here and there throughout the rest of forever I these guys as my skills and techniques evolve I'm constantly going back and re touching some things on all my models. But for now these fellas get there rightful place next to my completed models from the ETL meaning I almost Have enough painted models all together now I could put together a somewhat playable force for the first tone I the history of my gaming career. which makes me all that much more excited to have a fully painted planned out army that can be broken down to face different lists. Now ancient Iram can get his turn on the painting bench

Lol ... Not all are my own sculpts. The salamanders pad is the one from the DW kit. It's facing the other way as heraldry with an animal is flipped so it is always looking forward according to the DW codex.


Managed to do some more sculpting. The next lot all started off as blank pads and some gs. ;)


The following have been add to the list waiting for paint:


Angels of Absolution

Angels of Vigilance

Black Talons

Crimson Guard

Death Strike

Iron Snakes (TDA)

Mantis Legion

Marauders (TDA)

Marines Malevolent

Star Dragons (had to redo as previously facing the wrong way)


Edit: Can see the Iron Snakes and Star Dragons getting bumped up in priority to get done ASAP, as I'm really happy with how they went. Both have different types of scales detail added to them.


@Lord Commander Eidolon your EC are stunning as always I really love how vibrant your legionaires are it really is how I've always pictured the IIIrd legion.

it's a small squad and I feel like I could have gotten them done faster but aside from the small little details here and there that I'll do every once and a while for the rest of there lives because no project is ever truly "finished" in my forge. I present to you seeker squad Seren "The Ghosts"


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Thanks mate! I really have tried to make them somewhat over bright! Does mean that 10 tacs and my 5 termies needed to undergo a biostrip swim as it took my dreadnought to get the scheme right!


I am really liking the seekers, I shall certainly use them as inspiration for my own!

@ SW1 a fantastic collection none the less and I suppose that means I definitely need to pick up that kit ;)


@Lord Commander Eidolon thanks brother I'm pretty happy with how The Ghosts came out Im glad that's the unit I started with I think it set the tone for this army pretty well

Uverons Weekly Update 3rd week.

Review of last week.

Well last week I was visited by the blessings of nurgle, and managed to only get a few days of hobbying, and I spent most of that time on the Call of Chaos Vow. But I did work a bit on the fluff of the chapter; it will be done in a few weeks I hope. But for now it would be great if you would help me name some of my marines! (See this post for more info)

But I did find time to spend my afternoon on Saturday getting the rest of my army primed. I have primed a few parts silver to help me save some time when painting. The drop-pod for example is still only ‘Dry Fitted’ so the base of the pod has been done in silver; the doors have one side in bone, the other in silver. It took some time to get done, and glad it’s sorted.


After that I spent a bit of time on Sunday converting some Inquisitorial Henchmen.

First up, is a Crusader, an acolyte and a Commissar (Counts as Priest) with a shot-gun. Very happy with these guys, need a bit of a greenstuff to finish the models and fill up some gaps. And I need some more amour plates on the Crusader. Greaves and shoulder pads will do a great deal to help.


The next pair, is a mystic and an acolyte, happy with the mystic, the acolyte need something, a backpack or some armor will make him a bit more Grim-Dark.


Plans for this week!

Get the next 5 scouts painted. I have put some paint to brush already but I need to get them finished.

Alright guys... I've had a ton of RL stuff, some awesome and time filling... Some not so awesome and time filling.

I put primer and highlight primer on 2 rhinos and a spartan today. Forgot to do 2nd highlight on the 6 jet bikes in my garage that were right next to the primer can.

I've had a heck of a time giving myself any hobby time this month so hope to get it together in the next 3 nights to sit down with the brushes.

I've been having a blast with these pads. Just slapped them onto a bunch of DW who are assembled ready to be primed and I'm liking how they are looking. Really glad I pushed my comfort zone and tried something a bit more advanced than I have done previously.

Still struggling to choose weapons load outs for particular kill teams. So I guess I'll just be painting what I fancy and hope an army can be made out of what I paint.

I've also started having requests to include squad members from different peoples DIY chapters. First one out of three has been done.

This is my take on Reyner's Blades of the Lion:



I'll also be working on his Ghost Dragons which I feel is going to be a fairly decent challenge to get right.

I'm also going to be giving SanguiniusReborn's Scarlet Sentinels a go as well. I'll be trying out making the shield separate and the gluing on afterwards which is going to be pushing my gs'ing skills a little bit further. ;)

Very much on the home stretch now for my first vow. The vast majority of painting is done, and I only need to finish the helmet lenses, silver highlighting, weapon casings and a few little details.

Of course, when you write it out like that it seems like a lot more unsure.png

Oh no you don't Dos. Path to Redemption buddy.  Take next month as a hiatus month and get these guys done.  Don't you dare think about dropping out. 


@SW1: i have plenty of DIY chapters if you like.  I would love to see you do an Iron Herald one (the guys i am doing for this challenge). That's if you are taking requests.... 


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