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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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I asked if we could take primaris marines crusader squads.

This was the answer:


Hey redacted,

Crusader Squads already have a defined structure, so not in those. You can certainly have Primaris Space Marines though. We can't very well launch a crusade without you guys, now can we?

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I will take a measure of each of them with my Crozius, faith and zeal. Should they be found wanting, there I will be a-paddlin'. Otherwise, I will welcome each faithful Son of Dorn in my Crusade.

Go burn a witch, Primie boy. Fetch.

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The Indomitus Crusade?

Led by Black Templar Crusader Squads in our trusty LRCs, backed up by Primaris Marines (in black, thank you Duncan) with their shiny new Bolt Rifles ( they can shoot stuff, we prefer to chop it up), throw in some Centurians (in black of course), a smattering of big shiny Landraiders, Predators and Vindicators and a couple of aircraft to stop any Hell Turkey shenanigans.

The mighty boys in blue can watch as we slaughter the enemy in a mighty Tsunami of ZEAL, then mop up the mess in accordance with the Codex Astartes. biggrin.png

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Alright guys, I've had to cull/edit some posts because of inflammatory posts like talking about how we're getting a librarium etc and referencing the UM primarch as "girlyman". 

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Inflamatory? Allow me to disagree.

The way the fluff has been going its a strong possibility.


From what i can gather with the primaris marines they will all share the same army list. No special units whatsoever. So the possibility of having a librarian added to the army list is quite strong.

Be open about that.

Until we see the chapter tactics which i doubt that it will be the same, it could happen.

I doubt we will have a primaris Emperor Champion.

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There is absolutely no evidence to support them giving Templars a librarium.  I'm not sure what you mean by no special units whatsoever, but the Primaris marines are going to have several different units within the codex, not just the Intercessor squad that was previewed. 

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There is no evidence otherwise aswell.


Please do try to understand my point.


If i want to run a primaris army list i cant use crusader squads.


Which means they have their own organization completely different from black templars.


Now considering the Intercessor squad is a troop choice it means they will have HQ/Elites/Support.

This could provide GW ample oportunity to shoehorn a librarium within these new marines army lists.

Our fluff went to hate all the witches to "lost librarium".

If its lost it can be found.

I would not put it in the realm of the Impossibility.


This is my point and i will actually ask on FB about this specificaly.


You are the mod so i leave it to your judgement.


Asked on FB.

Hopefully they wont butcher the lore that much.

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~I'm not reading it that way Sete.


I'm assuming that an Incessor Squad will just be another Codex Space Marine troop option, so you could have 3x Crusader Squads and 1x Incessor Squad to give you 4 troops choices?

But you can't have a Crusader Squad made up of 1x Incessor, 5x Initiates; 2x Neophytes for example.


That's how I'm reading GW's response to you on FB.

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The way im reading it is

If you want to run a pure new marines army with BT chapter tactics you dont have the option of new marines with new marine scouts unit.


It will be like running BT with tactical squads.

I personally dont like it but to each their own.

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The way i see it is that Numarines can play the same part than veterans.

Ofc you can fit a sword brother in a crusader squad, but you can't integrate a sternguard or a vanguard veteran in a crusader squad. 


If these Numarines have Dorn's geneseed and show as much zeal than Templars already have, it's fine to me. 

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I expect the Primaris to be so well costes their inclusion becomes preferable if not quite mandatory.


I don't expect to switch out my Devastator squads out for Primaris variants, but I can see the appeal of replacing my forward moving troops with them.

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Also... now this is hard to see bit for me it is clear... the image of blue marines vs new deathguard definitly has a numarines assault squad on top of a landing pad in the middle... and they have already told us the intercessor or whatever squad has no weapn upgrades and we know they have an ubermarines plasma rifle model..


So I Def see 3 squads already... I'd we want choppy truescale marines they have an assault squad version comming... based 9n that battle shot alone.

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Just don't run Primaris Marines until THEY adapt to US.

They look great and are definitely a range replacement down the road, but BT has more than enough manpower therefore no place for these guys.

