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Your BA Pile of Shame


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Another page, same old me:P

+3 Suppressors,
+3 Eliminators (las-fusils this time)
+1 Primaris Captain

1 Corbulo (started, not finished)
1 Captain Slash (started, not finished)
1 Primaris Captain
2 Sanguinary priests (1 started, not finished)
1 Librarian with JP
1 Primaris Librarian
2 regular Lieutenants
3 Primaris Lieutenants
1 Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos armour
5 Assault Terminators
5 Tartaros Terminators
13 Sanguinary Guards (in various states of completion)
1 Sanguinary Ancient
6 Vanguard Veterans

15 Death Company (in various states of completion)
15 Tactical Marines (started, not finished)

15 11 Incursors
10 Intercessors (5 started, not finished)
10 Devastators (started, not finished)

3 Aggressors
3 Eliminators
6 Suppressors

11 Reivers
3 Inceptors (started, not finished)
10 Assault Marines
7 5 scouts (
in various states of completion)
1 Count-as Callidus assassin (Infinity Yu-Jing Ninja with bow)
1 Culexus assassin
8 2 SM bikes

3 Scout bikes
1 Rhino (started, not finished)
1 Predator (aaaaalmost there)
1 Relic Sicaran Battle Tank/Omega Tank Destroyer (WIP)

1 Stormhawk Interceptor
2 Stormraven Gunships (started, not finished)
2 Armiger Warglaives
2 Armiger Helverin
1 Imperial Knight

"O come, o come E-e-e-e T-e e-L..." :smile.: Edited by Majkhel
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This is embarrassing but all of my Primaris units are unfinished, some not even started





Troops and transports


Fast attack


Heavy support


I’m planning on building all the unbuilt boxes but I’m not a fan of painting but I’ll try do one model a week after finish building

Edited by redshadow
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5 Infiltrators and 5 Incursors now with paint and stricken from the list of shame.



I’m planning on building all the unbuilt boxes but I’m not a fan of painting but I’ll try do one model a week after finish building


Redshadow, I also hate painting lots of infantry, but honestly, try contrast. it's so damn fast. Paint the armour ribbing and bolter black, then one thick coat of blood angels red over wraithbone and youre 95% done. It's amazing. Normally 5 men take me 3-4 weeks, I got 5 infiltrators done in a couple of evenings. 

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5 Infiltrators and 5 Incursors now with paint and stricken from the list of shame.




I’m planning on building all the unbuilt boxes but I’m not a fan of painting but I’ll try do one model a week after finish building

Redshadow, I also hate painting lots of infantry, but honestly, try contrast. it's so damn fast. Paint the armour ribbing and bolter black, then one thick coat of blood angels red over wraithbone and youre 95% done. It's amazing. Normally 5 men take me 3-4 weeks, I got 5 infiltrators done in a couple of evenings.

I’ll give it a go

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5 Infiltrators and 5 Incursors now with paint and stricken from the list of shame.


I’m planning on building all the unbuilt boxes but I’m not a fan of painting but I’ll try do one model a week after finish building

Redshadow, I also hate painting lots of infantry, but honestly, try contrast. it's so damn fast. Paint the armour ribbing and bolter black, then one thick coat of blood angels red over wraithbone and youre 95% done. It's amazing. Normally 5 men take me 3-4 weeks, I got 5 infiltrators done in a couple of evenings.

I’ll give it a go



If you want a super fast recipe, i'd go: 

Prime wraithbone

thick coat BA red all over armour

tidy black areas with wraithbone from pot

fine brush to paint black templar into armour ribbing and all over gun

second coat of black templar on gun casing

paint eyes



I reckon you could knock a squad out in an hour doing that.

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For the first time in like 20 years I have nothing to paint for my Blood Angels. having nothing to do during Eastern because of corona helped a lot, obviously. ^^


Could finish the last 6 Space Hulk Terminators yesterday and today I managed to finish the Land Speeder Storm I bought at the beginning of 8th Edition.


