rednekkboss Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Something tells me the Round Up didn't work. Looks great. What BC Kage said, glad you stuck it out. Been through projects like that (Ms Charlotte comes to mind) Sometimes you have to "clean your eyeballs" as my painting teacher used to say in college, and come back to it later. Love where its going. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subtle Discord Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Yeah, knowing you, you could come back and do some more work on it and make it blend right in. Hard deadlines suck; you just don't know if you have the room to spend more time on this or that; I suggest you don't paint it right away and work on other building and maybe you'll find that final idea you can add that isn't too time-consuming. I suspect it's the lower half that's bothering you, with all the work on the top, the legs could use... something. But I'm not going to say I have a suggestion. I will close by saying the work you've done is simply excellent, and I think even if you don't do anything more it's going to come to life with some paint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 18, 2018 Author Share Posted September 18, 2018 @BCK: thanks man. Yeah, I've kind of hit rock bottom as far as hobby exhaustion goes and I kind of knew that going into this project but I went ahead with it anyhow. I almost slapped myself across the face when I originally threw the idea out there in Auggy's thread. I felt like I back myself into a corner with it but wanted to see it through. @rednek: I don't think I'll be coming back to this one. There's just way too much on my plate and truth be told I wouldn't even know where to go with it from here anyhow. Part of me feels I pushed the roots too far as is, but it may be because I'm not really seeing them as roots right now. Perhaps with some paint on them it will change my mind. @Subtle: I'll be working on the blending over the next couple days so it looks more uniform (the Gnarlmaw to the massive root system). I'll probably begin work on the next Knight within the next day or so as well. I have an overall idea of where I'm going with it but I'm not sure what I'll do to make it fit with the rest. It seems like this is one of pitfalls of trying to make each Knight unique while having them all meet certain criteria or check certain theme boxes. This last one will be piloted and it already has a distinct style but... I don't know. As far as the legs, I think they're alright. Probably a bit too generic when compared with the top half but I didn't want to push the root idea too far and I just don't see them reaching all the way down nor do I want to keep snaking them around endlessly. I also don't see why other flora would take root on the lower half when the big guy is up top and they wouldn't normally grow on a machine like this anyhow. I think keeping the bottom simply damaged and decayed is the best way to carry at least a bit over from the top since some of it has battle damage as well. In other words, without the Gnarlmaw jutting from the carapace this Knight would probably be a generic Knight touched by Nurgle with no mutations to speak of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 I know you've vowed a good amount of stuff for the Call but just set the knight aside for a few days or a week if you can (out of sight would be best) and work on other things for now. The time away from it will help stave off that exhausted, draining feeling of a project that went sideways on you. It helps. I speak from an unfortunate amount of experience. rednekkboss 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rednekkboss Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 I know you've vowed a good amount of stuff for the Call but just set the knight aside for a few days or a week if you can (out of sight would be best) and work on other things for now. The time away from it will help stave off that exhausted, draining feeling of a project that went sideways on you. It helps. I speak from an unfortunate amount of experience. I second the motion..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 18, 2018 Author Share Posted September 18, 2018 I'm afraid if I walk away from this I won't come back to it. I'll just do the stupid texture paint, the liquid green stuff, and call it a day. Unless you guys have suggestions on what should be added. I did try the Creeping Vines and it just didn't look right on this. I think the biggest issue is this Knight has a singular and very specific theme / central object. The whole theme of this isn't something like the mutated Knight before or even Nurgle's Garden now that I think about it... it's literally a single daemon tree taking root in a giant walking robot. With the massive tree and it's reaching and complex root system all on the top half what else can be done, ya know? And at that I just can't texture it in a way that looks uniform. I think I've worked my way into a corner on this one and the best way to go about this is to stop while it looks alright and could probably