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Millicant, I just want to say that this is truly an incredible and much appreciated effort.

Love the AoD 30k army lists, and it's quick and fun to build armies :-D

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Millicant, I just want to say that this is truly an incredible and much appreciated effort.

Love the AoD 30k army lists, and it's quick and fun to build armies :-D


Thanks dude!  Glad to hear it.  That's exactly the goal.  :D



Just bought the pro version. Support the creator yo!


Can't wait for all the updates :biggrin.:


Milicant just creates datafiles. None of that money goes to him :tongue.:



The god-potato speaks true.  However, I fully support people purchasing the actual creator of Battlescribe.  He has poured significantly more time into the program than I have into the catalogues.  I'm glad you purchased pro!


Sounds good mate, looking forward to helping out where I can, good job


Thanks - I'll have some stuff for you soon... 


Twitching with anticipation for the Book 6 material. Damnit postage! Get this man his book!


And that leads me to my final comment for the evening... It arrived today!  I have HH6: Retribution in hand (as well as HH: Masterclass Vol1, but that's for my other HH projects...).


I've looked through it briefly and have a few ideas on how to proceed.  I will definitely be taking it on in chunks.  You, my brothers (and sisters), can expect to see incremented releases as I add the various features from Book VI.  Posts here will mark their release, and as always - I look forward to hearing your critiques and bugs!

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Just want to say i tried the phone app for the first time and it's awesome!! 


And that leads me to my final comment for the evening... It arrived today!  I have HH6: Retribution in hand (as well as HH: Masterclass Vol1, but that's for my other HHprojects...).


I've looked through it briefly and have a few ideas on how to proceed.  I will definitely be taking it on in chunks.  You, my brothers (and sisters), can expect to see incremented releases as I add the various features from Book VI.  Posts here will mark their release, and as always - I look forward to hearing your critiques and bugs!



Yay! Can't wait for Black Shields ^_^

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As someone who has absolutely no idea about the coding or indexing involved I wouldn't know how to do any of it. But based on what's currently implemented, the RoW should be ok since there's a distinct selection for them. Blackshields could (potentially) be folded under the Legiones Astartes index as they've got a variation on it compared to the other Legions although I'm wondering if the fact you have to remove certain units from that won't create a bit of a ball ache, especially with the big variety of gear :unsure.:


God my respect for you is growing massively and I haven't even done anything but muse lol

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Can I make a request that the new legions get worked on first? Also, does anyone know of support for Victory is Vengeance games via Battlescribe? ADB's new thread has me thinking that it would be a great way to introduce friends to 30k.

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I´ve tried to implemnt my new RoW for myself and failed massivly now my respect for your work is increased a whole lot more.


:D It's definitely a headache at times.  This is probably the most complicated Battlescribe catalogue out there.  Thanks for the kind words!


Glad to hear that, waiting for updates, eager to find bugs for the Warmaster!


Yikes, well if you're finding them for the traitor then I'm not so sure... ;)  


Just want to say i tried the phone app for the first time and it's awesome!! 


And that leads me to my final comment for the evening... It arrived today!  I have HH6: Retribution in hand (as well as HH: Masterclass Vol1, but that's for my other HHprojects...).


I've looked through it briefly and have a few ideas on how to proceed.  I will definitely be taking it on in chunks.  You, my brothers (and sisters), can expect to see incremented releases as I add the various features from Book VI.  Posts here will mark their release, and as always - I look forward to hearing your critiques and bugs!



Yay! Can't wait for Black Shields :happy.:


Nice!  I'm glad you tried it out and like it.  Black shields are coming... They are probably going to be a challenge, but don't worry - I'll make sure it happens.  


As someone who has absolutely no idea about the coding or indexing involved I wouldn't know how to do any of it. But based on what's currently implemented, the RoW should be ok since there's a distinct selection for them. Blackshields could (potentially) be folded under the Legiones Astartes index as they've got a variation on it compared to the other Legions although I'm wondering if the fact you have to remove certain units from that won't create a bit of a ball ache, especially with the big variety of gear :unsure.:


God my respect for you is growing massively and I haven't even done anything but muse lol


Hahaha thanks man!  Don't give me too much credit yet, I still have to make it happen!