Now I own the complete first and second company, 45 DC, 10 SG, 35 Scouts and several tanks, dreadnoughts and assault Squats of the 8th. And not a single Primaris. ~ 20.000 Points. Pretty happy with it.

Time to start the new sisters... ^^

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Oh dear I took a look at the unbuilt stuff I have today and I have more marines than I would need ever.


I dont even remember buying some of this stuff. Somehow I managed to stock on enough Dark Vengeance models to start a small Dark Angels army apparently, I need to trade it away for something I actually want now..

Edited by appiah5
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For the first time in like 20 years I have nothing to paint for my Blood Angels. having nothing to do during Eastern because of corona helped a lot, obviously. ^^


Could finish the last 6 Space Hulk Terminators yesterday and today I managed to finish the Land Speeder Storm I bought at the beginning of 8th Edition.


Now I own the complete first and second company, 45 DC, 10 SG, 35 Scouts and several tanks, dreadnoughts and assault Squats of the 8th. And not a single Primaris. ~ 20.000 Points. Pretty happy with it.

Time to start the new sisters... ^^


That's an impressive first post! Welcome to the BA forum. Two full companies is impressive, I'd love to see pics if you have any? I'm almost done with the 4th, then I'll be working on the 1st and 10th.



Oh dear I took a look at the unbuilt stuff I have today and I have more marines than I would need ever.


I dont even remember buying some of this stuff. Somehow I managed to stock on enough Dark Vengeance models to start a small Dark Angels army apparently, I need to trade it away for something I actually want now..


I did exactly the same, Appiah, limited hobby funds at the time meant I was after cheap models, I think I bought 2x DV boxes and picked up some more stuff on the way. The DA models can have their insignia shaved off pretty easily and the pads smoothed down - I have 1000grit sandpaper for just that. I've also just painted the DV terminators red, and they look pretty good. Pics in the plog

Edited by Xenith
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I figure its time to catalog this:



1x Imperial Knight

10x Death Company

10x Assault Marine

10x Tactical Marine

5x Vanguard Vets

5x Sanguinary Guard

5x Tactical Terminator

Dark Imperium

- 1x Primaris Captain

- 2x Primaris Lieutenants

- 1x Primaris Ancient

- 10x Intercessor

- 3x Inceptor

- 5x Hellblaster

First Strike 

- 3x Intercessor

SC! Vanguard SM

- 1x Lieutenant in Phobos Armor

- 3x Eliminator

- 3x Supressor

- 10x Infiltrator



Various stages of Built, unpainted:

10x Devestators

1x Librarian

1x Librarian (metal)

2x Apothocaries

1x Tycho (metal)

11x DC (magnetized)

5x Assault Terminators (magnetized)

1x Terminator Chaplain

3x Sanguinary Guard (magnetized, other two probably around)

3x Baal Predator

1x Whirlwind

1x Land Raider

1x Storm Raven

2x Furioso Dreadnought

1x Vindicator

1x Death Company Dreadnought

1x Rhino

2x Chaplain

5x Sternguard (magnetized)

3x Droppod


built, painting in progress:

3x Reiver

3x Aggressor

1x Smash Captain




Edited by FishFuzz99
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  • 3 weeks later...

1x Imperial Knight
10x Death Company
10x Assault Marine
10x Tactical Marine
5x Vanguard Vets
5x Sanguinary Guard
5x Tactical Terminator
Dark Imperium
- 1x Primaris Captain
- 2x Primaris Lieutenants
- 1x Primaris Ancient
- 10x Intercessor
- 3x Inceptor
- 5x Hellblaster
First Strike
- 3x Intercessor
SC! Vanguard SM
- 1x Lieutenant in Phobos Armor
- 3x Eliminator
- 3x Supressor
- 10x Infiltrator

Various stages of Built, unpainted:
10x Devestators
1x Librarian
1x Librarian (metal)
2x Apothocaries
1x Tycho (metal)
10x DC w/ JP (magnetized)

