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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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The way I see it you need around 15 bolter rounds to take a wound off of a dreadnought which unless he's only got 1 wound left, is kind of a waste of shots when you could tear up some infantry instead. More importantly the stuff that can do serious damage now suddenly doesn't wound on a 2+. You'll need S14 in order to wound him on a 2+ now which is a significant bump in toughness given that most of the really scary weapons are only one or 2 shots.

Also note that on the large models teaser they talked about how the gorkonaut doesn't lose shooting effectiveness even as it loses wounds. If that holds true for things like Vindicators and LRC's...devil.gif Makes them even more scary than they were before

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Actually if my math is right you need 25+ bolter shots to take off a wound.

That's not really a concern.


How many Riptides did we defeat with Bolters?

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Actually if my math is right you need 25+ bolter shots to take off a wound.

That's not really a concern.


How many Riptides did we defeat with Bolters?


25 shots x 66% chance to hit, 33% chance to would and 66% to save = 1.84 wounds


15 shots is 1.1 wounds. 

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The way I see it you need around 15 bolter rounds to take a wound off of a dreadnought which unless he's only got 1 wound left, is kind of a waste of shots when you could tear up some infantry instead.

Especially because we can split fire freely now.
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Also note that on the large models teaser they talked about how the gorkonaut doesn't lose shooting effectiveness even as it loses wounds. If that holds true for things like Vindicators and LRC's...devil.gif Makes them even more scary than they were before

I expect that will not hold true for all vehicles. Surely some more shooting oriented vehicles will lose weapons and/or BS

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mmm I'd have thought that a tank that can only shoot will lose BS as it loses wounds... Movement will degrade each time, as well as save, but maybe the BS will only drop in the second half / final 3rd of wounds?


Dreadnoughts do look a lot more durable (if you've seen the Long War battle report where dreads had Toughness and Wounds), which is a big plus.


I'm just so looking forward and hopeful that each unit and weapon will be given a new lease of life. Like the Heavy Bolter. And all those Missile Launchers still on the sprue!

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Just to back up an earlier statement, I did some mathhammer yesterday. Bolters against the Gorkanaut.


486 Bolter shots to guarantee a kill.


3+ to hit, 6 to wound, 3+ save.


66.7% of all shots will hit, 16.7% of the hits will wound, 66.7% of wounds will be saved.


I see a resurgence of the mighty Predator Annihilator, Vindicator and the HOLY LRC. Especially with the new Vehicle rules.


Just to ask, where is the "assault from all vehicles" thing, not seen it. Is this sea water salty?

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Just to ask, where is the "assault from all vehicles" thing, not seen it. Is this sea water salty?



Wanting to know this as well, I have a few Rhinos waiting for conformation on this. So it depends on this outcome if they are shared out over my other 40k armies or if they go full Templar, along with a pred and vindi all cooling thier track on sprue.

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I wasn't around when you could assault from all transports, so I can't say from experience, but I hope it's not a thing.

Partly for the reason that I'll have to join in the Rhino rush and spend the next month painting metal boxes... But also because I'm really looking forward to the LRC being a standout performer and having its time in the spotlight.

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LRCs spotlight was originally durability, and later the exclusive assault ramp.  If this rumor is true, then it's rolling back the clock to the original status as a nigh invulnerable transport, as opposed to the tissue box point sink it currently is.


Rhino rush does have one failing with Templars: 10 men is such a waste of the Crusader Squad's potential. ;)

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Aye, will be having some LRC fun, but they cost a fair bit in points. So would be good(awesome) to be able to take Rhinos you can assault from to support. Frees up points for more Crusader marines you see.


While I have thoughts of Rhinos everywhere with a few big boys, I havne't played my Templars in some time so might be out of touch with how effective that would be. One way to find out when the new rules hit.

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LRCs spotlight was originally durability, and later the exclusive assault ramp. If this rumor is true, then it's rolling back the clock to the original status as a nigh invulnerable transport, as opposed to the tissue box point sink it currently is.

Rhino rush does have one failing with Templars: 10 men is such a waste of the Crusader Squad's potential. msn-wink.gif

It's about the only thing I think we're missing out on from Codex Astartes - combat squadding. Two 5+5 dedicated transport Rhinos would be such a cool thing.

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You'd need to correct interpret the codex (not sure if I'm talking about "the good book" or Games Workshop's soon-to-be-discontinued books here) though, since one combat-squadded squad can't take two different transports.


Well, in the past, anyway. Not sure what to take from the Dedicated Transports being in their own little box in the detachments Warhammer Community showed.

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Prior to the article on (Independent) Characters-

If the pattern of AoS is to be followed then expect IC's to not be allowed to join other units... Guilleman was released with an MC profile so that may be a hint there.

If this is the case, lets hope the Chaplain's bubble of hatred (much like Grimaldus/or a Lord Commissars area of influence) is a thing :)

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You'd need to correct interpret the codex (not sure if I'm talking about "the good book" or Games Workshop's soon-to-be-discontinued books here) though, since one combat-squadded squad can't take two different transports.

Well, in the past, anyway. Not sure what to take from the Dedicated Transports being in their own little box in the detachments Warhammer Community showed.

I think he meant that it's a cool feature to be able to combat squad but both ride in the same stransport

I take it to mean that in certain FOC's you might be limited by how many DT's you can take. That said all the ones they showed you could take one for each unit just as it is now.

Prior to the article on (Independent) Characters-

If the pattern of AoS is to be followed then expect IC's to not be allowed to join other units... Guilleman was released with an MC profile so that may be a hint there.

If this is the case, lets hope the Chaplain's bubble of hatred (much like Grimaldus/or a Lord Commissars area of influence) is a thing smile.png

I don't think he's an indication of anything, after all he is a primarch ;)

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Aye, will be having some LRC fun, but they cost a fair bit in points. So would be good(awesome) to be able to take Rhinos you can assault from to support. Frees up points for more Crusader marines you see.


While I have thoughts of Rhinos everywhere with a few big boys, I havne't played my Templars in some time so might be out of touch with how effective that would be. One way to find out when the new rules hit.


Original was in 5th ed. you could Assault out of Rhinos as long as you didn't fire weapons that prohibit you from charging next turn and the Rhinos didn't move during the movement phase.


The LRC made Assaulting out of vehicles special, as you can Assault even though the vehicle has moved, making your charge distance 6" + 3" + 6" + 6" (since charge distance was a solid 6" instead of 2D6")

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Characters can't join units... they can only be targeted if they are the closest model or started the game with more than 10 wounds (the new pseudo-definitin of a monstrous creature?)


They also get to pile in to help a nearby unit that has been assaulted.



In a weird way, it's like being able to be attached to multiple units at a time.. when all their benifits become a bubble that would have reach out more than 2 inches... and they leap into any nearby assault instead of just the unit they were attached too...

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