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There's a few errors in the Saboteur entry for the Alpha Legion - they come with cameoline and melta bombs for free. I can add melta bombs from the menu, but that adds another five points. Is there a way to work the XXth Mutable Tactics special rule into the roster as well?


Fantastic work so far! 

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I think i'm missing something, but it seems like there are a lot of weapon profiles missing from units?  Ie, when i view a list with a tactical squad, the weapon profiles for their bolters aren't on it and the power fist profile is missing from the sargent, can't choose which power weapon to give a unit, etc.  I picked up the file from here: http://battlescribedata.appspot.com/#/repos and just wanted to make sure i have the right one.

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He has only included weapon profiles that are specific to 30k.


If you want a Bolter Profile just look in Codex: Space Marines. Same with anything that doesnt have it listed: they can be found in either the BRB or Codex:Space Marines or other Armies of the Imperium Codex.

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Ah ok, I was thinking that might be the case. I started going through this afternoon on my local copy and adding profiles for bolters, powerfists, claws, etc. Is there an easy way to import objects from other catalogue files? I was using two instances of the editor up and copy/pasting the text.
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That depends on Milicant who is the one putting the repository together. Havent heard from him in a while so it might be a while unless someone takes the reins.

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Hi guys!


I'm back!  My sincere apologies for the long absence - I am currently deployed and we are BUSY.  I haven't had any time to even review the most recent FAQ!  I've been aided by CapitalDot over on the github site, but I am back now and plan to attack all the ongoing issues.  


Once again, I'm sorry for being gone for so long, I feel bad for leaving so many issues unfixed!  Over the next few weeks I'll be working to get caught up.  


Thank you all for your inputs, and your patience.  :)

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Any chance of getting Deamons transcribed over as well? Since we can run them on their own or as allies for WBs?



Great work as always!


Hmmm this has been getting requested more and more lately. Up until now I have been extremely reluctant, simply due to the fact that I have no means of tracking or updating the 40k Daemon codex. That makes it quite painful for me to have to manually follow and update somebody else's work - that can be quite tedious.


I will re-assess this since I have gotten quite a few requests as of late. I may just have to suck it up and find a way.


Any chance on this yet? I love your program to death and appreciate the hard work you put into it.


Also Zardu is a Diabolist, but battlescribe triggers an error for the Rite of War.


It's Word Bearers appreciate you!

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Okay, I'm working through a bunch of these issues - progress is being made!


Probably a little bug:


I can't choose jump-packs for Eidolons command squad, even if he has one :<


Darn!  Somebody finally noticed!  :P  This is a known issue since very early on in the catalogue creation.  The nature of the construction makes this extremely inconvenient.  I've been saying to myself for a while now: "as long as nobody notices, I'm getting away with it!  If anybody notices, blame them and run away..."  


Sooo, I guess I need to finally fix that.  *sigh* okay I'll get on it.  ;)




Any chance of getting Deamons transcribed over as well? Since we can run them on their own or as allies for WBs?

Great work as always!

Hmmm this has been getting requested more and more lately. Up until now I have been extremely reluctant, simply due to the fact that I have no means of tracking or updating the 40k Daemon codex. That makes it quite painful for me to have to manually follow and update somebody else's work - that can be quite tedious.

I will re-assess this since I have gotten quite a few requests as of late. I may just have to suck it up and find a way.

Any chance on this yet? I love your program to death and appreciate the hard work you put into it.

Also Zardu is a Diabolist, but battlescribe triggers an error for the Rite of War.

It's Word Bearers appreciate you!



I've finally decided to add Codex: Chaos Daemons.  However, I not be updating or correlating it in almost any way other than adding it - so please take those caveats in stride!


Secondly, I don't see that Zardu is a Diabolist in his profile.  Where did you see that?

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When I enter a lord of war say the legion glaive and it takes up less than 25% of the total points, it still says under the red ! that it is and issue, as in costs too much to be valid. As well as when adding another master of the legion according to the 1 for 2000 points, 2 for 3000 points etc.


