Master Ciaphas Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 (edited) Hail fraters! I have long wanted an overview of the available Dark Angel fiction, and have thus compiled a list, which I will here share. I might have missed a story or two, but if so, please let me know and I will update. So, without further ado - fantastic tales of the Unforgiven and where to find them: Warhammer 30k - The Horus Heresy – The Age of Darkness Leman Russ - The Great Wolf (The Primarchs vol. II) (by Chris Wraight) Leman Russ and the Lion clash on the world of Dulan, starting the feud between the Lion and the Wolf that lasts for 10.000 years. Once I get the book, I will read it and update here with my opinion on it. So, bought the book, read it, loved it. It is truly a fantastic tale. Extremely well written. Though it is not a thick book by any means, it manages to portray the Dulan conflict in new light, while still remaining true to the original piece of fluff. Now, finally, we Dark Angels have a novel that presents the Lion in a flattering light, a novel where his tactical and strategic expertise is aptly demonstrated. Finally, we have a Lion who is not written by Gav Thorpe! I can only give this novel my highest recommendations! It is available here: Exocytosis (by James Swallow) A 2016 Advent quick read concerning Luther of Caliban and his friend Calas Typhon of the Death Guard. I have not read it, but will update with my thoughts once I get it. It is available here: Descent of Angels (by Mitchel Scanlon) Concerning the early history of Caliban before the coming of the Emperor. I liked it a lot, but it has been dished for not being particularly relevant to the overall Horus Heresy storyline. With more in common with a fantasy novel than W40k, it has divided the fans. I liked it, and would have liked Scanlon to have written more. The one thing I did not like about it was that the ending felt incredibly rushed, and that the author should have spent another 50-100 pages rounding it off. It is available here: Fallen Angels (by Mike Lee) Mike Lee continues the tale of the Dark Angels in “Fallen Angels” and this time the action continues on the world of Diamat, where the Lion tries to stymie Horus´ efforts to win the war. I like it, and would have preferred Lee to handle the Dark Angels instead of Gav Thorpe. It is available here: Call of the Lion (by Gav Thorpe) Astelan turns up here, and is in conflict with another Dark Angel commander. It continues the plot that there is a schism between the Calibanite Angels and the Terrans. Which IMHO is a horrible plot line. The story is not half bad, though. Generally I am of the opinion that Mr. Thorpe does short stories better than he does novels (of the Dark Angels variety, that is). It is available in audio drama here: Savage Weapons (by Aaron Dempski-Bowden) This is fantastic! The Lion portrayed as he should be, facing off against Konrad Curze. I am a huge fan of this, and have read it a number of times. Go read it. Now. It is available here: The Lion (by Gav Thorpe) Another short, portraying the Lion as a lunatic unable to control his emotions, slaying advisors who gainsay him. The Iron Hands and Death Guard have short cameos in this as well. Horrible stuff really, and yet another example of Thorpe mishandling the First Legion. It is available here: Grey Angel (by Gav Thorpe) A Knight-Errant in the bowls of a Caliban dungeon being interrogated. I will have to listen to it again, or track it down in prose form, in order to decide whether it is actually good or not. Ok - so I got it in prose form. This was actually a lot better than I remembered it to be. The basic premise of the novel is that Loken is being interrogated by Luther, while trying to figure out whether the 1st Legion is loyal or not. It is mostly "filler", but does serve to advance the Dark Angel storyline a tiny bit. It is available in audio here: or in writing here: Master of the First (by Gav Thorpe) Astelan and Luther scheme on Caliban, and a rebellion is afoot. The voice acting is superb and the story is a lot better than what I have come to expect from Mr. Thorpe. I enjoyed it, so take it at that. It is available here: By the Lion´s Command (by Gav Thorpe) I have not read this yet, so will update when I have actually done so. Might be good…might be Thorpe-ish. It is available here: The Prince of Crows (by Aaron Dempski-Bowden) The Dark Angels and Night Lords clash in what I gather to be the final battle of the Thramas campaign. I enjoyed it and would recommend it. ADB shows once again that he is a very, very capable author and does justice to both legions. Read it. It is available here: Wolf King (by Chris Wraight) A Horus Heresy novella, detailing what happens to Leman Russ following "The Burning of Prospero" and the opening scenes of "Scars". I have not read it, but the Dark Angels play a pivotal role, I have been told. Once it is released as part of the a mass market paperback omnibus, I will read it and update. It is currently available here: The Unremembered Empire (by Dan Abnett) Though the Ultramarines are the star of the show, the Lion and the 1st Legion do