BrotherJim Posted April 8, 2017 Share Posted April 8, 2017 Hello. Good to see you all again. Sorry I went away for awhile. I have been well thankyou. I haven't collected any new miniatures. I'm still stuck on my old ones. For those of you who remember my previous effort, I have abandoned Slaanesh and that's about all that's happened. I still have a boatload of miniatures, but I am missing some from before. There was a purge, but I am rebuilding. I am going to embrace ShadowWar. The less I know about it the better though. All I need to know is that it is a squad vs squad, kill-team meets Necromunda style skirmish game set in Warhammer 40,000. That's all I want to know. I would like to eventually build some terrain. If you remember my Chaos thread and my previous fluff, the theme will be set on ShadowWar: Catonica. The planet of my story. The Black Legion have beset the planet with the Death Guard in tow. The local imperial militia has been overrun, and the Desert Eagles Chapter have arrived to save the day. I think there are skittari and ad mech kicking around aswell, hunting for ancient treasures. I will dig up and polish the stories at another time. This is a game I could actually see myself playing. I'm not into the idea of massive armies, with all the tanks and knights and expensive books that you need to cart to the store each week. I'm much more attracted to the idea of playing small and fast skirmish game, where you can develop your characters over a series of campaigns and develop cool fluff and characterful conversions. Im uncertain what theme I want for my Imperial Joes. I have built them as perfectly as I could to match the classic ones from the box art and pictures in white dwarf. So it's very compelling to want to paint them as Ultramarines or Imperial Fists. I'm thinking maybe I will do Scythes of the Emperor. That way they will be bright and grimy and dirty at the same time. Another idea I have was to do them as Alpha Legion who are infiltrating as Ultramarines. So I would paint them a very dark blue the line edge highlighted with a soft green. But I would place the Ultramarines Chapter symbol on the right shoulder. I think it's a cool idea but would probably look a bit naff if poorly executed. Either way they are going to need lots of gear. I also want to theme the army in some way but I haven't figured out what yet. Here I have just finished a Stern Guard squad. I think they look appropriately humble and menacing. They are going to need to grow some teeth to take on the Black Legion though. Here are the two forces Open to suggestions on how to theme the imperials. I wouldn't mind doing a feral chapter ala the Space Wolves. But they seem a little uptight for anything that radical. I know there are rules for Chaos Space marines but I haven't looked for regular space marines yet. Hopefully our overlords will be merciful. Once I unpacked my Chaos Warband I got a little carried away. More photos soon but I think we have seen everything before. I might paint up a few AOBR minis as testers. Thanks. Good to see you again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cryptix Posted April 8, 2017 Share Posted April 8, 2017 I should probably break it to you right now - you're not going to be able to use loyalist power armored forces in regular missions. Space Marines only get Scouts or Grey Knights - only Chaos gets power armor in any large amounts, and they'll pay for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 8, 2017 Author Share Posted April 8, 2017 That's fine man thanks for the heads up. I guess I can still look into Killteam or Heralds of Ruin if this doesn't pan out into everything it should be. I guess I'm just more focused on small Warbands than full blown armies. I don't want to think about tanks and walkers and fliers. I just want to focus on individual heros amd their units. I guess I could even just play small games of 40k but it's become such an arms race it's nearly impossible without packing everything including the kitchen sink. We'll sit tight and see what 8 edition brings. I'm more of a creative hobby type than anything.  +++  Once I had my dudesman out I got drawn into to their aura. I'm too intimidated to work on them further. But I really need to fix/finish them.  I made some decisions to convert the havocs/chosen. Here they are with plasma pistols.  And here they are with plasma gun arms.  Here on a fancy background.  Yeah I'm not sure what's happening, but at least stuff is happening. We'll just have to wait and see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted April 8, 2017 Share Posted April 8, 2017 Very nice work mate those look great. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 8, 2017 Author Share Posted April 8, 2017 Thanks Doghouse! I appreciate it :)  May I proudly introduce the Virulent Malador, Hands of Papa Nurgle, Scourge or the Imperium, the Death Guard.  Their notorious leaders, Lord Commander Diagon and the Hand of Death, the Socerer Octocon Noxious.  