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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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And Marine 2.0 is a thing now ...

Well, not sure i want Guilliman's blood in my crusade

I wonder what will become of Helbrecth, Grimaldus and the EC...


They just became irrelevant to be honest.


Unless they get some of that juice, they will be chumps compared to the new dudez!

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I'm a little surprised at the negativity I'm seeing on this thread. I know these changes aren't perfect, but it seems to me there is a lot to look forward to, for Templars especially.


  • Assault phase seems to be much more lethal
  • Assaulting out of drop pods
  • Ability for Crusaders to shoot in close combat (in the shooting phase)
  • Land Raiders are viable again. I lost count of the number of games my LRCs were one shotted. Even when running the spear head formation. It's too easy for things like melta to take them out. 
  • GW confirming our unique units aren't going anywhere
  • GW confirming no models are being squatted, which means new stats for Grimaldus, Helbrecht, and Emperor's Champion. Considering none of them (sans EC in lower point games) are usable beyond fluffy games, this actually has me excited.


Where is our zeal brothers? We should be revving our chainswords in anticipation!

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I see no reason to jump to that conclusion. All signs point to this edition being built under the guise of balance. Will there be some units more powerful than others? Sure. Will a new meta inevitably emerge? Of course. That said, I see no reason to believe some new toys will completely nerf current space marines. They are, after all, the most popular and widely owned army in the game. 


The Stormcast comparison doesn't work on any level. They revamped the entire setting, game, etc. for Fantasy. That isn't happening in 40k. They have stressed on their Facebook and other places, our SM aren't going anywhere. Not to mention, Empire has some of the strongest builds in AoS right now. 

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Except the new marines will make all that redundant.

Just like the Stormcast release made the Empire redundant.

Still not buying them so I don't see how they are redundant in comparison to the most famous successor Chapter in Twitter... msn-wink.gif

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Except the new marines will make all that redundant.


Just like the Stormcast release made the Empire redundant.

Do we know anything about their rules or stats yet?


Also Custodes are to marines what stormcasts are to the Empire at least probably stay wise. There are trade offs for those stats though. And even new marines can only be so different and still be marines.

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The basic mechanics of this phase are very similar to how they work now. You can select any unit with 12″ as the target of your charge, and your units will move towards them 2D6″.


Enemy units still have a chance to hit the charging unit with overwatch, provided that they are not already in combat. Just as in the current edition, overwatch is a hit on a flat 6 – all pretty familiar so far. In the current Warhammer 40,000, you need to reach base contact. In the new edition, though, you only need to come within 1″ of an enemy, which in practice means that compared to the current charge range, you get an extra inch.


We can move even if we fail our charge !!!!!! WOOP 

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Charges also suceed if you're within 1" at the end making the effective charge range 3-13" instead of 2-12". If you're within 3 you're auto-in now, much better than before.


Downside is Overwatch isn't a one time thing anymore (you can keep shooting until you successfully get charged), but it is still a flat 6 to hit. Hopefully there will be some balancing factors to keep that from being a giant army killer like it was with certain heretical armies.



Some comments from GW on the face book page:

"We haven't got to assault yet. Stuff is gonna die, don't you worry."

"Hey Steve,We haven't gotten to assault yet - don't worry. Your crusaders are going to have a great time in the new edition."

"Hey Michael Ryan, Assault armies are going to do just fine. Remember, points and rules for every unit are being adjusted and, you haven't seen what combat look like yet. (Which we'll have tomorow)"

" There's far more to combat than charging, Blane. We'll see a bit more of it tomorow. People will fear the assault army, you'll see."


Also There is a comment about congaline gunlines being a mistake. Consolidating into combat may be a thing again.

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I'm a little surprised at the negativity I'm seeing on this thread. I know these changes aren't perfect, but it seems to me there is a lot to look forward to, for Templars especially.


  • Assault phase seems to be much more lethal
  • Assaulting out of drop pods
  • Ability for Crusaders to shoot in close combat (in the shooting phase)
  • Land Raiders are viable again. I lost count of the number of games my LRCs were one shotted. Even when running the spear head formation. It's too easy for things like melta to take them out. 
  • GW confirming our unique units aren't going anywhere
  • GW confirming no models are being squatted, which means new stats for Grimaldus, Helbrecht, and Emperor's Champion. Considering none of them (sans EC in lower point games) are usable beyond fluffy games, this actually has me excited.