have a rather important role to play throughout the novel. Abnett´s portrayal of the Lion is one that I like, and though Curze does the “I am Batman” throughout the novel and handles three Primarchs in close combat rather efficiently, it is an ok book. It is available here: The Long Night (by Aaron Dempski-Bowden) More concerned with Sevatar of the Night Lords, the Dark Angels feature as his gaolers following the events in The Prince of Crows. I have not read it, but would very much like to. It is available here: Angels of Caliban (by Gav Thorpe) I have not read the book yet, but am looking forward to it. I have read that the author (who I am not a fan of) was rather micromanaged by the IP director at Games Workshop/Black Library during the writing of the novel, and that this has had a very positive effect on the author´s product. Though written by Gav Thorpe, I am looking forward to reading it. Once I have read it (ie. when it comes out in mass market paperback) I will update this post with my thoughts on it. The book is available here: Warhammer 40k - Age of War Azrael (by Gav Thorpe) Concerns Azrael, Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels. I have not read it yet, but have bought the Limited Edition, despite it having been written by Gav Thorpe. My expectations are very low, so I can only be happily surprised. Once I have actually read the book, I will edit this post and provide further thoughts on it. So - I have read the book. It did have some good parts, but mostly it was what I have come to expect of Mr. Thorpe, when he writes about the Dark Angels. Bland writing and a plot that was telegraphed from miles away. Nothing really stands out about this book. It is pretty much a by-the-numbers book. It is available here: Azrael: Protector of Secrets (by C.Z. Dunn) A well-written quick read, about the final assault on a renegade governor´s fortress, and how the Dark Angels cooperate with trusted allies of the Astra Militarum. It is a short three pager, and I enjoyed it for what it is. With only so much space to work with, the level of depth is limited. I feel, however, that C.Z. Dunn has done a good job in the space available. It is available here: Sammael: Lord of the Eternal Hunt (by Ben Counter) A very short quick read, concerning the difficulties faced by Sammael when trying to balance the Chapter´s obligations to erstwhile allies and the obligations on the Chapter on account of the events following the Horus Heresy. It is interesting, but all too brief to allow for any real storytelling or depth. During a short commute, it can be used to idle the time away, but it provides nothing of real relevance or surprise and is as easily forgotten, as it is read. It is available here: Trials of Azrael (by C.Z . Dunn) This audio drama is a tie-in with the Pandorax novel written by the same author. It takes place during the opening phases of the campaign, when the Dark Angels are just intervening. Supreme Grand Master Azrael gets separated from his men and is led on a cat and mouse chase through the bowls of an Imperial warship, along with the infamous Khârn the Betrayer. All in all, I found this to be an interesting and exciting yarn, full of enough twists to keep me more attentive on this, than on painting. The voice acting is nothing short of excellent and the atmospherics throughout are brilliant. I rate this as an A+ production! The audio drama is available here: The Last Guardian (by C.Z . Dunn) The Deathwatch along with an inquisitor board an abandoned and desolate Eldar Craftworld. It continues the character development of Balthasar, later Company Master of the 5th Company. The voice acting and effects are good, the story is for a Dark Angels fan delicious! I would recommend listening to it while you paint up some Dark Angels! It is available here: The Ascension of Balthasar (by C.Z . Dunn) Following leads on the Fallen, the Dark Angels fall into a trap laid by the Crimson Slaughter and must fight their way out. As I have come to expect from the various audio dramas, the voice acting is extremely good, the effects magnificient. This is a fantastic production and I am happy that I got it. It – just as Pandorax and (probably) also Deathwatch: The Last Guardian, ties in with the Dark Vengeance novella by the same author. If you have not gotten it, I would recommend it to any Dark Angel fan. It is available here: Malediction (by C.Z . Dunn) Featuring Master Tigraine from the App game Freeblade, it details a victory feast held in honour of a retiring Astra Militarum Colonel. The feast is unexpectedly attended by Master Tigraine of the Dark Angels 6th Company, who asks the Colonel to recount the tale of how he became a hero. I enjoyed it immensely, the twists and turns of the story along with brilliant voice acting made this a hit with me. I would highly recommend it! It is available here: Pandorax (by C.Z . Dunn) What to make of this one. I have only read the book, and not listened to the audio version. The book ties in heavily with Dark Vengeance, also by the same author. Though the writing in this one is not exactly stellar, the story of the Pandorax Campaign