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+ Index Astartes: Sanguine Gargoyles +


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gallery_68553_12554_4980.jpg CHAPTER NAME: .............. Sanguine Gargoyles

PREDECESSOR: ............... Sanguinius
FOUNDING: .................. 21st [991.M35]
CHAPTER MASTER: ............ Commander Ambrogio
HOMEWORLD: ................. Levidan Destroyed [CRUSADING CHAPTER]

FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ Battle Barge Angelus Fortis; Battle Barge Golden Spear
COLORS: .................... Dark gray, w/ left shoulder painted red
SPECIALTY: ................. Blitzkrieg assaults
STRENGTH: .................. Under strength
BATTLE-CRY: ................ "By the blood of our brethren!"

"They stand sentinel among the stars, stoically enduring their unending vigil. Yet when a world is threatened they hurtle from above, falling upon their foes with terrible vengeance, and a fury born of The Angel." -Unknown Imperial Citizen

<<First letter of first word>>
Initial paragraphs cover the general background of the Chapter, starting with an overview of the Chapter's earliest history and some pivotal events later history.>>

<<description of the Chapter's homeworld>>

<<A paragraph or two on the Chapter's organization (short paragraph if Codex-adherent, longer if the Chapter has some degree of deviation)>>

<<Paragraphs to describe the key distinguishing characteristics of the Chapter>>

<<Paragraph to describe the Chapter’s fleet and combat organizations>>

<<Paragraph to describe the Chapter’s heraldry and appearance>>

Brother Nero in Power Armor Sanguine Gargoyles 3rd Battle Company, 7th Tactical Squad

Captain Baldassare in Terminator Armor

Commander, Assault Squad Baldassare

Sanguine Gargoyles 1st Veteran Company, 1st Assault Squad

<<description of the Chapter's combat doctrine>>

<<description of the Chapter's gene-seed source, mutations, and defects>>

<<description of the Chapter's interaction with the Legio>>

<<Battle/Operation/Campaign Name>> [###.M##]
<<A few paragraphs to describe the battle/operation/campaign and why it was notable for the Chapter>>

<<Battle/Operation/Campaign Name>> [###.M##]
<<A few paragraphs to describe the battle/operation/campaign and why it was notable for the Chapter>>

<<Battle/Operation/Campaign Name>> [###.M##]
<<A few paragraphs to describe the battle/operation/campaign and why it was notable for the Chapter>>


Captain Mikael Donato

Commander, Vanguard Assault Squad Donato

Sanguine Gargoyles 1st Veteran Company, 3rd Assault Squad

<<image URL>>
Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother's name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>>

<<image URL>>
Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother's name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>>

<<image URL>>
Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother’s name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>>

<<image URL>>
Brother <<(or other title)>> <<Battle-brother's name>> <<A few lines of information (make sure you hard return each line)>>
Edited by Brother Mikael
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The overall idea for the Sanguine Gargoyles is that, with the loss of their homeworld, they are now permanently a Crusading Chapter. When founded, they were tasked with patrolling the void between Baal, Terra, and the Eye of Terror. The only time the Chapter would set foot on their homeworld of Levidan was to recruit new Initiates into their ranks. After the destruction of their homeworld, the Chapter split its forces in two, leaving a third of their number permanently patrolling the stars around Baal and its moons while the remainder continues patrolling their original charter.




  • Crusading Chapter/Strategic Prognostication: 21st Founding [Created to patrol space between Baal, Terra, and the Eye of Terror in an effort to defend against a then-unknown threat; threat revealed to be recurring Black Crusades at the hands of Abaddon the Despoiler]


  • Homeworld: Levidan [Feral world; Jungle/wasteland mix; Destroyed during Abaddon's 12th Black Crusade; Was part of the Tarantis system, in the Gothic Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus]
  • Homeworld Governance: Rule from afar [Only interacted with the populace of Levidan during the recruiting cycle; Levidanian folklre speaks of the Gargoyles with a mix of reverence and fear: stories are told of the warrior-gods who took to the skies to defend the people, but also that these warrior-gods required periodic tithes of living souls as payment for their protection]


