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Okay, I'm working through a bunch of these issues - progress is being made!


Probably a little bug:


I can't choose jump-packs for Eidolons command squad, even if he has one :<


Darn!  Somebody finally noticed!  :tongue.:  This is a known issue since very early on in the catalogue creation.  The nature of the construction makes this extremely inconvenient.  I've been saying to myself for a while now: "as long as nobody notices, I'm getting away with it!  If anybody notices, blame them and run away..."  


Sooo, I guess I need to finally fix that.  *sigh* okay I'll get on it.  :wink:




Any chance of getting Deamons transcribed over as well? Since we can run them on their own or as allies for WBs?



Great work as always!

Hmmm this has been getting requested more and more lately. Up until now I have been extremely reluctant, simply due to the fact that I have no means of tracking or updating the 40k Daemon codex. That makes it quite painful for me to have to manually follow and update somebody else's work - that can be quite tedious.


I will re-assess this since I have gotten quite a few requests as of late. I may just have to suck it up and find a way.


Any chance on this yet? I love your program to death and appreciate the hard work you put into it.


Also Zardu is a Diabolist, but battlescribe triggers an error for the Rite of War.


It's Word Bearers appreciate you!



I've finally decided to add Codex: Chaos Daemons.  However, I not be updating or correlating it in almost any way other than adding it - so please take those caveats in stride!


Secondly, I don't see that Zardu is a Diabolist in his profile.  Where did you see that?


You are the saviour!!!


For Zardu


Binder of Souls

Zardu Layak counts as a Diabolist for the various rules pertaining to his Legion, its Rites of War, etc., and, in addition, units in.....

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Basically, I can add a Fortification detachment, but when I need to select the list ( eg, the actual fortifications themselves ), the only options I have are the regular 30k armies, such as the LACAL, Solar Aux, Taghmata, Cybernetica etc.

And yes I have updated my files, there's simply no option to add Fortifications to a list.

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awesome updated Knights army, was wondering when you might add the Atrapos.


Battlecannon's for the crusader are 5 point upgrades.

Thunderstrike gauntlets are 10 point upgrades.


Fixed, whoops.  Nice catch.  Could you point me towards the Atrapos?  I think I'm just missing that entry...


Basically, I can add a Fortification detachment, but when I need to select the list ( eg, the actual fortifications themselves ), the only options I have are the regular 30k armies, such as the LACAL, Solar Aux, Taghmata, Cybernetica etc.


And yes I have updated my files, there's simply no option to add Fortifications to a list.


Hmm, so are you using the actual Fortifications catalogue for them?  I apologize, I'm genuinely not trying to sound condescending.  They are not listed in the regular LA:CAL, Solar Auxilia, etc.  They have their own catalogue (conveniently called Fortifications), otherwise they take up a huge amount of room in each catalogue and would be nearly impossible to update.  



You are the saviour!!!


For Zardu


Binder of Souls

Zardu Layak counts as a Diabolist for the various rules pertaining to his Legion, its Rites of War, etc., and, in addition, units in.....



Oh nice - I skimmed right over that.  Fixed!


the lord of war issue is for all mechanicus forces, who can take 2 superheavies with 8 or less hull points per LOW slot or 1 with 9 hull points or more per slot.  so basically you can have 4 Knights for 2 LOW slots if your points total is high enough.


Ps. the Power fist got put in but its 15 pts not 5 pts.


Fixed the power fist, as well as the Magos Reductor overall.  Again, the current HH:MT is a crude copy/paste job and I'm cleaning it up entry by entry.  


For the LOW - gotcha.  I got the Knights fixed.  I'm trying to decipher the "Sub-orbital Strike Wing" now - the last line is throwing me for a loop: "These flyers may not be chosen from from those already available to the army list normally."  Whaaaaat?

I also saw your comment on Github, the super-heavies from every Imperial Armour book is probably not going to happen anytime soon - that's a huge undertaking.  Unless I can find a way to make it much easier that I anticipate, I'm afraid you might have to sit tight on that front.  :(  Please let me know if you have any ideas!



Lastly, the C:CD has been added.  CAVEAT!!!  I had to remove every single profile due to the switch in gamesystems.  Unless I re-entered every single number/line, they weren't going to transfer.  Additionally, I think I got most of the Force Org chart slots correct, but a few of the FW things I had to guess.  Let me know of any errors - that's a super easy fix.  

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atrapos is in book six but it still has a PDF download on its product page.