is nevertheless an interesting one. I bought both this and the campaign Warzone supplement, and have generally been happy with the purchase. It details the fight against the Black Legion and their Red Corsair allies by the Dark Angels, Astra Militarum and Grey Knights. The most interesting bit is without a doubt, the side tale of a mysterious Grey Knight, who wants to deal with neither the Dark Angels nor his supposed brothers of the 666th Chapter. As to who this Grey Knight is, I hope we will find out in the future… It can be found here as an audio book: Dark Vengeance (by C.Z . Dunn) Released as a supplement to the Dark Vengeance starter box, it reads much like a video game; the story is told from several viewpoint characters, who all feature in the box set. I found it an entertaining light read, and though it is almost entirely “bolter porn”, the viewpoints of Turmiel the Librarian I found to be of particular interest. The Dark Angels are fighting against the dastardly Crimson Slaughter, who are trying to enact a ritual with the Hellfire Stone mentioned in the Pandorax tale as well. It follows on the audio drama The Ascension of Balthasar. It is available here: The Purging of Kadillus (by Gav Thorpe) Oh, where to begin. The Dark Angels had their very own campaign supplement back in the days of yore. It was called Storm of Vengeance and featured the Dark Angels defending a little known world against the Orks led by two infamous warbosses. Gav Thorpe has used the campaign supplement to write this novel, and while it does shine in places, for the most part it portrays Master Belial of the 3rd Company as an angst ridden, indecisive “leader”, who seeks affirmation in juniors prior to giving orders. I am not a fan of this novel, and would not recommend it, as it is generally poorly written with stilted dialogue and dull battle scenes. And, oh yes, the interrogator-chaplains are again portrayed as blinkered fools. It is part of the Space Marine Battles series, and is the worst of those I have read. Mind you, I have not read the “Hunt for Voldorius”, which supposedly is terrible. It is available here: It can be bought cheaper on Amazon Prime (almost half price) and the Book Depository . Unforgiven (by Graham McNeill) The Dark Angels fight in multiple campaigns across the galaxy, defending the Emperor´s domains against traitors and heretics. In one such campaign, Sergeant Kaelen comes into contact with his Chapter´s dark past – and it is a thrilling, well-penned read, also providing a view into how a battle-brother can advance in the ranks of the Circle. It is available as a short story here: Deathwing (by William King & Bryan Ansell) The seminal story about the origins of the Deathwing, and the tale of Cloud Runner fighting to prevent his home world, a Dark Angel recruiting planet, from falling into darkness at the hands of a Genestealer Cult. It is well-written, gripping and provides insight into this most prestigious of the Dark Angel companies; the first company. Highly recommended…and one can almost not claim allegiance to the Dark Angels without having read this fantastic tale! It is available here: The Black Pearl (by Chris Pramas) To my knowledge, this was first released as part of the Inferno! magazine. It is a gripping tale of a Chaplain´s obsession with finding a relic from the time of the Heresy, and the lengths to which he will go to procure it. The tale is broken into two story lines, one being the present battle the Chaplain finds himself in, the other being the interrogation of a Fallen. I remember the story as one of the first I read about the Dark Angels, along with Deathwing and Unforgiven, and thus it rates high in my opinion. It is available here as a short story: The Falls of Marakross (by Steve Parker) From the same collection of short stories as A Balance of Faith, Vindicare and Tears of Blood, it is without a doubt the best of the four stories. Well written and with an interesting plot, it is solely the language used in the interaction between the Dark Angel protagonist and an inquisitor, which comes off as odd at times. Still, I enjoyed it immensely, and would happily read another piece of Dark Angel fiction by Mr. Parker. The short story can be found here: Tears of Blood (by C.S. Goto) Hunting rumours of the Fallen, the Dark Angels are drawn to the world of Tyrine, which has fallen to the Arch-Enemy. Also drawn to it, are the Eldar of Craftworld Kaelor, as they try to avert catastrophy befalling their world. The short story is actually more about the Eldar, than the Dark Angels, and ties directly into the events following those of C.S. Goto´s “Eldar Prophecy”. Its relevance to the Dark Angels is minor and almost entirely irrelevant. The Marines of the First Legion could easily have been replaced with those of any other Chapter and there is next to zero character development for the Angels. The Eldar, as they are characters continuing from “Eldar Prophecy” are far more developed. Overall, I would rate this one as barely worth the time it took to read the 33 Ipad pages. The short story can be found here: Vindicare (by C.S. Goto) The Biel-Tan Swordwind