Where is our zeal brothers? We should be revving our chainswords in anticipation!



I really like the new rules, that's not what bothers me. It's just that I'm 100% sure that GW will mess up the whole fluff part.


There are so many different and interesting Space Marine Chapters, so I can't understand why GW centers all the action around the boring, mundane and highly overdone Ultramarines. (personal opinion)







The basic mechanics of this phase are very similar to how they work now. You can select any unit with 12″ as the target of your charge, and your units will move towards them 2D6″.


Enemy units still have a chance to hit the charging unit with overwatch, provided that they are not already in combat. Just as in the current edition, overwatch is a hit on a flat 6 – all pretty familiar so far. In the current Warhammer 40,000, you need to reach base contact. In the new edition, though, you only need to come within 1″ of an enemy, which in practice means that compared to the current charge range, you get an extra inch.


We can move even if we fail our charge !!!!!! WOOP 




It is a step in the right direction, although I would've prefered a 6"+D6 charge range or something similiar.

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Mees up the fluff how? ECs become witches? The army becomes the seond version of rht Grey Knights with everyone being a witch hunting psyker? Helbretch becomes a warphead? The whole chapter never existed and is actually a Genestealer/Ork hybrid fleet? They end the Eternal Crusade? We start wearing "Horus was Right" t-shirts over our armour? We fall to chaos? We start running AWAY from combat and never towards it? We join the Tau?


I mean there are lots of ways to ruin Templars. How bad are you thinking it'll get?

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Charges also suceed if you're within 1" at the end making the effective charge range 3-13" instead of 2-12". If you're within 3 you're auto-in now, much better than before.


Downside is Overwatch isn't a one time thing anymore (you can keep shooting until you successfully get charged), but it is still a flat 6 to hit. Hopefully there will be some balancing factors to keep that from being a giant army killer like it was with certain heretical armies.



Some comments from GW on the face book page:

"We haven't got to assault yet. Stuff is gonna die, don't you worry."

"Hey Steve,We haven't gotten to assault yet - don't worry. Your crusaders are going to have a great time in the new edition."

"Hey Michael Ryan, Assault armies are going to do just fine. Remember, points and rules for every unit are being adjusted and, you haven't seen what combat look like yet. (Which we'll have tomorow)"

" There's far more to combat than charging, Blane. We'll see a bit more of it tomorow. People will fear the assault army, you'll see."

Also There is a comment about congaline gunlines being a mistake. Consolidating into combat may be a thing again.



Upside is shooting in general has been made a bit less dangerous due to save modifiers so we'll have an easier time getting through overwatch.

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I'm hopefully optimistic about what it see so far.  Also with the claims that this new GW has made about listening to the community and annual updates we might get a more flavorful BT that might allow us to play closer to core ideas the old codex was built around.  


I'm not someone that enjoyed my BT in the basic SM codex or 6th & 7th edition, so I have hopes that 8th will renew my interest in 40k and make the game fun again for me.   

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I'm hoping for Helbrecht to get Orbital Strike back.


In regards to the "Space Marine 2.0" huffing and puffing... so many of the same things were said about Centurions before they were released. And what of it? Until I see a statline it's just something else to get people upset for nothing. If it's game-breaking, shame on GW. If it's not, shame on us for not keeping the faith. 


Brothers, take pride in your armies. When the NKotB (80's acronym alert - anyone younger than 20 can google it) is talking about how his dad is going to buy him a Lamborgini Huracan for his birthday, I will gladly look over at my customized 1998 Diesel Black Jeep Wrangler, covered in mud, and politely say, "I bet your birthday present will be very nice to drive on Sunday". There is no envy here.


Your armies are glorious as they are. Paint it black.

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I'm a little surprised at the negativity I'm seeing on this thread. I know these changes aren't perfect, but it seems to me there is a lot to look forward to, for Templars especially.