  • Codex Adherence: Divergent [Chapter organized into 8 companies (1 Veteran, 3 Battle, 3 Reserve, 1 Scout) instead of 10, plus a Death Company (Death Company rarely falls below 25-30 Astartes, and is often above 50); dual Battle Barge Fortress-Monastaries]
  • Chapter Strength: Under Strength [unable to recruit new Initiates via normal methods, must resort to requesting supplements from Baal and recruiting from populations of planets rescued]
  • Chapter Command: "The Coven" [Comprised of the Chapter Master, High Priest, Chief Librarian, High Chaplain, Chapter Ancients, and 8 Company Commanders (15 total members); convenes every Terran-standard decade to determine overall direction of the Chapter, assess new threats, re-evaluate continuing conflicts, etc.]


  • Chapter Demeanor: No Mercy, No Respite
  • Chapter Flaw: We Stand Alone [shuns contact with anyone not of Sanguinius' bloodline; AdMech is only exception; seeing their aberrant skin tone as a flaw in their appearance, the Chapter rarely enters combat helmet-less, and will usually only approach and/or seek council from fellow descendants of Sanguinius.]
  • Chapter Beliefs: Revere the Primarch
  • Special Equipment: Blessed wargear [Chaplains consecrate wargear before battle]

Combat Doctrine

  • Lightning strikes [strike hard and fast in order to end the conflict quickly and thereby avoid as much collateral damage as possible]


  • Gene-Seed Purity: Mutated [unknown cause; most likely genetic degredation]
  • Gene-Seed Mutations:
    1. Disturbing Voice [The Adeptus Mechanicus is highly interested by this mutation's manifestation. Over the first few years after being transformed into an Astartes, Brothers' voices will take on one of two distinct sounds; some will have voices as smooth and quiet as a whisper, while the others will develop a deep, gravelly voice, like a rockslide]
    2. Malfunctioning Melanchromic Organ [similar to the Salamanders' and Raven Guard's malfunctioning melanchromic organ, the organ has developed an anomly that causes the Gargoyles' skin to turn a light gray color.]
    3. Marines more susceptible to the Black Rage [believed to be due, in part, to the lack of standardized recruiting practices (most notably, the fact that recruits are drawn from any number of differing sources), as well as probable genetic degredation 

Chapter Legends:

  • Chapter Master Cervantes: Founding Chapter Master [Deceased; former Blood Angels Chaplain, seconded to the Gargoyles to lead the new Chapter; slew a Daemon Prince]
  • Furioso Alessandro: Chapter Ancient [Also know as Alessandro the Selfless; suffered mortal wounds fighting to recover the bodies of a squad of Initiates and their Sergeant from a Dark Eldar raiding party]
  • Chief Librarian Pellegrino: Current Chief Librarian [infamous as the "Red Lightning" among the Orks, having fought numerous devastating battles against them] 

Allies & Enemies:

  • Chapter Allies: Adeptus Mechanicus [seconded several squads to AdMech Exploratory Fleets in exchange for silence about nature of geneseed mutations, degredation, and attempts to find a cure]
  • Chapter Enemies:
    1. Abaddon's Black Legion [Destroyed the Chapter's homeworld]
Edited by Brother Mikael
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It may be because it's extremely late (or early, depending on how you look at things), but I can't seem to be able to correctly format my caption for my Veteran Sergeant at the bottom of the post. Is there some coding (like <br></br>) that I need to be adding, instead of simply hitting the return key?

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It may be because it's extremely late (or early, depending on how you look at things), but I can't seem to be able to correctly format my caption for my Veteran Sergeant at the bottom of the post. Is there some coding (like <br></br>) that I need to be adding, instead of simply hitting the return key?

Well I can see the caption fine :)

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Well I can see the caption fine :smile.:

Heh, my apologies; it's definitely the lack of sleep. I was referring to the note to hard return after each line in the caption; it would look like one long line of text (that may cause the reader to have to scroll left/right if long enough) otherwise, instead of roughly matching the width of the image above the caption. Case in point, I wish for the caption underneath my image of Sgt. Mikael to read as follows:


"Veteran Sergeant Mikael Donato

Commander, Assault Squad Donato

2nd Battle Company, 7th Squad, Sanguine Gargoyles"


Every time I hit the save button, however, it reverts back to "Veteran Sergeant Mikael Donato Commander, Assault Squad Donato 2nd Battle Company, 7th Squad, Sanguine Gargoyles." I have tried hitting the return key, shift+return, <br> (with and without </br), [br] (also with and without [/br]), and have exhausted my admittedly limited knowledge of forum post coding in that regard.

