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Firstly, I noticed I can't put a Mortis Dreadnought (of either variety) in a drop pod with the Orbital Assault RoW... not sure if that's an error or if I didn't read the rules properly.

Unfortunately, in the CAL, the Legion Mortis Dreadnought and Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought both have separate entries from Legion Dreadnought Talon and Contemptor Dreadnought Talon, and only the latter have the ability to take Dreadnought Drop Pods as dedicated transports (and even then only if the Talon numbers a single dreadnought).



So the CAL changes the Orbital Assault RoW? Since it states that dreadnoughts can take drop pods at a 1:1 ratio in the rules I've read.

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 So the CAL changes the Orbital Assault RoW? Since it states that dreadnoughts can take drop pods at a 1:1 ratio in the rules I've read.


It says "Legion Dreadnoughts" and "Contemptor Dreadnoughts". Legion Mortis Dreadnoughts and Contemptor Mortis Dreadnoughts are separate entities. I see your argument, but since the entries for the Mortis variants have no provisions for taking dedicated transports while the vanilla variants do, it looks as though the designers may not have intended the Mortis variant to take them even with Orbital Assault.


However, it could also be argued that since the Orbital Assault RoW lacks the word "talon", it doesn't refer specifically to the vanilla dread or its Mortis sub-pattern, and means exactly how you read it. And honestly, if I were wanting to field a Mortis sub-pattern dread with my Orbital Assault force (and since I actually have the models anyway), I would probably say the same thing.


Millicant, what's your thought on this?


Anyone, have you seen any clarification from FW?



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Wait Knights got re added as LoWs? When did this happen? 


Also the avenger is Listed as AV14 front instead of 12.


Thanks again for the hard work! 


Looks like the LA:CAL has the AV correct, which catalogue are you looking at?


Heya, Millicant -- I hadn't looked at your version of the HH data files in a while, but it looks like you have Legion Sicaran Battle Tank as "Legion Sicarian Battle Tank". Not a big deal but thought you'd like to know.




Whoops.  I fixed that in a few places but not all of them!  The rest have been corrected - thanks for catching it!


Just two points here, hopefully it's the right place to put them.


Firstly, I noticed I can't put a Mortis Dreadnought (of either variety) in a drop pod with the Orbital Assault RoW... not sure if that's an error or if I didn't read the rules properly.


Secondly, in all cases of 'Phoenix Spear' has been misspelled as 'Pheonix Spear' in the EC list.


and finally....


Thank you so much for such a useful program ^^


Blargh I can't believe I did that!  I've changed all the Emperor's Children related stuff to "Phoenix" now, please let me know if I missed any.  


As far as the Drop Pods, I have visited this same issue before and concluded that Mortis Dreadnoughts may not take Drop Pods unless it is a Kharybdis which specifically allows any variant of Drop Pod.  Let me know what Forgeworld says but it would take a lot to convince me that Mortis Dreadnoughts are allowed to take Drop Pods.  


Hey, long time user, but only just found this avenue of contact.


Looking to use fortifications other than a castellan stronghold, are they in there somewhere I'm missing? Strongholds? ADLs? Landing platforms? Fortress of Redemption?


Excellent work though, greatly appreciated.


Hey there, looks like Krikey set you up correctly, but I will also reply to your PM.  I'm glad you found us here - if I may ask, how did you come across the catalogues? I'd love to know where else I can reach out to help people use them.  


From your PM, you said you don't actually have the fortifications file!  I think the easiest way to fix that is to try and delete/reupdate the repository from the appspot. However, it sounds like you tried that already, so the next is to manually download the Fortifications file.  If you go to the Appspot and find the Horus Heresy repository, click on "Details/Report a Bug" and you should see a list of the files within the repository.  Click on the Fortifications file and it will download.  Simply place that with the rest of your catalogues and you should be all set.  Please let me know if that still doesn't work and we'll figure it out together.  This was other people can benefit if they run in to the same issue.  :tu:


Hey, I noticed Gorgon Terminators can take combi-weapons. Is this an oversight? I don't see the option in the red book.


Yes, that is an option... May replace a Combi-bolter for combi-weapon.  I'm using the LA:CAL black edition, but I would be very surprised if there was a difference.  :smile.:

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So here's the response that I received from Forgeworld, not particularly informative but I suppose we'll get an answer eventually :\



In accordance with Imperial decree 6789123476924 I have forwarded your rules question on to the writing scriviners who will take them into account for upcoming corrective documents (FAQ's).