I need to finish the backpacks by adding the little sprouts. My to-do list is beginning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted April 8, 2017 Share Posted April 8, 2017 You can tweak the Chaos Marine Rules or home brew your own . Shadow war onwards !!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 13, 2017 Author Share Posted April 13, 2017 That's the spirit DS my man! We'll make our own game. Lucky for me I have a few tricks up my sleeves yet.  I have started working on my Skitarii. They will be my main legitimate kill-team, at least while I make a start and get the ball rolling.   I wanted to keep things very simple, painting their metallic bits in metal and their cloaks in black. With green glowing eyes. From there I had the idea to make them Dark Mechanicus, largely just as an excuse to paint Chaos runes everywhere.  For now I just wanted to throw the colours together and see what sticks. I will go back and highlight the cloaks properly. For now I'm just doing a pre-painting painting. I'm pretty happy with how things are looking. I want to do their guns either all rusty, or perhaps a nice wood grain. Probably rust.  A little bit more painting later and I have a basic idea of how they should look. Hopefully you can make out my Chaos runes. They started out as chaos runes and stars, then I progressed into doing like Japanese pictographs and eventually deciding on an Egyptian style hieroglyphs.  The backpacks are just blutaced for now. Hopefully you like them and let me know what you think. I'm not sure what to do for their guns, I might just go full rusty.  My basic thoughts are that these are some splintered cult within the Dark Mechaincum who got lost/were separated and have found themselves stranded on Catonica with no idea where they are, and no way off planet. The are stuck in the middle of a warzone with no suppies and have become scavenger type guerrilla warfare Killteam.  Really enjoying this scheme and hopefully I'll get serious about gaming with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 15, 2017 Author Share Posted April 15, 2017 Having a bit of fun bringing up the rest of the Skitarii and the Tech-Priest Dominus. Finally everything is on the same page. I decided to finish the bases to give me an idea of how much I should highlight the black.  Got my fancy background again so hopefully it doesn't detract too much from the minis. (Not that they are super busy right now.)  Had a little fun doin skub weathering on the cloaks this time. I think I may even use weathering powders at the end.   I was thinking instead of doing chaos runes on the cloaks, it would be cool to do a matrix style binary code to decorate the cloaks. That would be pretty cool I think to have green glowing binary fantasmal cloaks. I thought the little circles and lines would be reminiscent of indigenous Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime paintings which are pretty cool too I think. So I may try it out.  I think I will get the Rust Stalkers and that will be it for the Skitarii. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 23, 2017 Author Share Posted April 23, 2017 I decided to celebrate the news today by building up a new Chaos Space Marine.  The Death Guard hold such promise. I'm thinking I will develop my own chapter of Chaos Marines, who have fallen to Papa Nurgle, shifting the colour to more of a vomit brown, but otherwise the same as I have done so far.  I think developing my own Warband will allow me the freedom I desire to create unique plague marines.  The skitarii have been safely sidelined for now  I have changed the topic title to more accurately reflect the chaos that abounds in this ere thread.  I will try to finish this guy up quickly and try a new paint scheme. I need to pick up my greenstuff from the post office tomorrow, but he should be largely cut and paste.  Peace Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 23, 2017 Author Share Posted April 23, 2017 I'm waiting for the glue to dry. It looks a little funny seeing as he is missing his quads but if you just look for the overall shapes it's alright.  I like this helmet the most Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 25, 2017 Author Share Posted April 25, 2017 Okie dokie. I am finishing up the first guy and I have begun a second. I think the underlining goal will be to build my own kill-team of Chaos Space Marines. I will need a new ain't scheme.  Here are some close ups of the first guy  Left  Back  Height comparison. They are getting shorter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 25, 2017 Author Share Posted April 25, 2017 I couldn't get the walking pose to work just right, so I've settled for another static warrior. After that he came together really fast. I'm thinking Black Legion. I may change the backpack though, which could change things.  Finally got to use those chains :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted April 28, 2017 Author Share Posted April 28, 2017 Hooray!!! The weekend has finally arrived. *BrotherJim whips out hair and goes skipping merrily into the fields of Cationa's sacred lawn.  