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Ah, indeed you're right. How about trying to insert a second return (sometimes that works).


However, I shouldn't get too hung up about that, you can always simply include the image as a normal image and place the caption in the body of the text underneath - we're primarily interested in the content ;)

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I never thought to try a second return before. After reading your suggestion, though, I tried it and it still didn't work. But thanks for the effort.


And I would simply do things the way you mention, but my OCD tendencies just won't let me do that, heh. :sweat:

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Nitpick: "Chapter demeanor: No Mervy, No Respite" should be "Chapter demeanor: No MERCY, No Respite" (emphasis mine).


Looks okay thus far, but which planets do your Chapter recruit from? As you wrote, "HOMEWORLD: Destroyed [CRUSADING CHAPTER]", I wonder if the Sanguine Gargoyles will soon look for a replacement; are sworn never to rest (or recruit new Marines) until they avenged their homeworld's destruction; or are unable to recruit, as the crusade is a penitent one, which the Inquisition forced them to undertake.

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Right now I'm still working on fleshing everything out. That second post you were reading is simply a place for me to put notes so I don't clutter up the actual Index post, and is really little more than an outline at the moment.
And thanks for bringing the spelling error to my attention; I'll fix that immediately.
Also, I'm still trying to figure out how to get my captions formatted properly, if anyone else has any input on that. :confused:

Edited by Brother Mikael
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For anyone who might be interested, the rough outline for my article is up in the second post. Obviously this isn't complete, otherwise I wouldn't be referring you to the second post instead of the first, but I wanted to get some input on what I have so far. Right now I'm more interested in whether my basic ideas seem too special snowflake-y, too vanilla-y, or maybe they're alright, they just need minor tweaking. I know there's not a whole lot of info yet, but that's the point; I'm not looking for an analytical breakdown of every aspect of my chapter just yet.


Let me know what yall think.

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I will be blunt, so brace for impact.


For anyone who might be interested, the rough outline for my article is up in the second post. Obviously this isn't complete, otherwise I wouldn't be referring you to the second post instead of the first, but I wanted to get some input on what I have so far. Right now I'm more interested in whether my basic ideas seem too special snowflake-y, too vanilla-y, or maybe they're alright, they just need minor tweaking.

A interesting Chapter is born out of theme, idea, concept, whatever you have, not from random selection of choices... So far you have none.



~ NightrawenII

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I can take blunt. :)


I would like to point out, however, that I did state I'm just looking for input on how my ideas (outlined in the second post) sound. I want to know if what I have currently seems like maybe I'm trying to make my chapter too special, or if readers think maybe I could do a little more to make it stand out better from other chapters, or even how I might approach one of my ideas from a better direction. It would also be nice to know if any of what I've come up with so far goes against canon. I'm not seeking a complete breakdown of my article, simply because I know I don't have one yet. 

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I can take blunt. :smile.:


I would like to point out, however, that I did state I'm just looking for input on how my ideas (outlined in the second post) sound. I want to know if what I have currently seems like maybe I'm trying to make my chapter too special, or if readers think maybe I could do a little more to make it stand out better from other chapters, or even how I might approach one of my ideas from a better direction. It would also be nice to know if any of what I've come up with so far goes against canon. I'm not seeking a complete breakdown of my article, simply because I know I don't have one yet. 

Nightrawen's question is more about what overarching theme you have for your chapter, what ties all the elements together? If a chapter has a single theme, it will be more cohesive, and ultimately easier to create.

Ideally, you should be able to explain your theme in four or five words maximum.

Cannon examples would be the Ultramarines (roman legions in space), the Space Wolves (Werewolf vikings in space) or the Lamenters (Making bad luck an art)

Some DIY examples (from the Liber Cluster project) are the Scarlet Sentinels (British redcoats in space) or the Conflagrators ("she's a witch, burn 'er", but angry and in space)


Try and see if you can find a theme into which all your ideas can be plugged :)

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Guest Mordray

Deathwatch random tables? Personally I found the tables wanting... to each their own.