be improved upon with a paint scheme and then move on to the next one which if I'm being honest I wanted to do a while ago but it took ages to get the right bits for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 (edited) Hm, you seem to have worked/talked yourself into a bit of a gloomy mood. Allow me to provide some external perspective: The model looks great. While it's true that it's mostly based around one visual "gimmick", as it were, the tree and its roots are already executed well enough to carry the entire model, so you should be proud of that. to reiterate my earlier comment, I think you absolutely need to blend in some of the rather awkward - plastic - connections on the tree a bit better. Not your GE sculpting, but the actual plastic GW parts, as there are some connections that look very artificial and toy-like, and I think it would really only take a bit of GS here and there to fix that -- but it sounds like you were already going to do that anyway, right? At the moment, the model starts to look way less interesting once you reach the lower half. The damage is a step in the right direction, but I'd suggest adding just a few more bitz to create a bit of extra visual interest: Some kind of banner between the legs seems almost compulsory (one of those huge metal fly affairs from the Plague Bearers, Blightkings or what have you would do nicely). With a suitably interesting banner in place, I'd say you'd bee out of the woods, conversion-wise. Just a spontaneous idea, but have you considered some Nurglings cavorting through the tree branches and roots? You could even include one or two hanging on to the legs of the Knight, to tie both halves together a bit better -- provided you are comfortable with the somewhat humorous angle invariably provided by Nurglings. When all is said and done, this Knight is just one or two steps away from being another standout piece, and I wouldn't actually settle for anything less at this point. Sure, a hard deadline is tough, but you'll have to look at the model for the rest of your life (or as long as you own it, at least), and one or two hours spent now are not going to imperil your overall CoC effort -- just my two cents. In any case, keep up the fantastic work! EDIT: Something that I only noticed a second ago: Due to those spore pods on the tree being almost perfectly horizontal, they actually look like some kind of weird Nurglite plant bed, which I think is a pretty awesome effect and adds another layer to the model. Edited September 18, 2018 by KrautScientist Pearson73 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Speaking as one of the folks that started the conversation that led to it being built in the first place, I think it looks ace! Dragonlover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eldrick Shadowblade Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 Overall, I think it looks excellent.... makes me think this knight grows gnarlmaws to fall to the battleground and start again.... I think the base will help tie the whole thing together. I like Krauts nurgling idea or maybe a few more bells to dangling... either way it be a model I'd be proud to put in my showcase as is. Also, Thanks for the Gellerpox review very helpful! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted September 18, 2018 Share Posted September 18, 2018 The hobby exhaustion part you mentioned just registered with me and if you're getting burned out, maybe pledging a bunch of stuff to the Call isn't a great idea. I've had to completely step away from the hobby several times due to burn out and if you're there, trying to force the magic to happen is a road to bad times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted September 19, 2018 Author Share Posted September 19, 2018 Thanks for the comments, guys... @Kraut: I will admit the limitations of time and ability compared to the vision I had floating in my head have left me feeling a bit melancholy. Tonight I'm working on blending the Gnarlmaw in better and adding some "soil" around the tree and select areas. I do like the idea concerning the banner or icon, I think I'll do just that. Most likely the fly icon as well since it does have some bells on it as well. Maybe I'll add some more bells here and there on the bottom half. I did fill the voids where the dremel pierced the plastic on the legs. A Knight isn't supposed to be hollow. I've also added skulls to the tri-lobe on the legs guard, it looks much better. Concerning Nurglings... ugh. I detest the hokey feel GW went with when they updated the Nurglings, especially when they still use horrifying artwork for them. I considered having some previously, replacing their goofy heads with skulls or something and having them carry skulls and heads to feed to the Gnarlmaw but I didn't want to make the model too busy and I felt going to that length would have done so. After the release of Rogue Trader I've also considered adding some of the new fauna but again, I don't want to go overboard with the detail... especially considering I have to paint it too. @Dragon: Does this mean I can