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dude you rock.  keep up the hard work.


its showing up for a forgelord (Forge Lord must have 1 more selections of Father to the Brethren of Iron (Minimum of 1 )) as an error.


That's strange, I can't seem to replicate that.  Any other conditions currently active?  If you're modifying an existing list, you may have to remove and add the Centurion for it to function properly.  

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boom fixed.


Nice, glad to hear it.






Blackshields and Knights-Errant are now included.  


Still working on

- New Legiones Astartes

- Shattered Legions

- New Legion-specific Rites of War

- New Mechanicum stuff

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the way the rules atm are written you can have a knight errant librarian with a narthecarium or one with a servo arm and battlesmith.


Millicant, are you going to add loyalist traitor to the mechanicum forces ????

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boom fixed.

Nice, glad to hear it.






Blackshields and Knights-Errant are now included.


Still working on

- New Legiones Astartes

- Shattered Legions

- New Legion-specific Rites of War

- New Mechanicum stuff

Millicant sorry to rain on this (wonderous) parade but the reaver lord seems to be missing alot of his unique options. Seems like a renamed praetor entry atm.


Missing things like rad grenades, cyber familiar and such.


Once again great work as always.

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boom fixed.


Nice, glad to hear it.






Blackshields and Knights-Errant are now included.  


Still working on

- New Legiones Astartes

- Shattered Legions

- New Legion-specific Rites of War

- New Mechanicum stuff


you make my day buddy ^_^ :wub.:

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Just something I noticed: if I take a Tactical Support Squad (TSS) in the basic Legion list as a second Troops choice, the little warning that tells me I need two Troops choices minimum disappears. However, one of the TSS rules is that they cannot fill up compulsory troop slots. Any chance that can be rectified?


Disclaimer: I haven't trawled through the thread so I have no idea if the issue has already been raised or not.

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Just something I noticed: if I take a Tactical Support Squad (TSS) in the basic Legion list as a second Troops choice, the little warning that tells me I need two Troops choices minimum disappears. However, one of the TSS rules is that they cannot fill up compulsory troop slots. Any chance that can be rectified?


Disclaimer: I haven't trawled through the thread so I have no idea if the issue has already been raised or not.

That has come up before and I think Milicant explained it is a crazy amount of work to implement Support Squad and Compulsory choices so it is up to us users to keep track of those kind of rules.

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Another small problem: I get an error message when I give the breacher sergeant meltabombs.

You have the option to buy Melta Bombs for the entire squad if you do this, it includes the Sgt. I had the same issue but if you take it off the Sgt it will clear the issue.


As a side note Millicant the addition of the Cortus talon was perfect as I will be using them later with the app!


Excellent work as always!

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Under the Knight Errant, it's listing Power Fist and Lightning Claw as options when trading in your bolt pistol, and makes no mention of the power sword. Error in the database?

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Holy crap!  That got your attention, huh?  :P



Ahh yeah!

Awesome! Now I can try to make a Blackshields list finally! Been waiting for this bad boy for a while :smile.: Thank you very much!

And I was just finishing a death guard list! Back to the drawing board!


you make my day buddy :happy.: :wub.:


Thanks guys!  


the way the rules atm are written you can have a knight errant librarian with a narthecarium or one with a servo arm and battlesmith.


Millicant, are you going to add loyalist traitor to the mechanicum forces ????


Hmm, you know I wasn't planning to simply because so far there aren't many instances of Loyalist vs Traitor entries.  Is that something that people would like to see implemented?  It wouldn't be hard, but I don't want to set a precedent that every catalogue needs this if they don't have a reason for it.  


I should also note - on my "to-do" list is going back through all the characters/entries and correctly assigning them to either the Loyalist/traitor side.  After, of course, all the new stuff is written in.  




boom fixed.

Nice, glad to hear it.


Blackshields and Knights-Errant are now included.

Still working on
- New Legiones Astartes
- Shattered Legions
- New Legion-specific Rites of War
- New Mechanicum stuff
Millicant sorry to rain on this (wonderous) parade but the reaver lord seems to be missing alot of his unique options. Seems like a renamed praetor entry atm.

Missing things like rad grenades, cyber familiar and such.

