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Master of Mankind - Review or Spoilers?


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Unfortunately the story of their trip into the webway to talk with Eldar about resurrection options (or even options for repairing the throne) will most likely never ever be written.


Which makes everyone sad.


I'd read it. Love Chambers Dark Eldar series. 


Point is though, I dont take sides here. Everyone looooooooooves to point out our little faction biased avatars, but in the end, I'm a fan of 40K, first and last, because its a SETTING that provides for the greatest examples of Horror in a scifi/future setting.


Everyone is bad, everyone is evil, everyone loses, and WE are the monsters, justifiably or not.


EDIT: Anyone remember The Masters, Bidding? The Iron Warrior considers every one of the Lords in the story a failure, having lost, while they all look at him in the same way.


An interesting perspective.

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It's hard to say Chaos hasn't won. What was their objective? To create a state of perpetual war and prevent the Emperor from completing his plans. They pretty well met that objective.


It doesn't mean humanity or the Imperium is finished, it just means that Chaos won their battle. They did what they set out to do.

The emperor saw that when he was forced to abandon his project.

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Talking about the book....


I am trying so hard to find the time to finish it.


It feels very 'epic' to me. My favorite scenes are with Ra and the Emperor sharing childhood memories (sort of). The personalities in play are interesting as well. I'm starting to wonder why after thousands of years the Emperor is deciding to start sharing his memories but I guess I'll find out.


The 'first murder' scene really stuck with me. Feels like something out of 2001 a Space Odyssey in a ... this is how it all began sort of way.


I will say this book lead me to finishing the paint jobs on 5 SoS models, and 10 Custodes models. (amazing sculpts btw). Loving this book a lot, and hoping to find out a bit more about what makes Him tick. I still can't figure out if he's a 'daemon' or what? I may have to re-read the beginning.


The first week I kept having nightmares Ra was going to show up in my bedroom to kill me for taking water bottles from work. :)

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I finally got the book in a couple of days ago and 50 pages in. I have to say I love the book thus far. I also love the Murder scene and the "childhood" memory with Ra, you get this feeling of something deep here. I haven't really read much of this tread to avoid spoilers but I really enjoy the deeper look with the Custodes and their relationship with the Emperor (They are unbelievable arrogant...I guess justifiable).


I also like how we get a view on the Legions, that they are seen as "inferior" for the reasons they mention. I always assumed that there was this understanding and respect between the Astartes and Custodes but it seems clear that this is not the case.


Sad that once I am done with this book there is nothing super exciting on the horizon. Going from books like Scars 2, PoD to this always felt there something really good in the pipeline. The future stuff looks good but definitely not on the same level as PoD and MoM.

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There is always a conflict of martial pride despite any army or force.for example when the evessor assassin took out an astartee in Nemesis it was almost seen as a BIG thing. That one hypertrained individual could kill another.For all the hype about the custodes. Yes I believe in generic fight 6/10 custodes would win. But if someone like sigismund fought valodor my money would be on the fist any day.
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There is a subtly difference between imminent demise and inevitable demise I think


I think some ppl might be missing that

They always does miss that b1soul


There is always a conflict of martial pride despite any army or force.for example when the evessor assassin took out an astartee in Nemesis it was almost seen as a BIG thing. That one hypertrained individual could kill another.For all the hype about the custodes. Yes I believe in generic fight 6/10 custodes would win. But if someone like sigismund fought valodor my money would be on the fist any day.

In what universe do you think Sigismund will won over Constantin Valdor - Custodian general?

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Sad that once I am done with this book there is nothing super exciting on the horizon. Going from books like Scars 2, PoD to this always felt there something really good in the pipeline. The future stuff looks good but definitely not on the same level as PoD and MoM.


Oops! You forgot to say "In my humble opinion"...

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Sad that once I am done with this book there is nothing super exciting on the horizon. Going from books like Scars 2, PoD to this always felt there something really good in the pipeline. The future stuff looks good but definitely not on the same level as PoD and MoM.

Oops! You forgot to say "In my humble opinion"...

