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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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Plus "Ratling Snipers can pick out characters" so it's not a massive guess at all snipers being able to do this, watch out characters, stay within 3" for look out sir.


Is it me or have GW massively nerfed combat characters? Don't get me wrong I am excited so far, just not loving the Character thing.

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It's less hero hammer this way.

Which is good. Commander should buff their army and not carry the day by themselves.

They can hold their own on a fight and you can hide them behind squads, but now there is a counter play for it.

Get some snipers. And you need to counter those snipers. Overall I like these changes.

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Plus "Ratling Snipers can pick out characters" so it's not a massive guess at all snipers being able to do this, watch out characters, stay within 3" for look out sir.


Is it me or have GW massively nerfed combat characters? Don't get me wrong I am excited so far, just not loving the Character thing.

As far as we know only models within that 1" range will have attacks so combat characters will probably still be very good.


I fully expect to see all characters going a few extra wounds. One list idea I'm kicking around already is EC, chaplain, and captain with at least four crusader squads. Two melee on point with the EC very close by, chaplain just behind them, captain behind him, two ranged squads in the back to stop ambushes. Other units depending on points obviously.

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During this edition, I've actually managed to pull off the single character Charge and slayed a 10 Man Cultist Squad w/ a single Emperor's Champion in a turn...


I sent a squad to charge in to try and soak overwatch (there was only 3 of them left) none were wounded, but they failed their Charge distance check... The Champion was coming in from another angle, so I charged with him afterwards, the Cultists already fired Overwatch and my Champion made the charge without getting shot at, killed 3 and suffered no wound in retaliation... squad failed Morale Test and Sweeping Advance Annihilated them... luckily enough, I managed to Consolidate close enough to the squad to catch Look Out Sir! rolls...


So things that will be different in the scenario this 8th edition:


If the scenario repeated itself again, and I try to pull off the same thing, this is how it's going to be...

I send a Squad in to soak Overwatch... they all survive (hopefully), if they pass the charge, then I send in the Emperor's Champion... if I fail their Charge, then I move them closer... hopefully there will still be Consolidation move afterwards... then I decide if the Emperor's Champion is lucky or tough enough to wade through D6 Flamer attacks (as oppose to D3) and some Laspistols... so let's say I tried and let's say GW bumped up his stats significantly... he gets shot by Overwatch (since units can now fire multiple overwatch...) if he dies, then scenario over... let's say he lives taking no wounds, and makes the charge... he kills 3 again just for the sake of history repeating itself and suffers no wound in retaliation... Cultists lose combat, and if I remember correctly they lost Ld by 3 points... so using new rules, Ld - (D6 + Loses) = lost units... so let's say he rolled a 2 in the D6... so 8 - (2 + 3) = loses this many out of 7 (so the result would be 3 dead)... leaving 4 more guys for the Champion to waddle through for another turn... and unless AoS has Sweeping Advance or some other rule similar, next turn, the cultist could just turn and run, if there is consolidation, then my Champion can attempt to move towards the squad so that they'll be shot and he won't be blasted in the face..., if there are no Consolidation moves, then my Champion is going to be Swiss Cheese... either way... this actually prolongs melee and the Fall Back system could be abused to snipe off Characters...


tldr: 8th ed. rules as shown, makes it hard to get characters that aren't Primarchs to get into grips in melee and survive corresponding turns...


So if anyone who plays AoS here can show me what the profile is for a Champion type character and how they make him effective when he gets separated from their army, such as not getting blasted in the face by shooting and Overwatch, then I'm all ears...


Roujakis, you're making me look like an optimist.


I understand your assessment of the rules they have mentioned. I do not disagree that character based play will change. However you must remember those single character models sell for minimum 30$ a piece. They want to sell more. If you can trust anything, trust GW's greed, they will make it worth buying them.

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Well... according to new weapon article... 8th addition will mean templar land raiders and combi weapon sword brethren sternguard have WAY more dakka...



Ciler they corrected the article.



Twin linked means double shots period end of story. No half range mess, that's rapid fire weapons

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Great news about LR, they're really gonna be much more usable. No longer immediately immobile (or so they hinted), plus the extra firepower. Only Redeemer doesn't get that much more firepower, since the flamer sponsons don't benefit from the change. I have three Land Raiders rearing to go (well, one still in the sprues, but its still revving up its engine assembly). Hopefully Spartan rules will get updated ASAP, those quad lascannons are gonna be nasty indeed at this rate!


And combis finally make sense, took 'em long enough!

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Great news about LR, they're really gonna be much more usable. No longer immediately immobile (or so they hinted), plus the extra firepower. Only Redeemer doesn't get that much more firepower, since the flamer sponsons don't benefit from the change. I have three Land Raiders rearing to go (well, one still in the sprues, but its still revving up its engine assembly). Hopefully Spartan rules will get updated ASAP, those quad lascannons are gonna be nasty indeed at this rate!


And combis finally make sense, took 'em long enough!

Brother, these guys seem to have something for your bespoke Templar needs:








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That assembly line is... begging for replication across many gaming tables... nice!



The redeemer could be better, we don't know yet.


So far it seams movement equals -1 to hit (unless a vehicle keyword mitigates this) and flamers hit automatically... so a redeemer full tilt is quite good now. Firing both flamers after moving 12, and not limited by template. They may give the big flamers a different range...


For all we know it's weapon profile might be ...


Range 12"

2d3 or 2d6 hits

S 6

AP -2 OR -3


I'm also assuming flamer keyword weapons will ignore cover... whatevery cover does in the coming days, I forget...

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So this is a guess off of what I have seen and please poke holes in this for the conversion of AP 7th to -AP 8th.



7th        8th    

AP 6      NA    

AP 5      NA    Bolter

AP 4    -1 AP  Heavy Bolter

AP 3    -2 AP  Battle cannon

AP 2    -3 AP   Lasscannon

AP 1   - 4 AP   Melta

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I love every one of those changes today. LRC's just got scary as hell. 24 bolter shots at half range is awesome. Combis just made sternguard silly good with being able to split fire. Can't wait for this now, going to be awesome!
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I have three Land Raider Crusaders and a Phobos that are now getting put on my to do sooner rather than later list. So much more dakka, and every reason to load up assault troops.
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I have three Land Raider Crusaders and a Phobos that are now getting put on my to do sooner rather than later list. So much more dakka, and every reason to load up assault troops.


I also have three in waiting. Just might start painting it tonight!



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I have three Land Raider Crusaders and a Phobos that are now getting put on my to do sooner rather than later list. So much more dakka, and every reason to load up assault troops.


I also have three in waiting. Just might start painting it tonight!






Wait... is that a Triple Linked Hurricane Bolter?

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I love every one of those changes today. LRC's just got scary as hell. 24 bolter shots at half range is awesome. Combis just made sternguard silly good with being able to split fire. Can't wait for this now, going to be awesome!

Now, the 24 bolter shots is just me assuming that rapid fire still works the same, which I am not sure has been confirmed.

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I love every one of those changes today. LRC's just got scary as hell. 24 bolter shots at half range is awesome. Combis just made sternguard silly good with being able to split fire. Can't wait for this now, going to be awesome!

Now, the 24 bolter shots is just me assuming that rapid fire still works the same, which I am not sure has been confirmed.

It has, they talked about it with the Guard focus article. Neither mention that there is an order that the guard can use that gives them rapid fire 2 which means 4 shots at half range ><

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