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As per usual amazing work Millicant, just a quick one (unless i've missed an update here or a FAQ from FW) - For Night lords when taking Terror Assault as the ROW it should require three troop choices as a minimum, currently stays at the normal 2 minimum.


Keep up the great work.

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Not sure if it is my Battlescribe going a bit weird but under the Militia List all my Leman Russ tanks are either 0 or around 15-25 points each.. 


Do the Provenances work yet btw? My Grenadiers can only take Arvus Lighters instead of Rhinos and I don't see how to upgrade their weapons to +1 damage either. Thanks, great work so far :D 

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Hey guys! Thanks for the input. I definitely messed up the Leman Russ tanks, due to a change in my writing of the entry late in the game. I will get it fixed soon.


As far as provenances, they exist!

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, however shouldn't the Night Lords Rite of War, Terror Assault, limit them to one heavy support choice? They don't seem to have a limit at the moment. :s

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Sorry Milicant I worded that pretty badly - I meant when I buy a provenance for the Force Commander it doesn't seem to unlock more options for my Troops. Like the grenadiers don't get the option to pay for the increased weapon strength or different transport options :) 

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this update is much appreciated..... thanks for all your hard work.


Just tried to make my first list... noticed that the leeman russ tank squadron has no points cost... i put in a vanquisher and it only put the cost as 15 pts.. so assume its the base cost that is the problem?

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Millicant, I'm not sure if it's just me, but Firedrake Terminator squads taken under The Rewards of Treason cannot take storm shields.


Once again thank you for your work!

Dont they come with stormshields?

They dont.

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just curious if Ive missed the option to assign the Anvillus Drop Pod to a Terminator command squad as a dedicated transport?




Hmmm I'm not entirely sure.  Let me look into that!


As per usual amazing work Millicant, just a quick one (unless i've missed an update here or a FAQ from FW) - For Night lords when taking Terror Assault as the ROW it should require three troop choices as a minimum, currently stays at the normal 2 minimum.


Keep up the great work.


I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, however shouldn't the Night Lords Rite of War, Terror Assault, limit them to one heavy support choice? They don't seem to have a limit at the moment. :s


Gentlemen, I'm sorry to disappoint, but Battlescribe does not allow for changing the force organization structure at this time!  If that ever changes, you can be sure I will work to implement it . For now, you simply have to follow the books and recognize when you know better than my catalogues.  Sorry! :)


Not sure if it is my Battlescribe going a bit weird but under the Militia List all my Leman Russ tanks are either 0 or around 15-25 points each.. 


Do the Provenances work yet btw? My Grenadiers can only take Arvus Lighters instead of Rhinos and I don't see how to upgrade their weapons to +1 damage either. Thanks, great work so far :biggrin.:


Sorry Milicant I worded that pretty badly - I meant when I buy a provenance for the Force Commander it doesn't seem to unlock more options for my Troops. Like the grenadiers don't get the option to pay for the increased weapon strength or different transport options :smile.:


Whoops I'm sorry guys.  I carelessly treated the Grenadiers like the other squads, not accounting for the Survivors of the Dark Age special stuff like I did with the Command Cadre.  Fixed!  Nice catch, Reyner - thanks for bringing it up.  :tu:


this update is much appreciated..... thanks for all your hard work.


Just tried to make my first list... noticed that the leeman russ tank squadron has no points cost... i put in a vanquisher and it only put the cost as 15 pts.. so assume its the base cost that is the problem?


Yeah I messed up.  As it is written in the book, you pay for the Leman Russ and then pay for a upgrade to the variants.  I originally wrote it as written in the book but decided that it was far too messy and annoying and changed mid-stream.  Aaaand then promptly forgot to change the points!  That is fixed now.  :)




Millicant, I'm not sure if it's just me, but Firedrake Terminator squads taken under The Rewards of Treason cannot take storm shields.


Once again thank you for your work!

Dont they come with stormshields?

They dont.



Okay I see what's going on here.  I'm not sure how I will tackle this one.  Give me a little bit to investigate if this is easily overcome.  




Right now, I just want to post up my "to-do" list so you guys can see what I'm working to fix, and provide input if your bug isn't listed!


* Rewards of Treason

   - Firedrake Terminator Storm Shields

   - Power Daggers?

* Terminator Command Squad - Anvillus Drop Pod

* Deredeo Dreadnought - Blessed Autosimulcra

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Right now, I just want to post up my "to-do" list so you guys can see what I'm working to fix, and provide input if your bug isn't listed!


* Rewards of Treason

- Firedrake Terminator Storm Shields

- Power Daggers?

* Terminator Command Squad - Anvillus Drop Pod

* Deredeo Dreadnought - Blessed Autosimulcra

On behalf of all Alpha legion player i apologise for how much of a pain the rewards of treason is/will be and i thank you for all your hard work.

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Tried searching this thread but noticed something with the angel's wrath ROW. You can't take a SE as transport for a tactical squad bigger than 10. You can however take the SE for a unit of 10 and then increase it to 20.


Might be due to the limitations of the software but at least there is a work around.

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Tried searching this thread but noticed something with the angel's wrath ROW. You can't take a SE as transport for a tactical squad bigger than 10. You can however take the SE for a unit of 10 and then increase it to 20.


Might be due to the limitations of the software but at least there is a work around.

I will investigate! Thanks for the heads up.



With the impending release of the Taghmata Omnissiah red book, I have to consider whether or not I will buy it. I do not play any Mechanicum forces personally, and struggle to justify £32 for something I likely will not use. Will there be any significant objections if I wait to update the Mechanicum until I can source the data for a lower cost?

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Just a little heads up, legion specific units from other legions taken via "The rewards of treason" special rule from the alpha legion may not take power daggers ;)


Stellar work so far btw!

Oh? While i do not doubt you could you please explain? Be nice to know what ive missed for future reference.

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I'd like to know on which Non-Alpha Legion Unit taking Power Daggers on would be beneficial. I can't really think of any since they're Specialist Weapons.

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