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I should also say, I'm planning on taking my pictures of both painted and shame piles later tonight or tomorrow night to get us started. I would not ask a frater to do something I wouldn't be willing to do also! Just like any good Space Marine or Commissar. Edited by Father Mapple

Edit: The fuzzy spot in the lower left hand corner of these pictures is because my wife thought my 7 year old digital camera wasn't as good as a phone camera, and let the toddler who had chocolate on her fingers play with it. So there's apparently chocolate on the lens I didn't notice until posting these. Great!

ORIGINAL POST: I'm not a reliable time keeper, apparently. BUT... here's some painted VS unpainted piles. I left out pictures of just piles of sprues, but I did show the box where I keep them. 


Here's my painted collection. More broken down pictures of each 10-15 minis is going to be in my PLOG in my signature.




Here's my built but unpainted collection. A good portion of it has 3 colors minimum when I was attending a lot of tournaments, but just enough to not be disqualified for prizes based on paint. So I consider them unfinished. Some still have their previous paint job on them too.



Not pictured still on Sprue: An amazing bitz box, 3-4 Vanguard Vets in Plastic, 4-5 Death Co in plastic, 10 BA Tacticals, 20 normal Tacticals, and a couple loose characters in the bitz box in baggies. Some of the collectors, resin, and BA specific plastic ones I have left to assemble are sitting on my work desk hangers. The Blue things are 30k ultramarines. The clear box below holds other hobby projects, like 2 Blood Bowl teams, a Khorne force that is bits complete, and those Heresy boxes are full of future ultramarines. There's also a GW old style single foam case full of Kaskin and Stormtroopers, as well as a lot of Inquisitors and acolytes, and one for Firestorm Armada (Terran and Aquan). The newer GW cases are great for any miniature line, but space ships fit real well in there.







Edited by Father Mapple

It didn't realize how bad it was until I started counting.  On the plus side I did just get an air brush set-up, so that should help.


53 Terminators

20 Tacticals

12 Scouts

5 Devastors

5 Sanguinary Guard

2 Storm ravens

Librarian dreadnought

Chaplain Lemartes



Baal Predator



Predator Destructor

Aegis defense line

Entire contents of BoP box set


Ugh.  That's not even getting into my really shameful pile of filthy xenos and guard...

Edited by Hannibaal

I've been putting off a count up, but during my time away from 40k painting up bolt action stuff, I've still managed to accumulate a large pile of 30k BA bits on trades, swaps and hoovering up spares. By the time we get a proper heresey book I should be OK to just pick up the elite unit and Sangy himself.

I'm fired up to power through my backlog of half finished models this new year. Then I have a couple of long planned units to add, then I'll take stock and decide what to add. Determined to make 2017 a good year for the Blood Angels :)
I realized how much stuff I had laying around and unorganized when I was putting this stuff up after the pictures of my entire collection above. I've committed to reducing the projects to 2 years of paint projects and stuff. If you include the Tempestus Scions, inquisitorial forces, 30k ultramarines, and a Khorne zone mortals force, a few entire forces are going to have to go.
  • 4 weeks later...

Good Evening All,


Finally got around to inventorying everything I've got. I'm breaking ordinary Blood Angel color schemes with my own successor chapter, so all the helms are white for easy interchangeability between units (for example, tactical marines may double as devastators, tactical sergeants may double as assault marines, and special/heavy weapon users may be be assault, tactical, or devastators).


Apologies if the formatting is a little odd; I'm trying to be specific to help motivate myself to actually making some progress on things. I've separated how far I am on each squad into tiers, so that I can set goals and feel good about progressing, even something so simple as spray priming an assembled model (what can I say, I like feeling accomplished...). I also tried to separate by unit type (HQ vs. Elites, etc) to try and keep organized with what I have.


Without further ado:



1          Sanguinary Priest (Undetermined Accessories)


5          Death Company

1          Death Company/Furioso Dreadnought (Magnetized)

5          Sanguinary Guard (Encarmine Sword/Axe/1 PF?)

10        Vanguard Veterans (Magnetized, Lightning Claws, Storm Shields, Thunder Hammers)


4          Assault Marines (Magnetized for Special Weapons)

2          Assault Marine Sergeant



Assembled w/out Primer:

1          Mephiston, Lord of Death



3          Command Squad Veteran (Undecided)

1          Company Champion (Power Sword, Combat Shield)

1          Sanguinary Novitiate (Bolt Pistol)


1          Commander Dante (Kitbash)


In Progress (Painting):

1          Librarian (Bolt Pistol, Power Axe)


1          Terminator Sergeant (Storm Bolter, Power Sword)

3          Terminator (Storm Bolter, Power Fist)

1          Terminator (Heavy Flamer, Power Fist)


3          Tactical Marines, (Special Weapon [Flamer: 1/Meltagun: 0/Grav-gun: 0/Plasma gun: 0]), (Heavy Weapon [Heavy Bolter: 1/Heavy Flamer: 0/Multi-Melta: 0/Missile Launcher: 0/Plasma Cannon: 1/Lascannon: 0])

1          Scout Sergeant (Bolt Pistol, Power Sword)

4          Scout (Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon)


3          Assault Marines (Bolt Pistol, Chain Sword)

2          Assault Marines            (Plasma Pistol, Chain Sword)


Devastators: See Troops: Tactical Entries

1          Predator (Twin-Linked Lascannon Turret, Lascannon Sponsons)


Tabletop Quality Paint (Missing Highlights):

