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Ah, I know why.  There are two reasons, yours may be one/both depending on what changed.  


I have ongoing "streamlining" projects going on, often times this involves smoothing out entries and replacing them with links to shared entries.  The other, more common instance, is that things like the Contemptor Dreadnought Talon had to be re-worked since it can now show up as either an Elites choice OR a Troops choice, given the right circumstances.  


While this is transparent in the roster editor, I'm willing to bet that the way the list is saved causes your problem.  Unfortunately there's not much I can do about that, except warn you that it will definitely continue to happen!  I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but please know that these small troubles are ultimately in service to a better catalogue.  :smile.:



Ah no worries ^^


this is the error message btw



Yup, that's exactly what I expected.  Sorry, unfortunately it's just the price of progress.  :tongue.:  (Also an indicator that I had no idea what Forgeworld had in store for us when I began this project!)


I got that once yesterday, but not since.


World Eaters new Rite of War: Is there a setting I need to toggle for that? I'm not seeing the option. The Crimson Path.


No toggle, it just hasn't been added yet!  I'm working on that soon, I'll post here when it's released.  No worries - I always prefer that you come and post when something is missing/off rather than keep it to yourself! :thumbsup:




to help everyone see whats going on.  Millicant has a lot to deal with.


Nice!  Thanks for that.  That's also an option for you guys, if you'd prefer.  That's where issues populate from the appspot link too.  


I laughed a bit though - that's about the shortest my list has been in a while.  :wink:


Millicant, the Blackshield Reaver Lord in terminator armor is missing option to buy Rad Grenades while using the Outlanders Wrought by War, as well missing the option to buy a cheaper Xenos Deathlock by exchanging their existing Combi-Bolter.


Whoops, man this is the comedy of errors on these Blackshield units.  Nice catches - I'll get those fixed tonight.  

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Any chance we can get the updated rules for the Quad Mortars? Shatter Shells are optional and now cost +10 points, and other upgrades are also possible.


So the amended cost is in book 6, correct? God I need to buy this thing >_>

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Any chance we can get the updated rules for the Quad Mortars? Shatter Shells are optional and now cost +10 points, and other upgrades are also possible.


So the amended cost is in book 6, correct? God I need to buy this thing >_>


That has already been included!  It's now listed under Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery, and it's a new entry.  The old Rapier Battery still has a Quad launcher option, because I don't see that it has been removed.  If somebody can correct me, I'll gladly fix that.  


Milicant i cant seem to find the option for Autilon Skorr when i selec an Alpha legion list.






He's definitely in there...  Make sure you are using the Traitor Allegiance.  :smile.:




Additionally, I have more things completed but we've run into a merge conflict over on Github.  I'm not an expert in Git, so it's getting sorted slowly.  Never fear, more updates are incoming!  (Also, if you know anything about resolving merge conflicts, please head over the Horus Heresy github site and take a look...)

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I swear it's not my fault! (Awkwardly shifts the version of AotE he's been building behind a Contemptor chassis)


But in all seriousness, you absolutely rock Millicant. I've been tinkering with Battlescribe on my laptop and after seeing just what you've put into the HH catalogue, well, it's incredible. If you're ever in my neck of the woods on this side of the pond, I'll stand you a pint.

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as someone who does software dev/application life cycle stuff for a living, i just wanted to throw out a big thanks to Milicant for his work effort.  If i had to come home from work and deal with yet another defect log i could go insane, lol.

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I swear it's not my fault! (Awkwardly shifts the version of AotE he's been building behind a Contemptor chassis)


But in all seriousness, you absolutely rock Millicant. I've been tinkering with Battlescribe on my laptop and after seeing just what you've put into the HH catalogue, well, it's incredible. If you're ever in my neck of the woods on this side of the pond, I'll stand you a pint.


as someone who does software dev/application life cycle stuff for a living, i just wanted to throw out a big thanks to Milicant for his work effort.  If i had to come home from work and deal with yet another defect log i could go insane, lol.


Thanks guys!  It's posts like these that keep me motivated and plugging away.  :D



More updates soon, pending a solid answer to my current issue!  Please let me know your thoughts here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320410-hh6-retribution-new-legion-specific-wargear/

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New Legions have been added.  Blood Angels, White Scars, and the mighty First Legion are in.  Their Rites of War are present, though some are not completely able to be implemented. 


Additionally, there are most likely some errors with the wargear points values.  I'm very tired, and ran out of time for a more thorough QA session.  Please let me know as you find them..


Finally, all the legion-specific Rites of War have been included.  Some of them were very painful.  As always, let me know when you find errors.  


We're closing on 100% for HH6: Retribution!  A few danglers, along with the new Mechanicum stuff remains.  

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The dreadnoughts all seem to be missing the option to replace weapons with assault cannons. Also the phobos land raider and proteus:  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320228-what-blood-angels-units-can-take-assault-cannons/


I checked the rest of the list there and only saw these not showing up.

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Thanks so much Millicant!

How long does it take for the update to go live? Nothing has changed on mine. No access to white Scars stuff yet.


Cheers for everything Millicant!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I can't seem to find the new alpha legion rites.

That said, cracking work sir

I dont think the update is working yet. Everything Millicant has done doesn't seem to be showing. Maybe he deserves some sleep before fixing it

The update or upload will take a couple of hours guys - try again in an hour or 2 :smile.:

Cheers Reyner I didn't know that.

Awesome work in so little time!


Thanks guys!  


Yes, the update usually takes a few hours to filter from github to appspot to downloadable.  I typically post here immediately after I hit "release" on github, so there is normally a few hours delay, though I can't properly quantify it (my apologies).  Hopefully it's all visible now!




The dreadnoughts all seem to be missing the option to replace weapons with assault cannons. Also the phobos land raider and proteus:  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/320228-what-blood-angels-units-can-take-assault-cannons/


I checked the rest of the list there and only saw these not showing up.


Nice list, that is super helpful!  Thanks for pointing it out, and extra thanks for checking the other entries for me!  That is amazeballs.  :)


I fixed those, let me know if you find any more.  Additionally, I just realized that all Imperial Fists now have access to these by accident... I think I fixed that too but any Fists players let me know if I missed any.  






Loyalist/Traitor characters should be correctly assigned now.  


One follow-up question for you guys:  Are the hidden items working properly?  I'm especially curious about the mobile version, as mine seems to be acting up.  I can see ALL the Rites of War currently...

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A few things I've noticed for Dark Angels:


All characters should have access to Calibanite War Blade - right now I can't see them for Praetors and Centurions (independent characters are still characters).

Ravenwing Characters should be able to purchase Rad Grenades.

Consuls that can't take a Power Fist (like a Vigilator) shouldn't be able to buy a Terranic Greatsword.

Praetors and Centurions that have purchased Scimatar Jetbikes should be able to buy Molecular Acid Shells.


Thanks for all your work!

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Anybody encountering the same problem? Can't find any character HQs for Death Guard. Even in my existing lists....


Anyhow: Thank you for you efford! Hard to believe that a whole community 's army list rely on one person ;)

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