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One has Knoticed, Autek Mor that has a Cortek Controller dose not unlock Castellan's for Heavy Support just thought i let you know.


Interesting, thanks.  I'll look into it and get that fixed.  


Milicant, Good sir.

I did notice that Phalanx Warders do not show up as a troop choice once you select the Imperial Fist RoW (The Stone Gauntlet), not sure if that has come up before or not


Phalanx Warder


Hmmm very strange.  I think this was working in the past - I wonder what happened.  I'll get it fixed!


Something i cam across yesterday (which appeals to my inner conspiracy theorist) is that i can take Guilliman as an Alpha legion army as a LoW.


Just though i would let you know milicant.


As always keep up the good work.


Whoops no conspiracy here, just bad QA on my part.  :P  That will get fixed with the rest. 




Thanks for the finds, guys, your feedback is invaluable!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright gentlemen, those fixes have finally been published!


The only one I didn't address is yours, Phalanx Warder.  From what I can tell, that is working properly.  Could you expand on how/why it wasn't working for you?  Thanks!

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Alright gentlemen, those fixes have finally been published!


The only one I didn't address is yours, Phalanx Warder.  From what I can tell, that is working properly.  Could you expand on how/why it wasn't working for you?  Thanks!

Phalanx Warders swap to troops when Stone Gauntlet is taken on my Battlescribe. Might be a local error?

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Got another one:


The Legatine Axe for UM IC's appears as a Consul Weapon Choice even if the Selected Legion is not UM.

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Hello there i've noticed that the Typhon siege tank is missing from my lords of war section?


It's there!  Located in the War Machine Detachment, per the HH: LACAL.  


Got another one:


The Legatine Axe for UM IC's appears as a Consul Weapon Choice even if the Selected Legion is not UM.


That has already been fixed, you might just need to update your files.  Let me know!

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Hi Milicant,


Word Bearers can Take Demon as Allies but it you add them to your Roster it Crashes out am asuming it to do with Cross Catalog content but I thought i let you know.

That's correct, I have not imported the Daemon codex into the Horus Heresy system. You'll have to make it a separate list and know that it's legal. I don't plan on adding it, since that would require me to follow updates separately on a codex that is somebody else's project, and who will continue to update it accordingly!

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Hi Milicant,


Word Bearers can Take Demon as Allies but it you add them to your Roster it Crashes out am asuming it to do with Cross Catalog content but I thought i let you know.

That's correct, I have not imported the Daemon codex into the Horus Heresy system. You'll have to make it a separate list and know that it's legal. I don't plan on adding it, since that would require me to follow updates separately on a codex that is somebody else's project, and who will continue to update it accordingly!



Thats cool,


Ok another back to 30K I found that the Iron Hands right of war The Head of the Gorgon needs a tweek the right gives you the Blessed Autosimulacra upgrade for on all your stuff, but currently it still counts the point cost when you apply it to a vehicle / Walker.

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New Mechanicum units have been added!  All three Mechanicum lists now include the Scyllax, Domitar, and both new Thanatar variants.  


Trydragon, I looked into your comment a bit.  Looks like it will only charge you if you choose to add it again.  It won't be annotated in the roster, but all your vehicles are granted Blessed Autosimulacra for free.  I'm not going to change the point value because that would require players to manually add it to every vehicle!  That's a pain in the butt.

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Does that mean you will be working on Militias and Cults next? I am looking forward to that! Thank you very much for all your work!


Yes sir!


I've already started them, I'll post as soon as it's finished.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can confirm that on my Battlescribe aswell Phalanx Warders become a troops option with the Stone Gauntlet RoW.



Its intended. They are non-compulsory Troops with the RoW.

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Slipstreams really! I did not know that. I only have the red books at the moment and can't find that rule could you help me out? As we play Zone mortalis this would be amazingly good at 1500 points!!!

I didnt see it either at first but, its the First Line under "Effects" of the Stone Gauntlet RoW LOL :P


"Phalanx Warders may be taken as non-compulsory troops [...]"

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Does that mean you will be working on Militias and Cults next? I am looking forward to that! Thank you very much for all your work!


Yes sir!


I've already started them, I'll post as soon as it's finished.  :smile.:



Forgive my impatiance, but any updates on how this is going?

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Hey gents!


No need to apologize samb, this has taken me quite a while. I'm impatient to be done with it too!


I'm slogging through it, my main obstacle has been a severe lack of time. The high number of crazy modifications based on Provenance also make writing and testing more tedious.


I may have a bit more time next week to make some progress, but right now I'm slammed with work and prize my family time pretty highly. Sorry guys!

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Hey Milicant, just wana pop in and tell you that Deredeo Dreadnoughts do not have the option to take Blessed Autosimulacra under the effects of Head of the Gorgon.
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Sorry to add more to your workload but i have a request.


As far as i know (RAW) as Alpha legion i should be able to give any stolen units character a power dagger.


Wondered if you could make this possible.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Milicant, just wana pop in and tell you that Deredeo Dreadnoughts do not have the option to take Blessed Autosimulacra under the effects of Head of the Gorgon.


Hmmm I may have missed this.  I'll get this fixed.  




Sorry to add more to your workload but i have a request.


As far as i know (RAW) as Alpha legion i should be able to give any stolen units character a power dagger.


Wondered if you could make this possible.






Yikes.  That's kind of a tall order.  I'm also not sure if that's legal or not.  My impression was that they were limited to the original unit upgrades.  Let me know what you think, though!  I'm willing to consider it if we can reach a consensus.


Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List Released!


Thank you for your patience, brothers!  The majority of you have been very understanding - my most sincere gratitude to all of you!  A very few number have been rather rude, and I'm sorry you felt the need to express your dissatisfaction to me.  


As always - I'm sure there are many errors.  I am eager to find and fix anything you all find!

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