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Imperial Fists Best of both worlds 1850 Points


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So this is my first try at 30k army list building. I am possibly going to play against 40k armies. Help me out!




Knight Errant

-Librarian (ML 1)


170 Pts.



-Master of signal

95 Pts.




Laser rapier destroyer battery

165 Pts.


Templar brethren

-9 Brethtren

-Chapter Champion

--Solarite power gauntlet

300 Pts.




Legion tactical squad


-Sargeant with Power Sword

170 Pts.


Legion tactical squad


-Sargeant with Power Sword

170 Pts.




Heavy Support Squad

-9 extra men


285 Pts.


Heavy Support Squad

-Rocket launchers

160 Pts.



-Frag assault launchers

-Armoured ceramite

335 Pts.


Legion: VII- Imperial Fists


Master of Signals sits with the laser destroyers, the autocannons and missile launchers in the back of the field sniping tanks and infantry. Tac squads ride around the field grabbing objectives. The knight errant goes in the spartan with the templars.


Any suggestions or comments?

Thanks for reading anyway :-)

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The list seems ... unfocused somehow.


- If you'd like to keep the Knight Errant and Master of Signal you'll need another HQ choice. I'd suggest a simple Centurion w. Boarding Shield and a Fist / Gauntlet od sorts to hang out with the Templars. 


- Three characters / HQ choices might be a tad much at this points level, though it's doable if you keep 'em cheap.


- Have the compulsory HQ choice join the Templars and drop one of those so the squad will be nine strong. Then ditch the Spartan and put them all in a Phobos to save some points here as well, if you're not hell-bent on the Spartan.


- Your Tac Sergeants would like some love in the form of Artificer Armour and some Fisting.


- You only have 2 scoring units (I don't really rate the lone KE here). It might be enough, but I'd try to get a third on in there. How about deep-striking Terminators. This could also be another way to attach / deliver your compulsory HQ (if in TDA).


- Focus on 1 Heavy Support squad and ditch the other. Maybe get them a nice little fortification ?


Essentially, you can free up some points in this list and try to focus and strengthen it a bit.


Just food for thoughts.

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So this is the revised list:





-Paragon blade

-Iron Halo

-Digital lasers

165 Pts.



-Master of signal

95 Pts.




Laser rapier destroyer battery

165 Pts.


Templar brethren

-9 Brethtren

-Chapter Champion

--Solarite power gauntlet

300 Pts.




Legion tactical squad


-Sargeant with Power Sword

170 Pts.


Legion tactical squad


-Sargeant with Power Sword

170 Pts.




Heavy Support Squad

-9 extra men


285 Pts.


Heavy Support Squad

-Rocket launchers

160 Pts.



-Frag assault launchers

-Armoured ceramite

335 Pts.


Legion: VII- Imperial Fists


So same plan as above.


Any suggestions or comments?

Thanks for reading anyway :-)

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