The overall idea for the Sanguine Gargoyles is that, with the loss of their homeworld, they are now permanently a Crusading Chapter. When founded, they were tasked with patrolling the void between Baal, Terra, and the Eye of Terror. The only time the Chapter would set foot on their homeworld of Levidan was to recruit new Initiates into their ranks. After the destruction of their homeworld, the Chapter split its forces in two, leaving a third of their number permanently patrolling the stars around Baal and its moons while the remainder continues patrolling their original charter.

So you're boy got their assess handed to them and they ran to daddy? I would think the Blood Angels would take the presence of these guys as unnecessary... though I could be mistaken... honestly I prefer to keep chapters away from the GW specified big shots if for no reason other than to keep them resistant to the flaky way GW manages their universe.

Reason for founding: Crusade 
Chapter demeanor: No Mercy, No Respite

Chapter Flaw: We Stand Alone (shuns contact with anyone not of Sanguinius' bloodline; AdMech is only exception) [seeing thier aberrant skin tone as a flaw in their appearance, the Chapter rarely enters combat helmet-less, and will only approach and/or seek council from fellow descendants of Sanguinius.]

I don't see a problem here in and of itself. You want what you want. Though I would ask why doesn't their grey skin tone bother them in relation to their more perfect cousins?

Gene-seed purity: Mutated [unknown cause; most likely genetic degredation]
Gene-seed mutations:

  • Disturbing voice [This Adeptus Mechanicus is highly interested by this mutation's manifestation. Over the first few years after being transformed into an Astartes, Brothers' voices will take on one of two distinct sounds; some will have voices as smooth and quiet as a whisper, while the others will develop a deep, gravelly voice, like a rockslide]
  • Malfunctioning melanchromic organ [similar to the Salamanders' and Raven Guard's malfunctioning melanchromic organ, the Sanguinge Gargoyles have developed an anomly in their organ that causes their skin to turn a light gray color.]
  • Marines more susceptible to the Black Rage [believed to be due, in part, to the lack of standardized recruiting practices (most notably, the fact that recruits are drawn from any number of differing sources), as well as probable genetic degredation.]

Not much to say about these they add and remove not much... One question though are they called the gargoyles because they have grey skin or is their skin grey because they are called the gargoyles? Personally I would ask the author of the Carcarchadon's the same thing...

Chapter Legends:

  • Chapter Master Cervantes [Former Blood Angels Chaplain, seconded to the Gargoyles to lead the new Chapter; slew a Daemon Prince]
  • Furioso Dreadnought, Alessandro the Selfless [suffered mortal wounds fighting to recover the bodies of a squad of Initiates and their Sergeant from a Dark Eldar raiding party]
  • Chief Librarian Pellegrino [infamous as the "Red Lightning" among the Orks, having fought numerous devastating battles against them]


So a chaplain is your founding chapter master? How has that affected their zeal? Chaplains as I've seen them presented aren't exactly the most stable of leaders... perhaps I've been reading the wrong books...

Homeworld: Levidan [Feral world; Jungle/wasteland mix; Destroyed during Abaddon's 12th Black Crusade; Was part of the Tarantis system, in the Gothic Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus]
Homeworld governance: Rule from afar [Only interacted with the populace of Levidan during the recruiting cycle; Levidanian folklre speaks of the Gargoyles with a mix of reverence and fear: stories are told of the warrior-gods who took to the skies to defend the people, but also that these warrior-gods required periodic tithes of living souls as payment for their protection]

Why kill off a world you obviously have idea's for?

Chapter organization: Divergent [Chapter organized into 8 companies (1 Veteran, 3 Battle, 3 Reserve, 1 Scout) instead of 10, plus a Death Company (Death Company rarely falls below 25-30 Astartes, and is often above 50); Dual Fortress-Monastaries]
Combat doctrine: Lightning strikes [strike hard and fast in order to avoid as much collateral damage as possible]

So not much to say about the organization... I personally can't stand the 10 companies garbage the codex calls for. As for the combat doctrine why the focus on minimising collateral damage? Going for a "noble monsters" feel?