1          Captain (Shrike Kitbash – Jump Pack, Twin Lightning Claws)

1          Captain (Korvydae Kitbash – Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer)

1          Sanguinary Priest (Jump Pack, Valor’s Edge)

1          Chaplain (Jump Pack)


4          Death Company (Bolt Pistol, Chainsword)

2          Death Company (Bolter, Power Fist)


2          Tactical Sergeant (Bolt Pistol, Lightning Claw)

14        Tactical Marines (Bolter)

1          Tactical Marines, (Special Weapon [Flamer: 1/Meltagun: 0/Grav-gun: 0/Plasma gun: 0]), (Heavy Weapon [Heavy Bolter: 0/Heavy Flamer: 0/Multi-Melta: 0/Missile Launcher: 2/Plasma Cannon: 0/Lascannon: 0])

4          Scout (Sniper Rifle)

1          Scout (Missile Launcher)


4          Assault Marines (Bolt Pistol, Chain Sword)


Edge Highlights Completed:


Edited by Brother Aether


Highlights Completed:



I challenge you to get the highlights completed on one tactical squad and that Captain Shrike conversion so you can add some models to this category. Post pics as I want to see that conversion!

I challenge you to get the highlights completed on one tactical squad and that Captain Shrike conversion so you can add some models to this category. Post pics as I want to see that conversion!



I have been looking for an excuse to practice some highlights... :rolleyes:  ( just acquired some highlight shade for the black recently). I do need to clarify that my 'kitbashes/conversions' may not be as fancy as what's currently in the challenge (I popped in that thread, and now I'm really inspired to do a spruced-up Astorath, once I get my finances in order...); Mine are mostly just Cherry-picked parts from Death Company/Vanguard Veteran/Sanguinary Guard sprues, and anything I had lying around in my bitz box(es). I plan to post pictures in my WIP thread soon, once I read the forum tips on how to resize photos/make spoilers!

Edited by Brother Aether

Due to my absence of painting skills my list of shame is quite large. The only models I have finished are Dante + his HG, Meph, Lemartes, Corbulo.


Unfinished as follows:

Captain (was a freebie with 3rd ed. box set on its release)

2 termie squads

2nd ed. dread

10 2nd ed. DC + chaplain; 10 JP DC

10 scouts

40 tac marines incl. 20 from 2nd Ed box. (10 in a custom camo style almost done though)

10 vanguard

15 ASMs

10 Devs including some old 2nd ed guys

LR (at least it's red though)

Baal and regular pred


4 bikers

+ a load of extras like vet sarges, guys with alternate wargear etc.


And that's not counting a horde of Orks including 2nd ed box guys, Space Hulk stealers (think it was 2nd ed SH) and 3rd ed. box DE.

On the plus side I inherited a load of bits from a former 'Eavy metal painter including 10 amazing Legion of the damned and some great scenery.

Update: Posted some Pics on my WIP thread, and created an album with a few test/teaser images.


I should clarify that I have some highlights done...just no Edge Highlighting, which I see as a final stage. Have updated my post above accordingly!

My pile of shame:


5x Bolter Scouts

20x Tactical Marines

5x Devastator Marines

10x Assault Marines (Going to use DC kit to make these)

10x Death Company (It's a BA tactical kit, but they'll be black)

2x Rhinos

1x Imperial Knight (Will be a Crusader)

5x Sternguard

5x Sanguinary Guard (probably will only build 2 Sang Guard and use the other 3 bodies for kit bashes)

1x Mephiston

1x Sanguinor

1x Captain


Currently assembled but not painted:



Currently painting:

8x Sanguinary Guard

After reading some of these lists I feel slightly concerned about my pile of things to do and finish. 


Still in box/ on spur:

Limited edition Terminator Chaplain

Limited edition Terminator Captain (The one with the grenade fist thing) 

Limited edition Imperial Space Marine

Captain Karlaen 

Baal Predator 

2 Blood Angles Tactical Squads

Space Marine Command Tank box set

Space Marine Bike

Command Squad 


To finish: 

3 Blood Angles Tactical marines

2012 Games Day Captain

Death Company Dreadnought

Space Hulk Terminators




Space Wolf squad  

Right now I'm focusing on my Archangels Demi-Company formation, so I'll JUST list that :P


Tactical Terminator Squad Antyel - Done

Tactical Terminator Squad Alpheus - In Progress

Assault Terminator Squad Kurvon - Primed

Terminator Captain Karlean - Primed

Vanguard Veteran Squad Dormoni - Built

Vanguard Veteran Squad Cassus -Built

Furioso Dreadnought Zoreal - Primed

Furioso Dreadnought Efan - Primed

2 Drop Pods - Built


It's literally 30 models at 1500 points, so I should have it painted quickly...right?

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've got quite a lot.


*2 sanguinary priests

*2 chaplains

DC dread

40 tac marines

20 assault marines

15 dev marines

3 land raiders

2 Baal preds

2 stormraven gunships

10 sanguinary guard

3 bikers

11 scouts

15 termies

30 death company


That's all I can remember that I've got unpainted

Forgot to add the contents of Death Masque to my list, so put those in, along with the scouts from Shadow War...


In other news, I have 5x DC and 5x ASM on the go, so should be able to remove them soon. 

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