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Latest Salamander Primaris...

The two Dark Imperium Lieutenants and the Ancient. I've painted a lot of green for my 30k and 40k Salamanders over the years, so always like breaking that up, hence the gold for the Ancient.


Here's my one cent. My only Primaris. GW promotion to get one of each chapter painted. There was no Deathwatch guy so I made one. Ultramarines for the archetypal space marine and presumably the highest number of Primaris.

Really highlights just how good Krautscientist's one is...


2nd Reiver Squad, Second Company of the Adeptus Astartes 'Sword Bearers' Chapter



The Sword Bearer's Second Company, or the Revenants as they are usually known, are a dedicated assault force specialising in terror tactics and psychological warfare.



Clad in jet black armour rather than the silver and green livery worn by the rest of their Chapter, the Revenants are rarely deployed at Company strength. Instead, individual squads and officers are assigned to support other Sword Bearers task forces, giving them access to the Revenant's specialised skills and abilities.


@Pherex can you talk a little about your color choices?  I have a couple IF lieutenants that are on the docket.  I accidentally painted one's helmet evil sunz scarlet instead of just the stripe... any tips on how to get white/yellow on top of that red?

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