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Poll: What flavour of Blood Angels are you?


Which Flavour of BA are you?  

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Well, the Badab War book also mentions that Angstrom argued reparations for the Imperium working against them in the war too, a price that was never made public, and was agreed upon by a very high-ranking Inquisitor. Secondly, I'll be having a few Grey Knights in there too, assigned to watch over them.

Lastly, why would the High Lords care? They're still going on crusade, it's just not in the same direction as the others. Also, Angstrom may not have exactly told my remnants that the rest of the Chapter survived... As far as my strike force is concerned, they're the last remaining Lamenters.

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Pretty much. Basically though, the main way they get away with it is that this is due to a secret agreement between the Mechanicus and the Inquisition regarding a Company that in all official reports was lost in the Warp. The High Lords don't know they exist, and neither does each group of Lamenters know the other exists. The ones fighting the Tyranids only know the official story, my group have been told that Huron destroyed the other Lamenters over the course of the war, in an effort to convince them to hunt Huron down, but which in reality isn't really too far off the truth.
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I really thought there were more canon successor chapter players. This is really cool seeing how many homebrew and regular BA players we have out there!

I agree, it seems like most threads people reference how cool a unit would look in a certain successor paint scheme, or something, so I thought there'd be a lot more canon Successors too!

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I really thought there were more canon successor chapter players. This is really cool seeing how many homebrew and regular BA players we have out there!

I agree, it seems like most threads people reference how cool a unit would look in a certain successor paint scheme, or something, so I thought there'd be a lot more canon Successors too!



Lot of successors still lack an official (or clear) paint scheme, while many other lack a true story.


I also quote the Trial by Blood novel :


"A sea of red armour cast in every shade and hue, some rich like fresh-spilled blood, others ruby or swept through with crimson. Still others were clad in darkened scabs, the colour of scorched blood or the black of the curse."

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Well I like the red and gold colour scheme - that is my regular scheme, and then came out 7th edition and that happend to be a blood drinkers.

I have no dedicated badges for Blood drinkers, so mine with a generic BA symbols.


But I count my army as a distant Battle-company/Strike force/Crusade "Crimson tide" with a different scheme colors BA marines which represents a different BA succesors that sends their squads to replenish the ranks of crusade - something like a Deathwatch duty but for a Bloood angels and succesors. 


Although a started a heresy era BA legion where all the color restrictions is followed.

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Although a started a heresy era BA legion where all the color restrictions is followed.

Im curious about these colour restrictions: the heresy Legions have more alternate colour schemes than their main second founding chapters. Is there any new info on BA colouration?

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Is there color variation in legions? I didn't know that. Are there samples or something somewhere?

Check out the heresy forum. Fists have alternate black schemes, word bearers can be grey or red, alphas are whatever you like. Basically the Legions are so big and spread out that specific colours can vary within them.

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Is there color variation in legions?  I didn't know that.  Are there samples or something somewhere?


Like Xenith said, very much so.


Be it formal (black veterans in the IF), cultural (WB turning red after chaos stuff), personal (Ultramarine Red Helms) or functional (Black destroyer armour) there is a lot of variation allowed in 30k.


It's just all about keeping the man colour intact and using it just enough to make it clear what legion it is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sticked this for now as it would be great to get some more additions.


Also, if those of you who voted for Homebrew have a few moments, would you be so kind as to respond to ths Slate of Sanguine Successors thread please? It would be great to get an index of what our sub-forum is doing with the BAs in their universe. Also, it makes it easier for Dante to send out requests via our Astropaths when Baal is attacked by an unending plague of giant gribblies...

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I have been wanting to do a Blood Angel army for a while. Something small, around 1,500 points. However, I am torn. I like the way Blood Angels look. And I like the way Flesh Tearers look. But I also kind of want to make my own chapter. And I am having a hard time deciding how I should go.


What do you guys think?

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I play Carmine Blades, and one of my favorite formations is the Flesh Tearers Strike Force. I just really like the feel of aggression it offers with the chance at explosion of bloodlust.


I model my Marines to show more aggression to represent a young chapter still trying to come to terms with the blood curse, but also have controlled fury. I love a several of the Shield of Baal formations alongside Angels Blade. So I use a combination to tell the story of my interpretation of the Carmine Blades. I also use Malakim Phoros's rules for my Chapter Master because it is a combination of rule for cool and he doesn't have a model so I can field him as a captain or master in campaigns.

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Knights of Blood for sure. Love the bit of fluff they have and their color scheme (even tho i'm still trying to decide how to do their Librarians and such). Haven't gotten around starting them yet since my financial situation is not that great at the moment but it's pretty much set in stone.

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I play a home brew called the red eagles... basically a blood angel but with a gold helmet and shoulders.


My original fluff was that during the heresy the red eagles were one of the companies of the blood angels who would hold back during the initial assault and would then be sent in to attack enemy reinforcements or to shore up weak points in the line.

After the codexes were implemented they were organised into a separate chapter but after following a fleet of traitors into the warp they were believed lost.

However it was some time later when a single battle barge and strike cruiser re emerged from the warp. They were then classed as a 5th founding chapter as they required new gene seed and equipment that had been lost and were given a homeworld. They are still extremely fleet orientated and at one point they heard distress cries from a nearby transport fleet of guardsmen who were being destroyed by eldar. They arrived in time to rescue elements but 93% of the original transport fleet were gone.


These troops were taken back to glovarion (home world) and were re equipped and are now permanently attached to the red eagles... those initiates who fail to join the Astarte may join one of the 7 regiments: mordian tanks, sigsmundan lancers(rough riders) , Cadian infantry, Elysian drop troops etc.


Sorry if I put you all to sleep :)

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I play a home brew called the red eagles... basically a blood angel but with a gold helmet and shoulders.


My original fluff was that during the heresy the red eagles were one of the companies of the blood angels who would hold back during the initial assault and would then be sent in to attack enemy reinforcements or to shore up weak points in the line.

After the codexes were implemented they were organised into a separate chapter but after following a fleet of traitors into the warp they were believed lost.

However it was some time later when a single battle barge and strike cruiser re emerged from the warp. They were then classed as a 5th founding chapter as they required new gene seed and equipment that had been lost and were given a homeworld. They are still extremely fleet orientated and at one point they heard distress cries from a nearby transport fleet of guardsmen who were being destroyed by eldar. They arrived in time to rescue elements but 93% of the original transport fleet were gone.


These troops were taken back to glovarion (home world) and were re equipped and are now permanently attached to the red eagles... those initiates who fail to join the Astarte may join one of the 7 regiments: mordian tanks, sigsmundan lancers(rough riders) , Cadian infantry, Elysian drop troops etc.


Sorry if I put you all to sleep :smile.:

Not at all! I really like it!

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