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Eldar Corsairs questions


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Just keep in mind that these indexes are for units that have existing models. There were no official models for a good number of the corsair entries and in the Mymeara book it even suggested conversion ideas for the Prince and Noble Retinue. It sucks for now, but I feel certain more detailed codex books are on the way because they are a business after all and want more money. 

Just keep in mind that these indexes are for units that have existing models. There were no official models for a good number of the corsair entries and in the Mymeara book it even suggested conversion ideas for the Prince and Noble Retinue. It sucks for now, but I feel certain more detailed codex books are on the way because they are a business after all and want more money. 


True enough, but why did they lose access to wasp walkers, hornets, etc. through the keyword system in the interim?  Really hope this gets remedied quickly.

So this is my email that I sent them.


"Hello there. I'm noticing some very worrying things in regards to the new release for the Eldar corsairs. The army has essentially been gutted and is looking pretty dire indeed.


Balestrikes no longer exist

Princes no longer exist

Barons no longer exist

Void Dreamers don't exist

Corsair options for venoms/vypers/falcons/wave serpents/jetbikes (vehicles in general) don't exist

special weapon limits on units are 1/5 not 2/5 like previously, so units are now illegal

Felarch Cloud Dancer squads no longer exist

Malevolent bands no longer exist

Ghostwalkers do not exist

Voidstorm bands do not exist


I'm also fairly certain their special rule will never, ever be used. It "lets you" roll an extra dice for morale checks and take the higher result. Then, if you fail the check, you lose an extra model.

I have no idea why you would ever opt to do this, since rolling two dice and dropping the lower is never better and always worse than just rolling a single die for Morale?


And the keyword system has left then out of All Auras, buffs, powers abilities ect, and has also left them unable to use transports from other Eldar factions!


These changes have literally made all corsair armies borderline unplayable.


What happened to nothing being made redundant? And our current collections remaining safe?


I now have squads with way too many special weapons that I paid you money for, that are now not unusable.



Sniper squads with corsair backpacks that are now unusable.


Squads of nothing but heavy weapons that just now cannot be used.


And countless hours of modeling corsair models and vehicles and HQs that are now All invalidated and unusable.


So I'm really hoping that you have further plans for them. And haven't simply wasted a very large sum of people's money and time"





# And THIS was the reply.... #




"" Thanks for the email.


As per the community forum FAQ, all of your forge world miniatures that had Warhammer 40,000 7th edition rules have new rules which will be found in our index books in a similar format to the Apocalypse data sheets from 7th edition.


These units and data sheets do not build themed force organization charts but are used as data sheets for including the unit you have in games of wahammer 40,000

We are likely to see army lists or themed units and how to build themed lists in future campaign books.


For now the units that are still part of our range and featured in our index books, will have key words that allow you to use them in conjunction with the Games workshop index books


Keep an eye out on our Facebook page, newsletters and community forum for all the latest news regarding rules, products and future releases.


We will certainly pass on your feedback regarding the points costs for the Corsairs although it's always worth remembering that the Reaver bands can use all the weapons that they have in a turn. You could always use them in Power Level games where no extra points are paid.""






So I get the feeling they just have a copied and pasted answer for people complaining about them....

Well played gentlemen well played. FW has to address this seriously...hopefully in a campaign book or something. FW is slow enough as it is...and it's bad enough they've literally switched there entire focus onto Horus heresy...at this rate we will get a Corsair list maybe by 2020...or beyond



The funny thing is, the bottom part of the reply I was sent regarding reavers shooting everything is just wrong also.


They have the brace of pistols, and whatever other gun you choose them to have. They can only fire one of the weapons per the pistol rule, not both. So even guys on jetbikes, will have to chose 1 or the other.

Damn, I've been so excited about the new chaos that I didn't check how my beloved corsairs were faring in the new edition... And when I do I find this!!! I half converted a whole army of corsairs at the end of 7th ed and only got to play with them a few games and now... Everything gone. I've always been a great FW fan, but they have sincerely let me down. How I'm goong to use my baroness with two blast pistols in bike now? Like a damn Farseer?? And what about my Balestrikes with Dark Lances, do I use them as Scourges?? I hope FW releases a proper codex for them soon, but right now my half-built, half-painted army project, the Anarchy Whispers, is getting shelved...

Also the few things that we got don't look that well, cloud dancers lost outflank and didn't get a replacement, and reavers now have less options and the unique army rules are pretty bad... Reckless abandon has gone from plain awesome to plain very situational and unlikely to save you. And without the prince or cotorie rules we've simply lost flavour... What a mess.

All these indexes are like the army lists that would have been in the back of the main rule book in previous editions of the game. Codexes and FW campaign books are coming.


Oh yeah, I'm confident in that but... When? Do I have to wait two years untill I can play my army?

So what's the fluff around Corsairs? I don't know much about Eldar to be honest, are these guys pirates/reavers out for themselves skirting along the divide of Eldar and Dark Eldar life?


