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Whenever I try and upgrade a Legion Contemptor to carrying a graviton gun in its power fist I'm told it's an error


Odd.  This seems to be working correctly for me.  Would you mind telling me the whole configuration you have chosen for the contemptor so I can nail this down?


Noticed a lack of a Minotaur artillery tank entry for the Ordo Reductor. Dearly hope it gets added in. Well, if anyone else can find it it might just be me :wink:


Still, great work, great utility. Keep up the good work! :smile.:




That is strange.  It wasn't even in the catalogue!  Added, with gusto! :)



How have a i never seen this app before? Downloaded it yesterday and its a godsend! As soon as White Scars are uploaded i'll buy the full version.. hint

I don't believe Millicant receives anything for his hard work other than the good will of the community. I'm sure he'll update White Scars as soon as he has the new book and the time to do it.





Thanks Krikey!  Hit the nail on the head.  


I should clarify that I am NOT the creator of Battlescribe - that is Jon, and he does it in his spare time.  He charges for the "premium" as a modest compensation for the unthinkable hours he has poured into creating the program.  


I simply created the Horus Heresy catalogues, and have no official ties, financial or otherwise, to Jon and the official Battlescribe program.  I simply plug it non-stop because I think it's awesome and Jon is a good dude.  


As far as the following Legions - you can be assured that I add everything as soon as I have the products in-hand to do so.  Book VI is en-route to me, so hopefully in the next couple weeks I will receive it and be able to get started!  Thanks for the interest Ironwithout - and if you ever find any errors or bugs - PLEASE come and let me know!  This is a community project and it wouldn't survive without the B&C.  





Side note - I *think* I fixed the C:CD.  Let me know.   


As an important aside - I DID NOT create the C:CD catalogue.  I stole it from the hard-working folks over at the WH40k side of the BSData team.  All credit goes to them.  

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Millicant -- C:CD is working on all my devices now. Thanks!


Another possible problem ... Have the Taghmata been updated to match the most recent red book entries? I've noticed for quite a while that the castellax are only showing as 85 points instead of the new value of 105. I had just assumed you hadn't updated it yet, but now I wonder if perhaps my catalogues are just out of date.



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Hi Millicant!


I've just been looking at the Iron Hands original Rite of War, Head of the Gorgon. Part of this RoW (called Iron Scions) states that the Iron Hands can take Legio Cybernetica Battle-Automata Maniples as Elite Choices.


As far as I can see on Battlescribe, I can currently only choose Castellax Battle-Automata. The original rule does not appear to have this limitation, so surely I should be able to also choose Vorax, Castellax and Domitars as Elite Choices whilst using Head of the Gorgon?

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This is a great resouce Millicant.


I've dropped you a PM, and would appreciate it if you take a look, when you get a minute.






Replied!  Thanks!


Question, have the points adjustments for the various units tackled in the LotAoD book been incorporated as yet?


Are you referencing the new Legions army book?  The one that hasn't even been officially announced yet?  Not trying to be rude, but no.  I do not deal with anything short of a book in my hands for updating the catalogues.  If you're talking about something else, let me know.  I'm actually not familiar with the acronym.  


Millicant -- C:CD is working on all my devices now. Thanks!


Another possible problem ... Have the Taghmata been updated to match the most recent red book entries? I've noticed for quite a while that the castellax are only showing as 85 points instead of the new value of 105. I had just assumed you hadn't updated it yet, but now I wonder if perhaps my catalogues are just out of date.




Where is this now?  In the old Taghmata Omnissiah or the new Mechanicum Taghmata?  


i cant seem to recreate the error...sooooo maybe it was an user error! 




No worries!  I do it to myself all the time.  :)


Hi Millicant!


I've just been looking at the Iron Hands original Rite of War, Head of the Gorgon. Part of this RoW (called Iron Scions) states that the Iron Hands can take Legio Cybernetica Battle-Automata Maniples as Elite Choices.


As far as I can see on Battlescribe, I can currently only choose Castellax Battle-Automata. The original rule does not appear to have this limitation, so surely I should be able to also choose Vorax, Castellax and Domitars as Elite Choices whilst using Head of the Gorgon?


Hmmm, so when this was written, there weren't many Legio Cybernetica Battle-automatas!  I need to re-visit this and possibly add stuff.  Thanks for the heads up!

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Question, have the points adjustments for the various units tackled in the LotAoD book been incorporated as yet?


Are you referencing the new Legions army book?  The one that hasn't even been officially announced yet?  Not trying to be rude, but no.  I do not deal with anything short of a book in my hands for updating the catalogues.  If you're talking about something else, let me know.  I'm actually not familiar with the acronym.  