partially blame you for this? Just kidding. Thanks! It's been a journey seeing it through, I'll say that. @Eldrick: Thank you sir! Like I said above, I'll most likely add more bells to the lower half to tie it together a bit. Bases.... I still have no idea what theme I want to go with. Tie them into the trench bases of my Death Guard or model them on the Fall of Forge World Antioc. And no problem with the Gellerpox, I did it all from memory at work so if any of the information isn't right I apologize. @BCK: Yeah... I thought about trimming it down. Thankfully all but the Knights shouldn't be too intensive paint-wise. I hope. I've been painting my remaining Nurgle Daemons since I finished the last Knights and I have yet to finish them because I just can't get into it. I'm hoping the Dark Mechanicum models will spark the interest again, being a change of scenery, if you will. I'll start assembly of the 4th Knight soon, I can't wait to show you guys at the very least the base idea of this model. I've put a lot of thought into it. KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 I second everything that both BCK and KrautScientist said. It looks great, you can be proud of it and with a couple hours of tweaking you’ll end up with a fantastic looking knight that is also very original. Dont let the CoC force you to burnout. Its meant to nspire, and inspiration cannot be forced. Even if it means stepping back from this project for a couple months. The CoC pledge is one you make to yourself, and not making it is only bad if you think it is bad (unlike the ETL where failures affects the whole team). Take a chill pill, work on something you do enjoy and you'll eventually get back to this project. I went back to my DP after almost a year! Yuoll be alright. KrautScientist and rednekkboss 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
malcharion Posted September 19, 2018 Share Posted September 19, 2018 Haaaa soo cool ! Thanks for the praise Dusk ! The knight is looking good and the little skull intriqued in the root/horns is really a good idea I love it ! I agree with the Fly icon that could bring that little something ;) . Be brave ! This beast will be worth the efforts I'm sure of it ! Malchy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brettfp Posted September 22, 2018 Share Posted September 22, 2018 That knight looks FREAKING AMAZING! having the gnarlmaw growing out the top is a stroke of genius, shall have to remember that if I ever make a nurgle knight :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted October 11, 2018 Author Share Posted October 11, 2018 (edited) I return, as do we all. I'd love to see I was wicked productive these past... what now, two weeks? But uhh... no. I have not. Well, maybe I'm being a bit too rough on myself. The second Knight for CoC (4th overall) has been assembled. I've also begun painting the Dark Mechanicum minis, so... there's that. Back to the Knight... ... This is my second Gallant-type Knight for my House Makabius army. With this one I've distanced myself a bit from the daemonic themes of my other ones and approached it from more of a Dark Mechanicum standpoint. Sure, it has buboes growing on it's hull and some other abnormalities but for the most part it's more experimental technology, modifications to fit it's battlefield role and what resources HelForge Volgan has to work with, etc. As you can see, it's a Styrix-class Knight. Or was. Still is, I suppose... just missing the Volkite weaponry. As we know, Volkite technology isn't the easiest thing to maintain and I can see some HelForges; especially those whose Knights specialize in extreme hazard campaigns as you would expect from Nurgle aligned Forges and Houses; foregoing the advanced weaponry in favor of reliability. Not to say this would be the rule of thumb as many Dark Mechanicum HelForges just LOVE incorporating archaeo- and xeno- technology in literally anything. I always thought the Hekaton Siege Claw was a pretty brutal looking weapon so that, along with the desire to keep things as varied as possible in this army, meant it had to creep it's way in somehow. But I didn't just want to slap a Siege Claw on a Knight and call it a day, I wanted it to look... I don't know. Modified in a way? Maybe experimental somehow? I also wanted to get use of my green stuff rollers so this was the perfect opportunity. I was given the Spellcrow buboes by a friend of mine who got them at whatever the convention was in Maryland. I forget. I've added a gallows to the hull to stick with the theme I've been using with my Knights. You can also see I nabbed Auggy's idea for the Maulerfiend engine stacks, I think it fits the overall theme quite well. The engine... furnace?... is lifted from a FW Decimator that I just couldn't get to work with my Death Guard army. It adds just another layer of Mechanicum modification to the chassis. Perhaps it's needed to power the CC weapons? Looks cool so whatever. Look at that, I'm finally getting use out of one of my FW Chaos Knight Chainswords! While it's design doesn't work with my other CC Knight... at all... I