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Armoured Spearhead - Space Wolves 3k


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Just coming back to Warhammer after leaving at the start of 4th edition, and 30k caught my eye and I decided to give it a whirl. Before I start buying stuff though, wanted to get some input on a list.

I wanted something aggressive for the wolves to go with their lore, and from skimming topics it seems infantry blobs seem to die off, and rhinos don't let you assault from them, so chose to try and make an armoured spearhead list:



+ Lords of War (856pts) +


····Leman Russ (856pts)

······Legion Terminator Command Squad [Chainfist, 3x Combi-weapon, 2x Legion Space Marine Chosen, 2x Power Fist, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

········Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Extra Armour, Frag Assault Launchers, MultiMelta]


+ HQ (405pts) +

····Legion Centurion (115pts) [Artificer Armour, Refractor Field]
······Consul [Master of Signal]

····Legion Praetor (165pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade]

····Priest of Fenris (125pts) [speaker of the Dead]
······Additional Wargear [Artificer Armour, Great Frost Blade]

+ Troops (1360pts) +

····Grey Slayer Pack (445pts) [9x Grey Slayers]
······Additional Wargear [Legion Vexilla, 2x Power Fist]
········3x Power Weapon [Power Sword]
······Huscarl [Artificer Armour, Great Frost Blade]
······Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite, Extra Armour]

····Grey Slayer Pack (445pts) [9x Grey Slayers]
······Additional Wargear [Legion Vexilla, 2x Power Fist]
········3x Power Weapon [Power Sword]
······Huscarl [Artificer Armour, Great Frost Blade]
······Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite, Extra Armour]

····Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (260pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
······Additional Wargear [Nuncio-vox, 2x Plasma gun]
······Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist]

····Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Machine Killers]
······Additional Wargear [Meltagun, Legion Vexilla]
········3x Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
······Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword/Combat Blade]
········Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]

+ Heavy Support (430pts) +

····Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (185pts) [Twin-linked Anvilius Pattern Autocannon Battery, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter]

····Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (130pts)
······Legion Vindicator Tank [Combi-Bolter, Laser Destroyer Array]

····Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (115pts) [scorpius Multi-Launcher]


Total: 2995pts


The Priest and Praetor are in artificer armour instead of terminator armour so that they can fit in the Land Raider with Russ and his 3 Terminator pals. Went with Tartaros armour as it looks cool and I wanted Terminators.

Went for Power Swords on the Grey Hunters as I have a lot of AP2 around already.


Ranged support I chose Deredeo for some anti-air and a bit more anti-tank, Vindicator Laser Destroyer for anti-tank, and the Whirlwind for anti-infantry blobs.


Master of Signals is with the Machine Killers vets to make sure as few of their combi-shots miss as possible.



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First of the list currently isn't legal


You need 1 HQ for every 1000 points as space wolves. The command squad 100% doesn't count as one especially if you took it with Russ.


As well as one of your HQ choices must be a centurion (with no consul) or a Praetor.


In terms of the rest of the list.


Tartaros Armour actually does slow Russ down as you lose out on +1 to run and consolidate solidity as terminators don't get it.


You are also super light on anti tank for 3k as the only things in your army doing that are the deredro and some land raiders.

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Thank you, the Wolves rules can be a bit convoluted and odd.


Will keep the Tartaros HQ for now as I like the models, swapped one whirlwind for a Vindicator Laser Destroyer and one of the vet squads was downsized to be Machine killers with a meltagun and combi-meltas (Master of Signals will go here to buff their shots to make sure as little combi is wasted as possible).


Forge Lord replaced with cheap Praetor to go with in Russ' Land Raider.


Edit: Might swap the Whirlwind for a couple of Quad Mortars? Trim some points elsewhere for 2x Quad Mortars with Shatter Shells or something.

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Thank you, the Wolves rules can be a bit convoluted and odd.


Will keep the Tartaros HQ for now as I like the models, swapped one whirlwind for a Vindicator Laser Destroyer and one of the vet squads was downsized to be Machine killers with a meltagun and combi-meltas (Master of Signals will go here to buff their shots to make sure as little combi is wasted as possible).


Forge Lord replaced with cheap Praetor to go with in Russ' Land Raider.


Edit: Might swap the Whirlwind for a couple of Quad Mortars? Trim some points elsewhere for 2x Quad Mortars with Shatter Shells or something.

Yeah quad mortars are good and ours ignore night fighting which is kind of nice.


I'm not sure if they are allowed in armoured spearhead as the crew are infantry or does it count entirely as artillery


If they don't work 2 Javelins with multi meltas and missiles are 10 points cheaper than 2 shatter shells mortars and also very good especially with armour saturation.

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Thank you, the Wolves rules can be a bit convoluted and odd.


Will keep the Tartaros HQ for now as I like the models, swapped one whirlwind for a Vindicator Laser Destroyer and one of the vet squads was downsized to be Machine killers with a meltagun and combi-meltas (Master of Signals will go here to buff their shots to make sure as little combi is wasted as possible).


Forge Lord replaced with cheap Praetor to go with in Russ' Land Raider.


Edit: Might swap the Whirlwind for a couple of Quad Mortars? Trim some points elsewhere for 2x Quad Mortars with Shatter Shells or something.

Yeah quad mortars are good and ours ignore night fighting which is kind of nice.


I'm not sure if they are allowed in armoured spearhead as the crew are infantry or does it count entirely as artillery


Ah yeah, good point, will stick with the whirlwind for now then.

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