I was referring to the Legions of the Age of Darkness book, the new red one that was at the HH weekender since I know quite a few people go their hands on it then I thought better after the fact and checked where you're based lol :tongue.:


No worries though my friend, keep up the excellent work!

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Millicant --


Argh, never mind. I hope you didn't spend any time looking at it. I didn't even realize there was a new Mechanicum: Taghmata catalogue -- I was still using the old. Apologies! Everything looks perfect!



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Love the product and thank you for what you do man!


Would just like to thank you for the amazing charity work you do and continued support.


Thanks guys!  That means a lot to me - it helps keep me motivated.  :)



Question, have the points adjustments for the various units tackled in the LotAoD book been incorporated as yet?


Are you referencing the new Legions army book?  The one that hasn't even been officially announced yet?  Not trying to be rude, but no.  I do not deal with anything short of a book in my hands for updating the catalogues.  If you're talking about something else, let me know.  I'm actually not familiar with the acronym.  



I was referring to the Legions of the Age of Darkness book, the new red one that was at the HH weekender since I know quite a few people go their hands on it then I thought better after the fact and checked where you're based lol :tongue.:


No worries though my friend, keep up the excellent work!


Whoa, I didn't realize people had it in hand already!  My apologies, my ignorance is showing. :P


Unfortunately, I'm not one of the lucky few that has that book in hand.  


Millicant --


Argh, never mind. I hope you didn't spend any time looking at it. I didn't even realize there was a new Mechanicum: Taghmata catalogue -- I was still using the old. Apologies! Everything looks perfect!




No worries!  Glad you found it.  As always, please let me know if you find anything else!  


Additionally, I may discontinue the old 3 Mechanicum lists at some point.  Any objections?


Millicent you magnificent man.


Any news on when Kights Errant shall be included. I'm assuming when you get your hands on Book 6?


Thanks dude.


Hey thanks!  I believe the Knight Errant is already in according to the FAQ...  Where are you expecting to see it that it's missing?


So, I'm new to BattleScribe and I downloaded the app and the data file, but I don't see any Legion specific data. Where do I get the updated index that has this info or how do I import it for use?

Nevermind, I found the selection.




Feel free to ask any questions.  It will always help those that come later who run into the same thing.  

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I personally think you having to keep dealing with the old mechanicum lists sounds like a tremendous headache. I haven't seen anyone objecting to their discontinuance; I think everyone has had ample opportunity to move to the new catalogue.



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I personally think you having to keep dealing with the old mechanicum lists sounds like a tremendous headache. I haven't seen anyone objecting to their discontinuance; I think everyone has had ample opportunity to move to the new catalogue.




It may be a bit of a headache, but the last thing I want is for somebody who doesn't have the new HH:MT book to be left out in the cold.  I may just end up setting a date and removing them from the repository at that time.  

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I personally think you having to keep dealing with the old mechanicum lists sounds like a tremendous headache. I haven't seen anyone objecting to their discontinuance; I think everyone has had ample opportunity to move to the new catalogue.




It may be a bit of a headache, but the last thing I want is for somebody who doesn't have the new HH:MT book to be left out in the cold.  I may just end up setting a date and removing them from the repository at that time.

You must have a bit of angel in you, but you don't seem very bloody or dark.



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At first, i would like to thank you for this project, this is amazing.


Will the minor errors in Emperor's Children stuff be fixed any time soon?

"Pheonix" spears of Palatine Blades shall be "Phoenix".

And the unit is called Kakophoni, not "The Kakophani of the EC", is'nt? :)

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Ah I missed it! Its not formatted the same way as other Dedicated Transports (likely as its the only option?) so it wasnt where I was looking. :]


I shall serve penance to the Omnissiah...


No worries man, I do that stuff all the time... ;)


At first, i would like to thank you for this project, this is amazing.


Will the minor errors in Emperor's Children stuff be fixed any time soon?

"Pheonix" spears of Palatine Blades shall be "Phoenix".

And the unit is called Kakophoni, not "The Kakophani of the EC", is'nt? :smile.:


Ha!  Well, as soon as you report them!  I don't generally catch my own mistakes like that - I rely heavily on the community here to point them out, which is why I always say this is a community project!  I'll add those to my list.  The Kakophani are written that way because that's how they're listed in the LACAL.  


How do you guys plan to update it? There's a hell of a lot to do! Are you doing a legion at a time and releasing so you can adjust in case of feedback? Or you having a chop at the whole lot?

Obviously we are all willing to help where we can


Well, I plan to start as soon as I get Book VI in hand!  It hasn't arrived yet, and I'll need to spend some time reviewing it to decide how best to tackle it.  As always, I will post here with the general plan as well as with any updates so you guys can try it all out and tell me all the things I screwed up.  :P

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