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8th Edition Guard Discussion


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There's a few things that may need to change due to this so it will be interesting to see how, I suspect we may need to wait for the full release to find out what the OotF does. I'm hoping he gets something decent as he's a cool model, perhaps a perk to friendly reserves accuracy? Or something to hamper the opponent's... that would be nice to help mitigate the lack of shooting opportunities Guard would have before assault.

Another thing I thought about, with the removal of facing on vehicles, GW no longer ties their own hands at designing new tanks as much. Maybe we will start seeing some more unconventional tanks wih a more futuristic/modern look? (Well maybe not, cause we are the guard and nobody gives us new things unsure.png )

I enjoy the WW1 aesthetic we have going. Futuristic looking vehicles should be the Tau's purview imo. Besides, looking at how the Tauros turned out I don't trust 'em to try modern designs that aren't just "PUT TANK TREADS ON EVERYTHING!"

Some information on vehicles is out today: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/18/new-warhammer-40000-vehicles-may18gw-homepage-post-4/


Interesting that all vehicles now have close combat abilities (albeit modest) to represent driving over or ramming people. Reminds me of playing the original Command and Conquer back in the 90s when driving over enemy infantry with tanks was a favourite tactic. Charging as a replacement for tank shock at first felt a bit off, but I can see how it will help streamline the game and even with a rather "inexpert" 6+ to hit in combat, it means that tank shock is more likely to do something than it does currently (I haven't seen a tank shock do anything of note since 3rd edition, myself).


This may make for more interesting tactical options for an army like Guard where we have a fair few relatively inexpensive transport vehicles. Or a decent number of vehicles period. Might be worth doing the odd tank shock!

With the removal of AoE weapons it will be interesting to see the stats for the Deathstrike.  No more flattening a section of the board, but it should make one hell of a delete button against superheavies.  2D6 hits for an apoc blast i would guess?

Son, you're not thinking big enough. 2d6 shots per unit within a 10 inch diameter, removing any terrain in that space sounds more like it.


With the removal of AoE weapons it will be interesting to see the stats for the Deathstrike.  No more flattening a section of the board, but it should make one hell of a delete button against superheavies.  2D6 hits for an apoc blast i would guess?

Son, you're not thinking big enough. 2d6 shots per unit within a 10 inch diameter, removing any terrain in that space sounds more like it.


Awesome as that would be, i'm not getting my hopes up.  Its probably going to work exactly like every other ex-blast weapon, so it will end up being a situational-but-powerful "nope" button against one expensive unit.

Just pondering the Regimental Advisers:


Officer of the Fleet: force a roll-off when opponent tries to bring a flier in from reserve?


Astropath: psychic powers plus grants one extra Command Point to represent passing on critical intelligence or accurate interpretation of the Emperor's Tarot.


Master of Ordnance: could be as now, but I'd quite like him to grant a bonus to artillery on the field e.g. +1 to hit or "roll 2d6 and discard the lower" for the number of shots for any unit with the "artillery" keyword within 6" when firing against a nominated target.

Thinking about cover, that's actually going to hit me hard... Behind my Aegis defence line I was getting a 4++ making for a decently survaviable platoon whatever was thrown at it. Now with it just being a +1 to armour I won't be getting any save at all lots of the time cover or no. Seems like a big boost to heavily armoured units like terminators and a big hit for lightly armoured ones like Guardsman or Orks, and that's counter intuitive right?


Best get those Bullgryns done...

Aegis was never a 4++ though, plenty of units in the game could ignore the cover provided and also our armour. The skyshield is a different matter though and was certainly taken advantage of so won't be sad to see that get nerfed. 


I like the new changes especially when bolters are no longer AP5, means we will be getting saves again and possibly even better than now!
If you dont move in a ruin you get a +2 to your save instead of just +1.

i think it will actually work out much better for us.

Which article says Aegis defence line is only +1 to cover? I actually totally missed any mention of how cover works. This is a potential "nerf" to static guard builds but I suppose I'd somewhat off-set by the fact we get 5+ in the open vs bolter now (assuming Flak armour is still 5+).

Just read the Cities of Death blurb announced today. The sewer rat stratagem seems interesting. If I read it correctly, you basically keep a unit of infantry off the table and have them deploy anywhere on the table at the end of any movement phase, at least 9" from enemy units. So a 50 man infantry platoon can show up suddenly 9" away from an enemy unit, and fire right away.

The fact that we get to do wound allocation seems like something of a buff, tbh. The special weapons will be the last to die in the squad. Very helpful. Also, the fact that a flamer is exactly as effective at 8 inches as it is at 2 is also nice. I won't deny it's not as great for Melta and plasma, and that the total damage potential of a flamer is lower. On the other hand, our chimeras will be more durable, and our carapaced vets can find 3+ saves with only a little work. So....there are nerfs, there are buffs too. We'll have to wait and see how the final balance ends up. 

CLOSE combat? Is this a new mechanic for 8th? I don't remember anyone ever getting into "close" combat with my Guard? By Close you mean rapid fire range yes? ;)


With armies now actually reaching combat I'll have to tweak my lists a bit to get some counter assault units in there. Perhaps small units of suitably armed guardsmen as above. Maybe Rough Riders ready for a counter charge while my Platoons retreats tactically withdraws to better serve the Emperor. Almost certainly Bullgrys with Slab Shields who I think are going to be a stand out unit for us this edition (I haven't seen any rules, just have a god feeling).


Cover is just a bit different I guess. I'm sure it will all work out ok. I'm not really complaining about it, just musing. I love literally everything we've heard so far and can't wait for the 17th!

CLOSE combat? Is this a new mechanic for 8th? I don't remember anyone ever getting into "close" combat with my Guard? By Close you mean rapid fire range yes? msn-wink.gif

With armies now actually reaching combat I'll have to tweak my lists a bit to get some counter assault units in there. Perhaps small units of suitably armed guardsmen as above. Maybe Rough Riders ready for a counter charge while my Platoons retreats tactically withdraws to better serve the Emperor. Almost certainly Bullgrys with Slab Shields who I think are going to be a stand out unit for us this edition (I haven't seen any rules, just have a god feeling).

Cover is just a bit different I guess. I'm sure it will all work out ok. I'm not really complaining about it, just musing. I love literally everything we've heard so far and can't wait for the 17th!

Well close combat guard used to be very fun to play once upon a time. When power weapons were ignoring armour saves. Guard had doctrines. DKK troopers had WS 4. I remember a game where i was playing my Black Templars. My TDA-Marshall with a unit of 7 TDA-brethren armed with lightning claws and hammers charged into a large guard squad. Black Templars used to have re-roll to hit in close combat, lightning claws provided re-roll to wound, terminator armour and storm shields gave my Templras good saves and invuls, but as a result only wounded Marshal and a couple of Sword brethren got out of that fight.

Today is a good day to requisition surplus filters for your troops.


In other news, I'm happy to see the non-Space Marine Imperial codex's folded into one. It may only be temporary until we see individual codex's down the line, but for the foreseeable future it at least means we won't have to run out and spend more money if we want rules for Inquisitors, Knights and such.


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