6x DC
5x Assault Terminators (magnetized)
1x Terminator Chaplain
3x Sanguinary Guard (magnetized, other two probably around)
3x Baal Predator
1x Whirlwind
1x Land Raider
1x Storm Raven
2x Furioso Dreadnought
1x Vindicator
1x Death Company Dreadnought
1x Rhino
2x Chaplain
5x Sternguard (magnetized)
3x Drop pod

built, painting in progress:

Next up: 10 JP DC, 6 foot DC 
3x Reiver (99% done)
3x Aggressor (98% done)
1x Smash Captain - on hold




My quarantine painting thus far. 

Still have a bit of stuff to do, namely transfers, the agressor's base (I really messed up his legs), as well as adding some forest foliage to bases. Also need to touch up their hair. Painting blond hair is hard. Other than that feeling pretty good about them. Took a stab at glazing on the agressors, came out alright, I'll continue trying til it works. 

Edited by FishFuzz99
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-2 Scouts


List now down to (I am probably set for the rest of my life)


Oldhammer (31)

(1) Death Company Tycho *
(10) Tactical Squad 2e
(5) Command Squad 2e
(10) Scout Squad 3e
(5) Death Company 3e

Oldmarines (31)
(1) Dante kitbash
(1) Sanguinary Priest kitbash
(1) Chaplain kitbash

(1) Librarian on Bike kitbash (Dark Vengeance)

(2) Space Marine Bikes (Dark Vengeance)

(5) Vanguard Veterans kitbash

(5) Death Company 5e

(10) Tactical Squad 5e
(5) Space Hulk Terminators


Vehicles (7)

(1) Death Company Dreadnought kitbash (AoBR)
(1) Furioso Dreadnought kitbash (Chaplain Dreadnought)

(1) Land Speeder *
(1) Drop Pod
(1) Rhino
(1) Baal Predator
(1) Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader

Allies (59)
(11) Kill Team Cassius
(5) Deathwatch Veteran Squad kitbash
(10) Dark Angels Tactical Squad (Dark Vengeance)

(5) Deathwing Terminator Squad (Dark Vengeance)

(3) Ravenwing Bike Squad (Dark Vengeance)

(5) Imperial Fists Intercessor Squad (Dark Imperium)

(5) Imperial Fists Intercessor Squad (Dark Imperium)

(5) Imperial Fists Hellblaster Squad (Dark Imperium)

(10) Imperial Fists Intercessor Squad


Box Games (36)

(36) Space Hulk (2016) [sealed]


Grand Total (164)

Models (157)

Vehicles (7)


* Currently working on


If there is anything on the list you want to buy off of me let me know, I have too much :cuss..

Edited by appiah5
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I can claim that this week the following has moved from the grey pile of shame to the basecoated pile of shame!


1x Vanguard Librarian

1x Vanguard Lieutenant

Rhino Primaris

5x assault marines

1x Hunter/Stalker

Edited by Xenith
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Well since last ETL I haven't been focusing much on my BA sadly. Like a magpie, my other armies distracted me somewhat.


In my pike of shame at the moment:


  • Primaris Mephiston
  • Shadowspear box
  • 10 Incursors
  • 10 Intercessors - going for DC scheme
  • Agressors
  • 20 Death company with jump packs - primed
  • Repulsor - built not painted


Then I just bought 2 Impulsors and a Redemptor dread. I also have plans to get the new 9th box and split with a friend who wants the Necrons.


Hoping there is another ETL and it will spur me on with my BA again!

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20 Boarding marines

10 Vanguard vets

2 Land Raiders

2 Predators

2 Rhinos

1 Vindicator

1 Fellblade

1 Stormhawk Interceptor



10 Boarding Marines

5 Intercessors with sniper rifles

5 Intercessors with Auto bolters


I can't wait for some decent weather, get some priming done. In the mean time, pass the Mephiston Red!

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