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Ultramarines 2000

Grim Dog Studios

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Hi all, 

I've been working on a 2000 point army list only using what I have to hand. Haven't played a game yet but my friends that do play only play 40k not 30k, playing Necrons, Orks (he plays about 80 boyz at a time) and 40k Space Wolves. Just wondering what everybody thought of the list? The contemptor I know isn't very mobile compared to the rest of the list but I love them as they just scream 30K in my opinion however I could swap him out for a second sicaran which would probably be the much better option. Any comments/criticism is greatly appreciated!


+ HQ (800pts) +


····Legion Centurion (125pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Refractor Field]

······Consul [Vigilator]


····Legion Praetor (675pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade]

······Invictarus Suzerain Squad [7x Invictarus Suzerains, Thunderhammer]

········Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite]


+ Elites (585pts) +


····Apothecarion Detachment (60pts)

······Legion Apothecary

········Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner, Chainsword/Combat Blade]


····Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (215pts)

······Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Extra Armour, Plasma Blaster, Plasma Cannon]


····Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (310pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]

······Additional Wargear [Melta Bombs, 2x Plasma gun]




······Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade, Twin-Linked Bolter]

······Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter]

········Power Weapon [Power Sword]


+ Troops (390pts) +


····Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

······Additional Wargear [bolters]

······Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Twin-Linked Bolter]

······Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


····Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

······Additional Wargear [bolters]

······Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Twin-Linked Bolter]

······Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


+ Heavy Support (225pts) +


····Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (225pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]


Thanks for looking,


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