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IF 2500 siege themed list


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So I'm trying expand my army beyond what came in the two boxed sets into a reasonably competitive yet fluffy list. My force is designed to put pressure on my opponent with long range firepower while maintaining a reasonably good mix of mobile and tough units.  The large blob squad will either move up the field or guard the artillery with the praetor and apothecary in tow.


A couple of notes on the terminators, I'm aware of the controversy around tartaros suits and storm shields. They're allowed in my gaming group. I've also passed over the teleport homer in favor of the drop pod to get my force on the ground turn 1 and to give them a little extra resilience.


Right now, I have most of the infantry and the contemptor built and painted. The terminators are awaiting release of the storm shields from forgeworld and I haven't bought boarding shields to convert my plastic Mk III marines into breachers. All of the vehicles and the deredeo would need to be purchased still.




Praetor (165)

 - Iron Halo, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Digital Lasers


Veteran Tactical Squad (280)

 - 5 extra marines, 2x Heavy Bolters with Suspensors, Vexillia, Nuncio Vox

 - Artificer Armour, Power Fist Sgt

 - Rhino


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (205)

 - Two Combat Arms, 2x Graviton Guns


Tartaros Terminators (395)

 - 5x Vigil pattern storm shields, 4x Power Fists, Chain Fist Sgt

 - Dreadclaw


Apothecarion Detatchment (55)

 - Artificer Armour


Legion Tactical Squad (205)

 - Vexillia, Nuncio Vox

 - Artificer Armour, Power Fist Sgt

 - Rhino


Legion Tactical Squad (215)

 - 5 extra marines, Vexillia, Nuncio Vox

 - Artificer Armour, Power Fist Sgt


Breacher Squad (475)

 - Vexillia, 2x Graviton Guns

 - Artificer Armour, Power Fist Sgt

 - Land Raider Proteus

  - Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade, Extra Armour


Artillery Squadron (280)

 - 2 x Basilisks


Deredeo Dreadhought (185)



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If your gaming group allows Tartaros & storm shields then I'd give that to your Praetor.


I'd add a second chain fist to your terminator unit to make sure it defiantly goes through spartans/ can threaten knights/ superheavies.


I'd stick a chain fist in your dread for armourbane.


I'd also reconsider your heavy support choices. As i understand it basilisks are rather poor (for their points) on the table. Medusas are better though I'd consider a scorpius and a vindicator laser destroyer.


I'd also try and squeeze on a dozer blade and MM on the tac squad & vet rhinos.


To help save points you could downgrade the contemptor to a Corvus - this would also allow it bonuses to its run move,etc helping it move into position faster.


I'd also consider making the breacher sqd the large blob squad to march up the table with the apothercary & praetor rather then the tac sqd. Either way they'll be chewed up quickly be enemy firepower but the breachers would last longer. This would allow you to drop the large tac blob squad and landraiders and pay for the upgrades/ increase the breacher squad.

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If your gaming group allows Tartaros & storm shields then I'd give that to your Praetor.


I'd add a second chain fist to your terminator unit to make sure it defiantly goes through spartans/ can threaten knights/ superheavies.


I'd stick a chain fist in your dread for armourbane.


I'd also reconsider your heavy support choices. As i understand it basilisks are rather poor (for their points) on the table. Medusas are better though I'd consider a scorpius and a vindicator laser destroyer.


I'd also try and squeeze on a dozer blade and MM on the tac squad & vet rhinos.


To help save points you could downgrade the contemptor to a Corvus - this would also allow it bonuses to its run move,etc helping it move into position faster.


I'd also consider making the breacher sqd the large blob squad to march up the table with the apothercary & praetor rather then the tac sqd. Either way they'll be chewed up quickly be enemy firepower but the breachers would last longer. This would allow you to drop the large tac blob squad and landraiders and pay for the upgrades/ increase the breacher squad.

Thanks for the feedback.


I agree that the vet's rhino needs the dozer blade and multi melta. Downgrading to the cortus contemptor should free up enough points for those. I absolutely get your point about the artillery but want to stay a little fluffy so I'll probably stick to some form of big guns.


I'm pretty fond of the praetor build as is, 6 solarite gauntlet attacks are pretty potent. It might be better to take a second look at assault marines rather than the tactical blob.


From browsing the forums, it looks like blobs of breachers rarely work out since they die almost as fast as tacticals and are way more expensive. I'll have to think a bit more about that one.


Thanks again!

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I can certainly see the attraction of the praetor build - a shame we can't run the IF relic to give them eternal warrior!


And you're right about breachers v tacs as the blob sqd - both will die but whilst the breachers may survive a little longer they are expensive!


I'd recommend delaying the purchase of the basilisk - From the rules and battle reports I've seen medusas would be more effective whilst still fitting with your theme (I've never run either unit so I'd listen to others first!)

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