I can't seem to replicate this issue!  Could you be more specific on how this is triggered?  Additionally, this is (I believe) the most complicated catalogue existing for Battlescribe - sometimes you just have to save and reload the roster to kick little gremlins.  There is a fairly revolutionary Alpha being testing for Battlescribe right now, hopefully it will fix some these smaller bugs.  


I think i'm missing something, but it seems like there are a lot of weapon profiles missing from units?  Ie, when i view a list with a tactical squad, the weapon profiles for their bolters aren't on it and the power fist profile is missing from the sargent, can't choose which power weapon to give a unit, etc.  I picked up the file from here: http://battlescribedata.appspot.com/#/repos and just wanted to make sure i have the right one.


You can look back a few pages (near the beginning I believe) to see my philosophy on these catalogues.  Short version is: these are not meant to replace the books, they are simply meant to be a list-building aid.  Consider small things like rules or profiles missing to be my not-so-subtle way of ensuring my catalogues are not used to replace the mighty Forgeworld tomes.  


There's a few errors in the Saboteur entry for the Alpha Legion - they come with cameoline and melta bombs for free. I can add melta bombs from the menu, but that adds another five points. Is there a way to work the XXth Mutable Tactics special rule into the roster as well?


Fantastic work so far! 


I fixed that.  Nice catch - basically Melta bombs are a basic option for the Centurion, so once you added the Saboteur that option still technically remained.  So, by RAW you could still purchase them.  However, I am a strong RAI guy so that option has been removed. :tu:


Mutable tactics, unfortunately, is out.  As it is specifically chosen after Warlord traits and the like (ie once the game has begun) it is not a part of the list.  


They are in the Faq, an updated red book is going to be a while off and id like to be able to use battlescribe in the meantime...


As you may have seen, I am back on my game here, and will endeavor to get those added soon.  Please have patience, this is a fairly time-consuming aspect of the hobby for me.  Thanks! :)


PM'ed millicant. So far these are the only things missing from the new Taghmata army list.


Power fist for lucifex/axe swap, Djinn-Skein option for Magos/Archmagos Reductor

Rad Furnace as the one additional weapon and Djinn-Skein option For Magos/Archmagos Prime

Avenger strike fighter should only cost 20 points for 2 missile launchers not 20 per missile launcher.

2 LOW's per slot if under 8 hull points

Mechanicum Cerastus-Knight Atrapos as a LOW option

the Reductor Artillery Battery error message.


Thank you for the PM!!  I'm so sorry it has taken me over a month to get back to you.  


Most of these have been tackled, once I do a few more updates I will release them all into the wild.  That's a great list - and rest assured there are a LOT of bugs and typos in the HH:MT catalogue that I am slowly working through.  As it stands, it's basically a copy/paste job rather than a new catalogue, and it has a lot of issues to be fixed.  I'm reviewing every single entry and that just takes a bit.  


Could you be more specific on the LOW issue?  Before I just go hunting through all my catalogues - where exactly did you encounter this?  Just HH:MT or other catalogues too?

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No worries Millicant, I was responding to Fedratsailor who was saying wait for a knight red book, i can understand your day job is taking up time! :) And thanks for all your efforts :)

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I can't seem to add Fortifications anymore. Namely, in that the Stronghold Assault fortifications aren't an option at all, despite the Fortification detachment being available, alongside the Castellum optional Force Org.


Soooo... yeah.


Can I have my trenches back? :sad.:


Hmm that is strange - that hasn't been touched in ages.  What exactly is missing?  I see the Fortifications catalogue and can add stuff.  


No worries Millicant, I was responding to Fedratsailor who was saying wait for a knight red book, i can understand your day job is taking up time! :smile.: And thanks for all your efforts :smile.:


All good!  I actually managed to do that this evening, so they should be there right about meow.  :tu:  Let me know if/when you find any issues!

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the lord of war issue is for all mechanicus forces, who can take 2 superheavies with 8 or less hull points per LOW slot or 1 with 9 hull points or more per slot.  so basically you can have 4 Knights for 2 LOW slots if your points total is high enough.


Ps. the Power fist got put in but its 15 pts not 5 pts.

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