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Vulnificus Legion: Mid-heresy Deahguard

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Hey all!

New here, but I've been painting up my Death Guard for a while and thought it would be fun to share some pics here. Starting out as a test or painting white and doing wear/damage, it got a bit out of hand 3 boxes or so later. 

I'll post some of the pictured I have (not excellent quality) and be able to get some more nicer pics up later!

Hope y'all enjoy my Vulnificus Legion!


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First up is the Chaplain. I really liked starting out in white and painting some minor damage and staining.


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Here is a group of some of the MkIV legionaries from the Calth set. Tried some airbrushing for these guys.


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Some examples of the terminators. I'll have to get a squad pic up soonish, but these guys set a pretty good idea of the rest.


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here are my MkIIIs. I tried working on a more complex staining method for them (and have done more after this pic). I want to give the impression they have been around for a lot longer. 


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And my more recent Tauros Terminators! I mixed in some bits fro the Blightkings boxed set and I think they really fit in well! 
To close up, sorry for the massive set of pictures! I will get more clearer sets up soon once I take some good pics. Ihoe you liked this little tour through my Death Guard, and Papa Nurgle's blessings upon you!


  • 2 months later...

Brain rot claimed me for a bit and I forgot how to post pictures. Al better now though and I've got a lot to show!


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Here are my Mark IIIs suitably stained and bloodied up. I'm making use of a few different color washes to achieve a battered well messed up look.


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Here is the second group. I went for a more ashen white, trying to keep the same level of staining but ass a bit of dust and dulling of the original ceramite. 


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Here are the ones who have succumbed to the mutative powers of chaos! The whole undead line gives great conversion and theme

opportunity for a Nurge force.


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Some closer shots.


And what Death Guard force woud march without the favor of their Pestilent God stalking beside them?


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Accompanying the Death Guard are plaguebearers,


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And Rotflies. 


I went for a white colour scheme to mesh with the death guard white armor. I also like the way that it creates a kind of canvas for the various diseases, pustules and decaying flesh. Realistic water effects were applied over the bases, to create a kind of raw sewage effect. I may go back and add some of the Nurgle rot over the top and see how that looks. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look! 


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