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Your BA Pile of Shame


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  • 2 weeks later...

I found an old stormhawk and painted it, as well as a dread. Then I bought a Leviathan. I'm so weak... The plastic and the resin... It speaks to me.

In the grim darkness of the 41st 42nd millennium there is only war :wink:



On my little battlefield:

-3 Suppressors


1 Corbulo (started, not finished)

1 Captain Slash (started, not finished)

1 3 Primaris Captain

2 Sanguinary priests (1 started, not finished)

1 Primaris Librarian

2 Primaris Chaplain

2 regular Lieutenants

3 5 Primaris Lieutenants

1 Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos armour

2 1 Judiciar

5 Assault Terminators

5 Tartaros Terminators

13 Sanguinary Guards (in various states of completion)

1 Sanguinary Ancient

1 Primaris Ancient

2 1 Primaris Bladeguard Ancient

6 Vanguard Veterans

15 Death Company (in various states of completion)

15 9 Tactical Marines (started, not finished)

11 Incursors

13 6 Intercessors 

10 5 Devastators

3 Aggressors

12 7 Eradicators

 6 Outriders

9 Bladguard Veterans

20 10 Assault Intercessors

3 Eliminators

3 Suppressors

11 Reivers

3 Inceptors (started, not finished)

10 5 Assault Marines

5 scouts (in various states of completion)

1 Count-as Callidus assassin (Infinity Yu-Jing Ninja with bow)

2 SM bikes/Attack bikes

3 Scout bikes

1 Rhino (started, not finished)

1 Repulsor

2 Impulsor

1 Invader ATV

3 Firestrike turrets

1 Leviathan Dreadnought

1 Relic Sicaran Battle Tank/Omega Tank Destroyer (WIP)

1 Stormhawk Interceptor

2 Stormraven Gunships (started, not finished)

1 Imperial Knight

Still keeping most of the points-heavy unpainted/primed stuff for the ETL. Indomitus orders will further increase the grey area :smile.: 

Edited by Majkhel
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I suspect that I am just one of many saying: +1 Indomitus box. Oh, sure the models are pretty enough, but the captain alone has so much detail! I both can't wait to start on those Bladeguard, and really don't want to start in case I mess up.
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I’m looking at the following:

5 DC out of sprue

10 Vanguard Vets, still on sprue

1 Land speeder storm - will remain on sprue for now

5 Terminators, might convert to dual LC ones for fun, but not a must

I was caught in a moment of weakness and added a sanguinary priest, the old Hammer of Baal, one Phobos Librarian and 10 Intercessors to above list.


That said, embiggened marines are very much made for dry brushing! Once the exams are over, I hope to update my thread with some pictures of the new additions.

- Sanguinary Priest

- 10 intercessors

- Phobos Librarian

- 5 DC

+ 10 Tactical Marines

+ 2 attack bikes

+ 2 Razorbacks (half way done)

+ Primaris Mephiston

+ BA JP Chaplain

So, more or less the same, I guess. I should really stop buying more miniatures, but I just can’t. :(

Edit: forgot about the chaplain...

Been a while...so to get up to speed:


- 10 Vanguards


+ Terminator Librarian (WIP)

+ 10 Incursors

+ Phobos Captain (WIP)

+ Aphael (postponed until Assault Intercessors get here)

+ 10 Assault Intercessors

+ 6 Outriders

+ 1 Primaris Lieutenant

+ 1 Primaris Chaplain


Close to finish, the Leviathan.


Yeah...this isn’t going to be good. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

They say a picture says a thousand words. In my case it’s more like a few thousand points.


My built collection still needing paint:




And those still in boxes waiting to be built:





I really hope we get the late ETL this year!


I’m definitely not getting any more until a bunch of these are done. Probably. Maybe.

Edited by Thoridon
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


The more you paint, the more you have to paint. 

That comment has given me pause actually. I don't have that much motivation to paint recently, but perhaps I indeed should paint more and buy less to nudge the painter inside me a bit more :smile.:



It's really difficult, especially with GW's hectic release schedule, shiny new models, and feeling the need for the new models to have a competitive army. I'm trying to limit myself to a one-out, one-in policy with boxes from GW, but at best that keeps me in stasis...

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