In the mean time I would recommend that you discuss your question with your gaming group and see what great answers you can come up with! Don't forget there is always The Golden Rule that will help you out in most situations.

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Having a play around with a list recently, I decided to add some Legio Cybernetica as allies to a legion list.  Is it correct that you can select the Navigator as the Warlord for your allied detachment?  Reading the FW Download page for Navigator I'm unsure and probably a bit confused with all the terminology and rules for list building that changed in 6/7th.  It's the "note that they need not be taken as part of an Allied Detachment" that has me confused - sounds like it doesn't need to be, but can be, which is kind of obvious as it says "may be taken".


Just as a base point, I created a Legion list with Praetor and a RoW, Tacticals and Elites etc, then added an Allied Detachment of Legion Cybernetica with Navigator, Castellax and the Siege Thanatar.


In case no defacto answer is known, I might pop them an e-mail :)


Excellent software btw, thank you!

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Hey Infyrana,


Glad you like the catalogues! I can't take credit for the software, only the catalogues. :)


As far as the Navigator, it's basically a non-compulsory HQ choice for any army. It MAY NOT be a warlord at any point, and the note about the allied detachment is there simply to make it clear that you do not need to take an allied detachment in order to include a navigator. He may be taken in a normal Age of Darkness forge org.


As far as Battlescribe, there isn't any way to restrict selections like this. You are able to make illegal lists, so the responsibility is on the user to endure legality. This is a perfect example. I can't make it illegal to have a navigator as your only HQ choice, but is not a legal choice.


Thanks for the feedback! Let me know if you have any more questions or comments. :)

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Hey Milicant, I updated my battlescribe files yesterday and you look to have fixed the spelling for the Sicaran Battle Tank but not the Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer :) The Venator still shows as Sicarian. Thanks for you hard work! 

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Hey Milicant, I updated my battlescribe files yesterday and you look to have fixed the spelling for the Sicaran Battle Tank but not the Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer :) The Venator still shows as Sicarian. Thanks for you hard work!

Hmm that's strange. I updated that as well and it is showing up correctly in mine. Maybe it just takes a little longer to filter down? Either way, rest assured that it has been corrected. :) Thanks for catching those!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Millicant, just a quick one please:


30k legion tactical squad, amended PDF from FWs site, tactical sergeant may exchange either their bolter and/or bolt pistol for... Though doesn't allow me to at this moment on my battlescribe list.


I don't have access to the newer book to check, but I'm hoping I don't have to remodel my sergeants if you could take a look please? Many thanks.

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Hey Millicant, just a quick one please:

30k legion tactical squad, amended PDF from FWs site, tactical sergeant may exchange either their bolter and/or bolt pistol for... Though doesn't allow me to at this moment on my battlescribe list.

I don't have access to the newer book to check, but I'm hoping I don't have to remodel my sergeants if you could take a look please? Many thanks.

I don't have any trouble exchanging a tactical sergeant's bolter for another weapon, but I did notice you can't do so twice. "... and/or chainsword ..." I'm assuming this means that I'd one buys an additional chainsword/CCW for the squad, the sergeant could exchange both the chainsword and the bolter and get two weapons from the upgrade list. Is this what you're saying?


I have another for you, Millicant -- I've tried to do this in my own data catalogue, but didn't find a way ... the Macrotek (TO list) should allow selection of an additional fortification aside from the one normally allowed. It's still possible to select two, but doing so results in an error. If you have time to take a look, it would be greatly appreciated. If it's time-consuming, please don't worry about it. If it's time-consuming but you could point me in the right direction, that would also be appreciated! Thanks!




Edit: I just missed a comma -- that's all.

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Krikey: thank you for the input!  The sergeant comes with bolter and bolt pistol, the Combat Blade/Chainsword is an additional option for the squad when adding them or exchanging the bolters for them, so there are no further options to switch the CB/Chainsword for something else in the listing that I am aware of.  The options according to the PDF FAQ update on FW's site details that you can 'either / and/or' exchange bolter/bolt pistol.  You are absolutely correct, you can exchange the bolter on the sergeant within Battlescribe.  Sadly, at this time, I am currently unable to exchange the bolt pistol as a further option - not enabling the option for Bolter + Power Fist for example.


