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Afternoon B&C!

So, I just discovered this little section of the forum... I have been a member here forever but rarely visited for a long time. I have created a WIP log in PCA but thought this may be a good place for more detailed Raven Guard questions!

I have gotten back into the hobby recently after a drunken eBay spend smile.png Mainly as a way to chill out. Getting beat by 12 year olds at FIFA isn't that relaxing after work so painting may be. Not really a gamer, have in the past but no one to go play with now so just collecting. But still want to collect in an army list manner.

Enough rambling. Here are some of the current RG.

Pics are still awful as still on phone and haven't really got anywhere easy or good to take them but you should get the idea.
Current state of the 10 marines I picked up to paint first. Not even a proper squad but starting somewhere. Can we all have at lieast some paint on now. Also started doing the bases on first 3 and tidying up a little.
Then the 3 different things I am trying on armour.
First one has been drybrushed Eshin grey then inked with Nuln oil. Second has been drybrushed with Eshin then again with Dawnstone and nothing else. Third is Eshin drybrush then a neaten using Abbadon. I will then add an edge of dawnstone.
I actually like each of them. I might try a really light glaze of nuln on the middle and hopefully that will be a quick black.
I also got 5 terminators out the dettol and cleaned then sprayed today. Will do them after these guys and do them the same time as a contemptor.
Edited by angel robertson
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Welcome back the painting part of the hobby is what got me back into 40k too.


Great way to zone out after a stressful day.


Yeh all 3 look decent, bit hard to be super critical with the flash though. ;)


One of my next projects is making a cheap and easy light box. Especially for my RG.

Thanks duz_ . Yeah I need tog et my misus' DSLR which I just bought her for her birthday. But she is still getting used to me painting small plastic men. So stealing a camera to photograph them and then post on the internet may push her over the edge.


*Sniped by Race!*


Cheers for that Race. I like your matte finish guys a lot! Yeah, I did mean to ask best one ha so thanks. Once I finish the armour on each I will do a vote off :)

Edited by angel robertson

Haha, fortunately for me all the good camera gear is mine. ;)


When my wife occasionally gets sick of my plastic toys. I tell her I could always be drinking and womanizing to blow off steam instead and then she remembers its not all that bad. Haha

Looking good man! I like the subtleness of your highlighting and paint scheme. With Raven Guard the largest obstacle I've encountered is knowing when "enough is enough," in terms of accenting and highlighting. You guys are all really motivating me to begin to paint more (between work, school and marine stuff, time and sleep is at a premium,) but as was mentioned above, nothing like zoning out and painting or assembling for a few hours.


I do have a box or two of VV coming in, so I think I might assemble the guys with the Sanguinary wings i picked up, and might begin a WiP for them, and i definitely will welcome any and all hints, tips and advice, as painting is not yet my strong suit, as i just picked up 40k again since, i believe 4th Ed. 


Best of luck and keep the pictures coming!

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