Gotcha.  Implemented.  :tu:


Never mind, I was being very, VERY dense. And blind. And possibly worse. Got it fixed with a quick file update.


No worries man!  I've been there.  :)


Millicant you are a god amongst men, thank you for all the hard work you put into this!


Love your work man! I have no idea where I would be in 30k without you!


Thanks guys!  I'm glad these are being used.  It's one of my ways to stay engaged with the hobby (and community) when I can't model or game.  

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Use it every day. The phone version is god like!


Get all them juicy book 6 options in there :wink:


I'm VERY excited to get my grubby hands on book 6.  I should note that it looks intensely complicated.  As of now, I'm at a bit of a loss on how to properly present it.  I'm sure I will work it out, but it may be ugly at first...

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Use it every day. The phone version is god like!


Get all them juicy book 6 options in there :wink:


I'm VERY excited to get my grubby hands on book 6.  I should note that it looks intensely complicated.  As of now, I'm at a bit of a loss on how to properly present it.  I'm sure I will work it out, but it may be ugly at first...





just do the black shields, shattered legions and dark compliance army variants as seperate lists?




pleaaase I neeeeed battlescribe to write some black shield lists :D



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Lastly, the C:CD has been added.  CAVEAT!!!  I had to remove every single profile due to the switch in gamesystems.  Unless I re-entered every single number/line, they weren't going to transfer.  Additionally, I think I got most of the Force Org chart slots correct, but a few of the FW things I had to guess.  Let me know of any errors - that's a super easy fix.


I can't seem to find the C:CD entries. I'm likely just not looking in the correct spots.



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just do the black shields, shattered legions and dark compliance army variants as seperate lists?




pleaaase I neeeeed battlescribe to write some black shield lists :biggrin.:




We all need! im actually waiting for the update to choose a legion properly.


Haha, as soon as I get that book in hand, I'll get started.  :tu:



Lastly, the C:CD has been added.  CAVEAT!!!  I had to remove every single profile due to the switch in gamesystems.  Unless I re-entered every single number/line, they weren't going to transfer.  Additionally, I think I got most of the Force Org chart slots correct, but a few of the FW things I had to guess.  Let me know of any errors - that's a super easy fix.

I can't seem to find the C:CD entries. I'm likely just not looking in the correct spots.





Hmm, it's a new/separate catalogue.  So the entries aren't in the LACAL or anything - you'll have to add a new force (Allied Detachment I'm guessing) and select the Chaos Daemons catalogue.  Let me know if you run into more problems.  

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awesome update,  just one minor flaw,  its asking for the Magaera and Styrix to swap out their reaper chainswords to become legal. which they don't have to in the War Machine Detachment for Mechanicum LOW's.  Otherwise good job Millicant.

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awesome update,  just one minor flaw,  its asking for the Magaera and Styrix to swap out their reaper chainswords to become legal. which they don't have to in the War Machine Detachment for Mechanicum LOW's.  Otherwise good job Millicant.


Nice catch, thanks.  More bad copy/paste issues. Also fixed the Paladin, which had the same issue with it's Battlecannon.  


Millicant, you are a god amongst men.


I have noticed one thing that's off, that I believe noone mentioned yet:

Myrmidon destructor Irradiation engine price is off, it got increased to 40 points in the Taghmata red book.


Keep up the good work!


Nice, thanks.  I appreciate that - it's been updated.  I'm sure there is more; like I said I'm working through it entry by entry - it just takes time.  Hopefully by now all the HQs, Elites, and troops are correct.  


Can't wait for the new WB RoW to build new lists. :smile.:

Book six is gonna take forever to implement all the different changes.


Ugh, I think you're right (unfortunately).  I'll have to get it in-hand to really review what it all means, but I'm afraid of the prospect.  But don't worry - we will find a way! :)


In other good news - Book IV pre-ordered!!!  It's being sent to me overseas, so I will be getting into it as soon as I'm able.  

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I'm loving the Battlescribe lists, thank you Millicant!

I think the cheapest way for me to expand by 30k Ultras to 3k points is to add two Imperial Knights :-D



Can't wait for the latest one that was unveiled last weekend to come out.

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Hmm, it's a new/separate catalogue.  So the entries aren't in the LACAL or anything - you'll have to add a new force (Allied Detachment I'm guessing) and select the Chaos Daemons catalogue.  Let me know if you run into more problems.


Is there a separate download? I've tried allied detachment as well as others and don't find the chaos daemons catalogue anywhere.



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