Once again great work as always.


You're never raining on the parade by pointing out errors!  Please, you're adding to it - I come to this thread hoping to see posts of things that can be fixed.  :tu:


Now, that being said, I fixed the Rad Grenades and Cyber-familiar.  Silly little mistakes on my part - they still required certain Legions/Rites of War which were incompatible in order to show up.  Additionally, it IS a re-named Praetor!  (At least under the hood - it was the easiest way to create that entry.)  I missed a few of the naming conventions - fixed now.  



Another small problem: I get an error message when I give the breacher sergeant meltabombs.

You have the option to buy Melta Bombs for the entire squad if you do this, it includes the Sgt. I had the same issue but if you take it off the Sgt it will clear the issue.

As a side note Millicant the addition of the Cortus talon was perfect as I will be using them later with the app!

Excellent work as always!



Yup, exactly.  I made it a hidden option instead of "maxSelections 0" which should make it a little simpler.  



Amazing update mate. Really happy!

But, one thing. Can a Knight Errant be a Librarian and still take Narthecium?



Nailed it.  :tu:


Under the Knight Errant, it's listing Power Fist and Lightning Claw as options when trading in your bolt pistol, and makes no mention of the power sword. Error in the database?


Ha!  Man I totally messed that up.  I had the wrong choices under the bolt pistol and totally missed the power weapon.  Nice catch, fixed!



Just something I noticed: if I take a Tactical Support Squad (TSS) in the basic Legion list as a second Troops choice, the little warning that tells me I need two Troops choices minimum disappears. However, one of the TSS rules is that they cannot fill up compulsory troop slots. Any chance that can be rectified?


Disclaimer: I haven't trawled through the thread so I have no idea if the issue has already been raised or not.

That has come up before and I think Milicant explained it is a crazy amount of work to implement Support Squad and Compulsory choices so it is up to us users to keep track of those kind of rules.



Hey guys!  Reyner is right on for quite a few of the more complicated rules issues.  Some are simply not worth the effort and need to be tracked by the user.  


In this particular case, however, it is impossible.  The Battlescribe system does not provide a framework for Force Organization modifiers, so I am simply unable to implement things like Support Squads or any sort of non-compulsory HQ/Troop/etc.  Trust me, this is one of the things I REALLY want to implement, since it's sort of a core tenant of list-building.  


And on that note - Jon (creater of Battlescribe) has begun work on 1.16 Alpha, which yours truly is testing a bit with the LACAL.  The most amazing thing about this version is that it will allow gamesystem-level entries, and interactions between catalogue and gamesystem.  For anybody who is familiar, this is a HUGE update and opens up an absurd level of possibilities.  First and foremost for us: Force Organization modifiers like Support Squad and Rites of War that change slots.  


Now I must caveat - this is at the Alpha stage, so release is a long way off.  On top of that, once it is released, it's going to take me a while to go back and update all the catalogues to properly utilize the new update.  That being said, I've been using Battlescribe for several years now (made several catalogues before the HH project) and this has been one of those things we have been begging for since then.  Jon does this in his free time, so we are very fortunate to have his attention on this issue.  I can't overstate enough how ridiculously awesome this will be once available.  


On top of all that, 1.16 will mark a shift for the Horus Heresy catalogues and my "plan" for how they are to be implemented.  We currently stand at 9 books (I know, right!?) and tracking rules/entries across them is a challenge for anyone - me making catalogues and more importantly users trying to find rules/profiles/etc.  With the release of a more unified system in Battlescribe 1.16, I will be shifting to a set of more unified Horus Heresy catalogues.  Instead of leaving certain details out (my way of ensuring users have/utilize the FW books) I will be attempting to reconcile as many profiles/rules as possible, along with references.  There will be exceptions, particularly for characters and one-off special rules, but basic stuff like 'bolter' or 'Independent character' I want to be included.  I feel it has become so spread out over so many books and expecting people to have/find all the appropriate entries is cumbersome at best, and frustrating to an unacceptable level at worst.  Once again, this will be a huge undertaking, so please be patient.  :)




No other new updates, sorry guys!  I flew last night and I'm out the door to fly again today so maybe I'll get a bit more done tonight.  

