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Hmm, it's a new/separate catalogue.  So the entries aren't in the LACAL or anything - you'll have to add a new force (Allied Detachment I'm guessing) and select the Chaos Daemons catalogue.  Let me know if you run into more problems.

Is there a separate download? I've tried allied detachment as well as others and don't find the chaos daemons catalogue anywhere.





I must be dense as well. Updated, and see 'matrix of ruin' but nothing under allied Detachment.


Hmmm, I'm not sure what to tell you.  Please ensure that you have the latest and greatest from the Appspot, and when you create an Allied Detachment - select the Chaos Daemons codex.  If it does not appear as an option, I can only offer up that it must be taking some time to filter down.  I suggest manually forcing a download/refresh in Battlescribe if you are waiting on an automatic update.  


Matrix of Ruin is simply a new type of Force Organization that is specific to HH:MT.  Has nothing to do with C:CD, especially since they are (rules-wise) incompatible.  :smile.:


Not sure if it's on my end, but when I give Justaerin multi meltas the list view rules give the rules for the plasma blaster?


Haha!  Wow, that must have been in there since the beginning.  Nobody (including me) has ever caught that.  Nicely done!  (Also it's fixed.:thumbsup:)


Vorax have not received their price drop in the crusade army list


This was rather vague, but I tracked it down.  What you're referring to is the Legion Centurion - Consul Upgrade - Praevian - Vorax Battle-automata which is referenced in the latest FAQ by pointing to the entry in the new HH:MT.  :wink:


Nice catch - updated both that and the Castellax because they were both horribly ugly entries.  





On a further note, I am contemplating if/when to cease support for the Mechanicum lists from the first 3 books.  Anybody have strong feeling one way or the other?

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Id look at dropping the old Mechanicum lists for the up to date ones asap, best to keep things simple (And i know i get confused sometimes! :biggrin.: ) 


Id just use the Mechanicum book at this point since it has the most current versions of those entries.


Obviously I'm USING the most recent, I'm wondering at what point do I stop accepting bug reports/feedback on them and ultimately remove them from the repository.  I don't think I'm there yet - I don't want somebody who is still using Books I-III to suddenly get shut off from Battlescribe.  But at some point - I will need to remove them for simplicity/sanity.  


vorax have major issue's. mainly once you go past 2 of them in a maniple you get an error message.  also it does not allow you to change the lightning gun for the irad cleanser.


Fixed, along with several other entries.  This was a particularly bad slap-job.  Let me know if you find more.




In general, please be as specific as possible with bug reports!  It will save me lots of time tracking down your issue, which ultimately means I can fix MORE issues if I spend less time hunting them down. :tu:  Thanks for all the feedback guys - this really is a community effort!

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sorry ill do better in the future, was just about to rack out for the night.


Dude, don't apologize - that wasn't aimed at you or anything.  :)  Just a general note - I'm guilty of doing the same thing sometimes.  

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Millicant, I seem to be getting a problem where in the Taghmata Army List, while selecting more than 3 Vorax in a single maniple in a Cybernetica list, I get an error saying I must have 1 more selections from the list of weapons it may change its lightning gun for. I am also unable to select which weapons I want, as the weapon names are there, but the options box is not.


The Techpriest Auxilia is missing the option to upgrade an adept to a Magos Auxilia as well.


Also, when I select a Raven Guard terminator squad, selecting a pair of Raven's Talons for the sergeant seems to put the squad over the limit for weapons. For the rest of the 4 members of the squad, I have 3 combi-weapons, a plasma blaster and 4 lightning claws, which is legal, but I'm getting an error saying "too many weapons, maximum 7".


Thanks for your work!


Edit: I tried updating the data, and now the Vorax entry is missing from the Taghmata Army List for me entirely :(

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Millicant, I seem to be getting a problem where in the Taghmata Army List, while selecting more than 3 Vorax in a single maniple in a Cybernetica list, I get an error saying I must have 1 more selections from the list of weapons it may change its lightning gun for. I am also unable to select which weapons I want, as the weapon names are there, but the options box is not.


The Techpriest Auxilia is missing the option to upgrade an adept to a Magos Auxilia as well.


Also, when I select a Raven Guard terminator squad, selecting a pair of Raven's Talons for the sergeant seems to put the squad over the limit for weapons. For the rest of the 4 members of the squad, I have 3 combi-weapons, a plasma blaster and 4 lightning claws, which is legal, but I'm getting an error saying "too many weapons, maximum 7".


Thanks for your work!


Edit: I tried updating the data, and now the Vorax entry is missing from the Taghmata Army List for me entirely :sad.:


Okay, nice catches!


First Vorax issue should have already been resolved - I re-wrote that entry because it was bad.  Then I went and accidentally made it hidden.  :laugh.:  So that is fixed.  


Auxilia has been fixed as well.  I don't have a reasonable way to restrict how many Magos you can choose right now.  That means you can select multiple and not trip an error in Battlescribe, but this remains illegal.  


Raven Guard Terminators: NICE catch!  This was a simple little error on my part - I directed a modifier in the Sergeant's weapons to a condition with the same name under the Terminator's weapons.  Fixed!

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Just wanted to make sure I am doing this right:


Re-downloaded the Horus Heresy File
New List
Warhammer 30,000 under the game system

Force Type Age of Darkness

Then this is where I hit the bump.  I get the following list:
Imperialis Militia
Crusade Army
Ordo Reductor
Questoris Knights
Solar Auxilia

Do I maybe need to delete my entire catalogue and download everything again?

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Hey fotoman,


I don't know man! Might be worth a reset of your files. I'm sorry this is causing so much grief, it's got to be frustrating.


Something to check - is the file physically present with the rest? I.e. If you go look wherever the catalogues are downloaded, is it there? That will help me out.


Next, I'd suggest deleting your local catalogue files (not your rosters!). Ensure the app spot link is correct and re-download.


Okay one last case scenario, but this could be ugly. You can download the files directly from github. These are the most current versions but may be unreleased, which could mean some errors. More importantly, it doesn't have any auto-update so it's a temporary patch but not a long term fix.


I hope one of these works! Good luck. :tu:

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I think I've found an issue, there is no option to give an Arhcmagos Dominus a relic in the Taghmata Army List, as an independent character he should be eligible for one


This is in the taghmata army list v15 on  iphone


You sure did!


Fixed.  :tu:

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Noticed a lack of a Minotaur artillery tank entry for the Ordo Reductor. Dearly hope it gets added in. Well, if anyone else can find it it might just be me ;)


Still, great work, great utility. Keep up the good work! :)



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Hey fotoman,


I don't know man! Might be worth a reset of your files. I'm sorry this is causing so much grief, it's got to be frustrating.


Something to check - is the file physically present with the rest? I.e. If you go look wherever the catalogues are downloaded, is it there? That will help me out.


Next, I'd suggest deleting your local catalogue files (not your rosters!). Ensure the app spot link is correct and re-download.


Okay one last case scenario, but this could be ugly. You can download the files directly from github. These are the most current versions but may be unreleased, which could mean some errors. More importantly, it doesn't have any auto-update so it's a temporary patch but not a long term fix.


I hope one of these works! Good luck. :thumbsup:


Would it have anything to do with all the files being .catz and the Daemons one being a .gstz?

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I'm tracking the errors you guys have posted, I'll fix them soon!


As far as the C:CD file, that is very interesting.  I would imagine the extension is related, thank you for that tidbit.  Investigation underway!

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