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So I just got BS for my desktop - where can I find Primarchs in it? I have LACL loaded up in an Age of Darkness list, but can't find it.


Can I also set my RoW in this?


Sorry for being a noob!

Primarchs are under the lord of war section. To get them unlocked you have to select your legion under the "legio" tab. Rites of war are accessed through the Praetor, Centurion Delegatus, or Primarch entries, and legion specific ones will only be available after selecting your legion. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Milicant, hi there!

Thanks for militia list.

I have some notes:

No planetary overlord upgrade for force commander.

I can change only one weapon (las pistol), but not ccw, but it's and/or in book.


I will look for more issues tomorrow, great work, mate!!!

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Hey, noticed that none of the points updates from the mechanicum red book have been added to the file.

The Ordo Reductor and the Legio Cybernetica alternate lists are also missing from the list.  I have the physical book if you need the lists, force orgs, units, points costs, etc.  I would even be willing to help fill in the data if you need me too.  I would just need a few pointers on where to start.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yikes, it has been a while!  I'm so sorry guys, I have been busier than I would like lately.  Fortunately for you guys, that has settled down a bit now that we are out the door and I'm catching back up on a lot of work here with my precious catalogues.  :)


That said, I have not finished writing or reviewing the new Mechanicum stuff.  I will be working on that as soon as I clean up a bunch of little stuff that has been overlooked in the existing catalogues for far too long.  



Tried searching this thread but noticed something with the angel's wrath ROW. You can't take a SE as transport for a tactical squad bigger than 10. You can however take the SE for a unit of 10 and then increase it to 20.

Might be due to the limitations of the software but at least there is a work around.


This ultimately applies to almost any of the restrictions in the catalogue.  You could add Tyrant Siege Terminators and then change the Legion to Raven Guard, however in both my example and your case - an error will appear at the bottom to let you know that your list is illegal.  That's about all I can do at this point!



Hey just noticed their might be an error with the selection of Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaws. I outlined the possible discrepancy here:



I brought this point up back on Aug 23rd.


Millicant said he'd look into it. 





Okay this one took me WAAAY too long to fix - I'm sorry guys.  So I completely missed this little bit way back when I first wrote these using Betrayal before the release of LACAL.  I've gone through and added the Anvillus Dreadclaw to every single terminator-armoured unit now (so long as they remain under 5 members!).  Thanks for being so patient guys.  


Milicant, hi there!
Thanks for militia list.
I have some notes:
No planetary overlord upgrade for force commander.
I can change only one weapon (las pistol), but not ccw, but it's and/or in book.

I will look for more issues tomorrow, great work, mate!!!


Fixed!  Thanks for the heads up - nice catch.  




Hey, noticed that none of the points updates from the mechanicum red book have been added to the file.

The Ordo Reductor and the Legio Cybernetica alternate lists are also missing from the list.  I have the physical book if you need the lists, force orgs, units, points costs, etc.  I would even be willing to help fill in the data if you need me too.  I would just need a few pointers on where to start.  



This is the next big project for me - expect to see results in the next week or two.  



As far as the various units under the Rewards of Treason being able to take power daggers.... I think I've solved that one.  Let me know if you find any issues with it - or units that are still missing that option.  For the shields on the Salamanders - that's a little more tricky since those are already linked to a Legion selection.  I'll keep after it, but frankly it's one of my last priorities at this point.  

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Are you going to include the leviathan in this update?


Yes, it has been included.  You should be able to see it at some point today when Appspot catches up to github.  :)


Millicant- If you are ever in northeast Florida, I owe you a beer for your hardwork.




Ha!  Thanks man, much appreciated.  :tu:

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Awesome! Thanks for all the work you put into this! I spend way to much time building lists!


I appreciate that.  :)  


You can never spend too much time making lists!  That's why I started these catalogues in the first place!  :)


Any chance of getting Deamons transcribed over as well?  Since we can run them on their own or as allies for WBs? 



Great work as always!


Hmmm this has been getting requested more and more lately.  Up until now I have been extremely reluctant, simply due to the fact that I have no means of tracking or updating the 40k Daemon codex. That makes it quite painful for me to have to manually follow and update somebody else's work - that can be quite tedious.  


I will re-assess this since I have gotten quite a few requests as of late.  I may just have to suck it up and find a way.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the Mechanicum red book is now available, specially the matrix of ruin force org. noticed a couple small errors I will highlight for him in the next couple days.



Just want to thank Millicant for making this possible, helps a bunch.

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Most of the Mechanicum red book is now available, specially the matrix of ruin force org. noticed a couple small errors I will highlight for him in the next couple days.



Just want to thank Millicant for making this possible, helps a bunch.


I still seem to be missing the Artillery in my update and the Vorax units seem to stay the same. Good job all the same though!

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Great to see the Mechanicum red book got added. Thank you, Millicant!




Most of the Mechanicum red book is now available, specially the matrix of ruin force org. noticed a couple small errors I will highlight for him in the next couple days.



Just want to thank Millicant for making this possible, helps a bunch.


I still seem to be missing the Artillery in my update and the Vorax units seem to stay the same. Good job all the same though!



You need to select Ordo Reductor under Legion to see the Artillery tank battery. Minotaur seems to be missing though.

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I have the option for artillery after selecting the Ordo Reductor as my "Legion" but the error bar at the bottom still tells me that I'm allowed a maximum of zero Artillery Tank Battery units if I select any.


Thanks for getting the update out. I won't have my hands on the red book until Christmas so it's great to have anything that fills that gap.

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PM'ed millicant. So far these are the only things missing from the new Taghmata army list.


Power fist for lucifex/axe swap, Djinn-Skein option for Magos/Archmagos Reductor

Rad Furnace as the one additional weapon and Djinn-Skein option For Magos/Archmagos Prime

Avenger strike fighter should only cost 20 points for 2 missile launchers not 20 per missile launcher.

2 LOW's per slot if under 8 hull points

Mechanicum Cerastus-Knight Atrapos as a LOW option

the Reductor Artillery Battery error message.

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When I enter a lord of war say the legion glaive and it takes up less than 25% of the total points, it still says under the red ! that it is and issue, as in costs too much to be valid. As well as when adding another master of the legion according to the 1 for 2000 points, 2 for 3000 points etc.

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