Special equipment: Blessed wargear (Chaplains consecrate wargear before battle)
Chapter beliefs: Revere the Primarch
Chapter strength: Under Strength [unable to recruit new Initiates via normal methods, must resort to accepting supplements from Baal and recruiting from populations of planets rescued; 
Chapter allies: Adeptus Mechanicus [seconded several squads to AdMech Exploratory Fleets in exchange for silence about geneseed mutations, degredation, and attempts to find a cure];
Chapter enemies: Abaddon's Black Legion [Destroyed the Chapter's Homeworld]; Emperor's Children [Arch-enemies of the Blood Angels]

Ok... special equipment... I'd ask the point, but this is 40k... belief alone is often enough... except when it's not.

Beliefs... seems normal...

Chapter Strength... ... ... why...


Alright we have a serious problem... You are recruiting from Baal? The freakin Blood Angels homeworld? ...


... would they let you? last I knew even on a world with a compatible population they number of compatible individuals was limited... and via reason would be getting smaller as they are removed from the gene pool...

... would you even consider it? Is this something GW added that I'm unaware of where chapters send each other recruits?



As for the allies... if the Admech's arrangement with your chapter is ever discovered it would be bad for them... I'd just drop this personally as this is just a galactic scale can of worms you don't need. I don't see much reason to give the nutters in the Admech anymore reason to 'lose' technology and/or shipments of hardware for your chapter.


As far as enemies are concerned... I got nothing.

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I can take blunt. :smile.:


I would like to point out, however, that I did state I'm just looking for input on how my ideas (outlined in the second post) sound. I want to know if what I have currently seems like maybe I'm trying to make my chapter too special, or if readers think maybe I could do a little more to make it stand out better from other chapters, or even how I might approach one of my ideas from a better direction. It would also be nice to know if any of what I've come up with so far goes against canon. I'm not seeking a complete breakdown of my article, simply because I know I don't have one yet. 

Well... I'm well aware of your request, hence my reply ( otherwise I would do what Mordray did :rolleyes: ).


Short answer: It's generic.


Long(ish) answer: You are obviously using a FFG's Chapter generator for this one, and like all products of assembly line it's neither good nor bad, it should work just fine and it's quite unoriginal.


If you are fine with it, then more power to you. But if you want a Chapter the people take interest in, choose a theme or a direction you want to take with this Chapter. Right now, you have a couple of trees, not the forest.



~ NightrawenII

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Nightrawen's question is more about what overarching theme you have for your chapter, what ties all the elements together? If a chapter has a single theme, it will be more cohesive, and ultimately easier to create.

Ideally, you should be able to explain your theme in four or five words maximum.

Cannon examples would be the Ultramarines (roman legions in space), the Space Wolves (Werewolf vikings in space) or the Lamenters (Making bad luck an art)

Some DIY examples (from the Liber Cluster project) are the Scarlet Sentinels (British redcoats in space) or the Conflagrators ("she's a witch, burn 'er", but angry and in space)


Try and see if you can find a theme into which all your ideas can be plugged :smile.:



Thanks for the input; when I first started writing this I had that very goal in mind, and I apparently lost sight of it along the way.



Well... I'm well aware of your request, hence my reply ( otherwise I would do what Mordray did :rolleyes: ).


Short answer: It's generic.


Long(ish) answer: You are obviously using a FFG's Chapter generator for this one, and like all products of assembly line it's neither good nor bad, it should work just fine and it's quite unoriginal.


If you are fine with it, then more power to you. But if you want a Chapter the people take interest in, choose a theme or a direction you want to take with this Chapter. Right now, you have a couple of trees, not the forest.



~ NightrawenII



Yes, I used their generation tables, but none of it was random. I picked each option with the end goal already in mind; this isn't just something cobbled together based on dice rolls. And I'm sorry you feel it's quite an unoriginal idea. But thank you for the critiques.

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Deathwatch random tables? Personally I found the tables wanting... to each their own.

Eh, they are a little lackluster, sure. I simply used them to get a framework for my chapter, because they do hit pretty much all the major points.


So you're boy got their assess handed to them and they ran to daddy? I would think the Blood Angels would take the presence of these guys as unnecessary... though I could be mistaken... honestly I prefer to keep chapters away from the GW specified big shots if for no reason other than to keep them resistant to the flaky way GW manages their universe.