Where did I get up to, oh yes! I took out my other characters for a quick family portrait.  I love my Black Legion. I think the new guys would look really mean in Black Legion colours but I want to try something new with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 7, 2017 Author Share Posted May 7, 2017 With the lastest round of rumours my hobby has skewed off into many directions at once. I miss the old days when we got our news monthly, and you had time to get bored. I'd always read White Dwarf from cover to cover by the end of the month. Even the boring Warhammer stuff. (R.I.P) You'd get bored and the stuff you had was exciting because it's all you had. And eventually you might even finish something before being distracted by the next releases. Shame on you Games Workshop for releasing so many awesome miniatures in such a small period of time. I'm going to get a nose bleed if this keeps up.Ok ok I've had my giggle. This week I have decided on my Plague Marine army as being the army I shall embark upon 8th edition with.Here they are. I would like to add another cache of 5 bikers and Socerer on Bike to sit in the back corner. So two bike squads with lords, 5 chosen, 5 havocs, 6 CSM (will make more) and zee terminators.'ve had some wins and some losses this week. I wanted to finish building up the troops backpacks two on the left have been backfilled and the one on the right has been prepped for me to add the sprouts. I did thusly I've decided I don't like it. Due to the chaos backpacks having the exhaust arms, they look too pronounced and clunky. he is compared to a Chosen. will need to cut of the arms and pin the exhaust back one. However I want to keep the Chosen 'elevated' somehow. So I will probably just use regular backpacks for the troops, to help distinguish them from the Chosen or Havocs. Everybody may just end up being Plague Marines anyway, but I want to army to look cohesive and functional.I decided to work on the bikes to keep things fresh. I finally got the warp engines settled. can see I have the same problem with the lord's backpack overcrowding his build. is the Lord's bike without his backpack profile angle should be his name. Radis Angler.LolClosing shot will probably try a bit of everything. I think I will use regular Imperial packs on the troop. Then convert the chaos packs for the bikes, but just cutting away the arms and pinning the exhaust back on.Here is the army looking quite lonely while I figure this out for looking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isengrin Posted May 8, 2017 Share Posted May 8, 2017 Good to have you back, Jim. Your imaginative conversions are as always a real treat. Maybe you could put a few of those sprouting tubes on the regular backpacks to keep them in line with your chosen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 8, 2017 Author Share Posted May 8, 2017 Thanks Isengrin, appreciate it! Yes I was thinking I will build up the vanilla backpacks a little bit, or I will just cut the arms of the chaos ones and pin them back on. There is a solution somewhere but it's going to take some tinkering around. I've been thinking I might leave the backpacks completely off my bikers, and intergrate the riders to the engines I've made with tubes and wires and what not. If I build things up too much it will become difficult to paint... just going to take some time to puzzzle it out. Â Thanks again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 Hey guys. I just have a few shots of my biker lord today. Now that I have glued down his warp engine arrangement. It has probably taken about 18 months to finally settled on an arrangement. I don't like to rush conversions, to a point where you are not happy or unfamiliar with the character. Some things take time to unfold. I have murdered many a hopeful miniature, with over enthusiastic conversion choppery.  So just some shots of the lord for me to look at while I spend the weekend attempting to finish the other bikers.  I've gone for a Chaos backpack with the exhaust cut off. I'm not too fussed about replacing them. I want to intergrate the warp engine to the bike through the rider, by use of cables and what not. You can see I have removed a fair bit of the exhaust system as I really didn't like the flow of the pipes at all. So I will need to spend some time trying out different things. Here are some more angles.  The angles of the exhaust have shifted a little and I may still adjust them.  