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Soldier of Dorn

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I'll think about it some more. I agree in broad strokes with what you're saying, so... yeah, I'll think about what you've said (though at least one previous incarnation of the Tale on the B&C did require a list before the beginning.) Yeah.


I don't know. I'll think about it. I'll have a final set of rules for the challenge up by Sunday. Until then, don't worry so much about the lists. I'll sort everything out.



Been surprisingly busy this weekend, I'll make sure to have it done tonight.

A wide brimmed hat ala witch hunter style it should be ok im just impatient and think everything should just look awesome immediately.

Have a look through BCK's thread. He did something very similar not too long ago and posted a few notes/thoughts as well as pictues about the process. Should help you out a bit. :)

Well boys as I've already stated to our glorious overlord. Month 1 will be my break month.


Gives me time to focus, and plan thoroughly today I'll post my full army list.


And if anyone has the new oval bike bases pm me I'm dying for 21

Well boys as I've already stated to our glorious overlord. Month 1 will be my break month.

Gives me time to focus, and plan thoroughly today I'll post my full army list.

And if anyone has the new oval bike bases pm me I'm dying for 21

I moulded up some oval bases quite a while ago:



I'm guessing one of them is the right size for bikes? Will be ordering in more resin at the end of the month if either suits your needs so I can cast some up for you. They're about 0.5mm thicker than GWS bases with a double tread texture on top.

Did anyone else notice October 1st is a Saturday? that means Friday midnight brushes are free rite? I've been working on writing and hopefully I'll have my army backstory done in a day or so with current list/add on list/plan of attack. Now only problem is should I start with the boss man himself and paint up Vulkan first or do the contemptor and Leviathan I decided to be patient and save for the event?
Ira funny because down here in Australia is the AFL Grand Final, kinda the equivalent of the Super Bowl over in the US. I unfotunately will be working (selling alcohol) but i imagine us Aussies may be a little... indisposed...

Despite planning everything as thoroughly as I have, I'll probably have to re-jig my list. The fluff I'm working on for my Fists is that they're part of the task force that was sent to Terra to oust Goge Vandire from his position of power and the list I've written doesn't really fit an invasion force that well. I'm currently thinking of having a Drop Pod army with a few other elements but I need to mull over the whole thing a bit more...


Anyway, looking forward to seeing updates from you chaps. :)

The list I've worked on tonight is below. I'd appreciate any feedback that you folks have. smile.png

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+++ Imperial Fists Drop Force (2000pts) +++
++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (SM IF Sternhammer Strike Force) (2000pts) ++

+ (No Category) +
Chapter Tactics [imperial Fists]

+ Core (1795pts) +

'Battle Demi Company * (1795pts)
··Brother Ishan Rohr - Chaplain
····Power Armour [Auspex, Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, The Angel of Sacrifice, The Panoply of the Crusader]

··Command Squad
····Apothecary [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Narthecium]
····Drop Pod [Deathwind Launcher]
····Veteran [bolt Pistol, Power Axe, Storm Shield]
····Veteran [bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, Power Maul]
····Veteran [bolt Pistol, Power Sword, Storm Shield]
····Veteran [bolt Pistol, Power Fist, Storm Shield]

··Devastator Squad [4x Lascannon, 9x Space Marines]
····Drop Pod [Deathwind Launcher]
····Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Signum]

··Ironclad Dreadnoughts
····Ironclad Dreadnought [ironclad Assault Launchers, Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod]
······Chainfist [Meltagun]
······Power Fist [Heavy Flamer]

··Land Speeders
····Land Speeder [Multi-melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher]
····Land Speeder [Multi-melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher]
····Land Speeder [Multi-melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher]

··Tactical Squad [Flamer, Heavy Bolter, 9x Space Marines]
····Drop Pod [Deathwind Launcher]
····Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-flamer]

··Tactical Squad [Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun, 9x Space Marines]
····Drop Pod [Deathwind Launcher]
····Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-plasma]

··Tactical Squad [Grav-gun, Heavy Bolter, 9x Space Marines]
····Drop Pod [Deathwind Launcher]
····Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-grav]

+ Auxiliary (205pts) +

'Siege Ancients (205pts)
··Ironclad Dreadnoughts
····Ironclad Dreadnought [ironclad Assault Launchers, Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod]
······Power Fist [Heavy Flamer]
······Seismic Hammer [Meltagun]

Created with BattleScribe

Uverons Weekly Update (Week -2)


As I mentioned last week to try and keep things organized I will be making a weekly posts to this thread to summarize what I have been doing and progress I have been making. I will try and outline my plans and what I have done in the week past. I am going to aim to update on Mondays as the weekend is my most productive time.