think it fits this one rather well. Originally I wasn't going to add any buboes or damage to the weapons, but broke down and carried the idea to them as well. I didn't go too overboard and they don't have any actual dremel damage for the most part. Standard damage and corruption on the legs. I did remove the flourishes on the thigh guards since they do not match the design of the rest of the armour. As you can see, I also added some cabling in the background of the gash in the right shin plate with some hanging out. Just a little added detail. Overall, the damage is much more subdued than I would usually do. I had contemplated replacing the plastic cabling with more stylized green stuff tubes instead (including braided cables for the back of the legs akin to a braking system) but decided against it in the end. The head is perhaps the most mutated piece of the Knight. Besides having what looks like an insect nest erupting from the right eye (matching the Siege Claw... I may add flies), the head ends in pincers. There's the obligatory horn as well. I've also added more cabling (from the Kataphron kit) going from the head to the hull itself. It may be difficult to see. The chest plate detail has been shaved and the otherwise open gap has been closed using the Fly Shield from the AoS Lord of Corruption or whatever he is. Same model I got the gallows on the hull from. It's just a way to indicate this model is aligned with Nurgle since it's not as on the nose throughout the rest of it. This is probably my favorite of the four. I do like the heavily mutated CC Knight but this guy feels more menacing somehow. It's also making me rethink the Gnarlmaw. Crazy, I know. Edited October 11, 2018 by DuskRaider robofish7591, Markus_, brettfp and 12 others 15 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markus_ Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 (edited) That thing is just a massive piece of work! I love how it literally oozes detail. The tiny gallows is a nice addition. Edited October 11, 2018 by Markus_ DuskRaider 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted October 11, 2018 Author Share Posted October 11, 2018 Thank you, brother. I had a blast building it despite hitting my fatigue. I do notice now that I forgot to GS some more ribbing for the right leg since I made it's stance slightly wider. I'll have to go back and do that tonight. The Gallows just seemed fitting, it was pure coincidence that I had found that bit after I had begun giving my Makabius Knights names related to said subject. Barring an addition of any Cerastus or Dominus, this may end up being my House Leader. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 The latest Knight is utterly fantastic -- I think you've nailed the perfect balance between Dark Mechanicum madness and Nurglite decay! As for my favourite part of the conversion, it's a toss up between the tentacles/cables (which beautifully mix an experimental look with the impression of sprawling, quasi-organic growth) and the head (where you have taken my absolute least-favourite Knight head and truly turned it into something awesome). Excellent work all around! :) DuskRaider 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cryptix Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 You know, with the buboes and the long beard it kind of makes it look like a pirate's knight, encrusted with barnacles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 Fantastic Knight - I've jizzed over it on Facebook while the B&C was away, but it certainly deserves another go over here! DuskRaider 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMDR_Welles Posted October 11, 2018 Share Posted October 11, 2018 just catching up on the thread. Nice work as always. That one Knight has some serious cankle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted October 12, 2018 Author Share Posted October 12, 2018 (edited) Thank you brothers. I kind of wish I had followed this design theory from the start. Ah well, what are you gonna do? I should have some pics up soon of the Dark Mechanicum models. Pretty far along at this point. Oh, I don't think I mentioned... I purchased a box of Armiger Warglaives to join the first guy. That much closer to a complete Knight army! Edited October 12, 2018 by DuskRaider Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted October 13, 2018 Author Share Posted October 13, 2018 Just a little progress update... There's more time into it than it looks. I'll get some pics of the progress on the Armigers as well soon. Brother-Chaplain Kage, Bryan Blaire, Tipsy Techpriest and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted October 13, 2018 Share Posted October 13, 2018 Incredible miniatures, dude... this is just inspired. Wow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DuskRaider Posted October 13, 2018 Author Share Posted October 13, 2018 Thank you, kind sir. I can't wait for them to be finished. I still haven't primed my Gellerpox Mutants. Ugh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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