This is one of the ideas that I'm really on the fence about. I wanted to see if this might be a little much for people before I developed it, but I also didn't mean for it to read as they patrol space directly around Baal, but that they patrol "nearby." The problem is with my wording. 


I don't see a problem here in and of itself. You want what you want. Though I would ask why doesn't their grey skin tone bother them in relation to their more perfect cousins?


Not much to say about these they add and remove not much... One question though are they called the gargoyles because they have grey skin or is their skin grey because they are called the gargoyles? Personally I would ask the author of the Carcarchadon's the same thing...

Their skin tone does bother them in relation to their cousins. They view themselves as disfigured, and shy away from superfluous contact with outsiders. This includes their brother chapters, though to a much lesser extent.


Also, their skin tone is unrelated to their chapter name. I had originally toyed with the idea that maybe they were names the Gargoyles for their skin, but I would have gone with a skin tone closer to the Salamaders' instead of closer to the Carcharadons'. In the end (it doesn't even matter?), I simply chose to give the chapter a benign geneseed mutation unrelated to them being descendants of Sanguinius.


So a chaplain is your founding chapter master? How has that affected their zeal? Chaplains as I've seen them presented aren't exactly the most stable of leaders... perhaps I've been reading the wrong books...

It has probably turned them into a slightly more zealous chapter than their parents, for sure. But I don't believe that just because Chaplains are known to be fervent believers, practitioners, and orators of the chapter's beliefs doesn't mean that they can't also be stable leaders. Otherwise why would they make good Chaplains in the first place? Sure, there's going to be those who go beyond "normal" and take things to the extreme, but I just don't honestly see that being the majority (maybe they just make for better storytelling?). But being chosen to lead the new chapter is a responsibility all its own, and so while he still has the zeal, oratory skills, and charisma that allowed him to succeed in the Chaplaincy, he's less focused on spreading the word (today's word is "Bird") and more focused on running an entire chapter.


Why kill off a world you obviously have idea's for?

I did it because that was one aspect I had for the chapter from the start; their homeworld had been lost, and using the 12th Black Crusade allowed me to tie my chapter into the lore in a way that wouldn't clash with established happenings. I also don't really have ideas for it, I just wanted to be able to have more than just a couple sentences on the subject. I may eliminate the homeworld section altogether, and just use what little is there as sidebars or excerpts elsewhere (perhaps in the Beliefs section). 


So not much to say about the organization... I personally can't stand the 10 companies garbage the codex calls for. As for the combat doctrine why the focus on minimising collateral damage? Going for a "noble monsters" feel?

I ditched the standard 10 companies to once again distance the chapter from their cousins in a way wholly unrelated to them being descended from the Blood Angels. And regarding their method of combat, yea, it's something like that. It's born from seeing their homeworld destroyed, which in their minds was because the Crusade was "allowed" to continue for so long. They don't blame anyone in particular, at least not any of the Imperial forces, they just view it as something that could have been avoided.


Ok... special equipment... I'd ask the point, but this is 40k... belief alone is often enough... except when it's not.

Beliefs... seems normal...

Chapter Strength... ... ... why...

The special equipment tables from FFG are where I find the most issues. They're very unoriginal and mostly uninspiring. But in this case, I went with the blessed wargear because it ties in with the founding Chapter Master having once been a Chaplain.


Regarding the Chapter strength, between lacking a "traditional" means of recruitment, and having a higher than normal concentration of Brothers inducted into the Death Company, and coupled with the fact that they're a crusading chapter, I felt that being at full strength was a little too "having my cake and eating it too." Sure, if their homeworld was still around, they might warrant a "Nominal" strength rating, but that also deprives me of a concern (read: literary opportunity) for my Chapter Master to worry about.


Alright we have a serious problem... You are recruiting from Baal? The freakin Blood Angels homeworld? ...


... would they let you? last I knew even on a world with a compatible population they number of compatible individuals was limited... and via reason would be getting smaller as they are removed from the gene pool...

... would you even consider it? Is this something GW added that I'm unaware of where chapters send each other recruits?

I figured this would be the part to stick out the most.


