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Applications for Legio XVIII


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When you were talking about gothic Knights, of whom did you speak???



HA! I wish. He hasn't even read....hm, not sure if the board would tell me if he read my PM since he's using the Privacy setting.


No, I was referring to Nate, who happens to be in the same room as me right now. 

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Oh damn sim...you gonna catch up. Today you are azus


Ha ha! My honour is avenged from yesterday! 

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One restriction we could implement right now is tied to something mentioned and supported yesterday. I believe a couple of the members wanted to bring in outside blood for the project. Given the 11 applications we have right now, do we want to eliminate the Legionnaire ring?

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So with all that behind us.

How about female primarchs?



Well, just fire a Fatboy in the middle of the forums, why don't ya? *dives into a nearby trench*

As the siege master I reserve the right to use the BIG GUNS.


But no it was actually a serious question.

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Not sure that's a can of worms our project should open. In a standalone project it'd be worth exploring...but we already have a lot of things going on that working in the explanation, all the effects it would have, and the dynamics between the 17 brothers and 1 sister might be too much.
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Not sure that's a can of worms our project should open. In a standalone project it'd be worth exploring...but we already have a lot of things going on that working in the explanation, all the effects it would have, and the dynamics between the 17 brothers and 1 sister might be too much.

You make good logic drak.

Edited by Demus Ragnok
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Besides the fact who of us would be willing to explore and write from a woman pov?

No one would like to enter this madness. ;)

That's the best part. I know a woman who already has a really well thought out woman primarch.


Don't know if she has the time or desire to join this mad little universe or not.


Just thought I'd ask you all before I reached out to her.

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Ask talonair. He created.mortera and I am sure she thinks more than:


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Does anybody recognize it? ^^




Edit: The female Primarch thing was not a joke? Oh well I am crazy. I would like to read her concept

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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When I'm thinking about a female primarch, I got something like a female, old school Russian body builder in mind.


Please tell us that her Prinarch is gracious, and filigree. Can't stand a male looking primarch with boobs.


If she is like the sisters, I'm fine with giving her a chance. Though it could become difficult for us.

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Well. Sanguinius and curze had both visions. Maybe this will function here as well? But on the other hand alexandros ( guys you should rethink your naming) and icarion both habe visions and can read the future too. That is their thing. Do we really need another precog? I like the concept of the twin primarchs more. Bit i suggest they shouldn't rival for power. They should know their abilites and strwngth and always work togheter. Even on the battlefield. For example alone they are a well....not so strong but togheter they could get a boost ao that they are whole and strong. Complimenting each other. Alone preator lv char. Togheter withing 2" primarch top tier or the like

They do work together on the battlefield. Its just that off the battlefield they each try to gain the upper hand in terms of supporters so that they can pull the legion more in the way they want to. Least that was the idea.
But that seems like alpha legion shenanigams. Omegon doing somthing behind alpharous back. Why not w brothers who are absolutely infatuated with each other.
I really need to catch up with what the AL are doing so that I avoid such similarities...


How about this: Atheas and Taxacis are discovered by the Emperor and introduced to their brothers. However, having grown up together they don't feel the need for any other brothers. Leading their legion off on the Great Crusade they tend to ignore the rest of the Imperium and their brother primarchs in favour of keeping their own council and doing as they please. In turn this changes the Riders who become more introverted rarely speaking to anyone outside their ranks and becoming the most obsessed with brotherhood and freedom of any of the legions. In the end they rebel as they feel the Imperium is trying to exert too much control over them.


Something like that sound good? Or is that done already??

Edited by Sigismund229
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One restriction we could implement right now is tied to something mentioned and supported yesterday. I believe a couple of the members wanted to bring in outside blood for the project. Given the 11 applications we have right now, do we want to eliminate the Legionnaire ring?

I think so.

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It has been 24 hours since I sent out the PMs. I am no longer expecting a reply from the remaining Allies. Thus, with Auxilia and Allies accounted for, I'm locking the open enrollment process. We will be picking out a legion from the current roster, unless an exception is deemed suitable by the project. 