Corsairs are those eldar which aren't satisfied with their society's way of life (the strict paths of the craftworlds, the hedonism of Comorragh, the simplicity of the Exodites, etc...) and so try to carve their own way, though there are planty of outcasts and criminals too, who haven't left their homes by choice. All of this eldar join in the famous (or infamous) corsair bands, which plague the realspace and the webway, attacking different places for a miriad of reasons, such as saving a Maiden World (they're still eldar, so they mantain some of the highest race ideals and help their kin), serving as mercenaries to craftworlds and cabals who pay them well, attacking imperial ships to resupply or even just serve the common cause of battling chaos. Because of it they've always been a very characterful faction which, combined with the lack of many models, left the player with a lot of customization and theming opportunities... So I hope they come back soon!!

Mine are based on the Heavy Metal and Punk culture, and use molotov cocktails instead of greanades, customised heavy weaponry that look like guitars, my Void Dreamer even hads a microphone; but I know of other very cool band ideas, for example in my local store there is a guy who has Prince Yriel corsairs and, even though he plays them with craftworld rules, the army is so much cooler than a usual CF one, with curved blades, dark eldar bits and so...

Corsairs rule! (Except in the actual rules, aparently...)


So what's the fluff around Corsairs? I don't know much about Eldar to be honest, are these guys pirates/reavers out for themselves skirting along the divide of Eldar and Dark Eldar life?

Corsairs are those eldar which aren't satisfied with their society's way of life (the strict paths of the craftworlds, the hedonism of Comorragh, the simplicity of the Exodites, etc...) and so try to carve their own way, though there are planty of outcasts and criminals too, who haven't left their homes by choice. All of this eldar join in the famous (or infamous) corsair bands, which plague the realspace and the webway, attacking different places for a miriad of reasons, such as saving a Maiden World (they're still eldar, so they mantain some of the highest race ideals and help their kin), serving as mercenaries to craftworlds and cabals who pay them well, attacking imperial ships to resupply or even just serve the common cause of battling chaos. Because of it they've always been a very characterful faction which, combined with the lack of many models, left the player with a lot of customization and theming opportunities... So I hope they come back soon!!

Mine are based on the Heavy Metal and Punk culture, and use molotov cocktails instead of greanades, customised heavy weaponry that look like guitars, my Void Dreamer even hads a microphone; but I know of other very cool band ideas, for example in my local store there is a guy who has Prince Yriel corsairs and, even though he plays them with craftworld rules, the army is so much cooler than a usual CF one, with curved blades, dark eldar bits and so...

Corsairs rule! (Except in the actual rules, aparently...)


They sound awesome, share some pictures of yours!

Yeah that sounds interesting! I'd like to see that army haha.






I will also be honest now guys, although I hate what has become of my army. I played them as a ynnari list. And it was actually not overly bad.


D6 pistol shots and a fusion gun or 2, killing a unit then soulbursting and doing it again was actually pretty good.

Especially with that new 16" jetpack movement

Got my reply from forgeworld:




Hi there.

Thanks for contacting us and we appreciate your feedback regarding the Corsairs. The Index books are considered to be 'get you by' lists and so won't have the full detail that an Campaign book like the Doom of Mymeara had. However, we will be producing more campaign books where armies like the Corsairs will receive more special attention.

In the meantime we will certainly pass on your comments to our studio.


They sound awesome, share some pictures of yours!

Thanks, when I return to that project I will surely start a WIP thread, but I'm too busy with chaos at the moment!


Yeah that sounds interesting! I'd like to see that army haha.

I will also be honest now guys, although I hate what has become of my army. I played them as a ynnari list. And it was actually not overly bad.

D6 pistol shots and a fusion gun or 2, killing a unit then soulbursting and doing it again was actually pretty good.

Especially with that new 16" jetpack movement

Can you use them as Ynnari? Isn't that reserved to craftworlds, harlequins and dark eldar? That would be better than nothing sure, though it still kind of sucks... However Soulburst is MILES better than reckless abandon. Also, could we then use character buffs and transports?

Got my reply from forgeworld:



Hi there.[/size]

Thanks for contacting us and we appreciate your feedback regarding the Corsairs. The Index books are considered to be 'get you by' lists and so won't have the full detail that an Campaign book like the Doom of Mymeara had. However, we will be producing more campaign books where armies like the Corsairs will receive more special attention.[/size]In the meantime we will certainly pass on your comments to our studio.[/size]

Hope that "special attention" arrives soon!

Yeah corsairs can be ynnari. The ynnari part of the Eldar book says, with the exception of (insert units here) ANY aeldari model can gain the keyword ynnari and become part of the army. Ynnari have the aeldari keywords so work fine!


Unfortunately they still can't share transports though which sucks :-/



And that's a very promising reply indeed! Much better than the crap I got aha.

Another bad option are void sabres on the felarches!

They are literally a power sword, but 6pts more expensive than a power sword normally is. Why?

Previously they were a +1 strength rending power sword!

Anyone know if FW have a faq/errata system like gw?

Another bad option are void sabres on the felarches!

They are literally a power sword, but 6pts more expensive than a power sword normally is. Why?

Previously they were a +1 strength rending power sword!

Anyone know if FW have a faq/errata system like gw?


They do, but it takes an eternity for them to FAQ anything. 


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