Can I make a request that the new legions get worked on first? Also, does anyone know of support for Victory is Vengeance games via Battlescribe? ADB's new thread has me thinking that it would be a great way to introduce friends to 30k.


As far as priorities, I'm afraid I always give priority to the most generic stuff first.  The new entries for all legions (new consul, dreadnoughts, etc) and the mechanicum will come first.  Second will be the new generic Rites of War for everybody, then probably the new Legions.  Sorry man, but it's a slow and painful process. I have to start somewhere, and this is my method to ensure the greatest effect early on.  


As far as Victory is Vengeance - I put out feelers quite a while back (summer 2014 probably?) to see if there was enough interest to create a catalogue.  There wasn't.  :(  I was a bit bummed as it seems like a such a cool system.  At the same time, it would involve a complete re-write of the existing catalogue to satisfy rather unique system.  At this point I don't anticipate tackling that one, especially since anybody using the Victory is Vengeance system will be dealing with very small numbers of models with unique configurations.  This is best left for pen and paper, I'm afraid.  


Millicant, well Damn - had no idea! :sad.:


Got somewhere I can donate a few bucks for your work? Credit where credit is due and that!


No worries!  I'm always glad when people support Jon at Battlescribe!  


I appreciate your kind words.  :)  No donations are necessary; your kind attentions and annotating any bugs you find are the best things you can do for me and the community around this project.  





First wave for HH6: Retribution released!



Starting off small - I've added the new basic LACAL units like the Mastadon and new Dreadnought Talon.  


I've also made a few other "under the hood" changes that were waiting in the wings, namely the whole force-vs-roster issue that allowed multiple legion-specific stuff to show up when using multiple detachments.  This is particularly important with the advent of the Shattered Legions and Blackshields, but unfortunately was an extremely time-consuming update (it required a review of every hidden variable in the catalogue...).  But now it's done and I can move forward!  Exciting stuff! 

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First wave for HH6: Retribution released!



Starting off small - I've added the new basic LACAL units like the Mastadon and new Dreadnought Talon.  


I've also made a few other "under the hood" changes that were waiting in the wings, namely the whole force-vs-roster issue that allowed multiple legion-specific stuff to show up when using multiple detachments.  This is particularly important with the advent of the Shattered Legions and Blackshields, but unfortunately was an extremely time-consuming update (it required a review of every hidden variable in the catalogue...).  But now it's done and I can move forward!  Exciting stuff! 




*ecstatic squeee*


Also as a note, when I add Achilles Alpha Land Raiders to a list, they are blank with no options.


They can swap Volkite or Multi-melta sponsons and I assume get the usual pintle mounts etc.

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Have loved using this app ever since i got into it!


Really looking forward to the new RoW, units, Blackshields, Shattered Legions and so on :smile.: By the way, I didn't see the new dread talon or the mastodon in mine, unless my program is not the latest version of course! I have a 1.15.09 version if that helps. Thanks a lot!


EDIT: never mind, figured it out now! Now making a list for Iron Warriors with a Mastodon int (why of course!) :D 

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Edit: Ah now I see the new stuff. Crisis averted.

Have loved using this app ever since i got into it!


Really looking forward to the new RoW, units, Blackshields, Shattered Legions and so on :smile.: By the way, I didn't see the new dread talon or the mastodon in mine, unless my program is not the latest version of course! I have a 1.15.09 version if that helps. Thanks a lot!


EDIT: never mind, figured it out now! Now making a list for Iron Warriors with a Mastodon int (why of course!) :biggrin.:


It takes a little while to filter down from when I press "release" to available for download from appspot.  Look like you guys got it though!  :)



*ecstatic squeee*


Also as a note, when I add Achilles Alpha Land Raiders to a list, they are blank with no options.


They can swap Volkite or Multi-melta sponsons and I assume get the usual pintle mounts etc.


Would you be willing to find me a reference for this?  I'm looking at LACAL and they have no options...


