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Another good month.

Binary, impressive as always, and spinning assault cannons are a nice touch.

Silvernale, another nice squad, and volkie for the win.

Uveron, that is a really nice paint job.

I only have one conversion left form what I planned in the summer. So my vow for this month is a Ogryn Mephiston. I had hoped to build him when I did the Karamazov count as but did not have the time. So my starting point is still the collections of bits I had back them, on the right hand side of the below image.

I was originally going to model him with hammer (representing the Strength times two sword) and shield (for the 2+ armour) with the plasma pistol either hanging of his belt or mounted over his shoulder Predator style. However since the summer the Inceptors have been released and their plasma weapon looks like it would make a nice Ogryn sized plasma pistol. Now I am torn, Hammer and Shield or Hammer and Plasma Pistol


Nice work everyone, getting tough to keep painting at this time of year!

My vow for this month;


Been waiting to do this for a while. If the theme is our favourite I'll go for that one that was for big things. (can't find the achievement name)

Edited by FirstSonofHorus

The end of month update is being worked on as you read this. Sorry for the delay with it, been onsite working since the 1st of November 


Hope to get it done in next few hours. But If I dont.... It should be done by the end of tomorrow! 

October - November 2017 CHALLENGE UPDATE.


This Month the theme "A Hoiliday Special", go and pick your favorte past event

(sorry for the delay, lost access to the site again)


Now as for the results of last month.


First up the following individuals did not make a vow in the allotted time, or haven’t competed a vow for a second month and as such are out of the event! (Now a number of individuals haven’t been clear on what vows they have made so I have been lenient, if you name is on this list and you don’t think it should be PM me and I will see what I can do):

Wolf_Priest_dantay_xv,  BlueBelly1863 and Marqol


The following individuals did not finish the first vow of the month made, and are not out of the event as they have a onetime pass:

fisheyedbunny, FlamingWalnut


The following Individuals finished at least one Vow:


Binary, Iron Bars, Jaxom, Kennyjapan, Studio Silvernale, Grotsmasha, TrawlingCleaner, Trokair, Zujara, FirstSonofHorus, Warsmith Uveron


If you spot a mistake please PM Me!


Also please make your Monthly Vows and Completions clear! It helps me make less mistakes.

Uverons Vow.


This month I am going to try and paint up a Greater Plague Drone… Cannot do photos at the moment, Hope to get back to civilization before too long. 

Other half of my tactical and assault squads.





And with this, my vow is complete. I'll keep expanding since I have some vehicles to add, and I plan to touch up some of my first Alpha Legion minis to kind of bring them into line with later work.

I rarely comment on it, but I have to say, this thread (and those that came before it) are always inspirational.


You all should be very proud of all you achieved this year!


I'll have to try and join in with something like this next year.

It is hard to completely describe what happened. A combination of things, I imagine. 40k went from a raging inferno of passion to kinda flickering. Primaris alone don't truly make the army I wanted, and I never found the spark for all the conversions I had planned. So, my army just kinda fell flat: it doesn't feel like it has the character I wanted it too, and as such, all the lore went unwritten. Combine that with a suddenly burgeoning Age of Sigmar group, lots of other real life stuff, and just a general desire to NOT do things, the writing seems to be on the wall.


But I am not quitting. 


While I didn't get EVERYTHING I wanted out of this event, it has been an honor and I am not gonna let myself fail another challenge like this.

So, I, FlamingWalnut, owner and master of the Phoenix Wardens, the still pile of bits "Plastic Sisters", the not-Sci Fi enough Ogryns, and a pile of imagined projects, do vow to actually finish the Primaris Ancient I vowed last month. 


Here he is, in all his little used glory: 

Vow 5



If I can crank this guy out without too much trouble, I might get around to my squad of Inceptors, finishing my Primaris army. But one step at a time. Wish me luck. 

Well this month rather got away from me and I am nowhere near finished. As such I will have to you the pass this month.

Update picture of what I have managed. Originally there was no backpack but I accidently got some glue on the back and did not notice for about three hours by which point most of the back was rather melted. So backpack with chimney stacks similar to the Karamazov count as conversion to hid it all.


Silvernale, nice Landraider, I don’t think I have seen one of those before (FW website excluded). Is the double Choom any good?

Zujara, I like the priest, do you have the little bolter servo skull as well?

Edited by Trokair

I did it! Feels good to at least get this little bastard painted. Might even want to use him in a game now...


Vow 5 Complete


This should count for my month, yes? I can try and get the Inceptor done, but with an Age of Sigmar tournament I have to TO this weekend....eh.

Iam starting to work on the end of month write up. Give me a day or so. 


Sorry for the lack of responce. Been at work now for 7 weeks! Kinda eaten my life 


Sorry for the lack of the end of month write up. 


Lifes happened. Will get caught up today. 

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