Review of Last Week.

Last week I picked up a box of snipper scouts and on Friday night sat down to put together. Decideing I did not want to use the standard heads I dug around in my “bits box” and found some scion heads to use, because of another project I also decided to use some imperial guard legs for sniper scouts.

Althought a few weeks ago I decided that I wanted all my marines to have helmets, I fell at the first model and the sargent of the scouts has a hat, but the face worked for the model so well…

Some images of the snippers below the cut

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I also found parts of another 5 scouts from previous box I brought to use in my chaos forces. But many of the parts were still availble. I needed some legs so I stole some from the sniper scouts, also again I used some scion heads.

I want to make a unit with a mix of close combat weapons and shotguns, I dislike the pistols and the weapons in the scout kit. So I made some minor changes to the combat blades, the pistols are something I want todo next week. Cut down the ‘Silencers’ and the scopes and make them look more suitable for close quarter fighting.

Some images for the second squad below the cut

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Plans for this Week.

This week the plan is to again focus on my well Chaos Marines I have a Grand Tournament Event (The Iron Halo) on the first weekend of October so need to get that force wrapped up.

Should have my spray paint for this army soon so will be able to get painting. I do also need to revist my army list and plans for painting this week and get them posted.

Ground Work for the Future.

Still no ETA on when the rest of the army will be shipped to me. I brought a pile of models from a online shop as I havent been able to get to a local store, well still waiting for the army to ship. Ah well.

After spending an hour trying, the two usual bitz suppliers have sold out of the Scions bitz. I'll either have to wait until they resupply (whenever that is) or bite the bullet and buy another box sad.png

I had some luck with ebay... was able to pick up some extra heads.

After spending an hour trying, the two usual bitz suppliers have sold out of the Scions bitz. I'll either have to wait until they resupply (whenever that is) or bite the bullet and buy another box sad.png

I had some luck with ebay... was able to pick up some extra heads.

I've had a look. There are a few auctions I'm now watching (one with just four Scions, others for complete kits but at very good prices or low starting bids). I might get lucky smile.png Thanks for reminding me about ebay (I've been staying away as I buy far too many Sisters on that site than is good for me blink.pnglaugh.png )

Ira funny because down here in Australia is the AFL Grand Final, kinda the equivalent of the Super Bowl over in the US. I unfotunately will be working (selling alcohol) but i imagine us Aussies may be a little... indisposed...

Hawthorns out so my trip to Melbourne is off

So, this is long overdue, but I think we're going back to the original idea of army lists- that is to say, you have one, but it's not going to be a binding contract (unless of course you want it to be.) There are several reasons for doing this: firstly, it enables different people to approach the challenge with a wider degree of personal freedom, secondly, it's simpler to keep track of, and I (personally) like it better. Any objections to this? Remember, you're going to be required to declare what you're going to paint each month at the beginning of the month (kind of like a miniature ETL, but a bit more laid back) so there'll still be a degree of strictitude (that's not actually a word, I don't believe, but it doesn't matter.)


Anyways, I've been... not good at keeping on top of things. I'll go through everything either tonight or tomorrow and get everything up to date. Also, if you have edited your army list, please edit the entry in the original thread linked in the first post of this thread too (though please don't post there other than that.) Thanks.

Okay here we go for the list;





•Archeotech pistol

•Artificer armour

•Mastercrafted Thunderhammer

•Sonic shrieker

•Iron Halo



•Legion Outrider bike

•Artificer Armour

•Refractor Field

•Lucid Blade

•Sonic Shrieker



•Phoenix Spear

•Charnable sabre

•Artificer armour

•refractor field

•sonic shrieker






• 3 Apothecary with auguy scanner.





• 5× Kakophoni



• 5× Kakophoni



• 5× kakophoni






• 10× outriders with plasma



• 10× Outriders with plasma



Month 1- preparation

Month 2- KAKOPHONI squad 1



Month 5- OUTRIDERS squad 1 and CHAMPION

Month 6- OUTRIDERS squad 2 and PRAETOR

That's a lot of bikes Kurama!


@The Psycho: Are we still doing the 250points a month as originally planned?


250 points a month is a suggested rate of painting in order to complete 1500 points over the course of 6 months (the 7 months of the event, minus one possible bye.) Obviously, if someone's doing a larger army as some participants are doing, this number will be higher, and if, say, one has a particularly productive month and cracks out 700 or 800 points, they can do less the next.


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