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I finally managed to assemble my first ever imperial fists - I'll hopefully get them primed and started later.




Edit - pic won't display in the thread. I thought I'd followed the instructions - any pointers?




Reedit - sorted - it was a pain.

Edited by JontytheIrked

I, janissary, vow these five battle-brothers of IV Squad, VIII Company, Imperial Fists.


"The Emperor alone knew what the Inquisitor's retinue thought of us. They had seen Astartes before, and to them we must have seemed no better than the renegades against whom they waged their futile

guerilla war. To the people of Khyza, however, we were the Angels of Death, His Will Made Manifest, the Sons of Rogal Dorn. They looked at us and saw heroes of legend, come to deliver them

from the monsters and the darkness. They saw not las-burned, mismatched armour but the gold of the Imperial Fists, and though we could so ill afford it, we stood and did our duty."

- Brother-Sergeant Isstvan Kiss, IV Squad, VIII Company, Imperial Fists

Edited by janissary

@ coldfyre: those terminators look the part, dude. Great use of third party bits there!

@ Jontythe Irked: No idea how flickr works for sharing your pics, there, buddy. My advice is: try to get to the source URL of the picture and share that with the imagen icon in the comment section - the icon that looks like a tiny landscape picture.


@ janissary: awesome use of the classic MkIII marine!

I also have progress: the first half of the devastator squad I vowed is finished! More pics, of all individual marines of mutliple angles and with fluff(!), HERE in my WiP log.



Part 1 of Vow complete 5 Man Subjugators Vanguard: (5 Man Terminators to follow in a couple days)



Edited by High Marshal Bohemond

I, Zopha, vow on the honor of my legion to paint to completion one dreadnought and create accompanying fluff.





I was going to finish off my heavy support squad but I don't feel like facing shoulder pad decals with out decal solution or bending FW resin for lascannon cables and really they're mostly painted. I'll set this up with magnets and paint at least one weapon set, I have a resin dread waiting as well (base on the right) so if I have fun painting this one I'll start it next month.



I really have to thank Augustus and Lionofjudah - their work in the Tale of 20 Hobbyists thread is what finally convinced me to stop making up excuses and paint guys for the first time in 12 or 13 years.  At that time, painting for me was essentially 1) prime in main color (black), 2) drybush, 3) pick out details.  No highlighting, no shading, no basing aside from painting bases green.


I learned techniques from months and years of watching other Fraters' logs, tutorials, youtube videos, blog posts, etc.  A few days ago I went out and dropped a big chunk of change on brand new paints, brushes, palettes, basing materials etc.  Yesterday, I finally bought a daylight-bulb lamp to work at night.  Therefore, this squad represents a series of "firsts" to me, and I hope they came out okay:



  • use of edge highlighting
  • use of blending (on the sergeant's power sword)
  • use of custom made decals (designed in powerpoint, printed on testors decal paper)
  • Use of microsol and microset
  • thinning of paints (never added water before, and boy was it a game-changer)
  • Use of basing material (mix of ballast, gravel, rocks)
  • use of PVA glue on a model
  • Use of varnish (both gloss and matte)
  • Use of shading (primarily Nuln Oil and Agrax)
  • Creation of a glaze (watered down Mephiston red)
  • Painting of "gem-like" lenses
  • Painting of multi-colored mud
  • Use of static grass
  • Drilling of barrels (in a painted model)
  • Use of cork to mount models on (wow, made it so much easier)

With no further ado, here they are.  I hope you enjoy!  I would really appreciate your critiques, because I want the next batch to be better.


Note:  I am actually having back surgery tomorrow so wasn't able to wait for better light for these pictures.  Also, this was a prepainted barebones Battle for Vedros squad I picked up on eBay, and I didn't notice many of the moldlines/issues until after I started painting - I will be more deliberate on those for future models.








More pics in the spoiler section:



  Reveal hidden contents


eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif

@ coldfyre: if this was your first time using all those basic (and not-so basic - printing your own decals!) techniques, it sure doesn't look that way. If all you ever did was drybrush, the I think you forgot to mention weathering, too, which also looks real cool on these models. Please never stop painting, because if these are your first properly painted miniatures, I would love to see what you can achieve after some practice! :tu:

+ List updated to this point. +

Wow. Some great activity going on here. janissary is on fire with two vows completed and a third one underway, we have a number of new participants which has boosted the total up to 26, Ciler has transformed an Ultramarine into a Templar, and coldfyre has picked up a brush for the first time in over a decade... just wow. thumbsup.gif

The only "negative" thing is that four Frater still have no vow pictures (High Marshal Behemund, lionofjudah, Reyner, and ronin_cse): please edit your posts with those ASAP. smile.png

Edited by Dosjetka

No problem...I will load them tonight when I get home. The unpainted ones were on another forum for finished products where I showed the terminators I had completed prior to this event and what I still had left on my reclamation table. I will add them back over here later.

Heavy weapons are all assembled. Gonna have to think about how I'm gonna paint them though as I'm thinking painting the cables before bending them wouldn't work well....hmmm

edit: k having issues posting the picture....looks like there's an issue with the site, I'll post it here when I am able :/


There we go!

Edited by ronin_cse

It's a shame I didn't see this earlier, but not one to give in, I thought I'd take a stab at it.


I, Lachdannan, of the VII Legion, vow to paint my interpretation of Archamus, Master of the Huscarls by the 31st March 2017.


I still await some parts to arrive, but will at least make a start on the body.




@ Jannisary: duuude! Nice going with those ancient marines. I love the MkV dude with the Eviscerator. :tu:


@ GastosRhor: Nice tanks! Your yellow is very vibrant, without becoming 'screamy'. Is the crackling effect on the vindicator a digital filter over the pic, and if not, how did you achieve it? - it looks great :) Not sure about the way the copula was moved to the back on the Rhino though. Not quite sure if it's the way the hatches open or the ill-fitting gap below the copula is still visible... But that´s a matter of taste, I suppose.

  On 3/16/2017 at 6:55 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

@ Jannisary: duuude! Nice going with those ancient marines. I love the MkV dude with the Eviscerator. thumbsup.gif

@ GastosRhor: Nice tanks! Your yellow is very vibrant, without becoming 'screamy'. Is the crackling effect on the vindicator a digital filter over the pic, and if not, how did you achieve it? - it looks great smile.png Not sure about the way the copula was moved to the back on the Rhino though. Not quite sure if it's the way the hatches open or the ill-fitting gap below the copula is still visible... But that´s a matter of taste, I suppose.

Thanks: Here is the story of those cracks :D Gap between copula and hatch is not that visible on different angles, just on this picture ;)


There are some awesome paint jobs being completed! Very inspiring :)


Progress on my vow. These are the first imperial fists I've tried to paint since in 18 years (I bought the wrong yellow and they became known as the banana marines...). I need to finish the black and silver as well as finish the bases, but pretty happy so far.



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