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1250 Zone Mortalis Iron Warriors/Death Guard


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A local club is running a 1250 Zone Mortalis challenge to build up a new force. I'm going with my beloved IV Legion and using the Shattered Legions theme to include a little Death Guard spice, since my Iron Warriors have a high proportion of Lyssatra in their ranks. I was thinking of a list similar to this:


Erasmus Golg/Terminator Praetor (IW)


Primus Medicae, Cataphractii, lightning claws (DG)


4 Deathshroud (DG)


5 Tyrant Terminators (IW)


10 Breachers, power fist, artificer armor, breaching charge, 2 flamers (IW)


Dreadnought, multimelta, heavy flamer 


I think it's a pretty strong list at range and in melee but I wanted some feedback. Particularly I just can't decide whether to take flamers or meltas in the Breacher squad. What do you guys think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

While flamers are pretty good in ZM, I always take meltaguns on Breachers. So useful!


Is the Primus Medicae joining any unit in particular? Having Cataphractii will slow them down (except for the Siege Tyrants).

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