has descended, and a lone Vindicare Assassin is poised to try and thwart them. Aiding the defense of the planet is a considerable number of Dark Angels…who get the Imperial Fist treatment. Suffering horrific losses in no time, the Dark Angels receive a very harsh treatment at the hands of the author. Generally, the story is very straightforward without any particular surprises or literary memorable moments. Overall, the Dark Angels are not the protagonists of the story, it adds nothing to our annals besides a grim defeat supervised by a nameless captain. Further, our Terminators and Tactical Marines are fielded in “squadrons”, and Terminators evidently vault into battle wielding chainswords… Give it pass, unless you really have nothing else to do… The short story can be found here: A Balance of Faith (by Darren-Jon Ashmore) A short story, where a Dark Angel librarian is the side character to a Sister Hospitaliers crisis of faith. For what it is, it is alright. By no means essential, and its age does show. Black Library writing has come a long way since this was published in 2006. The short story can be found here: Sons of Fenris (by Lee Lightner) Book 5 of the Space Wolves series featuring an invincible and invulnerable Ragnar Blackmane. It also portrays the Dark Angels in a most unflattering light, being the prime antagonists of the Dark Angels. I believe that the entire book has been retconned, as the actions of both Chapters would have grievous repercussions of both and the Imperium as a whole. The tale is moderately interesting, and I bought it on a whim years ago, so that I would have something to read, while I commuted to work. I bought it solely on account of the Dark Angels being in it, as I have not read the other books in the Space Wolves series, nor anything else about Ragnar Blackmane…though I might get the new Legends of the Space Marines Ragnar Blackmane by Aaron Dempski-Bowden, which feature the Dark Angels as well… On a whole, I would not recommend this novel. The writing is uninspired, and the Space Wolves are depicted as being levels above the Dark Angels in ability, tactical acumen, battlecraft skills and…well…everything. Available here: Easy Prey (by C.Z. Dunn) It is a very brief, 2½ Ipad page, quick read about a Dark Angel Tactical Marine hunting down a sniper. Though brief, it is well written and immediately got me in the mood, as we follow the tense hunt for an unknown sniper. I liked it, and would actually like to read more about the outcome of the campaign in which the quick read takes place. I would recommend it, for any who have a brief commute to do… It is available as a quick read here: Reparation (by Andy Smilie) To my knowledge, this is the only piece of Dark Angel fiction penned by Andy Smilie. It is a short read of about 13 Ipad pages, and I did enjoy the twist of it. I had not figured it out, though I was aware that something was off. The Dark Eldar antagonists of the read are suitably unpleasant and alien to make one want not to fall into their clutches. As with “Easy Prey” by C.Z. Dunn, I will happily recommend this to fans of the 1st Legion. Flesh of the Angel (by Robbie MacNiven) Concerning the exploits of brother Zameon Gydrael of the Deathwatch. It ties into the Deathwatch: Overkill game and was released as part of the Deathwatch: Ignition omnibus. I have not read it, but am thinking of buying just this short, so that I can read more Dark Angel fiction... It is available here: Vox Tenebris (by Robbie MacNiven) Taking place during the Warzone: Fenris conflict, it continues the tale of Zameon Gydrael, now a member of the Deathwing, and the Space Wolf from Deathwatch: Ignition series. I have not heard the audio drama, but once I do, I will update this with my opinion. Bought it, and listened to it! This is a brilliant audio drama! Well worth every penny I spent on it. The voice acting is well done, the plot is (for a dungeon crawler) very, very good, and the two protagonists have a wonderful back-and-forth dialogue. If Robbie MacNiven ever does a full Dark Angels novel, then, well, sign me up for it! It is available here: Ragnar Blackmane (by Aaron Dempski-Bowden) The Young Wolf remembers old battles in order to fight new ones. One of the old conflicts in question, is the ancient feud between the Dark Angels and the Space Wolves. I have not read the book, but am thinking of getting it. It is available here: Angels of Darkness (by Gav Thorpe) As far as I know, this was the first full length piece of Dark Angels fiction released. It shows its age now, and ties into the old 90´ campaign set “Storm of Vengeance”. It tells the tale of Interrogator-Chaplain Boreas who has been left on Piscina IV following the Ork invasion. It is split between the present and a past interrogation he conducted. The novel split the community back then, though the author has explicitly stated that one should not trust the biased view and self-aggrandizing statements. As an early work of Black Library, it is worthy of a place on the shelf…but it comes with the major caveat of it having been written by Mr. Thorpe. It is far, far better, though, than his dismal “The Purging of Kadillus”. It is available here:, though it can be bought cheaper on Amazon Prime. Ravenwing (Legacy of Caliban vol. I) (by Gav Thorpe) Once I have bought and read the Omnibus, I will update this and post my review. The first of the Legacy of Caliban trilogy. It can be found here: Master of Sanctity (Legacy of Caliban vol. II) (by Gav Thorpe) Once I have bought and read the Omnibus, I will update this and post my review. The second of the Legacy of Caliban trilogy. It can be found here: Unforgiven (Legacy of Caliban vol. III) (by Gav Thorpe) Once I have bought and read the Omnibus, I will update this and post my review. The third and concluding part of the Legacy of Caliban trilogy. It can be found here: . Lords of Caliban anthology (by Gav Thorpe) An anthology of Dark Angel quick reads and short stories. It ties into the Legacy of Caliban series, and has now been released as part of the Legacy of Caliban Omnibus, which renders this particular anthology obsolete. It contains the following six quick reads & short stories: Accept No Failure Grand Master Belial deliberates his failure on Piscina IV against the Great Beast, Gharzaghkull Thraka, and debates whether to cut the losses of Dark Angels and simply order Exterminatus on the planet. He is aided by Asmodai, who is suitably psychotic and as always entirely unreliable. The portrayal of both Belial and Asmodai is suitably Gav Thorpe-ish, in that they are caricatures of supposedly brilliant military leaders, who are raked by self-doubt and unable to reach a decision. This does not apply to Asmodai, who is simply a far gone madman, who wants to see the galaxy burn. I am not a fan the portrayal of either. Azrael also has a showing, and he is done considerably better than either of the other two. Also available here as an audio drama: Holder of the Keys One of the Fallen is compelled to relive his memories of the fall of Caliban. The voice acting is good, even if the story is very short and seems to be without bearing to an overarching story line. It is interesting solely for the view it provides on what it is to be on the receiving end of an interrogation… Also available here as an audio drama: A Hunt in the Dark It is the tale of Sammaels ascension to the rank of Grand Master of the Ravenwing, and the trial he is subjected to, prior to him being affirmed in that august office. Though written by Gav Thorpe, it is actually not half-bad, and is one of his better pieces of Dark Angel fiction. I am luke warm about it, but mainly that is because it is written by Gav Thorpe, which makes for there being oddities in how one would conduct a military organization…even if it is in the far future, and we have space ships, and magic and daemons… It can be found here: Honour of the Third Details the very early exploits of Belial, where he is evidently not the same insecure, angst ridden leader, that shows up in “The Purging of Kadillus”. It is a very short read, and is as easily forgettable as it is read. It can be found here: Battle-Brothers Hunting through the bowls of a space station, the Ravenwing face some hard choices. I have read somewhere, that what happens in this story is set during the first few chapters of “Ravenwing”. It is ok, and might make more sense, if one had read “Ravenwing”. It can be found here: All Must End Tying in with the Legacy of Caliban trilogy, it details a librarian trying to glean clues from the warp, whilst the major players of the Dark Angels watch over him. Though written by Thorpe, it is not half bad, and I found it sufficiently interesting. Not his worst work by far. It can be found here: The novels “Ravenwing”, “Master of Sanctity” and “Unforgiven”, as well as the anthology Lords of Caliban, have all been released as the Legacy of Caliban omnibus, available here: As far as I can tell, it is cheapest to buy on Amazon Prime. Rage of Asmodai (by C.Z. Dunn) Another C.Z. Dunn piece. I am not entirely sure how this one fits in with the rest of the Mr. Dunn's Dark Angels-storyline, but it was a fun, if too brief, tale of a number of Relictor Space Marines being aided by the infamous Chaplain Asmodai, trying to retrieve an artifact, whilst Asmodai wants a certain black armoured traitor Space Marine. Though it is not the best piece of fiction from Dunn's hand, the audio drama was well enough crafted to be entertaining. If you have a few pennies to spare, there are certainly worse purchases to be made out there. The audio drama is available here: War of Secrets (by Phil Kelly) I have not heard particularly good things about this book - but nor have I read it. If I ever get my grubby hands on it, I will update this review. That said and done, this is all I have been able to find. Happy reading! Kind regards, Master Ciaphas Edited July 24, 2018 by Master Ciaphas Solrac, Arioch, BrotherAtrox and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solrac Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 Fantastic Compendium Master Ciaphas! Hats off to you my friend will be looking at some of these quick smart! Master Ciaphas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted December 20, 2016 Author Share Posted December 20, 2016 Thank you, Solrac! I hope you find something to wet the interest! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaplain Raeven Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 Incredible list Master Ciaphas! Must've taken quite some time to create it. But man, I was going to start reading the DA-novels, but your list makes me lose my courage. No way I have the money or the time for all that literature! Master Ciaphas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Othniel's Blade Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 Great list, now to start checking them off over Christmas! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rendingon1+ Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 Very helpfull and detailed list. I would definitely add: Leman Russ: The Great Wolf. Wraight's Lion is so far the best imo. Also the Wolf King. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lostrael Posted December 20, 2016 Share Posted December 20, 2016 Great list. I found something I haven't read/heard yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted December 21, 2016 Author Share Posted December 21, 2016 Thank you all. I have updated the list with - Leman Russ: The Great Wolf - Wolf King - Flesh of the Angel - Vox Tenebris Kind regards, Master Ciaphas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
southpawgrammar Posted December 30, 2016 Share Posted December 30, 2016 A good list! To not like Gav Thorpe, you have really read a lot of stories written by him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted December 30, 2016 Author Share Posted December 30, 2016 Oh, very true. I am an incurable optimist and a dyed in the wool fan of the First Legion ... and eternally disappointed by Thorpe´s writing... Chaplain Raeven 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jlmb_123 Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 Can I add one more: Barrington J Bailey's "Eye of Terror"? There are three story lines: a Rogue Trader and Navigator, both out of pocket, who get pulled into the Eye of Terror; a Lord of Change who's trying to organise a massive army and invasion of real space; and a Dark Angel Legionnaire who's found himself in the Eye Of Terror after drifting through space, unconscious, for ten thousand years, who meets a Fallen Angel. Lostrael and Helias_Tancred 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lostrael Posted February 27, 2017 Share Posted February 27, 2017 This story gave me the strangest Alice in Wonder Terror land dreams. It has been stated that it no longer fits the canon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted February 28, 2017 Author Share Posted February 28, 2017 Ah, yes, that one! That was one of the first Black Library books I bought! Loved it actually. I think I might have to go back and reread it now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted July 24, 2018 Author Share Posted July 24, 2018 Hail!Well - I have updated the original post with a review of "Azrael", "Vox Tenebris" and "Rage of Asmodai". "War of Secrets" has been added to the list, even if I have not yet read it.Faithfully, Master Ciaphas sneakybamsen and Orkinstein 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helias_Tancred Posted January 7, 2022 Share Posted January 7, 2022 I'm happy to know that I've read nearly everything on the list ... I'm saddened that there really hasn't been any specific Dark Angels novels since that bad one about the primaris ..... you're also on target regarding Gas Thorpe. His work isn't all bad, but it has not fully done the legion/chapter its due. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother_Darius Posted January 7, 2022 Share Posted January 7, 2022 I'm happy to know that I've read nearly everything on the list ... I'm saddened that there really hasn't been any specific Dark Angels novels since that bad one about the primaris ..... you're also on target regarding Gas Thorpe. His work isn't all bad, but it has not fully done the legion/chapter its due. Hasn't the book LUTHUR come out since War of Secrets? Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helias_Tancred Posted January 7, 2022 Share Posted January 7, 2022 Oh yeah ... Luther! Got that on my iPhone at 12:01 am on the day it released ;) Master Ciaphas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Ciaphas Posted January 7, 2022 Author Share Posted January 7, 2022 (edited) Hail! Yes - "Luther" and "Lair of the Beast" have both come out since I made the list. As has Thomas Parrot's "Test of Faith". I have read "Luther" and "Test of Faith". For a Gav Thorpe piece of work, I was actually impressed by Luther and liked it. "Test of Faith" had potential, but was another yarn on the "we don't trust the Primaris"; it's main purpose I feel was to give legitimacy to the Primaris within the Dark Angel ranks. I have not yet found time to buy, download and read "Lair of the Beast". Faithfully, Master Ciaphas Edited January 7, 2022 by Master Ciaphas Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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