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Codex: Imperial Agents


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My concern is that the entire book is just a copy and paste job from all 9 different sources.

If the full sob digital dex is in it I might buy it as I hate having to lug around my ancient tablet and hoping it has enough battery.

However, 8th is still right around the corner and who knows what it will bring. I'm not sure spending money on a book that might be invalidated shorty is such a good idea.

Faithful in my suffering I can last a few more months using the digital dex until our true time of salvation comes.msn-wink.gif

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It does call itself a codex instead of a codex supplement, so at the very least I'm hoping for point cost afjustments. We're not worth 12 pts compared to a space marine outside of formations, and if you factor in the free transports they actually cost less than us.
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...and if you factor in the free transports they actually cost less than us.


Pretty excessively so. Sisters back when the WH codex was released would number about 3 models to every 2 marines they faced (before transports) - and it worked, the lower toughness Sisters would die at a rate of 3:2 against small arms and worse in close combat offset by faith and higher bod ycount against high strength weapons.



Right now though -

5 sisters with a melta, multimelta, immolator, simulacrum, and laud hailer is 160 pts - that gets you preferred enemy for two phases (one player turn, give or take).

For exactly the same points via the gladius you get the melta, multimelta, 10 marines and a pair of razorbacks, and multiple turns of rerolls.


You can even throw an Imperial Space Marine on top of that. The big bonus formations be it points or superpowers really bend the game out of shape.

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Hoping ministorium priests are included in the book. Would love an easier option for including them with black Templars


The priest cross-over is one of those nasty allies situations though, like the old 50 man guard squad protected by a dark angel forcefield.


As it stands if you need easy priests then Jacobus, a second priest with the book, and a minimum investment in sisters to hold an objective/building.

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Would be a cool way to represent missionaries accompanying the BT fleets to bring the faith to the lost children of the Emperor. 


*knock knock*


"Excuse me sir but do you have time to talk about the immortal god emperor of mankind?"


"What? Who are you? It's 8:00am on a Saturday. Go away!" 


*Drives a land raider crusader into person's living room*


"Oh you're going to want to hear what I have to say..." 

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...and if you factor in the free transports they actually cost less than us.



Pretty excessively so. Sisters back when the WH codex was released would number about 3 models to every 2 marines they faced (before transports) - and it worked, the lower toughness Sisters would die at a rate of 3:2 against small arms and worse in close combat offset by faith and higher bod ycount against high strength weapons.



Right now though -

5 sisters with a melta, multimelta, immolator, simulacrum, and laud hailer is 160 pts - that gets you preferred enemy for two phases (one player turn, give or take).

For exactly the same points via the gladius you get the melta, multimelta, 10 marines and a pair of razorbacks, and multiple turns of rerolls.


You can even throw an Imperial Space Marine on top of that. The big bonus formations be it points or superpowers really bend the game out of shape.

I don't think it's that bad though. To get those free Razorbacks requires you to take another 2 assault units, 2 devastating units and another 4 tactical squads, plus an auxiliary choice for the Gladius. At that point you are completely locked into MSU spam, not to mention the point cost. The Battle Sister Squad you can take as is (with two specials per 5 as well, though you do miss out on the all powerful, but expensive, grav cannon).


Obviously the lack of formations is the big downside, and it would probably only take some formations to bring the current Suster up to parity.

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I don't think it's that bad though. To get those free Razorbacks requires you to take another 2 assault units, 2 devastating units and another 4 tactical squads, plus an auxiliary choice for the Gladius. At that point you are completely locked into MSU spam, not to mention the point cost.

It's relative to the sistes who are also, more than likely, playing MSU spam.


There is a minimum cost to it which the sisters don't have. The marines are paying 80 points a unit for 5 models, a transport, and either one meltagun or two flamers - minimum of 800 for the infantry. With a few heavy weapons, three exorcist stand-ins (las-predators or las-vindicators) and the requisite characters the marines are restricted to 1500pts and up.


However the Sisters are spending 2000pts for the same army. They can take more weapons in squads and trade out units for the superior dominions but at 1500pts they are going to be badly outnumbered, and at 2k they are going to be slightly outnumbered before the marine player adds another 500pts of units to their list.