The basic fluff is that my biker lord has made a pact with Nurgle for this arcane Warp technology. Perhaps he was once a tech-Marine adept having a knowledge of the machine-spirit. Since falling to Chaos and breaking his oaths, he has made new pacts for knowledge and power. Essentially the bikers harvest people and their enemies, which they mount on the warp engines. The warp engines feed on their biology and power the bikes and their riders. The victim suffers and slow and agonising death as he is slowing broken down and digested by the warp engine. He is kept alive through the process and the wailing and screaming of the sacrifices can be heard accompanying the riders wherever they go. The warp engines emit a kind of toxic green fog whichs corrupts the very fabric of reality, confusing and terrorising their enemies and making warp travel possible. The engines give off a wet, bubbling, gargling kind of sound like a toxic swamp that's consuming it's on waste and regurgitating it.   So sounds and looks really cool in my mind, now I have to try and convey on that on the miniatures. There will be lots of trophies hung, the smoke launchers will represent exhaust for the toxic fog, the bikes will need their own exhaust aswell. Kinda like the way you strap a turbo on a regular engine, these are Warp turbos. Zazing. So I will need to intergrate them in a seemy feasible way. Lots of cables and extra weapons. If I spend the rest of my life finishing the conversions, it will not be a wasted life.  ***   I also cleaned my room. I felt prompted to take some pictures of my work area now that it is all clean and fresh. I absolutely abhor when people show their work area and it's all a chaotic mess. Really? How do they produce anything from such a mess? How do they even THINK in such a hum jumble work area. Oh well to each their own I suppose. Not me though, I'm a super neat freak. Sometimes I refold all my laundry just because it's cathartic for me :)  Here is the clean. The lastest edition is the box of bits and plastic junk in my drawer. Which has been invaluable just to have all the different pieces close to hand. I'm very much a minimalist though. I think the least amount of tools the better. This is the bare minimum tools required to make the earlier conversions.  Thanks for looking.  I will try to knock out the bikes this weekend. (Only the conversions.) I will use the as the experimental breaking ground for the ideas I want on my lord. I'll check back in when I have made some progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 13, 2017 Share Posted May 13, 2017 Hey man I missed a bunch of stuff . Looking Good Man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 Thanks bro :) I've been super busy with real world stuff, but I've got a firm handle on it. I don't get to peruse the boards as much as I used to. But this weekend I'm just chilling, need some valuable hobby time :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gezabutla Posted May 13, 2017 Share Posted May 13, 2017 Glad you're putting up more work! I always enjoy seeing this tier of conversion, there's not enough of it floating around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 Thanks Gez. Sadly, I agree with you. Sometimes I feel everybody has gone underground until the storm passes. That was about two years ago.  ++++  I have made up some backpacks and I am beginning to throw around ideas for the warp engines. I am happy for each one to be different and a little bit skub compared to the Lord. Skub is the very nature of my Plague Marines after all. After some experiments I think the cables will be the most challenging aspect. I also need to make up a whole heap more in their appropriate sizes.  Here are some quick shots  The overall shape is really appealing to me, I may prime one in Vallejo Olive Drab to help pull them together.  My Lord also got upgraded to a Power Claw  Starting to take shape  I have also rounded up most of the stray links to my old hobby threads, and included them in my signature. If people like my work they can uncover the lost strands for themselves by following the links. It also gives you a fair idea of just how many years and how much plastic you will need to sacrifice in your quest for perfection and glory on the battlefields and workbenches of the 41st millennium. Looking back I just can't believe how often I've moved house! You honestly just forget about some things, and probably for the better.  I am planning to collate all the cool pictures into a hall of honour thread. Although most of my cool pictures aren't actually finished miniatures so it would make sense to post them in the Hall of Honour Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 Alrighty for a first throw down I am actually pretty happy with this. It's important to consider how they will look as a group.  Trying to capture and show off all of the new bits in one photo is a challenge and art of itself. From here I would just glue down all the basic builds, then move onto hanging gear, grenades, knives, ammo and guns; all the tools of the trade. Then I would move onto hanging trophies and chaotic conversions.  Here is the standard bearer who is a fast favourite.  Before I can move on I will need to finish the conversions by filling out the pipes (probably with smaller tubes and sprue.) Then I can hang some basic tubes which are attached to the bikes. Then bits, trophies and mutations, then lastly I will hang the tubes which will be freely hanging and seperate from the actual bikes.  