Following your reply and to make sure I'm not blowing accidental hot air... On further investigation:


I have a previously created roster that has two Tactical squads geared up.  The first Tactical squad's sergeant has the option to exchange the Bolter, but no other weapon exchange options available.  The second Tactical squad has the additional combat weapons purchased for the entire squad.  Going into the Sergeant, I am able to exchange the Bolter as before, and now also to be able exchange the "Combat Blade/Chainsword" for something.


The PDF FAQ and Betrayal (at least that I am aware of and as I mentioned above) do not say anything about the Sergeant being able to exchange his close combat blade/chainsword (which is purchased, or exchanged with the bolter, as an option for the entire squad) with another weapon option, only the options to exchange the Bolter and/or Bolt Pistol.


Millicant, I hope this information helps!  I know how much going through old code to make tweaks to existing information can be a right pain, so I sympathise fully and appreciate your work with this very much, thanks again ! :smile.:

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Ahhh, ok. It looks like Millicant has it correct, then. I had forgotten to try adding the chainsword option for the squad before trying the second weapon upgrade.


The red book has the and/or chainsword option -- not the and/or bolt pistol option. Since it was printed in 2014, it should take precedence over the Betrayal FAQ, which was printed in 2013. Of course, if FW would just take the time to update their FAQs, all this confusion could be avoided.



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Krikey - so does this mean then... in order to take the Bolter as well as the Power Fist on the Sergeant for a Tactical Squad.. you need to buy "additional Close Combat weapons" for the entire Tactical squad so that you may then exchange the "Chainsword/Combat Blade" for the Power Fist ?


Wow, if that's the case, I really need to get hold of the red books :(  If you'd prefer to take this to PM to avoid cluttering the thread, please do!

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All right, then. Here's my response to infyrana:


Unfortunately, you're correct. You have to get the sergeant a chainsword in order to give him two weapon upgrades. It would make more sense the other way.


So with the current rule, there's no way to give an upgraded weapon (such as a power fist) to a sergeant and have him keep his bolter. However, I think most people are reasonable and would not object to you using the older FAQ rule -- especially if the model is properly equipped.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I noticed that, using Rewards of Treason, you can't give the units their legion-specific wargear even when it's listed as in their options, e.g., Firedrakes with Storm shields. Is this intentional? I was under the impression they were able to take them still.
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Would it be possible to get the frag and shatter shells listed on the quad mortars profile. Would make reference during games easier.


Once again thanks for the data. Dont know how i would work without it.

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I noticed that, using Rewards of Treason, you can't give the units their legion-specific wargear even when it's listed as in their options, e.g., Firedrakes with Storm shields. Is this intentional? I was under the impression they were able to take them still.


Hmmm I'll have to review it but I will say this:  Either way, I wouldn't expect it to get implemented.  It would increase the file size (and thusly slow usage down) by about 25-30% and generally be a huge pain in the rear.  I'm afraid I'm probably not willing to re-write every single legion-specific unit just for the the one Alpha Legion Rite of War.  Unless I can find another way around this, it just isn't worth the time.  :( I'm sorry




Would it be possible to get the frag and shatter shells listed on the quad mortars profile. Would make reference during games easier.


Once again thanks for the data. Dont know how i would work without it.


Hey there!  You're welcome, I'm glad you find it useful!


As far as the references - I may add that for the next release.  In general, I have left some information like that out on purpose.  This is NOT intended to be a replacement for the books and things like this are my way of reinforcing the necessity of Forgeworld's products.  I know it sucks and is less convenient, but that is my stance.  




In general - sorry for the delay guys!  Had a crazy week... :)

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brother thank you for your time and effort, the least we can do is put our own effort into helping you out. :biggrin.:


It's my pleasure!  I really enjoy it actually, and I end up using the catalogues almost daily so it's for my own use too!


The most helpful thing anybody can do for me is to keep identifying errors and pointing out new things to be added!  I can't generate every possible scenario, but you guys can!  Keep the reports and suggestions coming.  I apologize if I've had to turn some down lately, but I genuinely always want to continue improving my catalogues. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hail, brethren!


My copy of Tempest arrived today!  And there was much rejoicing!


I have subsequently begun working on the various catalogue updates.  It will take me a little while, especially for the brand new Militia/Cults list, but I will publish my progress as appropriate.  And as always - I greatly appreciate feedback and corrections!


Thanks for being patient guys.  :)

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