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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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Agreed. I think marines breaking will be possible, but there will be plenty of rules that make it unlikely (ATSKNF, warlord traits, command points, etc). I know I may be coming across like a pollyanna, but even after picking apart all the info leaks with my FLGS, we all feel really positive about 8th. As a whole, it seems quicker, more balanced, and more tactical. Even if there are changes to rules I dislike in isolation, I'll be content as long as those three things are achieved in the long run.
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And something to keep in mind with morale tests is 8th looks like it'll be a great edition for transports. Assuming we can assault out of all transports our crusader squads will rarely be victims to heavy fire. Before you know it Tau gunlines will cry out in terror as our chainswords finally reach their feeble lines, and the normally swift Eldar are outmaneuvered by our metal boxes and then crushed under Templar feet and treads.

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So plenty of leaked rumours in this link. Some speculation on challenges, characters and neophytes with a 3+ save!? All rumours mind you.


Yeah I'm putting salt on that...


The last thing you want in a game of 40k with Lascannons and Flamers that does D6 hits/wounds is have characters walking around alone...

that restricts characters from attacking squads unless what they're trying to Assault is already locked in combat... the Overwatch alone, if it hits, would kill them on the spot...


As for Vehicles not having Fire Points, but is restricted to who is riding them, it is far too restrictive... for example... if I have a Rhino and the fire point out of the rhino restricts it to Bolters only, and in that Rhino I have a 5-man Heavy Bolter Devastator Squad, then that restricts the Devastator Squad from firing at all...

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GW shot me a feply back this morning regarding wargear: any options that are leal now will still be legal in 8th. So MSU BT and 5 Initiates and 5 Neophytes can both still rock a special and a heavy weapon.


I just hope there is a change to giving Marines a CCW standard to fit with the fluff of going into combat woth bolter, bolt pistol, and either a combat knife or chainsword.

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I have a feeling that the whole "single statline for all models in the unit" thing won't carry over. Too many units with widly different stats and options (Crusader Squads, Mechanicus Big Beep Boops and Coghead unit, Big Bug and little Bugstartes bodyguards, ect) requiring units to likely retain the multiple statlines we know from the current game just with the 8th ed flavor on how they look.
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You guys see at 40K FB that GW put Marbo rules in for SW and dedicated it to that Anthony guy that keeps spamming their posts with Marbo memos? Why are we not doing this???

Time to copy and paste the entire "YMBABTI" list into a single post and post it in every single one of their posts ever?

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So I shot GW a message on FB about some potential changes to wargear loadouts and got a reply. So first, my message:


So with this new editon and the look of pistols no longer serving to be close combat weapons does this mean we'll be seeing the issuance of knives and chainswords to our loyalist models standard?

I only ask because everyone seems to always have a knife, chainsword or bayonet in the lore (and the Infantryman's Uplifting Primer states it to be a part of a Guardsman's required kit) but on the table top that's never seen outside of specific army builds.

If you can't answer now a little article about it as a teaser this month would be good too! I'm sure a lot of us just want a better idea how war is going to be waged going into the new edition and would appreciate the insight.

And their reply:


Hey [REDACTED] - that's a great question! It does indeed sound like an article. Watch this space!

So it looks like there IS a change (potentially in the "everyone gets something to stab people with" direction (I hope), but the details will become an article in the future instead of a FB message.
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I rather like that they gave something to the community on demand. We could see more OOP characters return on request this way in the future.

It's nice, yes, but don't dedicate the answer to a spammer. That just broadcasts "who spams most will get what they want," and I wouldn't call that a good thing if you put a loaded bolt pistol on my temple.

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So plenty of leaked rumours in this link. Some speculation on challenges, characters and neophytes with a 3+ save!? All rumours mind you.

Yeah I'm putting salt on that...


The last thing you want in a game of 40k with Lascannons and Flamers that does D6 hits/wounds is have characters walking around alone...

that restricts characters from attacking squads unless what they're trying to Assault is already locked in combat... the Overwatch alone, if it hits, would kill them on the spot...


As for Vehicles not having Fire Points, but is restricted to who is riding them, it is far too restrictive... for example... if I have a Rhino and the fire point out of the rhino restricts it to Bolters only, and in that Rhino I have a 5-man Heavy Bolter Devastator Squad, then that restricts the Devastator Squad from firing at all...

One thing with the characters is we will probably see them get more wounds, and rumor points out they wouldn't be a valid target outside of close range or are on point. Also with melee it looks like only those models close to him will even get to swing in him given what we know so far.


Of course a lone character shouldn't be charging into combat alone unless they're really good at doing that.


Time will tell.

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I rather like that they gave something to the community on demand. We could see more OOP characters return on request this way in the future.

It's nice, yes, but don't dedicate the answer to a spammer. That just broadcasts "who spams most will get what they want," and I wouldn't call that a good thing if you put a loaded bolt pistol on my temple.


Fair point.

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