It will be a sad day when I see BT Crusades that have let Guillimans heresy be forced upon them.

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The way im reading it is

If you want to run a pure new marines army with BT chapter tactics you dont have the option of new marines with new marine scouts unit.


It will be like running BT with tactical squads.

I personally dont like it but to each their own.


Ofcourse not... I don't think NuMarines even have Neophytes... in all fluff sense and logic it stands that way since these guys are vat grown like Sevitors or Cherub Babies (you've all seen the video...)


If you want a pure NuMarine army, then that's all you're getting... Intercessors and their other Variants... you wouldn't run Crusader Squads, just these guys... which pretty much begs the question of... well... aside for aesthetics... why? Their bolters are slightly better... whoop-de-do! My Crusaders have Flamers, multiple Power Weapons and other Special and Heavy Weapons... they have a Jump Assault Squad variant? I have the Vanguard Sword brethren equivalent... their Assault Squad will probably pack 1-2 Power Weapons and some special pistol... but it will be majority Chainswords and they won't be enough to beat Vanguards...


Majority of Templars didn't like running "Battle Co." Formations with BT Chapter Tactics even with the free transports because our staple squads can't be fielded with it and we have to swap them with Tactical Squads... how is trying to run a Numarine Battle Army different from that? Sure there are benefits, but if you'd rather have Guilliman's new Poster-child than THE EMPEROR'S FINEST... (well... not the Custodes... but close enough) then nothings stopping you...

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Just don't run Primaris Marines until THEY adapt to US.

They look great and are definitely a range replacement down the road, but BT has more than enough manpower therefore no place for these guys.

It will be a sad day when I see BT Crusades that have let Guillimans heresy be forced upon them.


This. It needs to be immediately reposted. Because a like is not enough.

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I expect the Primaris to be so well costes their inclusion becomes preferable if not quite mandatory.


I don't expect to switch out my Devastator squads out for Primaris variants, but I can see the appeal of replacing my forward moving troops with them.

I don't see them being mandatory at all. They have an extra wound and an extra attack plus a slightly better bolter. Nothing to write home about. On top of that, they are capped at 5 and have NO weapon options.

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Now what will be adapted first?

A chapter that for a good part of a decade was ignored or the new shinny marines?

The moment I see a BT upgrade for Primaris then I'll let them play with the big boys and become standard Initiates. I'm down with a truescaled and more detailed SM line, don't get me wrong. Because I promise that within five years you'll see the entire core range of Marines replaced by these guys. Give me an upscale and more diverse BT sprue with Termi tabards and I'll buy in.


If I did happen to pick some up beforehand (because let's face it, my favorite bar is right next to the game shop and half my purchases are impulse) then I would paint them up as IF. But until I get options to do battle as Sigismund intended, they will never receive The Black.


Just because you CAN run Devastators, or Primaris, or a psyker detachment, or whatever silly Codex Astartes option becomes available to us, doesn't mean you should. Why play Templars yet ignore the fluff? That kind of behavior supports the Guilliman Heresy and chapter normalization in general.


Thunderfire Cannons are totally okay though. Obviously Jurisian put in a request for artillery after driving the Ordinatus around

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I expect the Primaris to be so well costes their inclusion becomes preferable if not quite mandatory.


I don't expect to switch out my Devastator squads out for Primaris variants, but I can see the appeal of replacing my forward moving troops with them.

I don't see them being mandatory at all. They have an extra wound and an extra attack plus a slightly better bolter. Nothing to write home about. On top of that, they are capped at 5 and have NO weapon options.


That's the one squad we have seen so far. But the video preview shows a squad with a sergeant with power sword and one pic that has floated around has unpainted primaris marines with plasma weapons. By that token, there will be one or more other squad types that will use special/heavy/whatever weapons.

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I'm still shocked they went for new rules vs a slow change over to a new scale.  That is what the majority of people thought was going to happen in my local area.  The scale would have been nice vs things like IG for better scaling.

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