  • Assault phase seems to be much more lethal
  • Assaulting out of drop pods
  • Ability for Crusaders to shoot in close combat (in the shooting phase)
  • Land Raiders are viable again. I lost count of the number of games my LRCs were one shotted. Even when running the spear head formation. It's too easy for things like melta to take them out.
  • GW confirming our unique units aren't going anywhere
  • GW confirming no models are being squatted, which means new stats for Grimaldus, Helbrecht, and Emperor's Champion. Considering none of them (sans EC in lower point games) are usable beyond fluffy games, this actually has me excited.

Where is our zeal brothers? We should be revving our chainswords in anticipation!

Hi, where did you see that assaulting out of drop pods is a thing? I would absolutely love it if that's true but all I've seen is 'every vehicle can be assaulted from'.


I haven't seen any confirmation that the 'no assault from reserves' rule has been removed. Eternally optimistic though, as I wasn't that keen on the mini boost to overwatch - I play enough Tau to absolutely hate that rule.


Really, really hope you are right!

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Hi, where did you see that assaulting out of drop pods is a thing? I would absolutely love it if that's true but all I've seen is 'every vehicle can be assaulted from'.


Drop Pods are transports, so by extension they're vehicles. 

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I'm hoping for Helbrecht to get Orbital Strike back.


In regards to the "Space Marine 2.0" huffing and puffing... so many of the same things were said about Centurions before they were released. And what of it? Until I see a statline it's just something else to get people upset for nothing. If it's game-breaking, shame on GW. If it's not, shame on us for not keeping the faith. 


Brothers, take pride in your armies. When the NKotB (80's acronym alert - anyone younger than 20 can google it) is talking about how his dad is going to buy him a Lamborgini Huracan for his birthday, I will gladly look over at my customized 1998 Diesel Black Jeep Wrangler, covered in mud, and politely say, "I bet your birthday present will be very nice to drive on Sunday". There is no envy here.


Your armies are glorious as they are. Paint it black.

Has it been confirmed anywhere that the "Marines 2.0" are a new faction as opposed to a new SM unit?

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I'm hoping for Helbrecht to get Orbital Strike back.


Brothers, take pride in your armies. When the NKotB (80's acronym alert - anyone younger than 20 can google it) 


Wow, I must have been out of the loop for a good amount of time when did Helbrecht have Orbital Strike?


New Kids on the Block!  Ok, that is funny and even funnier to show up on a 40k forum.  My 35 yr old little sister would smile hearing someone talking about New Kids on the Block.  

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I'm hoping for Helbrecht to get Orbital Strike back.


In regards to the "Space Marine 2.0" huffing and puffing... so many of the same things were said about Centurions before they were released. And what of it? Until I see a statline it's just something else to get people upset for nothing. If it's game-breaking, shame on GW. If it's not, shame on us for not keeping the faith.


Brothers, take pride in your armies. When the NKotB (80's acronym alert - anyone younger than 20 can google it) is talking about how his dad is going to buy him a Lamborgini Huracan for his birthday, I will gladly look over at my customized 1998 Diesel Black Jeep Wrangler, covered in mud, and politely say, "I bet your birthday present will be very nice to drive on Sunday". There is no envy here.


Your armies are glorious as they are. Paint it black.

I get what you're saying, but if my dad were still around and buying me a CL65 AMG Black Series I would brag all day.


Black Series. See what I did there?

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I'm hoping for Helbrecht to get Orbital Strike back.


In regards to the "Space Marine 2.0" huffing and puffing... so many of the same things were said about Centurions before they were released. And what of it? Until I see a statline it's just something else to get people upset for nothing. If it's game-breaking, shame on GW. If it's not, shame on us for not keeping the faith.


Brothers, take pride in your armies. When the NKotB (80's acronym alert - anyone younger than 20 can google it) is talking about how his dad is going to buy him a Lamborgini Huracan for his birthday, I will gladly look over at my customized 1998 Diesel Black Jeep Wrangler, covered in mud, and politely say, "I bet your birthday present will be very nice to drive on Sunday". There is no envy here.


Your armies are glorious as they are. Paint it black.

I'm hoping for chapter masters at large to lose it entirely and have more bonuses tied to leading the army.


After all if he's on the planet the orbital strike is already done and he's making sure everything is truly dead.

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Also, for those with certain head-canons wishing to Crusade in 8th editions new frontier... here is the new 40k galactic map...









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