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DuskRaider's 40K Nurgle - An Experiment in Flesh and Machine

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Thanks bud. Yeah, the pauldrons are just bluetac'd on to get an idea of what it would look like, same with the shin plates. I'm pretty pleased with the head, I just don't know if I should go back to the smaller shin plates and single pauldron.
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Ah that makes sense with the shoulder pads !  The head will probably look a lot better once painted and blended in, I think my focus is led astray by the material changes.


I kinda liked the shin guards, fairly chunky and busy, they do look out of sync with the upper leg plates which are sleek coverings.  Did you have an 'alternative' concept you were considering to present ?

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Hmmm... well, I could always skip the thigh plates and just stick with the shin plates. That may alleviate the much chunkier look it's taken on.


Here's two alternative looks... both sans thigh plates, one without the right pauldron and one with. I can say that the arm sans pauldron will probably have a lot of jumbled wires going from the weapon to the socket.






Edited by DuskRaider
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Personal preference - I prefer the look of the chunkier double pauldron.  However, I know you'll fill out that section with all the jumbled wires as you've mentioned to look good.  Tough call, I say go for the custom work, it'll be much more unique and true to your modeling madness.


I like it without the thigh plates, but there definitely needs to be something in their place.

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The area where the thigh plates would usually be has been filled in and sanded so when painted it actually just looks like bare bones metal. You can see it on my other four armed Knight, I did the same thing. I like the idea of a stripped down Knight chassis to decrease weight and increase locomotion. Besides, with a Psyker Knight how much armor does it really need considering the pilot can probably create a barrier?


I don't know, there's something very visceral to the image of what is usually a heavy armour clad Knight stripped to its bare essentials then sent to the front.

The area where the thigh plates would usually be has been filled in and sanded so when painted it actually just looks like bare bones metal. You can see it on my other four armed Knight, I did the same thing. I like the idea of a stripped down Knight chassis to decrease weight and increase locomotion. Besides, with a Psyker Knight how much armor does it really need considering the pilot can probably create a barrier?


I don't know, there's something very visceral to the image of what is usually a heavy armour clad Knight stripped to its bare essentials then sent to the front.

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The lower shinguard armour makes sense practically to cut through the debris of battle, retro fitting whatever they can to limit the damage to an exposed carapace etc.  But will leaving those in place while removing the upper leg guards and shoulder pad give you enough satisfaction in what you're trying to achieve?


I think if you have a desired image in mind, then step forward with that :)  I'm not as familiar with the knight models as you are, you are the expert in this field and I can only offer a personal taste opinion.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having a terrible, horrible no good very bad day today. It was a pretty miserable and oppressively muggy day at work, so I was pleased to find my Legio Models Laser Destructor arrived today. I'm replacing the one on my Seneschal to properly represent The Diamonas and just give him a unique look overall since I'll most likely build another Desecrator. 


I pulled down the stairs to my attic and was greeted by a Rubbermaid container hurtling directly at my head. Said container housed my Death Guard (mainly my Plague Marines and characters). That hit the landing and proceeded to go absolutely everywhere. My Death Guard are in shambles. 

I then noticed the pauldron to my Seneschal was in the mix. I look up and the container housing my Knights had also tipped over and they were also in pieces, though thankfully the container did not fall as well. 

So now my Death Guard are in a billion pieces and my Knights are pretty damaged as well. I'm missing some pieces, particularly the crucified corpse on my Seneschal which is basically irreplaceable since it's no longer produced. There's so much repair, both re-assembly and re-painting, that it's immeasurable. I'm at a loss right now. 

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Ouch that's so soul destroying.

I've not painted a new tyrranid since my hive tyrant went flying and smashed to bits, While I have repaired him that was only one model this would probably break me so I totaly feel for you.

Hope you can get things sorted to to point where you can face the work putting them back together because your army is so cool. 

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I've been here a few more times than I would care to admit. Possibly not quite on the scale of destruction that you're describing, but I know the pain DuskRaider.

What helped me to process the loss was to just put it all in a pile and walk away. Go do something else. Maybe pick up an old project that's half finished. Put your energy into something constructive as soon as you can. That will (at least for me) help to keep the creativity going and maybe even explore a new direction that wasn't considered before. I have a couple of large scale "miniatures" that had extensive conversions that suffered mishaps like that. One more than once sad to say. But they were rebuilt even stronger and better each time. Even if it did take me a few years in one case to come back around to it.

The loss of a cherished creative expression is hard to get over, but it can be done. You've got this!

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Thanks guys... its been frustrating, but I did start re-assembling my Knights tonight. I got a few back together and while I'm definitely going to need to do touch-up work on some, they're not horrible.


My Death Guard, on the other hand... it's pretty brutal. I haven't even attempted to make heads or tails of the various bits and attempt to inventory what may be missing as far as parts go. I'm pretty sure I've found everything but we shall see.


I did receive more bits from Taro Modelmaker in the form of extra Knight shoulder joints, LasLocks for the Armigers and some extra heads. I'm tempted to grab some of the "Helper Arms" he made, which are basically the Manipulus that some of my Knights have but his are obviously a different design as mine are made from Adeptus Titanicus Reaver legs. I'd most likely replace the standard hands on his with some more sinister. 


I do have another Knight in the works.... well, it has been for two years now. Back in 2020 I had submitted my Seneschal for Legio Models' paint competition and I had won 3rd Place (or 2nd, I can't remember). The prize was $100 in store credit, which I had used to purchase some of their Nurgle bits. Shortly after this I had a series of unfortunate events as has been well documented and the bits arrived a week afterwards. I had begun work on the Knight frame that these will occupy but circumstances had severely limited my time and motivation. I recently started some work on it again and have it lined up to be the next project to work on. I have yet to start paint on the Abominant, but I think I'm going to add some more cabling to the Volkite side, mainly to incorporate some of the gubbins I have hidden up inside the frame and have some more interaction with the model in general. We shall see.

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Ouch, sorry to hear what happened- I've had an army also damaged through unfortunate means (dog) and it is always frustrating. I have been looking at these thread for a long time now and have really enjoyed it (even though I'm not a Nurgle fan). 

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