Furthermore, since no one has offered a counter-argument, the Legionnaires' ring is also being removed, given our large number of applicants. 

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Since I received the PM today to pitch my legion, I'll try to enrol my candidacy towards the position.


Legion Name: The Devoured

Primarch: Severyth Cain - The Silent Whisper, Sire of The Devoured, Scarlet Eye, The Devoured

Strategic Tendacies: Guerilla and Urban Warfare, Independent Arms and Deployment, Subterfuge and Intel Gathering


  • On the surface: Warriors trained in personal inter-Legion contests of strength and skill. "Survival of the Fittest" mentality with a focus on melee engagements. Thai influences. Uses pack beasts to grow their ranks.
  • Unknown to outside the legion: Bio-engineering and enhancements driven by evolution, the Primarch's vision to be a greater being of unspeakable potential.

Allegiance: Traitor, but some ulterior motive lies behind the stalwart silence of it's members...



Raised in a far flung corner of the galaxy, his name bears no great accomplishment with it. No liberated state from oppression, no greater evil vanquished and usurped. Just him, and its populace loyal to his heed. It was an unusual sight. A young man in feral garb, with long dishevelled hair, clear ruby-like eyes, but with a body sculpted and toned that it was no doubt the son of the Emperor. He seemed regal in all sense of the word, as he was flanked by silent and imposing men at-the-ready by his side.


Almost in a gesture of welcome.


There was no doubt that this is His son. One of his lost heirs thrown across the expanse of the void. Yet, at the back of His mind-


-He was unsure.


Severyth Cain, he introduced himself as such, told his story to his brothers.

A young man, quick to grow and adapt in his isolation, learned to fend for himself by an unnatural instinct to do so. Slaying and consuming the local beasts for sustenance and protection, while learning of "valuing" every life he took. He grew with no family, yet developed with human wisdom and spirituality, that this wholly contrasted his feral upbringing.

Many of his brothers took it to make him a beast of sorts, spinning great tales to impress his "older" siblings. Their eyes lie doubt, that this "brother" of theirs is one of them. Yet he gave a quiet smile and level-headed acceptance of this mockery, that this betrayed his brothers impressions of him being a wild animal from a backwoods planet.


...and betrayal of first impressions he did often. His clean porcelain like features framing his ruby-red eyes, and locks of black dishevelled hair contrasting the clean shape of his god-like aura. Truly, a son of the Emperor. This innate beauty oxymoron to his efficient brutality in combat, a string of dead enemies trailing the wake of his crusades across the galaxy.Their blood dripping from his face, making it more beautiful.

His Legion, The Devoured, holding the same doctrine of warfare true. Silent and efficient, they became the very epitome of the art of slaughter. Be it a single target or a whole battalion. They waste nothing in the pursuance of the mission.


...and in silence they hold true, as they operate in "seemingly" complete silence. No orders, no signs. As if linked in mind and body, which the other Legions jokingly admit a one of the many enigmas of the Legion. This made them suitable for subterfuge missions, and incursions that need not require a large squad to complete.

This perfectly fit Cain, as he always valued independent action through his sons.


Unflinching, silent, reclusive, and incredibly loyal only to their Primarch, The Devoured changed drastically from their whence they were called "The Primal Hunters". This was not left unnoticed by the other Legions, yet said brothers always reassures them that this was for the betterment of the Legion, and that their results didn't betray anything less than the unification of Mankind.


Which Cain also repeats, over and over, as if a well rehearsed vox announcement. His smile making it seem a distasteful parody of humour.




I'll leave it that for now, as I'm also developing more of the Legion back in my main thread.

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So 7 in total.

Do they have time till Sunday or when does the week start?


How shall we decide? Via a pm poll or an official one (which could be influenced by outsiders) or by giving our vote as a post in this thread?

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Day 2 recap -


I've done my best to sum up the currently represented warrior cultures and what that particular legion is famous for. I'm not entirely confident I was accurate and ask the current members to offer any corrections as necessary. But the goal is to inform what should be off-limits. As we've mentioned, we're trying to fill in the missing niches of our universe. 