Another small problem: I get an error message when I give the breacher sergeant meltabombs.


Old error, should be more "hidden" now.  Basically if you add Melta bombs to the squad and then also add them to the Sergeant, you'll get an error.  Reason being the Sergeant can take Melta bombs without the squad taking them, but the squad can't without the Sergeant automatically having them.  Bottom line - if you select them for the entire squadron, the Sergeant automatically has them too, but up until now you were able to click them again for the Sergeant.  


Castellax for the Iron scions special rule are still costed for the old price. The is for Iron hands elite unit, under head of the gorgan.


Yeah, I need to re-vamp all the Mechanicum cross-over stuff.  It's gotten pretty out of hand and messy right now - it's on my list but you'll have to be patient with me on that one.  It may take be a bit.  The Praevians are about the only part I think I have working correctly right now.  :(




New updates today:


The LACAL updates are complete.  This includes all the new units, HQ choices, and the Herald.  Rites of War have not been implemented yet.  


You'll also notice the addition of the Allegiance option under Legiones Astartes.  Blackshields exist here, but don't fully function yet.  Just laying the groundwork for future updates... :)

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Might I request that Rites of War are moved to their own separate choice? If for nothing else, under the catalogue's current format, when the Primarch's Chosen RoW is implemented, it will be quite a long and clunky process if a user wants to use their primarch as the Master of the Legion activating the RoW.
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You do the Emperors work Milicant!


Thanks, loyal brother!


You do the Warmasters  Emperors work Milicant!



Also yay, Herald *_*




Thanks. I hope I wasn't out of line pointing out the "error." You're doing great work, and for free!


Not at all!  Quite the opposite - you are totally IN line to point out errors!  Please continue to do so as you find them.  That's what makes this project strong - lots of people pointing out things that could be better.  Whether it be an error, a missing profile, or a simple typo - nothing is too small!


Might I request that Rites of War are moved to their own separate choice? If for nothing else, under the catalogue's current format, when the Primarch's Chosen RoW is implemented, it will be quite a long and clunky process if a user wants to use their primarch as the Master of the Legion activating the RoW.


This is a really interesting idea!  I had never really considered it until now, and while I generally have a great dislike for adding more non-unit selections like this, now with the advent of so many Rites of War, I'm going to test it a bit.  


Unfortunately, even if I implement it - this won't completely solve your issue.  You'll still need to add a Master of the Legion to access a Rite of War, add the rite, then the appropriate Primarch.  The only advantage is that the Rite of War would no longer be a child of the unit with Master of the Legion, so you could build your list around the Rite and change the unit that provides access to that Rite without problems.  


I've tested this a bit and I like it.  I will continue testing and post in nice big font if I do implement it.  I'm sure it will throw quite a few people for a loop - relocating a critical item like that is going to cause some serious sadface for those who aren't following this conversation here on B&C.  






Rites of War are beginning to be implemented.  Generic ones are complete:

- Armoured Breakthrough

- Primarch's Chosen

- Brethren of Iron (this one is absurdly complicated and still has some... gremlins.  Please let me know if you find issues.)

- Fury of the Ancients

- Outcast Sons

- Orphans of Betrayal

- Sky Hunter Phalanx

- Drop Assault Vanguard

- Recon Company

- Zone Mortalis Assault Force

- Sacrificial Offering 



Quite a few of these have restrictions that are far too wide to be properly (or realistically) implemented.  I'm sorry guys, but unless there is significant outcry, I don't plan to write in these far-reaching restrictions.  Furthermore, by implementing the Effects or benefits, you can now correctly use the Rites of War, but will have to know, understand, and apply the restrictions yourselves.  My apologies brothers, this one is just a bridge too far :sad.:


Additionally, you may start to see some new entries pop up under old units.  These are basically "bookkeeping" for me and allow Rites of War to operate correctly.  For instance, the Forge Lord, Warsmith, and Iron-Fathers now have the entry "Father to the Brethren of Iron" which is totally made up by me, but allows me to correctly require these units when using this Rite of War.  My apologies, if anybody has a suggestion for a better title for that entry, let me know!

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