Does that make sense? I will need to be able to paint the riders, backpacks, and bikes seperately. I won't be able to hang the final cables until that is all done. However I should be able to fix the cables which will be attached to the bike frame itself. Jive diggety.  Actually really happy with this first throwdown. (I just wanted to say that again.) got a good variety of variation on the same basic ideas. Plenty of room for embellishments and personal touches. I didn't even scratch my bits box.  I think I might need some more bikes.  I know it sounds crazy but I am going to convert a land speeder for the army. I just feel that's what my 14 year old self would have wanted back in 1999. Please don't mention that it's not in the rules. I am trying to set the example.  Speeders, attack bikes, flyers and skimmers (drop pods!) the Virelent Malador will claim and corrupt them all! Death to the False Emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 13, 2017 Author Share Posted May 13, 2017 Having said that though, there are still plenty of talented artist and converters flying the flag high. Particularly here at the B&C. Just off the top of my head I could name a few, Kraut Scientist is really hitting his stride lately, Augustus is powering on, kizzdogs has a few hype projects up coming, bioHazard is killing it old school style, Nemac the new NLs guy is doing a fine job, and that anvils of konor guy, I envy him so much I can't even bring myself to learn his name. And that's just the heavy hitters off the top of my head. I actually feel it's a lack of resources, and stability in the setting more than anything else. Chaos Warlords have always been the most creative hobbits, and our range has languished too long, is too disparate and been swiftly over taken by other available options.  Oh what about Thaimer! He's mad. And ISane Phycopath aswell. But assurdly; the old days were much busier  Really happy which is unusual. Had some tubes that fortunately fit neatly inside the others I had previously; which was pure fluke.  I'm going to go away and finish them now. I may never come back. Haha no, I will go slow and make sure I don't ruin them.  Now tubes, bits, weapons, more bits, trophies and then mutations. And then more tubes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted May 14, 2017 Author Share Posted May 14, 2017 Phewy! Man I feel like I have been working on the miniatures for 8 hours with very little progress to show for it. I have largely been cutting little tubes, gluing everything down with proper plastic glue, and fitting the backpacks.  Fitting the backpacks became a chore as I wanted to space them out a little with plastic. Then I had to file down the plastic strip to just exactly the right tilt angle to compensate and balance the different arms I had made. Tedious but worthwhile to get them nice and snug.  Now all the sub assembles are complete and I can begin cleaning mold lines and filing gaps. I like to prep the miniatures for painting before I get too far through the process. So I will do a final clean and prep and work on all the sub assemblies seperately now they are all finished.  Rather than list all the various jobs I have down I decided I would just get arty farty with my photos. I need a break from working. I have started giving each one their weapons of warfare, bolters, knives, ammo etc.  I have been diligently making plastic tubes and I am starting to get a handle on it. I think I will use the medium size primarily.  Here I made a quick mock up.  It was enough to let me know this will work and I quickly fired up the engines of the Virelent Forgery. Blood sacrifices were made, and prayers and oaths of fealty were swore to Papa Nurgle. The Great Consumer, watch over me in this quest of conquest and destruction.  I like this shot.  Here we go. Finally. I hope you can spot a few nifty conversions starting to take shape. I'm anticipating the bikes will take a few months yet.  A bit better angle  It's been extremely monotonous to rank them up and just work on one job at a time. It's refreshing to group them up and start to add some individual pieces. Each one has his bolter now and it's the main point of difference so far.  Really happy to have all the sub assembles settled by the end of the weekend. This means I can take them of the desk and put them back with the army without things falling apart. I might work some on the termies next as they won't be as involved.  I'm stoked with where the bikes are now. They look like space bikes without the exhaust pipes :)  Going to have some fun blutacing down different flavoursome pieces.  Thanks for looking  Oh I couldn't resist a sneak peek at how the cables might look  I think they really help to intergrate the conversion so far Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeaceCraft Posted May 14, 2017 Share Posted May 14, 2017 loving those nurgly backpacks mate! great ideas! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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