As of the latest changes, we have 8 applications on the table. 


-Generalripphook is our conservative option as he'll simple take over the reins of the Jackels http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/nuke.gif (Needs new Legion concept)


-Talonair wants to do a Loyalist Legion that's a Jack-of-all-trades specialty. At the time, all I can think of was Ultramarines, but it was only later that it occurred to me that it might overlap with the Warriors of Peace. Either way, Talonair has yet to present his idea to the group, so we'll see if anything changes between private and public.


-Sete is offering the Judicators, a Knight Legion that specializes in orbital drops, assault troops perhaps? The warrior culture is fine, while the Strategic Tendency could use some development. Bonus points for being responsive throughout the day.


-Nate is offering a Loyalist, Germanic Knight legion as well. While he's offering everything on the table, some ideas he had was a legion that emphasized a mailed fist, in the form of terminators and dreadnoughts. Basically, Nate is a huge walker fan and would go in that direction. Potentially, it would be a siege assault legion, breaking down walls, while the Fire Keepers are known for building them. Not sure if that intrudes upon the Godslayers, but again, he's flexible.


-Reddragon is offering the Brazen Bulls. I actually have some serious reservations about this legion, mainly the bull sacrificing. Even with the Emperor a cross between his Noblebright self of 1st Edition and his latter more sinister portrayals in later editions, I don't know how this is allowed for any period of time. I think the Brazen Bulls, as they are right now, make an excellent Lost Legion, but need tweaking to be one that avoids being purged.


-TheBlindPrimarch is offering the Paladins of Midterra. This is a third, knightly legion, but the Primarch is blind, which exceeds our limit. Furthermore, the strong psyker presence in the legion is unwelcomed, and I'm not sure how the low visibility fighting works with the Grave Stalkers nearby.


-ckpmax1108 is offering The Devoured. Honestly, I'm much more impressed by the quick post above than what I was seeing in the thread. Having a jungle Thai legion could offer a trifecta with the Japanese, graceful Lightning Warriors and the Chinese, methodical Warriors of Peace. One problem is that we have several hit-and-run legions as it is, which is what guerrilla warfare is. On the other hand, that might make them a more suitable replacement for the Jackels.


-Finally, helterskelter's Borg Marines. I haven't heard any in-depth explanation of them, so there's not much I can say, except I fear of treading on material that could be better used for our Mechanicum factions.



To answer Kelborn, assume the week started yesterday. 


We will decide by vote, though I will add weights to the Auxilia compared to the Ally compared to the Xenos. Whether we vote in public or private, I'd like to hear thoughts from others on that.


I bid everyone a good night.

Edited by simison
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@simison: Thanks for the clarification! I'm fairly flexible in how The Devoured exacts their stratagems, but I'm pretty invested in the whole silent assassins/subterfuge idea. I even have the idea that they're physically "smaller"/less ripped than their brothers. If someone has any idea on how to make this seem "unique", then I'm all ears here or on a PM.


I'm also keen to have Cain be open for other Legionnaires to join his, having notions of scouting for fresh talent, or be welcoming in pursuance of self-improvement.


"All in the name of mankind..."


Also, I'm ok with an open vote!

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Oh holy moly, you are serious. And you are not the first person to suggest that idea to me. .... *glances at everybody else* thoughts?

Well, in canon the views of the Emperor, beloved of all, are "oh Malcador, you crack me up." I'm inclined to leave that tin of worms with the lid on.


I'm gonna confess a personal bias; I'm wary of adding more Loyalists to the mix. Icarion has only 8 Legions to call upon if we don't have another Traitor Legion, and two of those are very small indeed - Grave Stalkers and Warriors of Peace. So, if people are willing to take their Legions in a disloyal direction, that'd be handy.

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Hey sim, the Wardens of Light have only gaelic names. Their culture stays south east asian. indonesian, Malaysi, vietnam. Focus, battle meditation. Martial arts. Flexible tactics to adapt to the enemy.


You know Wuxia movies? Then you know the wardens

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