They all do Laurie, they all do biggrin.png

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There is always a conflict of martial pride despite any army or force.for example when the evessor assassin took out an astartee in Nemesis it was almost seen as a BIG thing. That one hypertrained individual could kill another.For all the hype about the custodes. Yes I believe in generic fight 6/10 custodes would win. But if someone like sigismund fought valodor my money would be on the fist any day.

Valdor every time. This is the guy that could spar with the Primarchs. Probably because genetically their creation process is broadly similar (except for the whole being grown in a tank thing). Custodians had their DNA rewritten is the vibe I got from MoM.

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To be fair Sigismund sparred with Angron.

That's were he got the idea of chaining the weapons.

If you want to be pedantic Siggy never lost a duel ;) ( but I don't think that one counts for the duel score, after all it's a marine vs a primarch.)

It was on an white dwarf sometime ago.

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That's Khârn. Not Angron.

I'm pretty sure it said Angron in the WD.

That's why I found it weird. Could have been a typo. I'll provide pics once I get home in one hour or so. It was the same WD with the new Terminator librarian in the cover and with Black Templars warlord traits. It generated a bit of a incredulity (and zealous pride) in our corner of BnC.


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Aye, that's actually in WDW #72.



The first Chapter Master of the Black Templars was Sigismund, First Captain of the Imperial Fists. A zealous crusader, he fought at the forefront of the Great Crusade for many years. It was during a duel with the Primarch Angron that he chained his weapons to his wrists so he would not lose them, a practice still carried out by Black Templars to this day.


Now, the WD team has been making mistakes left and right over its run, and unlike the good old days when classic WD laid so many foundations of both IPs, I wouldn't consider much if anything "new" they claim as canon unless also confirmed by another publication, be they Codex, ForgeWorld or Black Library.

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I finally got the book in a couple of days ago and 50 pages in. I have to say I love the book thus far. I also love the Murder scene and the "childhood" memory with Ra, you get this feeling of something deep here. I haven't really read much of this tread to avoid spoilers but I really enjoy the deeper look with the Custodes and their relationship with the Emperor (They are unbelievable arrogant...I guess justifiable).

I also like how we get a view on the Legions, that they are seen as "inferior" for the reasons they mention. I always assumed that there was this understanding and respect between the Astartes and Custodes but it seems clear that this is not the case.

Sad that once I am done with this book there is nothing super exciting on the horizon. Going from books like Scars 2, PoD to this always felt there something really good in the pipeline. The future stuff looks good but definitely not on the same level as PoD and MoM.

On the same level? Maybe, maybe not. I find I get spoiled by the 'highs' in the series and some stuff I personally have to grind with, so MoM was something I pre-bought with a lot of expectation (who didn't?)

Also it's not just the writing, it's the content they get to write about. There are some areas of the story I could read over and over, and for me some I could have skipped.

To be fair Sigismund sparred with Angron.

That's were he got the idea of chaining the weapons.

If you want to be pedantic Siggy never lost a duel msn-wink.gif ( but I don't think that one counts for the duel score, after all it's a marine vs a primarch.)

It was on an white dwarf sometime ago.

I also thought that was Khârn, and to be honest, if I remember the scene, Khârn totally phoned that in. It nearly turned into a farting contest and I don't think Khârn took it seriously... (Was that with Argal Tal or am I thinking of a different scene?)

Let me as those that have finished MoM a question without actually giving me spoilers:

By the end of the book, do you get a sense of -what- the Emperor is? IE: Another perpetual? A Daemon? A one off fluke? Or is that left widely to interpretation?

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There is a subtly difference between imminent demise and inevitable demise I think


I think some ppl might be missing that

They always does miss that b1soul


There is always a conflict of martial pride despite any army or force.for example when the evessor assassin took out an astartee in Nemesis it was almost seen as a BIG thing. That one hypertrained individual could kill another.For all the hype about the custodes. Yes I believe in generic fight 6/10 custodes would win. But if someone like sigismund fought valodor my money would be on the fist any day.

In what universe do you think Sigismund will won over Constantin Valdor - Custodian general?


in the 40k universe. He took on multipel chaos champions, including possessed. And the Val Gorbak tore a bunch of custodes apart. 

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