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I mean...the transports can only transport things that can freely teleport anyways.


Which is why its a was a terrible choice, and probably didn't even need to exist at all. It be like Legion players forcing boxdreads into their army totally pointless. Custodes infiltrate or Deep Strike. I fully expect to null deploy against custodes when ever I play them, and go second most of the time.

Edited by Baluc

I mean I fully disagree. Our transport is amazing against things like...typhon tanks. And I while yes I will be taking advantage of infiltrate I think it will be reserved for things like hetaerons with the Tribune attached, the tanks I'm liking a lot.


I will write up some more list once mine arrive this week hopefully and have them tested against non petty lists.


Plus it's just a great load more anti troop dakka against heavy weapon teams etc.

Edited by Hellex_The_Thanatar



I mean...the transports can only transport things that can freely teleport anyways.

Which is why its a was a terrible choice, and probably didn't even need to exist at all. It be like Legion players forcing boxdreads into their army totally pointless. Custodes infiltrate or Deep Strike. I fully expect to null deploy against custodes when ever I play them, and go second most of the time.

What if the opponent is Mechanicum with ample infiltration prevention and lots of interceptor?



I mean...the transports can only transport things that can freely teleport anyways.

Which is why its a was a terrible choice, and probably didn't even need to exist at all. It be like Legion players forcing boxdreads into their army totally pointless. Custodes infiltrate or Deep Strike. I fully expect to null deploy against custodes when ever I play them, and go second most of the time.

What if the opponent is Mechanicum with ample infiltration prevention and lots of interceptor?



Its the same vs SW you deploy outside of the range of their gear. Infiltrate isn't just about being closer to the enemy so you can assault, its about deploying the best possible position to influence the game, which infiltrate puts you in an amazing place to do seeing as how you know exactly where the enemy are going to be. Against Mechanicum and SW its about deploying on or very close to objectives with your troops. Or in positions that make it difficult for the enemy to remove, so in cover, or ruins (since Custodes ignore terrain for the most part), but also putting tough bodies between the enemy and your vehicle hulls and bikes so that you can preserve your hitting power. 


But, Custodes can also infiltrate with their dedicated transports if need be. Infiltrating Torrent weapons templates are deadly as well. 

Can you infiltrate the transports? Reading the Warlord Trait it seems like you can infiltrate the unit, but the Transport can't. 


The transport is cheap (for Custodes) and can put out a fair bit of firepower, i'll be using 2 just to get my non infiltrating squads up the board.

Can you infiltrate the transports? Reading the Warlord Trait it seems like you can infiltrate the unit, but the Transport can't.


The transport is cheap (for Custodes) and can put out a fair bit of firepower, i'll be using 2 just to get my non infiltrating squads up the board.

Yup. And you can't charge anyways since no assault transport. So infiltrate away. Then hop out and burn the things to death.

I thought a few pages back people were claiming the transports were great lol.

They are I don't understand his stance that they are not good. It is a decent load of guns and protection from some of the things we are vulnerable too.


Like horus' str10 blast.

Blasts are not that scary with shrikes and 3" coherency. Best case scenario, you roll a hit and cover two models, and after wound rolls and invulnerables, you lose one guy. It will do more damage to the transport than the things it's transporting.

Blasts are not that scary with shrikes and 3" coherency. Best case scenario, you roll a hit and cover two models, and after wound rolls and invulnerables, you lose one guy. It will do more damage to the transport than the things it's transporting.


Essentially this.

My friend is starting an IH army allied with SL so I'm expecting a highly mechanized Head of Gordon lists at 2000(or 2500 if our painting processes go extremely well). I believe he is planning to spam LR Proteus and possibly a Firedrakes Deathstar too. So any suggestions guys for a Custodes Newbie? Many thanks!

Speaking of which, how many coronus you guys normally take? Is it necessary to roll every squad of custodes in those fancy cars?

The way I've played, I usually deep strike or infiltrate any custodes. I've only used Coronus when testing Sagittarum.

This thread is enlightening. Little frustrated I went through the trouble of buying a Coronus when it really isn't a necessary transport-especially without an assault ramp. That money seems to be better spent on Caladius or more dreadnoughts.

I feel quite the same way! Friends here really help a lot.

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