And this isn't even the marine player pushing the boat out with gravs, pods, psykers and bikes. At a bare minimum just running Ultramarines and Centos gets them re-rolls all game long and then some, each marine easily twice his sororitas counterpart on the offense.




Still it could be much worse - the new horrors for instance.

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I hate power creep. The gladius, Necron decurion, library's conclave, etc, etc, are all soooo ridiculously good, that anything not them is now seen as poor.


I personally don't want über formations. Just formations that are fluffy and fun. Do I want them to not suck? Sure. But they don't have to contribute to the problems of eternal rerolls,unkillable units, and free point mania.

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What's the formation that gives free Razorbacks? I know Gladius gives free Rhinos with double demi-company. I'm really not up to speed on all these silly formations. The first few (like the flyer one for marines) started out interesting but seems they've really gone way too far with them sad.png Doubly so when some armies have only poor ones (or none at all!) to further exacerbate already existing balance problems between codices.

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Huh. Hadn't realized it includes Razorbacks. Looks like Army Builder doesn't seem to work as far as the free transports go when building a list, which is a bit of a pain. I seem to recall trying to make a Rhino list before and it worked, but can't seem to get it to work now.


Anyway, hopefully Sisters will get a reasonable formation soon, since most others already do. I suppose this C:IA is one chance for that, but we shall see.

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Take 6 squads of sisters, 2 comand squads, 2 seraphim squads, and 2 dominion squads, a Cannoness and a preacher, get free retributors...

Hum. That would break the 1 Command Squad per Canoness rule, and, wait, is this sarcasm? Because I'm honestly asking. This seems like a ridiculous number of hoops to jump through for free retributors. No one (that I know) runs 6 BSSs. You would need to playing a large point value game, and squeeze in a CAD so you can have Exorcists anyway . . .


Gosh I sound like a complete jerk right now :P My point is, I would always rather use a CAD over this, with the way I play Sisters *shrug*

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Semisarcastic. And im not fully synchronized with sob rules... but my keyboard vomit was no different than a battle company is right now...


6 tacticals, 2 assault and 2 devestators, optional 2 comand sqds and 2 dreadnaughts, must take 1 chaplain and 1 captain


Free rhinos, razorbacks and pods.



That's all I was getting at.

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Semisarcastic. And im not fully synchronized with sob rules... but my keyboard vomit was no different than a battle company is right now...


6 tacticals, 2 assault and 2 devestators, optional 2 comand sqds and 2 dreadnaughts, must take 1 chaplain and 1 captain


Free rhinos, razorbacks and pods.



That's all I was getting at.

okie dokie.

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That'd be closer to 6 BSS, 2 Seraphim/repentia/dominons(depending on what load out you take for the Assaults) and 2 Rets, optional 2 Celestians, 2 Penitant Engines, Must take 1 priest and 1 Canoness.


Which tbh wouldn't be to bad to take for free immolators even with current point pricing. For just the mandatory stuff with popular/efficient load outs you're talking about 1000 points "tax" for 8 free immolators. 480 points of free :cuss!

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See... stuff like that... If I didn't play black templars, a generic battle co is exactly what I want to run... even for DA and BA... LOL


So to me my ideal SOB collection army etc would be exactly that...


6x10 BSS

2x10 seraphim

2x10 assorted other from dominion etc...

Instead of peintent engines tho, repentia!


And immolator/repressor/rhino interchangeable for every squad...


It's just how I see armis I guess...

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It still seems rather silly to release this as the full codex with what looks like old sister models if they still plan to release plastic ones. So in my opinion we're either getting a new codex once plastic sisters drop and this is just going to include 1-2 sisters units..or this is what they plan to give us entirely as a really :cuss move on GW's part.

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Sounds like they are letting you take drathwatch, grey knights or battle sisters in your hench men retinue depending on which major Ordo your inquisitor belongs.

That's what I'm getting out of it too. They did specifically mention grey knight terminators and battle sister squads originally.

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