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I had the same thing occur; its some of the Legion Specific Stuff being reset from units that can take them.


In my case, It was storm shields on my terminators, Solarite Power Gauntlets on my Character and HQ's as well as a few other things.


So just go through and check it.

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Now this might just be me, but when constructing a marauder squad they appear to have lost the xeno deathlock under the "one in five may take.." option.


If it's me, just tell me to sod off, if not, I hope this helps.

Keep up the good work sir

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Millicant, I bring up the loyal/traitor up for mechanicum due to Caleb Decima is loyalist while Draykavac, Satarael and Anacharis Scoria are all traitor alligned Magos, even thought the books don't have the horus eye stamp on them.

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Just curious, I looked at my old lists today and they seemed to lost points and I get a message that they have changed. Any clue why?^^

I had the same thing occur; its some of the Legion Specific Stuff being reset from units that can take them.


In my case, It was storm shields on my terminators, Solarite Power Gauntlets on my Character and HQ's as well as a few other things.


So just go through and check it.


Ah, I know why.  There are two reasons, yours may be one/both depending on what changed.  


I have ongoing "streamlining" projects going on, often times this involves smoothing out entries and replacing them with links to shared entries.  The other, more common instance, is that things like the Contemptor Dreadnought Talon had to be re-worked since it can now show up as either an Elites choice OR a Troops choice, given the right circumstances.  


While this is transparent in the roster editor, I'm willing to bet that the way the list is saved causes your problem.  Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that, except warn you that it will definitely continue to happen!  I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please know that these small troubles are ultimately in service to a better catalogue.  :)


Now this might just be me, but when constructing a marauder squad they appear to have lost the xeno deathlock under the "one in five may take.." option.


If it's me, just tell me to sod off, if not, I hope this helps.

Keep up the good work sir

I'm not seeing it either.


Ugh, another silly mistake on my part.  Fixed!


Millicant, I bring up the loyal/traitor up for mechanicum due to Caleb Decima is loyalist while Draykavac, Satarael and Anacharis Scoria are all traitor alligned Magos, even thought the books don't have the horus eye stamp on them.


Yeah, that's true.  The problem I have is that this only ends up affecting 4 entries, and really only 1 since the other 3 will show up for Traitors.  Let me think on this one for a bit.  I'm not dismissing it outright, but I feel that it might be another hassle for users without much tangible benefit, save restricting access to Decima for traitors.






Shattered Legions are in!





- Legion-specific items are broken.  They will remain so, as there is no way I can see to fix them, short of a complete catalogue re-write.  This means that, for example, if you have Wold Eaters and Iron Warriors selected, any unit added will have access to BOTH sets of legion-specific wargear, whether it be Caedere weapons or Shrapnel Bolts or whatever.  Obviously, they are not allowed to take both, but I can't even fathom a way to make this happen at this point.  As always, my catalogues are merely a tool - the responsibility for legal lists remains with the user.  


- I'm working on a way to identify which units belong to which Shattered Legion, but it will take a little while longer to implement.  It's a bit cumbersome - it's another selection group that will show up in every unit when Shattered Legions is selected.  It should include a list of the chosen Legions, meaning you'll have to select a Legion affiliation for each unit in your army.  



Additionally, I've been reviewing the Age of Darkness Theme: Army of Dark Compliance, and I don't see any way that can be written.  This might be feasible (albeit extremely time-consuming) once 1.16 is available, but that is a long shot, frankly.  I think that anybody seeking to use this Theme is best served by creating two parallel Primary Detachments and adding the points together for their total.  

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Ah, I know why.  There are two reasons, yours may be one/both depending on what changed.  


I have ongoing "streamlining" projects going on, often times this involves smoothing out entries and replacing them with links to shared entries.  The other, more common instance, is that things like the Contemptor Dreadnought Talon had to be re-worked since it can now show up as either an Elites choice OR a Troops choice, given the right circumstances.  


While this is transparent in the roster editor, I'm willing to bet that the way the list is saved causes your problem.  Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that, except warn you that it will definitely continue to happen!  I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please know that these small troubles are ultimately in service to a better catalogue.  :smile.:



Ah no worries ^^


this is the error message btw


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