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Illumination waits for you - Thousand Sons Blog


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Hello there Heresy fans of Bolter & Chainsword.


I thought I would create a blog on this great forum to collate the creation of my third Heresy Thousand Sons army.

The two prior were made entirely of plastic, with conversions for their iconic helms and lots of psychic powers flying around. This army will be no different, but instead of converting the helmets I shall be using the Acheron helms for my normal tacticals and the upgrade helms for any characters and veterans.

The colour scheme shall also be different this time. The first army was a bright red/orange colour while the second was a deep, dark red. This army is somewhere in the middle, following the 'Eavy Metal paint guide for their Sons (which was tucked away in a corner of this month's WD).

Now, onto the actual army, as it stands so far:


My first Tactical Squad:


With their Sergeant:



And a WIP Vexilla:



And a shot of my first test model:





And some Tartarus Terminators. The banner bearer and the guy with a power fist will both have fire sculpted as if they're casting it (counts as Heavy Flamer and Combi-Flamer respectively):



Their new Sergeant, after the old one was deemed too much like a Praetor. He will have his hand painted as if it is casting lightning (counts-as Volkite):



And a Praetor my army acquired unexpectedly. He was originally the squads Sergeant but people thought he was a bit too ornate so he was swiftly promoted!



Please let me know what you think, all C&C appreciated.

Hopefully I shall return soon with more miniatures and hopefully some fluff too!




Edited by Ahrimanjjb
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Ahriman/Praetor looks great, might shamelessly steal that one! I like your take on the Tartaros sergeant too; I've been wondering how to make mine look a bit more sergeanty (and a bit less like each other)

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  • 1 month later...

About a month or so later and here I am, struggling to find the time to post updates instead of actually sitting and painting!

In that month I have finished building everything I need to play the Burning of Prospero board game (heading up to WHW next week to play it all the way through - pictures will be posted) and changed the colour scheme somewhat from the flat red, washes and edge highlight to a tonne of blending on the armour panel.

Anyway, here's some shots of it all:



Half finished marines, in the old style





Test model for the new style and green-stuffed loin cloth


Conversion for my Seekers using the new Thousand Sons Rubricae
Getting better at the new blending scheme
My Ahzek Ahriman conversion
And the beginnings of a conversion for a Librarian
Contemptor conversion
Thats all for now but with me having to paint up a whole terminator squad, another tactical squad, contemptor and Ahriman before the 21st and then base them all, I should have plenty more for you next week!
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  • 3 weeks later...

So the work continues!

I managed to get a few things done to an acceptable standard to play the Burning of Prospero at Warhammer World last week. Incredible and an incredibly painted and converted army that I was playing against made it all the better too. We managed to get 4 of the 7 missions done and currently I lead 3-1 so hopefully I can keep the victories up next time we play!





A close to completion shot of the warrior-scholars of Tizca
And a comparison of my new Ahriman (still WIP) compared to the one from my original army!
And the beginnings of a remembrancer conversion for my local store's heresy escalation league
Next on the work block is two land speeders to give my guys some mobility and anti-armour support, a sicaran venator and some medics as well.

Let me know what you think!

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Cheers for the comments guys.

Brother Pheidias yeah there isn't too much chaos corrupted components if you choose the pieces carefully, and a back pack and head swap were the only vital changes really. I've also slimmed down the crest behind his head which made it a little less 'spikey chaos'.

Another quick update just with a picture of my WIP Centurion. Designed to be fielded as a Librarian but that may change when the Legion rules come out.

The idea is he is a member of the Aethanean cult - masters of Telepathy and mental projection - and their signature seems to be black flame/smoke stuff. So the magic from his staff and bases will be painted as a deep black eventually. He's also for a painting competition being held towards the end of the month so I need to get him done soon!



Also my third and final Apothecary, a bit more space-wizardy than the other two I've got (which I also need to post pictures of).




As usual let me know what you think and check back for updates soon!


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  • 1 month later...

So in the last few weeks the long awaited Inferno finally dropped and I managed to pick it up last week before swiftly devouring the story of Prospero and the Thousand Sons's background section.

And I love it, great balance of making the Censure Host a serious, if unprepared, threat; making the Thousand Sons seem very capable and using their powers and home world to their advantage and all the while stacking the deck against the Sons and leading towards their inevitable victory. I even grew to love the inclusion of the over inflated Custodes presence instead of seeing it as taking away from the limelight of two Legions clashing.

Then on to the rules: When I was trying to imagine how FW would write them I thought the best way to do it would be to have constant, passive buffs for each unit in your army bases on the most prevalent Cult members in the squad, and that is exactly what FW decided on too, though I must say its a shame some of them are such no-brainers while other wallow in near uselessness (Raptora I'm looking at you...).


Overall though I am very happy with the Legion rules and love the amount of access to psychic powers, the Legion specific units and the rites of war, even if again we have the problem of one being waaay more powerful than the other.

Spurred on by this release I decided to finish up my Aethanian Centurion and start on my Sekhmet Terminators:





Not an original idea to use the 40k plastics for the Sekhmet but after seeing the resin upgrades that FW are going to bring out for them and having a box already lying around it was too good not to do.
Also I built this guy thinking how amazing one of them would look with a pair of lightning claws and think I was right in thinking that, only to later discover they can only take a single one and not two. Damn, haha.
So let me know what you think!

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As someone who was having a hard time deciding between Space Wolves and Thousand Sons as their next project - you're making things a lot easier ;)

Excellent work, and I am especially loving the kitbashes - so much character in each of them!  :)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks ever so much for your lovely comments guys! 

Quick update as to where I'm at. I, along with 11 other guys from my Warhammer Store have signed up for the Word of the Sigillite Campaign at Warhammer World in June, and I need to finish at least 3,000pts of these guys for then!

Been working on some Sekhmet units to take along, one the Tartaros unit i posted before and a new Cataphractii unit, as well as posing my Leviathan before I 'Thousand Sons' the hell out of him.

And I'll also be writing a whole load of new canon for this army both during the Battle of Prospero and the army that fights during the Age of Darkness, like in this campaign, so look out for that soon too!

Let me know what you thinks.






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  • 1 month later...

Another month goes by and the Word of the Sigillite event draws ever closer.

I have made some progress however, namely on the leviathan's torso and building my Fire Raptor





Let me know what you think so far, and more updates should follow as I desperately try to get it all finished in time!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cheers Pearson73!


An update with my second unit of Sekhmet, this time in Cataphractii armour:





Not quite finished but nearly there!

I have a few other units that are close to table top and only 9 more days until the Word of the Sigilite Campaign Weekend at Warhammer World - going to be close if I get them all done in time!

There'll be more updates with this army over the next few days as I get everything event legal and then hopefully lots of pics from the games as well.

Let me know what you think.

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They look fabulous. Although I would add a greenstuff scarab to their chests, as i reckon FW saying everyone of them had those as a symbol of status.


Was it hard fitting those crests in cataphractii armour? Thinking about getting some terms cheap on ebay and giving them crests and some gs work.

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