No, the chapter does not recruit from Baal or its moons. You're right; even with recruiting happening only once per generation, there's still not enough to split with a second chapter. Rather, in times of great need, the Chapter Master might beseech the Blood Angels for even just a handful of recruits, if they can be spared (not aspirants who have already been inducted into the Blood Angels' Scout Company, but aspirants who are still waiting to receive their gene-seed implants and imbibe the blood of Sanguinius).


The majority of the chapter's recruiting comes from the populations of worlds they have saved (assuming they're not already claimed by other chapters, and that they can actually support even a small recruiting run).


As for the allies... if the Admech's arrangement with your chapter is ever discovered it would be bad for them... I'd just drop this personally as this is just a galactic scale can of worms you don't need. I don't see much reason to give the nutters in the Admech anymore reason to 'lose' technology and/or shipments of hardware for your chapter.

To be fair, it's already known that the geneseed from other Blood Angels successors has degraded and/or mutated, They aren't trying to hide that, as it's probably a foregone conclusion in most people's minds. What they are trying to hide is the effects of the degradation and mutation of the geneseed, and the methods they've used to attempt to "fix" it. So it's not really such a huge secret, especially since if I remember correctly, there's at least one canonical successor chapter with a similar agreement. I could quite possibly be wrong, but I'd swear I've read that somewhere.


Thanks for your thoughts, they definitely help. :happy.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over on my project log, I explained the reasoning for choosing the name "Sanguine Gargoyles." Well, mostly; "Sanguine" should be rather obvious, considering the chapter's heritage.

Heh, I actually went with the name Gargoyles because of their original use; they diverted rainfall away from buildings in order reduce water damage, stains, etc. That was my original intent for these guys, to channel the Imperium's enemies away from vital sectors/worlds in order to reduce the damage they could cause. (Gargoyles shouldn't be confused with grotesques, which are similar, but don't have the water-diverting channels down their spines that gargoyles do. A grotesque's purpose was to ward off evil/malevolent spirits, which actually fits the 40k theme quite well itself.)

While this isn't "four or five words to explain the chapter's theme," it was the impetus for the creation of my successors. I knew I didn't want to paint my guys the standard red, as I wanted my army to be uniquely mine. Then I slowly decided I wanted to actually give my Marines a background, and that had to start with a name. I bounced between several possibilities, but didn't decide on Sanguine Gargoyles until I googled the original reason gargoyles were first made. I myself had gotten gargoyles and grotesques confused (or rather, thought they were all the same, and that some just had waterspouts while others didn't), and that's when I knew I had what I was looking for.


Going back and submitting the quoted post, I've realized I should probably not have them located in a single area, but have hem be a true Crusading Chapter, traveling to systems and sectors that are most vulnerable and under attack, perhaps acting as "first responders" until other Imperial forces can arrive.


I'm still having trouble limiting myself to a short sentence to explain these guys, but I'm also not the best wordsmith, so I may be SOL there without  some assistance.

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IMO, being a crusader Chapter doesn't fit your theme.

To be a *true* gargoyles, they have to sit on roof of building and ward off rain. So, it would make more sense for them to be positioned either near stellar anomaly/xeno-empire or at the "gate" to important cluster of worlds.



~ NightrawenII

Edited by NightrawenII
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Very true. Well, what would you think about having half the Chapter stationed somewhere (perhaps in the vicinity of the Eye of Terror?), with the other half split into smaller forces and stationed at several other critical locations (such as the border with the Tau Empire)? Each Marine, excluding High Command personnel, would rotate between the "main fleet" and the smaller sub-fleets as circumstances permitted. 

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Well, what would you think about having half the Chapter stationed somewhere (perhaps in the vicinity of the Eye of Terror?), with the other half split into smaller forces and stationed at several other critical locations (such as the border with the Tau Empire)?


The Tau Empire is on other side of galaxy than a Eye of Terror.


Also, you could make them part of Astartes Praeses.



~ NightrawenII

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I don't see why distance would matter; the Black Templars are spread all over the Imperium. And the Tau Empire was just an example of a possible front my Chapter to be on.


Also, I had never considered the Astartes Praeses, as I've never really heard of it before now.

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Guest Mordray

The Black Templars are spread out yes... however, iirc, they are also damn near legion size and being anything other then spread out would result in that being confirmed.

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