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Millicant, what will be next, XIII or Militia? Just curious. :)

First I'm cleaning up all the things that this book changed. Adding the new versions of units to the basic LACAL, editing all the Titan Legio stuff, and the latest changes to the Word Bearers. That's a bit of work since its copied across several catalogues.


Then I will add the Ultramarines, since they are an addition to the existing catalogue, and finally the brand new Militia/cults catalogue.


It's looking good so far!

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I noticed when I was making a death guard list for a friend their rite of war lets them take heavy support squads and veterans as 'non compulsory troops'

However when selecting 'the reaping' you can select them as compulsory troops filling in the troop requirement for age of darkness and other force organisations.

Just a little thing, but just to let you know!

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I noticed when I was making a death guard list for a friend their rite of war lets them take heavy support squads and veterans as 'non compulsory troops'

However when selecting 'the reaping' you can select them as compulsory troops filling in the troop requirement for age of darkness and other force organisations.

Just a little thing, but just to let you know!

Hey, mate, battlescribe do not control wheather this squads are compulsory or not.

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I noticed when I was making a death guard list for a friend their rite of war lets them take heavy support squads and veterans as 'non compulsory troops'

However when selecting 'the reaping' you can select them as compulsory troops filling in the troop requirement for age of darkness and other force organisations.

Just a little thing, but just to let you know!


As Pavel indicated, Battlescribe does not support "Compulsory" vs non-compulsory slots.  That remains up to you to ensure you're building a legal list.  I wouldn't necessarily expect this to change, as the creator has indicated it would be an extremely challenging and unlikely endeavor.  


Is there any way I could shout you a beer? Was just having a think on how much time you've saved me after my last tournament. Absolute hero, keep it up


Haha thanks man!  I really appreciate that - makes this worthwhile.  :)

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The initial update for HH5: Tempest has been published!


This is a small one, I'm afraid, but it took quite a bit of work.  The Legio Titanicus is now available for you to command!  Additionally, the Word Bearers have been updated to reflect the changes and updates in Tempest and the new Legiones Astartes units have been updated accordingly from the old PDF downloads.  


Up next is the XIII Legion: the Ultramarines.


As always - let me know if you find any errors and happy list-building!

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The initial update for HH5: Tempest has been published!


This is a small one, I'm afraid, but it took quite a bit of work. The Legio Titanicus is now available for you to command! Additionally, the Word Bearers have been updated to reflect the changes and updates in Tempest and the new Legiones Astartes units have been updated accordingly from the old PDF downloads.


Up next is the XIII Legion: the Ultramarines.


As always - let me know if you find any errors and happy list-building!

Can't wait for the Ultras! :-D

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Just wanted to say thank you:)

Hey thanks man! I really appreciate that. :smile.:

...have been added!

The Imperial Milita and Cults are up next. I will be leaving the new Mechanicum stuff for last, as I'm considering completely re-building the Mechanicum lists. My current notion is to combine all three into a single list with a "legion-style" selection for Ordo Reductor, Legio Cybernetica, or Taghmata Omnissiah within the catalogue. Might be an obscene amount of work now, but ultimately I think it would cleaner for the user as well as significantly easier to update going forward.

Any thoughts on that idea?

Lastly, the new Mechanicum units don't specify where they can be used, so I'm just assuming with any of the three Mechanicum lists. Anybody have any information that I'm missing?

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Just wanted to say thank you:)

Hey thanks man! I really appreciate that. :smile.:

...have been added!

The Imperial Milita and Cults are up next. I will be leaving the new Mechanicum stuff for last, as I'm considering completely re-building the Mechanicum lists. My current notion is to combine all three into a single list with a "legion-style" selection for Ordo Reductor, Legio Cybernetica, or Taghmata Omnissiah within the catalogue. Might be an obscene amount of work now, but ultimately I think it would cleaner for the user as well as significantly easier to update going forward.

Any thoughts on that idea?

Lastly, the new Mechanicum units don't specify where they can be used, so I'm just assuming with any of the three Mechanicum lists. Anybody have any information that I'm missing?

Wow, great work my friend. Once again a sterling effort!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something i cam across yesterday (which appeals to my inner conspiracy theorist) is that i can take Guilliman as an Alpha legion army as a LoW.


Just though i would let you know milicant.


As always keep up the good work.

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